t Mrs. Fid Je n k in s of Garfield re ­ Calendar of Meeting Dates turned last S a tu rd ay from Portland 5 cents per line. Cash in advance w here she teceiitly underwent an Civic Im provement Club. 2nd. «m l 4th. Saturday a lte r noon at C. I. C. Rooms. | op, ration She is reported as W A X nil) - K G G S . Highest I. O. O. F. E very S aturday n igh t, much improved since het huinecom- 8 1*. 31. at I. O. i>. F. H all. puce p .id at I’alact Meat Market. mg. Fred J • >r>j ! Rebeccas. Each 2nd h i d ! 4th W edne«- i d ay E vening, 8 1\ M. at I. O. O. F. Mrs. li. W Bartlett of Kstacada H all. F - ' R S A L K — 80 A C R E S in Oar- 1 returned this week from a 30 d ays fi-ld, nbimt 3 ttllles northeast of F.s- t u p in California, where sheattend- ; A. F. & A. M. F irst Tuesday ev en in g, ; each month at 1. O. O. F. H all. tacada, known as the “ M irsh all es­ 1 ed the Fair. Sn e reports no ta t e ;" 40 acres cleared and under weath r in that state to equal the ! Order of Fastern S tar. Third Tuesday j of each month at I. O. O. F. H ull. cultivation tor several years, and 40 regular Kstaeuda product. Logan G range. First Satu «lay in every j acres In heavy timber. m outh at G range H all. O viler, S A. I'exton. | C lias M, S p a r k s of Kstacada, Springw ater G range. Second Saturday j 7 X .W a b a s h A i r . , Chicag o, III who has heen visiting among rela- in every mo th at G range Hal). I fives and friends in N e b raska for Eagle Cr ek G range. Third Saturday in , FOR SALE or TRADE 25 't h e past lew months, returned last everv m onth at »range H all. acres, 'a mile from Morrow Sta­ M o n d a y . Garfield G range. Fourth S -tu rd av in t tion, 1 mile front Estacada, best eve y month at G range Han. Mr». Hattie C le sler and fam ily of of improvements, running hot j Sunshine C itcle. Kver> two weeks on | and cold water, land partly clear-* lyagle Creek h.i” e mover* from the Thursday alternoon, ed, good timber and 300 cords of H a rv e y Gibson to the Lou Baker Dorcas Societv. Third Thursday of , place. cut wood. C. A. Looney, ea« h month. Route 1, Estacada. First Saturday of j Miss Helen W hile and G eorge Modern P riscillas’. each month. W A X r*KD -Voline calile ; Here- E v a n s ot Portland spent the week F irst T u es-j end as the guests of Mr and Mrs. C u rrin sv ille Ladies Aid. forils. Shorthorns. Durham«. of each m onth. Traci Clesler of Fay le Creek. Stanley T urel, fist cada, Or. E stacad a M. E. L adies Aid. F irs t and j Third W edn esdays o f each month j L a w r e n c e Alspatigh of A ls p a u g h F O R S A L K nr T R A l)R fur Port- at 2JO P. II. land property. 6 acres adj lining Is travelin g 111 Californ ia, enjoying E stacad a C h ristian Endeavor. F ir s t! town on the S R. T h is property the Fiasco and San Diego expos! Monday even in g of each month, * Is only a few hundred feet ftoin the tluns. a t the church. Hotel and will sell same for th e * K stacada C h ristian Endeavor So cial. • Mrs. H. S Jo n e s of Portland, price of a city lot. A ddress owner, Third T u esday of each month. j Joseph M Rie g, G e rlin g er Bldg was the week-end guest ot her ninth er. Mrs. Viola Douglass and of hei Portland. Or. gramtinoiher, M is S. F . Huwlrlt Christian Church F O R S A L K — Bargains, P a r t­ of liagle C reek. Sunday schon’ 1 0 A . M. ! ridge R o ck s Prize winners at four VI or mug service 1 1 A . M. H e n ry Johnson and mother t f V. P. S. C . K* fairs iu 1 9 1 4 . 1 Rooster and 2 or 6 :4 . s P M ! more hens at $2. apiece. 15 egg G e orge , last Su n d a y visited her s is­ E v e n in g s e r v ic e 7 :3 0 P. M ter Mrs. Marie Mcinke o f Barton, settings $ 3 . L O. Reisland. A ll a ie eo rv**n SPECIAL ATTENTION H unting and Fishing Parti«* learn Work, Hauling and Packing W ood delivered, any amount or length. TIE SHED - 10c per Rig. W. M. Yonce Corona Wool Fat For HARD HOOFS 12 ounce can - 50c J. V. BARR Blacksmith and Wheelwright