Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 22, 1915, Image 7

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To Our Friends and Patrons
For some time past there has been
an apparent demand for a more exten­
sive market for farm products, than is
supplied by Estacada at this time.
T o meet this demand, we are at once
opening up a Produce Department,
for the purpose of handling the farm
products, such as eggs, poultry, meats,
W e will Pay Highest Price pos-
sh le for such produce, as we realize
that even at top price, the producer re­
ceives but a small return for his efforts.
This Is Our Plan:-
TRADE, for such produce as we buy.
There will o f necessity be a difference
between the cash price and the price
allowed in trade, for the reason that on
produce purchased for cash, we are en­
titled to a small profit, while on produce
paid for in trade, we are satisfied with a
margin of profit sufficient to cover ex­
pense of handling and the profit on the
articles Which we sell.
Owing to market fluctua­
tions, we cannot quote pri­
ces for any length of time,
but will be glad to quote at
any time, personally, by
letter or phone.
We further wish to announce
that we have added a complete
Farmers’ Staple
line, consisting of staples that
can be handled in original pack­
ages and on these we guarantee
our prices to be as low as the
Do you believe
$5 Sends a Splendid Graionoia lo V our nome
W it h In d iv id u a l R e c o r d fc-jector it>8.5
Or with 23 double disc records ( 4 6 select.o is) a 1 for $1 0 0 .
Can be had on new easy pavment r*
0f $3 a
A «m all first p a ym en t secu res im ­
m ed ia te possession o f this in co m ­
p a ra b le instrum ent o f m usic and
c j,
a fin e set o f 46 selection s (2 3
'i h .
d o u b le -d isc r e c o r d s ).
m ay o rd e r them by title or
n um ber o r w e w ill supply
a lot on fr e e trial and
su b je ct to ex ch a n g e
We do and trust that our efforts
will enlist your co-operation.
We handle:-
Dement’s Best White River
and Best Everett flour.
If you h ave b een w a itin g -fo r the opportu n ity
to bu y a sp ecia lly g o o d instrum ent s o m e tim e
at a p rice w ithin re a ch , and on y o u r term s,
here it is. T his n ew “ L ea d er” is eq u ip p ed
with the m any ex clu sive G r a fo n o la features,
and w ill m ost ce rta in ly co m e up to you r e x ­
p ecta tion s fo r ton e, ton e volu m e and co n v e n ­
ien ce. W e w ill be gla d to send it to y o u r
h om e on a p p ro v a l. W rite fo r ou r ca ta lo g s—
th ey a re free.
m onth or
We Deliver Daily
Commercial Grinding a Specialty
Tracy & Givens
Amos Vallen o f Elwood is build­ 1 Fred Creason and family of
i ing a slaughter house in Colton, Viola have moved to Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Currin of
Dr. R. Morse and wife of Esta­
Currinsville entertained a num- on the Jones property. He re­
! ber of their friends at a delight- ports that during his traveling cada moved last week into the
Bates’ cottage near the corner of
, ful party last Friday evening. about the nearby country, he has
I found much new road work start­ 5th and Main Sts.
Progressive whist and a sump­ I
Roy Douglass and wife of
tuous supper completed the pleas- ing, especially in the Elwood,
Creek, visited friends in
j ant evening.
under the supervision of road su­ Logan last Sunday.
Rev. Staats of Oregon City is pervisors Cox, Millard and Gor-
Elder N. T. Chapman of Port­
meeting with good results in the bert, respectively.
land will speak at the afternoon
recent addition of new members
service at the Church of Jesus
John Jones of Colton is plant­ Christ, next Sunday.
to the Adventist Church at Col­
ing a four acre piece to sweet
A number of the Viola people
turnips, as there is a good de­
Mr. Danielson, the Colton store mand for these vegetables on the went to Oregon City last Satur­
day to root for their contestant,
keeper, has closed negotiations Portland market.
Gilbert Myers, in the county
for the sale of his interests there
spelling contest.
Miss Kittie Reagan of Portland
to a Mr. Sandorff. who will take
Mr. McPherson of the O. A. C.
charge within the next thirty spent the week-end at the home
will be the chief speaker at next
Saturday’s Garfield Grange meet­
J. Reagan of Estacada Heights. ing, on the subject of Rural Eco­
Matt Anderson of Garfield has j
moved onto his farm near Boring,! W. K. Cary o f Estacada and
Geo. T. Kelly, land agent of the
The daughter and son-in-law of
and temporarily will reside there. P. R. L. & P. Co., spent a few
Thos. Jubb of Viola are there
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
looking for a place to rent.
Cary Bros, contemplate adver­
Rivers of Currinsville, April 19th, tising and soliciting business for
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and
a daughter.
their springs this year, on a more Mrs. Eva Burch of Portland,
With the advent of a baby boy extensive scale than formerly were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
and have opened a Portland R. B. Gibson o f Eagle Creek last
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. office in the Electric Bldg.
C. Davis of Garfield, April 17ih.
Chas. Shutter and family of
The Garfield Round Table met
the Garfield Band is assured of
Estacada left last Monday for at the home of H. G. Trowbridge
another member at a later date. Umatilla county, where they will last Monday evening.
Jack Bourbonia is visiting rel­ make their future home. Owing
J. W. Reed is keeping the
to severe rheumatism, it was
atives and friends in Estacada, necessary for him to locate in a wires hot these days, trying to
get in his next carload of Ford
after a two years’ absence. He drier climate.
autos, as with the sale of a five
! came direct from St Marys, Kan
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper o f Port­ passenger car to L. Tenny of
sas, where he has been located for land visited last Sunday at the Springwater this week, his sup­
1 the past eight months, and where home of their daughter, Mrs. ply is nearly exhausted, but the
' his invalid sister resides.
' new stock is expected here soon.
B. F. Ford of Estacada.
News Notes Prom All Sections
F o lc ii . u i...w b ...uuiiiae D em ­
on stration R oom s in T ow n .«ej*cT! a cusa ►*.**«»»
eile r o
D v ild in g
9 r w S w « T «S A Id w J t
O n l y p i a r e lu l ,o r f l a u d v e n e r e a l l mmmk e *
o r p U o u o K r a p i t a a r e l o !»«■ «•«»■»»■red I m ­
I. - h i a id e .
T h e N ation’ s Largest T a lk in g M a ch in e H ea d q u a rters, B roa d w a y at A ld e r St., P ortlan d , Ore.