ESTACADA PROGRESS Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 8, N umber 28 E stacada , O regon , T hursday , A pril 1, 1915 $1. P er Y ear CLEAN UP DAY POSTPONED Captain W. Givens N. S. Laurry John Irvin W. A. Jones John Miller C. C. Miller Wm. Dale Willis Yonce Fred Jorg Roger Cary W. B. Simmons Bert Chapman B. R. Kimmel L. G. Reisland Bert Byers 7 W. Reed A. G. Ames Ed Allen Willis Mayfield J. A. Arquette E. W. Bartlett Chas Bronson Phil Wagner Luther Henthorn Rev. Rees A. J. Mills O. O. Bland F. B. Guthrie Owen Smith Roy Morrow Chas Linn Wm. Oberstaller B. F. Ford New Date Wednesday April 14th C .I.C . Prom ises Big D inner So as not to conflict with the opening of the base ball season in Portland, April 13th, Clean Up Day will occur, the day after. l'he following committees were appointed at the meeting held last Friday night: Mrs. A. K. Morton, Ed. Alien and Dr. Adix will secure a convenient dump­ ing place for non-burnable re- ; fuse. U. S. Morgan, W. A. Jones and VV. B. Simmons ar 2 in charge of the obtaining of the wagons and teams and Irwin D. Wright i • is to locate a spot for the big bon­ fire, which will end the celebra­ tion by destroying all of the burnable refuse. R. M. Standish is in charge of the soliciting of financial aid from non-resident property owners. Reports from these committees will appear in due time. The ladie3 of the C. I. C. are distributing the “I Work Clean Up Day' ribbons and everyone is wearing them, and last, but best of al\ the C.. 1. C. promises to serve a fine hot dinner to all ! of the workers that day, and there is a strong likelihood of its being a real chicken dinner. B. U. Kimmel, John Osborn and the editor, as a committee, have divided the city into blocks, for the systematizing of the work and have selected the following I captains, who are asked to take charge of their respective dis­ tricts to organize their neighbors and make a thorough job of the Clean Up. These captains will be furnished with dinner tickets which they will give to all who worked on Clean Up Day. Clean Up Day can be greatly simplified if every property own­ er will cban up his or her prwp- | erty, previous to the 14th, then all can give their attention to united cleaning of the streets, alleys and terraces and if every- . I one has their tin cans and refuse in piles, bags or barrels, the hauling away can be greatly ex- ! pedited. There is no doubt but that ev­ ery man, woman and child in Estacada will do his or her share of the work on that day, but all should wear a “ I Work Clean Up Day” ribbon in the mean time, and woe unto anyone found foaf- • ing on that day. The respective block captains are requested to call at the Prog­ ress office a day or two before Clean Up Day and get their sup­ ply of the Dinner Tickets. The dinner alone will probably be I worth a full days work, and may incapacitate the laborers or handi­ cap the afternoon’s work, if the job lasts that long. Each captain should get his forces together in advance to lay out the work. In many blocks Bob Mattoon there will not be much work to Mr. Sarver do, and in others, especially in the business district, there will Balance of Zobrist Addition is be an extra amount, so when one largely vacant and B. F. Ford in block is finished, added nelp charge of school children, is should be given to others. asked to handle this.