The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Juniors Win Laurels And t Cash and rest easy, Continued from page 3 a tu i gola’ to be go ne a second." The bulk hook of the Junior class nml been everyw here* all xahl lie laid Hut. by your leave. I did not think over tiny frog that ever they see. that a continuation o f the history o f of the list sea rl a High school now “ Well. Smiley kep* the beust in a lit­ the enterprising vagabond. Jim Smiley, shows a substantial balance, owing tle lnttiee box. and he used to fetch would be likely to afford me mu. h in­ him downtown sometimes and lay for formation coucei uilig l lie Uev. I.eou- to the $ 5 3 reeei[)ts from the Jiinioi a bet. One day a fe lle r—a stranger in idns W . Smiley, and so I started away. plav, given a r the Hotter Theatre the camp he was—eouie aerost him At tlie door 1 met the sociable Whee- last F fid a y n ig h t with his box and says: ler returning, and lie buttouiioh d me " A Russian Honevmnon** proved *• *\Vhat might It he that you’ ve got and recommenced: In the box?’ "W e ll, tills je r Smiley Inid a yaller a fine vehicle f«*r the budding ac­ “ And Smiley said, sorter indltTerent- one eyed cow that didn't have no tail, tors’ and actresses* dramatic talents llke. ‘ It might he a parrot, or it might only jest a short stump dke a ban nan and allowed of exceptionally bill he a eanury maybe, hut it ain't it’s ner. au d'*- only Just a frog.’ However. lacking both time and In­ liant and gorgeous costuming. “ And the feller took it and looked nt clination. I did not wait to hear nhoui T o attempt to p»v just tribute to It earefill and turned it around this the itiilh lid cow. I»ut took my leave. »■*ch individual performer e*mhl way and that and says: *11 m! So ’tis. tax the brain o! a diamal c critu* W ell, whut's he good fo r ’:’ Health of the Mind. ” ’ W ell.’ Smiley says, easy and care­ T o be made whole is t• • is* healed in and would mean ihe naming of lhr less. ’he’s good enough for one thing. I both laxly and mind. Itodily healing entire cast, including the peasants, should Judge. He can outjiimp any ! alone does not sutliee. for unless there who formed tbe seitirg Owing to fro g in Calaveras county.* “ The feller took the hoi again and Is a 1 brume o f mind also disease wii the heavily be * bickered makeups took another long, particular look and again inn idl est itself in smile form ii give it hack to Smiley and says very the body, and the second condition «> of some of tbe male participants, deliberate. ’ W ell, I don’t see no p’lnts the patient may become worse that their diction and pmnrnciathm was about that frog that’s any Iwtter’ n any tin* Hist l>u the other hand, a cluing o f mind is quickly manifested in tD slightly handicapp* o, but from the other frog ’ leading bul\ ami man, to the hum­ 1 body, and if we have been “ transform *’ ’Maybe you don’t.’ Smiley says. ’ Maybe you understand frogs, and i ed by the renewing o f «»nr mind'’ tIi* blest super, all did credit to their may he yon don't understand 'em. change is quickly evidenced by th priits anil paid especial credit to Ma.vhe you’ ve had experience, and restoration of tlie body to health and Miss Jones, who drilled the pupils j harmony. In lty . maybe you ain't only a amateur, as it and generate staged tlie affair. were. Anyw ays I’ve got my opinion, i and I'll resk $40 that he can out jump The Name “ Tennis.” any frog in Calaveras «•utility.* N’ nmoron* suggestions have been nnt "And tile feller studied a minute and forward for the derivation o f the word McMillan Makes Arctic Dash then says kinder sad like. Well. I'm j “ tennitf.” Perhaps the most likely is Noble McMillan of the Upper only a stranger here, and I ain’ t got that it is an anglicised form o f "teiie z" no frog, hut If I had a frog. I’d bet * “ catch it” », a term frequently used Dam returned last week from a sue you.’ l>y the French in their ancient game cessfnl flip from Three Links into “ And then Smiley says: ‘T hat's all o f Jen de pa nine or palm plav. O aba lake, where he rewound the right: that's all right. I f you’ ll hold water g uge clock. McMillan was my I mix n minute I'll go and get you a. frog.’ And so the feller took the Canby Herald Has Again acconip.tnieil hv one < f the Mi box and put up his $4o along with , it i Hoorl guifbs. who is trapping near Smiley's and set down to wait. Changed Hands | Clackamas lake. “ So he sat there a good wlii.e think­ ing and thinking to lilsself. and then Announcement was made last The snow, which ordinarily is he got the frog out and pried his mouth open and took a teaspoon and week of a new owner of the Canny from to to 1 5 leet deep at Clalla tilled > full o f quail shot. Hill'd him Herald, as G K Brookins of Huh- lake, is onlv ahotti 5 feet deep this pretty near up to his chin and set him hard rtcemlv purchased the Intel-j spring. The trip, w h i l e a t n i n g an tlie floor. Smiley he went to the ests of C P. Leonard Mr. Leon- one and a test of endurance, was' swamp and slop|ied around in the mud | for a long time, and Hnally lie ketch ard bought the paper about six , made will) few difficulties ed a frog m.d fetched him in and give months ago and during his short j McMillan left Estacada last Sat- j him to this feller and says: ownership, greatly improved the urday to visit his home near Rose- ! “ ’ Now. if you’ re ready set him along­ side of I>un't. with his forcpiiws Just publication. The Progress wishes burg and from there will spend a even with I >au' I' m . and I ’ ll give the Mr. Brookins t-1) success in his new week or so at Coos Bay, In-fore re- word.' Then he says. ‘One- tw o— j turning three- git!' And him and the feiler ventnre. touched up the frogs from behind and tin* new frog hopped olY lively, hut Dan’ I give a heave and hysted up his Comb,nation Yearly Subscriptions shoulder* so. lik e a Frenchman, but it warn'i no use. be couldn’t budge. He was planted as soliu as a church, anti t c couldn't no more stir than if he was anchored out. Smiley was a good deal surprised, and he was disgusted, too. but be didn’t have no idea what the matter was. o f course. “ The feller took the money and start­ 9 ed away, and when he was going out nt the dour he sorter jerked his thumb over Ills shoulder, so at Dan’!, and says 9 again, very deliberate. ‘ Well.* he says. * j don’t see no p in ts alsiut that frog 7 that’s any better’l l #anv other frog.’ "Sm iley he stood scratching his head and looking down at Dan* I a long 7 time, and at lust he says. ‘ I do wonder what in the nation that frog throw’s 9 o ff for! I wonder i f there ain’t some­ thing tlie matter with him! H e ’ pears < > look mighty baggy somehow.’ And 9 * tie ketched Dan’ l by the nap o f the neck and hefted him* and says. ’ Why, 9 blame my cats, if he don’t weigh five pound." and turned him upside down, and he belched out a double handful 9 o f shot. And then be see how It was. and he was the maddest inun. He set 7 the frog down und took out after the feller, but he never kctched him. 7 and’*— (H ere Simon W heeler heard his name called from the front yard and got tip to see what was wanted.! Turning to me as he moved away, he said. “ Just «et w here you arc. stranger. Estacada Progress AND Oregonian, Daily and Sunday $8.00 reg. price $9.00 ’ 7.00 Daily only 6.00 ’ 3.50 Sunday only 3.00 ’ 4.50 Weekly and Sunday 3.50 ’ 2.50 Weekly only 1.50 ’ 4.50 Evening Telegram, Daily 4.00 8.50 Oregon Journal, Daily and Sun. 7.50 ’ 6.0C Daily only 5.00 ’ 2.50 Semi Weekly 1.75 ’ 2.50 Oregon City Courier, Weekly 1.40 * 2.50 Oregon City Enterprise, Weekly 1.50 These combinations may apply on renewals also. I Estacada Progress Do You Know What Fibre Si!k !s? We will tell you, it is silk, made from wood fibre and has all the qual­ ities of the ordinary product. Women's S IL K F IB R E Hose, lock like silk and wear like i -on. This hose is lisle bodied, silk faced and es­ pecially dressy, Colors Black, Tan, White or Gray. (In ordering, «late size aid color. We pay the postage.) £ . « 35c a pair, 3 pairs for $ ] . Men’s FIBRE SILK Hose, colors s ame as above. Per pair 25c As stylish a LADIES UMBRELLA as could be desired, with long eb- cnied handle and heavy braided wrist cord. Special Women’s PIQUE KID GLOVES, Black or Tan, regular $1.25 quality, Special 79c We pay the postage on all orders, and by giving you good values, aim to obtain a repeat order. Chas. F. Berg, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Portland, - Oregon