Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 15, 1915, Image 6

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    Does The Water Run Freely
in your bathroom, or does it
com e in fits and starts, and never
a full stream?
We can fix this
trouble for you in short order, for
we know where the trouble lies.
Come to us for plumbing work of
all kinds.
Charges moderate.
Eastern Clackamas is as
l iN C O R P O K A T K m
different from the rest o f the
county as it well can be. The
Published every Thursday at
valley portion o f the county is
Estaeada, Oregon
agricultural, the eastern end is
R. M. Standish, Editor and Manager largely mountainous and covered
tntereo at tne posiofftce in Estaeada O re g o n as with
Where the land
second c la ss mai.
has been cleared it yields differ-
j ent crops from those o f the low-
...$1 00 1 lands; and in other ways as well
O n e yeai
j the interests o f the two sections
do not jibe profoundly.
Thuradav. April 15. 1015
We would be sorry to see the
The following editorial from Estaeada country leave the coun­
the current issue of the Oregon ty altogether as it sometimes
threatens to do -bu t if it wants
City Courier sums up conditions
to hold its own fair, it might be
in a nut shell:
a good idea. We know it would
be a good fair, and one that
H ard to P lease
“ Estaeada is again boosting for would be creditable to the sec­
a private fair all of its own for tion it represented, and we be­
the eastern end o f the county. lieve it would be enthusiastically
And we don’ t know that we supported. If Estaeada does de­
cide to hold a fair for Eastern
blame Estaeada very much
though Canby is reported to not Clackamas, we’ ll boost for it.”
approve o f it at all.
where the official county fair is
held, is a long, long way from
Estaeada and as a usual thing
Estaeada isn’ t represented very
strongly at that exhibit.
Speaking quite dispassionate­
ly, we don’ t blame Estaeada at
all. If the next Canby fair is go­
ing to be anything like the last
one, probably it would boost a
community more to stay out o f it
than it would to go in. But we
understand that there is not go­
ing to be another county fair at
Canby like the last one that the
next county fair is going to be
really good.
However, to get back to Esta-
cada. Estaeada and the eastern
end o f the county bears about the
same relation to the Willamette
valley end o f Clackamas as Spo­
kane and the Inland Empire bears
to the rest o f the state o f Wash­
ington. And everybody knows
what that is it is just about as
cheerful a relation as exists be­
tween a man and his mother-in-
Clean Up Day Is Near
but we are not to busy to fill
your order for lumber, even if it
is but a small one. Look around
and see if your place wouldn’ t
look better for a little fixing up.
Then tell us what lumber you
need and w e’ ll have it up to
your house in less than no time.
Wilburs’ Stock Food on sale
Estaeada Lhr. & Produce Co.
tor may reserve the right to re­
fuse to print an article which
would hurt the paper’s reputa­
tion, it w ill try to be fair in giv­
ing publicity to all phases o f a
should be concise and not to ex-
i ceed 150 words and the writer
I must sign his or her name to the
I article so that the name o f the
writer can be on file in this office.
Contract Signed
W ork on C o nstru ction of
W a t e r S upply M ust S ta r t
W ithin T h irty D ay s
Oregon City’s pure water com­
mission last week signed a double
contract with the Oregon Engi­
neering & Construction Company
for the construction o f the South
Fork pipe line. The two con­
tracts cover the grading work
and the actual construction o f the
pipe itself. The money consider­
ation involved in the contract is
between $280.000 and $290,000.
The Oregon Engineering and
Construction Company will sublet
the furnishing o f the pipe, and
possibly other sections o f the
work, but will be responsible for
the carrying out o f the water
commissions’ plans. The contract
provides that actual work must
be started within 80 days, and
that the pipe line must be com­
pleted before January 1, 1910,
and that 1,000,000 gallons o f
water daily must be delivered
While this editorial is direct­ before December o f this year.
ed more at the East C ackamas
Fair, than at county division, it
shows why county division must
ultimately come.
In a recent letter to the Prog­
ress, Editor Brodie of the Ore­
gon City Enterprise, says:
“ If you peopld want a new
county seat (and o f course you
do) and can arrange a division
that will not cut off territory
down Logan way that naturally
and geographically belongs to
Oregon City, I will not fight it.”
These comments «how the
sentiment for fair play that is
now being expressed by the
county seat press and reflects
a growing feeling that ultimate­
ly county division, will, should
and ought to come.
The Progress will be glad to
print letters from the readers,
dealing with current subjects o f
general interest. While the edi­
Railway Officials Inspect
A d v ic e
On the question of b iving good seeds
H »me Grown
Lady Washington Shell Beans
7 cents per pound
Get acclimated seeds
for best results
Park & Closner
Hunt Bldq.
KLetsch Mills
First class lumber of all kind;.
Dimension material a specialty.
Prompt deliveries made
from big stock on hand.
Phone or call at mill, at Dodge.
0 . C. Klaetsch, Owner.
I Pay Highest Cash on Delivery
P. ices For
Hogs -
Messrs. Hild, Hunt, Town­
send, Humphrey, Wessinger, and
Fields o f the P. R. L. & P. Co.,
spent a few hours in Estaeada
last Thursday, where they made
a further inspection o f the Esta-
cada Park, and considered the
possibility o f building a ball field
there. It is not likely that this
latter attraction will materialize
this year, either through private
or company financing.
I shall aim to ship a carload of
A suggestion is being consid­
ered by the company to utilize
livestock from the Estaeada Stock
the entrance parking in front of
the main gate, for the building
Yards at least every other Monday
o f a couple o f first-class tennis
Stodk must be delivered at
The company agreed to furnish j
laborers to handle their share o f | yards by 11 A . M. on shipping date.
Estacada’s Clean Up Day.
In a short time the park will
be thoroughly cleaned up, and
I shall spend certain days in each
made presentable for the regular i
summer excursion traffic.
i month buying stock throughout East­
- Cottle
V a lu e oi B a la n c e d R a t io n
I ’h r vaiiit- «*1 | * r >i •«•r» \ I mi In n< ln u the
rufloiiM tor tfmry cow «• l* stn»\\n in th«*
iiisluii« »» o f S I- Nii-hotw o f BoH frir«*
W it h i» raft«»it ••ons’stiinu of si
inir«\ it tf n i f it him ! ent f o r m i ten l o sttim
fo t
r u p iit j
.im >
ern Clackamas County, and if you
have any to sell, phone to R. M. Stan­
dish at Estaeada and he will quote
nv»*raur«- p n H tu rt f •»» thr»*«- «lays w h s
IW7 |»oilmis o f m ilk v a iiiit l at 3 r o u t s
trivfnu r r t u r n s o f $*_*..t |»*i «lay m I h iv «*
tin* rout o f f«*rt|
W i l l i the ra tio n p r o f
•Mi.v iMilMlirrcl by a(Mttto|| of o iln ir m
a n d b ra n a n d i I»*« t «* u s I i i k th e ear <i»ro
tn«*Hl ftlr rOHl o f f«s*d for t lir s jiin r
ro w s w as
7d |**r day
H it* « v e n i r e
n u n unt o f milk »riven fo r t l ir r r d a y s
w a s 37lt p o u m ls. w h lr b at 3 r r n t *
a profit nlH ’Vt» rout o f feed o f $4 *11
T h r v a lu e <»f th e bn In u re d r a t io n a l*o v e
th a t fo rm e rly fed w a s $‘J.3n p e r day
In in< re u se d re tu rn s.
pnees and give date of next shipment.
Livestock Buyer.