Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 15, 1915, Image 4

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    The Case of Jennie Brice
’ Mr. Howell futroduced the girl. She
was u pretty girl, sliui and young, aud
Continued from page 3
she had taken her wetting good
•'He'd be a fpol to try to run away, naturedly.
The 1915 Clean Up Day, held
•iuless—Graves, you'd better get bold
“ I know we are intruders, Mrs. Pit­ Wednesday was the best affair of
of the fellow, and keep him until man,” she said, holding out her hand
either the woman Is found or the body. "Especially now. when you are in its kind ever held.
The river Is falling- In a couple of trouble."
Beginning at an early hour, al­
days we will know If she is around
"I have told Miss Harvey a little." most every man in the city began
the premises anywhere'
Mr. Howell said, "and 1 promised to
the work of thoroughly cleaning
Before I left I described Jennie Brice show her Peter, but he Is not here.”
for them carefully. Asked what she
I think I had known it was my sis­ the streets, alleys and private
probably wore, if she had gone away ter’s child from the moment I lighted
as tier husband said. I had no idea; the lamp. There was something of property.
Much of the success of this
she had a lot of clothes, and dressed a Alma in her. not Alma's hardness or
good hit But I recalled That 1 had haughtiness, but Alma’s dark blue Clean Up Day was due to the ex­
leen lying on the bed tbe black and | eyes with black lashes, and Alma s
white dress with the red collar, and ; nose. Alma was always the beauty of tra fine weather that prevailed,
they took that down, as well as the I the family. What with the day’s ex with just enough breeze to make
brown valise.
! citement and seeing Alma’s child like working comfortable and moist
Tbe chief rose and opened the door this, in m> Uouse. i felt things going
for me himself. " I f she actually left round und clutched at the stair rail. enough to lay the dust.
town at the time you mein ion,” he | Mr. Howell caught me.
At least two carloads of tin
said, ‘she ought not to be bard to I "W hy,
unburnable rubbish
Pitman!" he said cans and
Hud. There are not many trains be­ j "W hat’s the matter?”
were removed and dumped into
fore 7 in the morning, and most of
1 got myself in hand iu a moment the gully on Wade St. which will
‘•Jn*m are locals.”
i aud smiled at the girl.
be covered with earth.
Fully as
"And—and if she did not. if he—do
"Nothing at all.” 1 said, "indigestion, large an amount of boards, planks
you think she is in the house—or—o r — most likely. Too mudi teu the lust
poles, outbuildings and old walks
the cellar?”
day or two and not enough solid food.
| were burned.
"Not unless Ladley is more of a fool I I’ve been too anxious to e a t’
than I think lie is.” lie said, smiling.
At noon, a bountiful chicken
Lida—for she wus that to me at
"Personally 1 believe she has gone once, although 1 had never seen her dinner was served by the C. 1. C.
away, as he says she did. But if she before—Lida was all sympathy and and seventy hungry workers as­
hasn't— lie probably took the body sweetness. She actually asked me to
sisted in making that repast look
with him when he said he was getting go with her to a restaurant and have
like a famine sufferer’s pantry.
medicine and dropped It In the current a reul dinner. I could imagine Alma,
The thanks of the men of Esta­
somewhere But we must go slow with had she known! But 1 excused myself.
cada are herewith expressed to
all this. There’s no use shouting ‘wolf*
" I have to cook something for Mr.
the ladies for this treat.
Keyuoids," 1 said, "and I’m better
"But—the towel?”
The streets were scraped, rak­
uow, unyhow. thank you. Mr. Howell,
T ie may have cut himself shaving. may I speak to you for a moment?"
ed and brushed, with new planks
It has been done.”
A cigarette
lie folio wed me along the back hall, replacing old ones.
"And the knife?"
which was dusk
: butt carelessly thrown on a pave-
He shrugged his shoulders good na
"1 have remembered something that ! ment now, would stand out like
tu redly.
1 had forgotten. Mr. Iloweil.’ 1 said.
" I ’ ve seen a perfectly good knife "On Sunday morning the Ladleys had a light-house on a dark night.
Woe unto the person who dares
spoiled opening a bottle o f pickles.”
a visitor.'*
drop any refuse on Estacada’s
"But tbe slipper? And the clock?”
“ Yes?**
"My good woman, enough shoes and
"They hud very few visitors.”
slippers are forgotten In the bottoms
Such a united undertaking is a
of cupboards year after year in food
"1 did not see him. but 1 heard bis credit to the city and a tempora­
time and are found Hunting around the
ry monument to the civic pride.
streets to make all the old clothes men voice” Mr. Howell did not move, but
I fancied he drew his breath in quick-
in town happy. I bate seen almost
A m es T ra p s W o lf
everything floating about during one of , ly. "It sounded -it was not by any
| chance you?"
these annual floods."
"I? A newspaper mail, who goes to
A. G. Ames, while on a recent
"I dare Say you never saw an onyx
clock floating around." I replied a little !>ed at 3 a. m. ou Sunday morning. trip along the upper Clackamas;
with B. S. Patton, trapped a sev- ¡
sharply. I hud uo sense of humor that S up and about at BP"
*T didn't say what time It was.” I en foot black wolf.
While the
d i\
He stopped smiling at once and
Pick Out
T h e four best dressed men in
It is a safe bet,
that at least two of them are
wearing tailored suits,
by the
9 ll« n V
f H i i j i 'i
B iu tltf
t ic ;
. iu t lm im j
322 Morrison St., Near (Uh
M en’s Suits to Order
$ 28 .
Long handled Umbrellas
With Wrist - cord
i said sharnlv
stood tugging at Ids mustache
animal was not as large as some
To be continued.
N o. " he admitted
" A n onyx cloek
that have been seen in that vi- j
sinks, that's true. That’s a very nice
cinity, it was a formidable beast, i
b i d e point. Hint onyx clock
H e may
New C ouncilm an
Owing to the wolf having drag- j
be trying to sell it or perhaps"- H e
P. M. W arner of Estaeada has ged the trap into the river, it
did not finish
I went back immediately, only stop i been appointed to fill the vacan­ was drowned and the hide w a s1
ping at the market to get meat for Mr cy on the city council, caused by somewhat damaged by water. I
Heynolds* supper. It was after half the resignation of R. G. March- Besides the $25. bounty, the hide
will net Ames $10. or $15. more.
past 5. and dusk was coming oil
I bank.
u t a boat and was rowed directly
ho !c Peter was not at the foot of the
steps. I paid the boatman and let him
vo and turned to go up the stairs.
Some one was speaking in the hall
ubov e.
1 have read somewhere that no two
4 to 5 Horse D raw Bar Pull
voices are exactly alike, just us no
i ' o violins ever produce the same
8 to 10 Horsepower for Stationary work
sound 1 think it Is what they call
tin timbre that is different I have,
for distance, never heard a voice like
W e Pay the Postage
Mr Pitman's, although Mr. Harry
1.a Oder's in a phonograph resembles
\ud voices have always done for
(F. O. B. Factory)
uie what odors do for some |*M»ple, re­
vived forgotten scenes and old mem­
ories. But the memory that the voice
Samson Sieve-grip wheels do not pack the soil
at the head of the stub's brought back
was not very old. although I had for­
or slip on wet or cultivated ground.
If you are in the market for a watch, clock,
gotten It. I seemed to hear again all
at once the lapping of the water Sun-
silverware or any jewelry, call and see
dav morning as it began to come in
over the doorslll; the sound o f Terry
ripping up the parlor carpet and Mrs.
F. E. Beckwith, the Jeweler
I.adley (ailing me a she devil I d tbe
next room, in reply to this very voice.
At Marchbank’s every Wednesday and on
Demonstrator here next week
But when I got to the top of the
every alternate week, Wednesday
stairs it was only Mr. Howell who
had brought his visitor to the flood
and Thursday*
district and on getting her splashed
with the muddy water had tAken her
Give him your order for repairing
to my house for h towel and a cake of
Samson Sieve-grip Tractor
$ 575 .
Jew elry Stock In Estaeada
W e can make immediate delivery
I lighted the lauin In the hall and
W. R. Reid. Local Distributor.
or jewelry and save time and money.