Want and For Sale Column Executors Notice Calendar of Meeting Dates PROFESSIONAL CAROS 5 cents per line. Cash in advance In the County Court, for the I Civic Im provem ent Club. 2nd. and 4th. S aturday aftern o o n at C. I. C. Room s. County of Clackamas, State of j WANTED - EGGS. Highest I 1. O. O. F. E very S atu rd ay n ig h t, Oregon. 8 P. M. at I. O. O. P. H all. price paid at Palace Meat Mark­ In the matter of the estate of I Rebeccas. E ach 2nd and 4th W ednes- Henry V. Adix, M. D. et. Fred Jorg. dav E vening, 8 1*. M. a t I. O. O. F. Mattie E. Boswell, deceased. Physician and Surgeon Hall. FOR SALE 80 Acres in Gar­ Notice is hereby given by the ; A. F. & A. M. F irst Tuesday ev en in g , Office A d jo in in g R esid en ce field, about 3 miles northeast of undersigned, exeeptor of the es­ each m o n th a t 1. O. t>. F. H all. tate of Mattie E. Boswell, deceas­ local and Long Distance Telephone Estaeada, known as the “ Mar­ I O rder of E astern S tar. T hird Tuesday of each m onth a t I. O. (.). F. H all. shal estate;’’ 40 acres cleared ed. to the creditors of, and all T h e d o c to r’s pho n e can be co n n ected w ith y o u r G range. F irst S atu day in e v e n hom e phone a t n ig h t if re q u e ste d . One long rin g and under cultivation for several persons having claims against ) Logan m onth at G range Hall. the said deceased, to exhibit years, and 40 acres in heavy tim­ a ter G range. Second S atu rd ay them, with the necessary vouch­ j S p rin m g w every ber. Owner, S. A. Pexton, mo til a t G range H all. ers, within six months after the 7 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Dr. L. A. Wells | Eagle Cr* ek G range. T hird S atu rd ay in everv m o n th a t O ran g e H all. first publication of this notice to FOR SALE S. C. White Leg­ said executor at the office of i Garfield G range. F o u rth S atu rd ay in Dentist eve y m onth at G range H all. horn eggs for hatching. Per set­ Claude W. Devore, Estaeada, C itcle. E very two w eeks on ting of 15 eggs, 75c. Incubator Clackamas County, Oregon, the I S unshine T hursday aftern o o n , Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix lots per hundred $4.00. Fertility same being the place for the Dorcas Society. T hird T hursday of l guaranteed. Not show stock but transaction of the business of eai li m o n th . heavy layers. W. Givens, said estate, Buell O. Boswell M odern P riscillas’. F irst T hursday of each m o n th . Dr. R. Morse Estaeada. Executor of the estate of C urrinsville Ladies Aid. F irst Tues- Mattie E. Boswell, deceased. Physician and Surgeon of each m o n th . FOR SALE Horse, Six years E sta e a d a M. E. L adies Aid. F ir s t and Date of first publication, Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses old, guaranteed, without a blem­ T hird W ed n esd ay s o f each m onth April 15, 1915. a t 2:30 P. M. ish. Weight 1500 t*>. Office on M ain S tr. b etw e e n 1st and 2nd Date of last publication. E sta e a d a C h ristia n E n d eav o r. F irs t H. Henriksen, R e sid en ce: M ain and 5 th S ts. May 13, 1915. M onday e v e n in g o f each m onth, Route 2, Boring, Or. T elep h o n e C onnection Claude W. Devore, a t th e ch u rch . Attorney for Estate. E sta e a d a C h ristia n E n d eav o r Social. FOR SALE 1 Mare, 1 Set of Claude W. Devore T h ird T u esd ay o f each m o n th . Double Harness, 3!4 wagon, or Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Miss Rachael Deardorf of Gar­ will sell separately. C. F. Frazier, Christian Church field met with a slight accident Estaeada, Oregon Box 46, Estaeada. this week, which resulted in a Sunday school - 10 A. M. Willian M. Mone FOUND Strayed mare. In­ badly sprained wrist. Morning service - 11 A. M. A ttorney - at - Law quire C. L. Whitbeck, Estaeada. Y. P. S. C. E. - 6:45 P. M. Office P h o n es- Pacific Main 405. J. W. Tracy of Canyon City, Evening service - 7:30 P. M. H om e A 270. R es. - H om e B-214 WANTED Odd Fellows and Or., spent a few days in Estaca­ Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Or. All are cordially invited. Rebeccas to go to Gresham Mon­ da and vicinity, having come to W. Givens, Pastor. day evening. Make arrange­ Estaeada to attend the funeral of ments for your regalia. Car his brother, John C. Tracy. Methodist Episcopal Church leaves Estaeada 6:45. Phone Northwestern Fire & Marine A. H. Standish and daughter Sunday school - - - 10 A. M. Main 80. Bert E. Byers, Insurance Co. ol Minneapolis Epworth League - - 6:30 P. M. Lora of Chicago, returned to their Committee. i home last Saturday, after a visit Prayer meeting J. W. Reed, Agent Thursday - - 7:30 P. M. of a month with his sons in Esta­ Estacada, Oregon There will be preaching services Saturday afternoon and evening cada, Garfield and Portland. in the Methodist Church, Sunday Mrs. Ed Park and two children morning, April 25th, at 11 A. M. THE INSURANCE MAN of Walton, Or., are spending a Preaching services at Mt. Zion few days at the home of John on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3 P. M. Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n Park, Sr. of Elwood. and at Garfield on 2nd and 4th Of McMinnville, Oregon. Sundays at 3 P. M. Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance. The Elwood road crew, under) There will be the regular Phone 513 - Gresham Supervisor Cox, is opening up a I preaching services in the Cur­ Automobile Insurance A Specialty new road, beginning at Park’s rinsville M. E. Church, Sunday corner, passing the church and evening, April 25th, at 8 P. M. “ Perils of Pauline” school house, and going as far as You are invited to attend. 17th and 18th Episodes Elliott’s on the Clarkes’ road. C. B. Rees, Pastor. In 4 parts W. A. JONES, Proprietor. Mrs. Jacobson of Portland, who Church of Jesus Christ Good R ig s and C a refu l D riv e rs has been visiting for the past week at the home of P. Nelson in The meetings of the Re-Organ- j Uncle’s Finish SPECIAL ATTENTION Elwood, returned home last Tues­ ized Church of Jesus Christ of L. j G iven H u n tin g and F ish in g P a r tie s One Reel Comedy day. I). S., cornerof 2nd and Main Sts., j are held every Sunday as follows: | Frederick Wilhelm Sauer, born Team Work, Hauling and Packing Pathe Weekly News to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sauer of Sunday school - 2 P. M. Afternoon service - 3 P. M. Garfield, April 21st. Wood delivered, any amount or length. Yourfg Peoples' Meeting ..........................6:30 P. M. Ed Hunt’s famous wild cat is a- TIE SH ED - 10c per Rig.* dorning a cage in tfee city park Evening service - - -7:30 P. M .; W. M. Yonce J. F. Wiles, Elider. at McMinnville. WIRT NURSERY stock. Home grown. True to name, Explained—“ F a r m products} A cement sidewalk will soon All Kinds and Varieties. cost more than they used to.” Come and pick yours out NOW. replace the old wooden one, a- “ Yes,” replied the farmer.' long the post-office, drug store Estaeada, - - Oregon. and Waterbury & Chapman prop­ “ When a farmer is supposed to! For HARD HOOFS know the botanical name of what} erties. he’s raising, and the zoological' P.dnah Deming 12 ounce can - 50c PIANO LESSONS Latest reports show a decided name of the insect that eats it, improvement in the condition of and the chemical name of what J. V. BARR Phone for Appointment Mrs. J. A. Inglish of Garfield, will kill it, somebody s got to! Garfield, Estaeada, Oregon. who has been ill. Blacksmith and Wheelwright pay.” —Ex. Fire Insurance JOHN BROWN L AM II. Y - —— -— - Theatre Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Dale’s have - • • Corona Wool Fat