The Case of Jennie Brice Bond Bids Opened Members of the South Fork wat­ on my hat and coat. 1 had made up mf- mind that there had been murder er commission, last Tuesday open­ ed up the bids for the sale of the I went to Ladley’s door and knocked. done. I looked at my clock as I went # .i7 5 '°°° bonds, with which to fi­ Mr. I.adley answered from just be« downstairs. It was just 12;30. 1 nance the project. There was a youd. “The theater is asking where Mrs. ■ thought of telephoning for Mr. Iteyn- slight disappointment felt because ; olds to meet me, but it was Ills lunch no eastern bond house had put in a I.adley is." "Tell them I don’t know,” he snarl­ I hour, and besides, I was afraid to tele­ hid, but the bids which were re­ ed. and shut the door. 1 took his mes­ phone from the house while Mr. Lad- ceived were good, ranging from i ley was in it. sage to the telephone. Peter had been whining again. $94 03 to $95.36 which was a little Whoever it was swore and hung up When I came down the stairs he had below the $97. price which had the receiver. I stopped whimpering and was wagging been hoped for. All the morning I was uneasy—I ins tail. A strange boat had put into There is a rnmor of some techni hardly knew why. Peter felt it as I , the hallway and was coming back. cality having appeared in the le- did. There was no sound from the "Now, old boy!” somebody was say­ I.ndleys’ room, and the house was ing from tiu* boat. “Steady, old chap! ealitv of the voting on the issue which inav interfere »nil the im­ «¿met. except for the lapping water on I’ve got something for you!” the stairs and the police patrol going A little man, elderly and alert, was mediate pushing ahead of the pipe back and forth. standing up in the boat, poling it line, altho this delay is not likelv. At 11 o’clock a boy in the neighbor­ along with au oar. Peter gave vent as the Supreme Court will probably hood, paddling on a raft, fell into the to Joyful yelps. The e.derly gentle uphold the past election. water and was drowned. I watched : man brought his boat to a stop at the the police boat go past, carrying ids foot of tlie stairs and, reaching down little cold body, and after that I was into a tub at ids feet, held up a large T ractor R eplaces Horses MM*d for nothing. 1 went and sat with piece of raw liver. Peter almost went Peter on the stairs. The dog’s conduct crazy, and I remember suddenly that In keeping with the tip to the- had been strange all morning. lie I had forgotten to feed the poor beast niinute farming methods that have had sat just above the water, looking i for more than a day. at it and whimpering. Perhaps he | “Would you like it?" asked the gen­ characterized eastern Clackamas was expecting another kitten or— tleman. Peter sut up. as he had been farmers, W. R Reid and sons of It is hard to say how ideas first en­ taught to do, and barked. The gen­ Garfield have purchased a Samson ter one’s mind. Put the notion that tleman reached down again, got a Sieve-Grip Tractor, for use on Mr. I.adley had killed his wife and wooden platter from a stack of them thrown her body into the water came at ids feet and, placing 'the liver on it, their "Bannockburn" ranch. to me as I sat there. All at once I put it on the step. Tile Whole thing The machine is due here in a few seemed to see it all—the quarreling the was so neat and businesslike that i days, being shipped direct from the day before, the night trip in the boat, ! could only gaze. the water soaked slipper, bis haggard ! "That’s a well trained dog. madam,’* factory at Stockton. California face that morning—even the way the ! said the elderly gentleman, beaming This marks a new epoch in local at Peter over his glasses. "You should spaniel sat and stared at the flood. farming, being the advent of me­ Terry brought tiu* boat back at half not have neglected him.” "The flood put him out of my mind," chanical power to replace the horse past 11. towing it behind another. “Well." I said from, the stairs. "I I explained, humbly enough, for I was Harrv and Ralph Reid have also hope you’ve had a pleasant morning.” ashamed. taken the exclusive agency for the "Exactly. Do you know how many "What doing?” he asked, not looking starving dogs and cats I have found sale of this tractor in this count, at me. ‘‘Rowing about the streets. You’ve this morning?” He took a notebook and as soon as their machine ar­ had that boat for hours.” rives, will be in a position to dem­ To be continued. lie tied it up without a word to me. onstrate the practicability and econ­ but lie spoke to the dog. "Good morn­ ing. Peter,” lie said. “It's nice weath­ State Fruit Inspector Pomeroy, omy of this means of mechanical er-for fishes, ain’t it?” was one of the speakers at last Sat­ farming. This tractor, while cost­ He picked out u bit of floating wood from the water, and. showing it to the u rd a y s meeting i f the Garfield ing about as much as a Ford auto dog. flung it into the parlor. Peter ¡Orange and while here conferred mobile, is capable of a four to five went after it with a splash. He was with the local inspector, regarding horse draw bar pull, anti double 1 retty fat. and when he came back I Mr. that capacity for stationary work. heard him wheeziug. Hut what he the work lhat is being done. brought back was not the stick of Pomeroy expects to spend a few It is not unlikely that this is but wood. It was the knife I use for cut­ the entering wedge to the adoption days in this vicinity in the next ting I »read. It had been on a shelf in the room where I had slept the night week or so, helping along the good of this economical means of farm­ before, and now Peter brought it out work. ing, in Clackamas County. of the flood where its wooden handle had kept it afloat. The blade was bro­ ken eft’ short. Combination Yearly Subscriptions it is not unusual to find’ one’s house­ hold goods floating around during flood time. More than once I’ve lost a i hair or two and seen it after the wa­ ter had gone down, new scrubbed and painted, in Molly Maguire’s kitchen next door. And perliaps now and then a bit of luck would come to me—a dog reg. price $9.00 Oregonian, Daily and Sunday kennel or a chicken house, or a kitch­ en table, or even, as liapjiened once, a month old baby in a woodeu cradle, ’ » 7.00 Daily only that lodged against my back fence and had come forty miles, as it turned out, ’ • 3.50 Sunday only with no worse mishap titan a cold in its head. Hut the knife was different. I had » ’ 4.50 Weekly and Sunday put it on the mantel over the stove I was using upstairs the night before » ’ 2.50 Weekly only Mild hadn't touched it since. As I sat staring at it. Terry took it from Peter and handed it to me. ’ ’ 4.50 Evening Telegram, Daily "Better give me a |K*nny, Mrs. Pit­ man," lie said in ids impudent Irish » ’ 8.50 Oregon Journal, Daily and Sun. way. "I hate to give you a knife. It may cut our friendship.” I reached over to hit him a clout on * ’ 6.0C ” ” Daily only the head, but I did not. »The sunlight was coming in through the window at Semi Weekly ’ » 2.50 the top of the stairs, and shining on the roi»e that was tied to the banister. The end «f the rope was covered with ’ ’ 2.50 Oregon City Courier, Weekly •tains, br.Tbt with n glint of red in them. ’ ’ 2.50 Oregon City Enterprise, Weekly 1 got up shivering. “You can get the meat at the butcher’s, Terry." I said, “and come l»ack for me iu half These combinations may apply on renewals also. an hour." Then 1 turned and went upstairs, weak iu the knees, to put Continued from page 3 O rd e r Today R e c e iv e Them T o m o rro w Women’s Charnoi- sette Gloves, made of cloth but look like leather. Cool, Dur­ able and Stylish. Black, W hiteorGrey 25c Women’s PIQUE KID GLOVES, Black or Tan, regular $1.25 quality, Special 79c Women's FIBRE SILK Hose, look like silk and wear like iron. This hose is lisle bodied, silk faced and es­ pecially dressy, Golors Black, Tan, White or Gray. (In ordering, state sire and color. We pay the postage.) 3 5 C a pair, 3 pairs for $1. Women’s medium weight Cotton, Fast Black, Seamless Hose. 35cvalues 23c 5 pair for $1. Men s FIBRE SILK Hose, colors same as above. Per pair 25c Estacada Progress AND $8.00 6.00 3.00 3.50 1.50 4.00 7.50 5.00 1.75 1.40 1.50 Estacada Progress As stylish a LADIES UMBRELLA as could be desired, with long eb- onied handle and heavy braided wrist cord. Special We pay the jtostage on all orders, and by giving you good values, aim to obtain a repeat order. ______________________ t e 1 J GlovesTosiery. Umbreilas^^S Chas. F. Berg, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Portland, - Oregon