Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 25, 1915, Image 6

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You Are Delighted
when you can get plenty of hot
water, but when the plumbing
is out of order, that’s a differ­
ent story. It is a good plan
to have your plumbing looked
after every now and then, to
see that it is in proper condition.
Spraying For Currant And
Gooseberry Worm
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis, M ar.—.There are two insect
pests, which attack the currant and
gooseherrv. One occurs as a small
white maggot inside the developing
fruit causing it to ripen premature­
ly and drop to the ground. This
j>est is known as the currant mag
got or the gooseberry fruit fly.
New Industries
The other pest is a velvets green
It n»k**N »ht* entcrprÌMiig farmers worm which feeds on the leaves
I I n c o k p o r \ t k ni
I tie foliage fmm ihe
o f K M a C * r ! H s i t u i M it 1001)11 i n n r o l l ì i * stripping
PuUli*.»«ed t v e r >
Ih u rsr td v
V lorn in q dt try to pioneer along a g i(cultural bushes about the Unie the fruit is
lines. Adolph Sagner of Estacada maturing. This p&M is known as
k. M. Standista, Kditor nnd Manager has an eu boiate (ginseng garden the native eu» tant worm,
at th* cost ottica tn Estacada. Oregon as that is no small affair, comprising
Sprays are not generali effective
second class mai
several hundred dollars noith ol in controlling the currant maggot,
with shades overhead and Stir the soil thoroughly to some
SU B SC R IP T IO N R A T E ? dozens ot appurtenances peculiar to depth about the bushes in the fall
tile growing of this medicinal root, and agalli in late March
While it takes a matter of about
For the green currant worm spray
Thursday. March 25. 1015
— seten years for this product to p,,. |)t)shes with a lead arsenate su-
yield a profit, it looks as though a |mj0n using one «unce of lead ar-
rite couniv seat pa)«-rs certainly | few years more would find Sagner senate to three gallons of water.
believe in the value i.f scare hearts, selling the roots bv the hundred
This spray to do tlie most good
insinuations of murder, robbery, wej „ ht a, j 7 pt;r pound. Jerry
must lie applied just afler the fruit
jealousv and other mysteries, he- Jones of Kstacada also has gone is set on the hushes. It one does
sides a fair amount of incorrect in- j ¡„to t)le growing of ginseng on an not apply this earlv spray, the
formation, in connection with the i extensive scale.
worms may tie killed when the
recent fatality in Lower Garfield. j The latest novel planting com- frllj| js large bv a sprav of while
The Portland pipers also printed a priSe.s one acre, which is to be plant- hellebore powder one ounce in three
more or less garbled account of the ed to peppermint, bv Mr. Twombly | ga„ ons of waU.r. T(fls material is
affair, emanating from and tinder ofi.atficld. Last week he hauled ^ no„ poisouous and does not discolor
tlie caption of Oregon Citv. Tlie a wagon load, comprising 2 4 s a c k s , b e f r u l t
T b e e a r l v s p r a y , s to ,,e
scene of the accident was not so far ot these toots from E s t a c a d a , a n d recommended, however,
removed from Oregon Citv, bait the planting will be do le at once.
that these papers could have ob­ This product is used for the obtain- j
tained the truth by cartful inquiry . ing of essence of peppermint
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many good
Lewellen Estate Probated friends and neighbors for their con­
It is announced that on the first
The estate of William J, Lewell
Tuesday in April, Kepresentalive
sideration and kindnesses -.howu to
Guv T. Hunt of Garfield will speak en. the pioneer merchant of Spring
ns during onr late bereavement.
at a luncheon of the Live Wires in
George Armstrong and family,
Oregon Citv, on the subject of the Jane Lewellen, his widow. The
proposed consolidation of various estate is valued at $10,000
Mr i T »*• bteinman and family.
boards and commissions.
Lewellen died ill Portland. March
Triple Header Draws Crowd
R. R. Cleaning Up
Last Friday night's basket ball
The P. K. L. & P. Co., have had
ganiMS at the Estacada Pavilion,
men busy for the past week.
brought out a good sized crowd of several
., .
. .
H et ti I mum * «‘ litte r , l i e ! a g o o d o n e
rooters, who saw the Crusaders cleaning up their right of wa> Th„
class of the M. E. Church win a close through Estacada.
They have I and [xm ltry sm s-ess is very rinse. es|»e-
game against the boys representing raked up and burned all refuse and rtnlly III I tie winter when neiis a r e lint
the Christian Church The Cur- old ties. They have also built a to tie penned up a Itltue part of the
time amt when the futility is eniistmi-
rinsville married men, cirrtetl too
many parental responsibilities on level extension to the side walk In Li m uch 11 lent. The K iveu »»ones from
tli-ir minds *o play a winning game j lesding from the' hotel it t > the the tab le an d from the K tlcheli w ant*
can ttills* he m ade into |»oiiitry flesh
against the unmarried hoys, tint | Park, doing away with the steps and t»e a noiiree o f profit.
even then the score was close. 1 he j thut have proven a stumbling spot One o f the hesf If not the best a n i­
wind up between the girls of th e!,,, |he p(|,,
M„ yt)f. Ihe rajlroad mal food fm |M»i)itrj Is milk A ll the
Freshmen and Sophomore classes
in gredien t* n e iv s s a r y to form n |**rfect
of the Estacada High School, people are »loin»' this woik as a an im al f«»od a re found in sk lm m ilk . It
resulted in a victory for the
m ak e* no d iffe re n c e w h eth er It Is
busy with their "clean tip day.”
sw eet or so u r o r Dow It Is fed. w h eth er
•fresh ies."
Behind O u r Feed
is an absolute guarantee of grade
and cleanliness.
Every sack of
it is all pure grain of high qual­
ity, making it better for your
stock and really cneaper for you.
YVe can refer to many stock ow­
ners who will have no other feed
but ours. They have good rea­
sons for their choice.
Estacada Lbr. & Produce Co.
w |
alone o r w ith o th er food*, it a n s w e rs
Its purpose e q u a lly us well.
A w in d b reak o f som e sort m ak es a
I* ml try house w a rm e r on the Inside
an d g iv e s the fo w ls a sh eltered p lace
for outdoor e x e r c ise
I he o w n er o f a
rh)ck eu house built under the sh e lte r
o f h num ber o f e v erg ree n freea s a y s
drtnkinR w a te r hardly e v e r fre e z e s I d
To keep p oultry from restating o v er
feed m an ger* an d o th er p la ces th at
ought to he kept clean nail a sm a ll
w ire fo u r Inches a b o v e th e hoard.
T h is is a good tim e to figure up a c ­
cou n ts fo r th e y e a r and see w h a t the
chicken bus ness has done fo r at.
Granite W are
Tea Kettles
T ea and Coffee Pots 25c
Dish Pans - 20c - 25c
and full line of Kitchen Utensils.
Park & Closncr
Hunt Bide.
I s ta c a d a
K ia e ts c h
M ills
First class lumber of all kinds.
Dimension material a specialty.
Prompt deliveries made
from big stock on hand.
Phone or call at m ill,
0 . C . Klaetsch, Owner.
I Pay Highest Cash on Delivery
Prices For
- Cattle
I shall aim to ship a carload of
livestock from the
Estacada Stock
Yards at least every other Monday
Stock must be delivered at
yards by 11 A. M. on shipping date.
I shall spend certain days in each
month buying stock throughout East­
ern Clackamas County, and if you
have any to sell, phone to R. M. Stan-
dish at Estacada and he will quote
prices and give date of next shipment.
Livestock Buyer.