Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 25, 1915, Image 7

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Reports of last Sunday’s base
A Good Garden?
F or your garden w e
have a com plete line
seeds th a t w ill grow ,
but they are going rapidly.
Come in and look ov-r our line,
before the supply is exausted.
S E E D P O T A T O E S . We have in
stock at the present time the fol­
lowing varieties:- American Won­
der, Pride of Multnomah a n d «
We also have Land Plaster
and Fertilizer.
Clover Seed, Red,
lb. 18c
Alsyke ’
’ 18c
Clover ’
White, ’ 50c
Timothy ’
’ 11c
Alfalfa, Dryland,
Rape, Dwarf Essex,
Wheat, Spring.
Barley, Beardless,
cwt. $2.25
Onion Sets,
lb. 15c
2 lbs. 25c
S alt
501b. 35c,
A baby hoy was bom,
News Notes From All Sections ball game between the married and j z.trd, to Mr. and Mrs. Clias. H.
100 lb. 65c,
(H alf ground stock)
ton 12.50
Possibly owing to lack of news
or spring planting, no news items
were received this week from Gar­
field, Spring water, Alspaugh, Cur-
rinsville or Bartor.
Postmaster A. N. Johnson of Es­
tacada has received about iwo table­
spoons of alfalfa bacteria for inocu­
lation of the seed before planting
Hus sin .!! amount of the bacteria
is sufficient to treat seed for a one
acre planting
Mr Johnson is get­
ting in- land resile now slid ex ­
pects to raise a couple o* acies of
alfalfa for hog food.
single men of Estacada, are rather Dubois of Estacada. Last reporis
conflicting as to the final score, but show mother and son to be getting
the consensus of opinion is that the along finely.
married l>o\ s again proved their
The Christian EndeavoV meet­
supremacy over (lie kids.
held last Sunday evening at
Ennis Towrsend and wife have
returned to Estacada, where thev the George church, under the lead­
will remain for a time.
For the ership of Chris Johnson, was well
past few months, they have been attended. Miss Hulda Paulson en­
located at Oysterville, Wash , tertained the society Wednesday-
where he has bttn engaged in com­ • evening at an enjoyable social even­
mercial fishing. If a ball team is ing.
in sight for Estacada this season,
Mr. and Mr«. W>n Del»p of Ks-
Ennis can ptohshlv lie prrsuaded tacadu recently traded ihtir 45 acu s
to remain, and the fans will wel­ in Garfield fora valuable apai intent
come him.
house propel tv, at 1 he comer ot K.
A K. Morgan of Moscow. Idaho
The Palace Meat Marktl of Ks- Oak and Union Aves., Portland
spent a few davs last week, visi'ing tacadx, in keeping with its new and are leaving at once to take
at the homes of his uncles, C. C . 1 coat of paint and otheiwise afirac cnarge of their new acquisition.
and E K Saiing of Currinxville. tive appearance, has a new flooring
Marshal Arnes of Estacada has
Ytr. Morgan was on his way home [ of linoleum, which makes the shop
been busy for the past few days
from a California flip
more inviting
wonting on a few of Ihe preimui-
Bert Byers, the genial assis'ant ! B R Rimmel, who has been
at the B. II Finch Hardware Store, working tor the past lew mouths at
! -pent la-t Saturday in Portl .ml, Bull Run, returned last Sunday lo
| where he purchased an extra fine] his home in Estacada, wheie he
• line of fishing tackle fur the store. . will remain.
comprising one of < lie- mo-t com i The residents on the Boulevard
píete lines of piscatorial articles and Stafford Stteet in Estacada,
j ever offered for sale in Estacada.
have already cleaned their lots ami
J ihn Brown of Gresham, the in j the alley between, and are now
sura nee man. was ip town Satur- | ready for the Clean Up Day.
• lav in behalf of i he n'd reliable I The Eagle Creek dunce, which
Oregon Fire Insurance and oilier was announced ill these columns for
olil line companies. He sav s busi­ April 1 71li, has been postponed un­
ness is uitpioving in his line.
til April 24th.
aries. incidental lo I lie coming Clean
Up Day. having already cleaned up
and binned a large quantity of the
rubbish on the lily 's propeity.
I he Five Hundred Clim party,
held at the George »Inti house la-t
Saturday eveiiii’g brought out a
crowd ot Ihe young folks
Flora Johnson and Carol L i ' s w in­
ning ihe fir-t prizes vviili Olto
Paulson and Hemv Johnson cap-
luring lh‘ “ booby" trophies. A
delightful party was held at the
club li'in-e. St Patrick's evening.
Range Bricks,
case 20 5 lb.
Fancy dairy
501b. 50c ton 18.00
Common dairy 50 ’ 45c
’ 16.00
Table ar.d cookftig
50 ’.b. .65
S p ra y M a teria l
Lime and Sulphur solution,
i Customers
furnish container)
Diamond Spra Sulphur,
5 lbs. 75c
10 lbs. $1.25
25 lbs. $2.50
50 ’
100 ’
Arsenate of Lead, “ Corona” l/ i lb. 25c
1 lb. 40c 5 lbs. $1.75 lOlbs. $3.00
25 ’ $6.25 50 ’ 12.00 100 ’ 23.00
Black Leaf. "40” Vt lb. 90c 2 lbs. $3.10
c w t $2.50
Poultry Supplies
Progressive Scratch (Albers) cwt. $2.60
Diamond Chick Food, lb. S tfc ’
’ 3#c ’
Armour Beefscraps
’ 5c
U. M. Co.
’ 5c
Dried Fish Scraps
’ 5c 80 lbs. 3.00
Eastern oystershell 16 lb.25c
cwt. 1.25
Granite Grit
16 lb. 25c
$5 Sends a Splendid Graionola io Your home
With Individual Record Ejector $ 8 3
O r with 23 double disc records ( 4 6 select.ons) al for $103.
Can be had on new easy payment vlan of $3 a month
A amali firat p a ym en t aecurea im ­
m ediate possession o f thia in com ­
p a ra b le inatrument o f muaic and
a fin e aet o f 46 aelectiona (2 3
dou ble-d iac r e c o r d a ).
m ay ord e r them by title cr
num ber o r w e w ill supply
lot on fr e e trial and
su b je ct to exch a n ge.
(Fine, Medium or Coarse)
Land plaster,Utah, sk. 75c
lb- l # c
sack 85c
ton 14.00
bbl. 1.80
’ 3.10
W e handle a full line of Stock and
Poultry Powders.
L et us figure with you on any order for
Seeds or Poultry supplies.
guarantee to duplicate any
retail price made hy the
• Portland Seed C o.
We Deliver Daily
Commercial Grinding a Specialty
Tracy & Givens
If you h ave been w a itin g fo r the opportu n ity
to buy a sp ecia lly g o o d inatrument to m e tim e
at a p rice w ithin rea ch , and on y o u r terms,
here it is. Thia new “ L ea d er” is eq u ip p ed
with th e m any exclu sive G ra fo n o la features,
and w ill moat certa in ly co m e up to your e x ­
p ecta tion s fo r tone, tone volu m e and co n v e n ­
ien ce. W e w ill be glad to send it to you r
h om e on a p p rov a l. W rite fo r ou r ca ta lo g s—
th ey a re free.