Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 22, 1915, Image 4

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    Eagle Creek Grange
The regular meeting of Eagle1
* Holcombe, who takes this abom inable Creek Grange held last Saturday, j
brought out about 50 members, j
Continued from page 3
I said I <|uite understood, but th at
“As a suspicious character,” he re­ Mr. Ladley con id skip a uight If be so who greatly enjoyed an instruc­
plied grim ly. “T h at dot*« as well as wished. But the little gentleinau tive talk by Mr. McPherson of
anything for a tim e.” He sat down would not hear to it. and when 1 the 0. A. C. It is hoped that
are easily distinguished by their taste in
opposite me and looked at me intently. brought the stain poured him self a dou the services of Mr McPherson
‘Mrs. P itm an.” he said, “did yon hie portion. He stood looking at it. can be obtained again to favor
Good Dressing and Tailored Suits
ever hear the story of the horse that w ith his face screw ed up. as if the ¡the grange writh his address on
w andered out of a village anti could very odor revolted him.
Ask your Estacada College Boys
not he found?"
"The chances are." he said, “that
date of the grange picnic
I shook my head.
L adiey—that 1—having a nasty piece has The
who made their suits?
been changed from May 15th
“ Well, the best w it of the village of work to do during the night, would
failed to loeate the horse. But one — will take a larger drink than usual.” to May 22nd. Everyone is invit­
day the village idiot w alked into town He raised the glass, only to put it ed to come and bring their din­ We know that most of them are weari g
leading the m issing anim al by the down. “ Don’t forget." lie said, "to ners. The “long table” will be |
bridle. W hen they asked him how he put a large knife where you left the dispensed with this year, but the j
had done it. he said. “W ell. 1 Just one last night. I'm sorry the w ater club will furnish free coffee. |
:hought w hat I’d do if I w as a horse has gone down, hut 1 shall im agine it State Master SpeTice is expected fjtfttfaiul Juiftnintj' C. *■> A.
iiid then I w ent and did it.”
still a t the seventh step. Hood uight. to be present at the picnic and to
“ I see.” I said, hum oring him
Mrs. P itm an.”
the past, present and fu­
“You don’t see. Now, w hat ara we “Good night. Mr. Ladley,” 1 said, outline
D ll«nV
L iu if« Juiftí«iiit|‘
trying to do?”
sm iling, “and remem Iter, you arc three ture work of the association.
Among the visitors at Satur­
“ W e’re tryin g to tind a body. I)o you w eeks in arrears with your board.”
intend to heroine a corpseV”
H is eyes tw inkled through his spec­ day's meeting were Master Dal­
322 M orrison S t., N ear 6th
lie leaned over and tapped on the tacles. “ 1 shall im agine it paid.” he las and wife of the Damascus
table betw een 11 s. “ We a re trying to i said.
prove a crim e. I intend for tbe tim e !
To be continued.
Portland. Oregon.
to be a crim inal.”
Tractor Arrives
lie looked
curious, bent forw ard
Among Estacada’s interesting
and glaring at me from under his I
bushy eyebrow*, w ith his shoes on his j Sunday School Entertainment sights this week, was the advent
knee - for he tiad taken them off to 1 Next Friday night, April 23rd, of the new Samson Sieve Grip
wade to the sta irs—and ids trousers
Tractor, which arrived from the
rolled to his knees, that 1 w ondered If at 7:30 o'clock, the M. E. Sunday factory last Tuesday.
he w as entirely sane. But Mr. Hoi j School will give an entertainment It is the property of W. R.
combe, eccentric as he might be. was j
and social at the school house. Reid and sons of Garfield and is
sane enough.
$ 28 .
"Not really a crim inal!”
A short program, light refresh­ being used in the general orchard
“As really as lies in me. Listen. Mrs. ments and games in the play- and farm work.
The tractor is a handsome self-
P itm an. 1 w ant to put m yself in Lad- shed will complete the evening.
contained machine, weighing a-
ley's place for a day or two, live as he
lived, if i can. 1 am going to sleep in Admission 10 cents and everyone bout a ton and one-half, generat­
his room tonight, with your perm is is invited.
ing a 4 or 5 h.p. pull. Under the
of Harry Reid, it
1 could not see any reason for object I
to its Garfield
ing, although 1 thought it silly and use j
T. H. Dodge Cleared
less. 1 led the way to tile front door.
Parties desiring to witness a
Mr. Holcom be following w ith his shoes
and suit case. I lighted a lam p and ing from the county seat that
ing at the “Bannockburn” ranch. Long handled Umbrellas
he stood looking around him.
“ 1 see you have been here since we T. H. Dodge was acquitted of the
left this afternoon," he said.
Card of Thanks
charge against him.
With Wrist - cord
“T w ice.” I replied. “ F irst w ith Mr
to thank our many
G raves, and Inter"-
The words died on my tongue. Some j Leroy D. Walker, F. F. and j
one had been in the room since my last L. A. Brandes of Portland, visit­ to us, during the recent illness j
visit there.
and death of our husband and;
"H e has been here!” I gasped. “ I 1 ed Estacada last Wednesday to father.
left the room in tolerable order. Look attend the directors’ meeting of Signed - Martha Bidwell Tracy I
at It!”
the Estacada State Bank.
and children.
"W hen w ere you here la s t’.'"
The Case of Jennie Brice
College Boys
Suits to Order
“At 7:30. or thereabouts."
“ W here w ere you betw een 7:30 and
“ In the kitchen with P eter.” I told
him then about tbe (log 21 ml about find
mg- him shut in the room.
The wash-stand was pulled out. The
sheets of Mr. I «ltd ley's m um iseript. usti
ally an orderly pile, were half on the
floor. T he bed eoverlmrs had been
jerked off and Munti over the bark of a
eh« ir
P eter im prisoned mitrht have moved I
the w ashstand and upset the inatiu- !
seri t. P eter had never put the bed- |
clot bina over tbe ehalr or brokeu bis j
own le*r.
"H um ph!" he said. And. getting out
bis notebook, he m ade an exuet memo­
randum of w hat I had told him aud of
the condition of the room T hat done, j
he turned to me.
“Mrs. P itm an." he said, “ I'll thank |
yon to eall me Mr. Ladley for the next
day or so. I am an actor out of cm j
ploym eut. forty-one years of age, short,
sto ut aud bald, m arried to a wom an i
would like to be <iuit of. and 1 am
w riting m yself a play in which tbe
Bim betta intend to sta r me o r in which
I intend the S huberts to sta r m e.”
“ Very well, Mr. Ladley.” 1 said, try- ,
in« to e n te r into the spirit of the thing
aud. Hod know s, seeing no hum or In i t !
“T hen you’ll like your soda from the
Icebox ?”
"Soda? F or w hat?”
“ For your w hisky and aoda t>efore
you go to bed. sir.”
“Oh. certainly, yes. Bring the soda.
And ju st » m om ent. .Mrs. Pitm an
Mr Unicorni*" Is a total ab stain er and
has alw avs been so. It is l«adlev. not |
Samson Sieve-grip Tractor
We Pay the Postage
Does the work of four animals -
- Costs no more than three.
Jewelry Stock In Estacada
If you are in the market for a watch, clock,
silverware or any jewelry, call and see
We will be glad to show it to you
F. E. Beckwith, the Jeweler
Come out ard see it at work .
W. R. Reid & Sons, Local Distributor.
At Marchbank’s every Wednesday and on
every alternate week. Wednesday
and Thursday
Give him your order for repairing
or jewelry and save time and money.