V olume 8, N umber 29 SOCIAL HYGIENE TO BE DISCUSSED Meeting for Both Sexes Friday A pril 9th Th^ following announcement and program is being sent to every man in Estacada and vi­ cinity, by the Oregon Social Hygiene Society:- A Call For Action The Social evil and the suffer­ ing resulting therefrom are sub­ jects of much serious thought and consideration on the part of many of our best citizens. You are invited to a conference o f the leading men of Estacada and vicinity called by the under­ signed to consider this problem, whicn, in one or another aspect, touches the life of every home. The Oregon Social Hygiene Society, recognized as one of the strongest in'the country, is now ready to co-operate with us in starting an active and steady campaign of education in our community. There will be a place in the campaign for every man in the community, who is legitimately and earnestly inter­ ested in the protection of our boys and girls. It is a call for sane and con­ structive action. Mayor H. V. Adix will preside. A comprehensive program has been prepared and the field will be well covered by a member of the Excutive Board of the Ore­ gon Social Hygiene Society from Portland, and local speakers. Claude W. Devore, J. W. Reed, Irwin D. Wright, Program Committee. No collection. PROGRAM Conference of Physic'ans, Educators And Others On Social And Moral Hygiene (A Meeting for Men. Bring a Friend.) Friday, April, 1915 Eight o’clock P. M. Family Theatre (Courtesy, A. E. Sparks.) Estacada, Oregon. Chairman: Mayor H. V. Adix. 8:00 P. M. The Extent and Re­ sult of Sexual Vice—“ The pre­ valency and General Seriousness o f Veneral Diseases and Their Effect upon the Individual and the Home." Dr. R. Morse. “ Present Conditions Among Boys and Girls.” Burgess F. Ford. * E stacada , O regon , I Aquarium At Coming Fair John Githens of Alspaugh has made a suggestion as to an at­ tractive exhibit that might be made in the form of an aquari­ um at the coming East Clacka­ mas Fair, filled with trout and | such other fish as could be ob­ tained. Mr. Githen's hobby is raising trout and his private spring, pool and stream are now well filled with eastern brook trout, as well as the native species. If the fair committee will fix up some kind o f an aquarium, he will gladly make an exhibit of these fish. Some enterprising plumber might get good advertising by install­ ing a bath tub, with proper flow j of water, for the housing of this exhibit. T hursday , $1. P er Y ear A pril 8, 1915 j HE WHO WORKS MIT EAT ■ Buying Right Of W ay Wm. Andersen and H. A. Rands of Oregon City, president and engineer of the South Fork Water Commission, are spending a few days in Estacada and vicin­ ity, arranging for the purchase of the right-of-way for their pipe line. Their proposition to the property owners seems to be fair and equitable and little opposi­ tion is expected, in this vicinity at least. Inasmuch as the State Supreme Court, last week, passed favor­ ably upon the validity of the bond issue, work on tha project should begin at once. Block Captains Meet Mon­ day Night Two Dozen Chickens Wanted N o man will deserve such an awful amount of credit for his public spiritedness, because he | works a lew hours on Clean Up Day, Wednesday, April 14th, for everyone of them will receive a free chicken dinner, at the C. ! / I. C. rooms, that will be worth not less than $2. per plate. Glance over this menu and pre- | pare to take care of your share of this chicken dinner, which the ladies of the C. I. C. have prom­ ised. S / t ic / ie n L D u m p lin ga a n d f-Jnavy 8:50 P. M. Causes and Reme­ dies “ The Four Sex Lies and Other Causes. Remedies.” A. F. Flegel (Member, Executive Board of Oregon Social Hygiene Society.) 9:30 P. M. “ What Can We Do for Estacada? A. Demov. 9:45 Adjournment. At 3 o’c ock, Friday afternoon of the same day as the men’s meeting, there will be a similar meeting held for women and girls, over the age of 18 years. A committee comprising Mrs. E. W. Bartlett of Estacada, Mrs. H. G. Trowbridge o f Garfield, Mrs. Fred Robley of Faraday, Mrs. C. N. Folsom of Springwater and Mrs. John Ely of Currinsville are in charge of the arrange­ ments for the women's meeting. The ladie3 o f this committee, with the aid of the various wo­ men’s societies, will make a house to house canvass to insure a large attendance at this important meeting, and invitations and pro­ grams will be distributed. The subject, “ The Parents' Duty to the Child” will be pre­ sented by Mr. A. F. Flegel, the well known Portland attorney, and vice president of the Oregon Social Hygiene Society. No charge will be made for ad­ mittance to either of these meet­ ing, and no collection will be taken up, as the good work is handled and financed by the Ore­ gon Social Hygiene Society with the co-operation of the citizens of Estacada. Undoubtedly the the seating capacity of the Family Theatre will be taxed to its limit, and only those arriving first will ob­ tain seats. S a /a t l z Cabbage .S h /•¿mo C a ttu ee 5 P /c ^ /r » iiJo ta to e a ftSneat) ant) ffiu tte n C o ffe e ,7\.'tn,)a o f if Jtra The present plan Is for the din­ ner to be served at 1 o'clock and it is hoped that the greater part of the work will be finished by that time, as most of the private property will be cleaned before C ean Up Day and the handling of the refuse will comprise most of the work, except on the flat, where much work must be ^cne. The committee in charge of the selection of the block captains, overlooked blocks 13 and 14 in Zobrist Addition, which will be in charge of Wm. Underwood, and the block at the head of the Boul­ evard Hill, which will be captain­ ed by Bert H. Finch. A meeting of the captains and all others interested, is to be held at the Family Theatre, at 8 o’clock on the Monday night pre- ceeding the Clean Up Day, when suggestions and a full campaign of the work will be taken up. Also the committees in charge of the selection of a dumping place, obtaining of teams, etc. will re­ port. In the case of parties, who can­ not take part in the work that day, they may pay $2. as their share towards the cause, this money to be paid to C. W. De­ vore, to be used in defraying as far as possible the cost o f team­ ing. The ladies of the Civic Im­ provement Club are giving the dinner, doing the work and do­ nating the majority of the sup­ plies, but they need CHICKENS. | Still They Come Buyer C. E. Lucke, last Mon­ day noon, shipped out the tenth earload of livestock, including hugs, lambs and cattle, from the Estacada stock yards, for which he paid the growers over $900.00. Next shipment scheduled for Mondav, April 19th. --------- Correction In last week’s issue, attention was called to the basket social and dance, to be given at the Garfield Country Club, Friday evening, April 9th, and it read that admission was 50c for the entertainment, instead o f only for the dance. The entertainment is to begin at 8:30 o’clock, followed by a so­ cial dance. A charge of 50c is made for al, gentlemen, who re­ main for the dance, but the so­ cial and entertainment are free and everyone is invited to join in the good time. Lunch will be served by the club. 2 4 CHICKENS W ANTED for this dinner, and the public is aske T to donate these birds. Look over your flock tonight and pick out one that is’nt laying or earning its feed, and notify Mrs. Kuhrasche or Mrs. John Love­ lace, that you will give one bird- The offer of this opportunity to donate a chicken, is not con­ fined to the citizens of Estacada alone and if any of our neighbor­ ing farmers feel so disposed to help out, their chicken will not have died in vain. No questions will be asked by the dinner committee as to where you got the chicken, just so long as you deliver the bird. No fault will be found with the age, sex or previous condition of servi­ tude of the poultry, but if it is cleaned first, it will be a little I more welcome.