Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in tdvance \V A X T E [1 - E G G S. H tg best price p .iil at Palace Meat Market. Fred J o in F ' ' R S A L E —80 A C R E S in G a r ­ field. about 3 miles norlhea>l of Ks- tu.-aii 1, k now 11 as the *‘ Marshall es- l a ’ e ; " 40 acres cleared and under cultivation lor several \ears, and 40 acres in heavy tiiiila-r. Owner, S A. Pcxtmi. 7 N. Wabash A v e . . ('Incagn, PI F O R S A L E —K lickitat County farm 32 0 acres. 250 in cultivation 2 1 0 in fail wliear, 3 'V - K a n d wind mill, t 'tin l:a k 100 elvokens and imialcineiits inclu led. F e e fintilx orchard 1 ‘rire $3,000. One-half cash, halance on time Inquire Progress Office. PROFESSIONAL CURBS Calendar of Meeting Dates Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Civic Improvement Cluh. 2nd. and 4th. Saturday atteriioon at C. I. C. Rooms. L inn Office at PortLnd, O.c^on, Febru­ i ary t>, 1! .5. 1. O. <\ F. Rverv Saturday night. 8 I*. M. at I. O. U. J*. Hall. K.x'icc is hereby riven that Benja­ min F. B uer of Cherryville. Oregon, Rebeccas. Each 2nd and 4th Wedne*- iito, on May 15, 1918, made O ig. ltd. clav Evening, 8 1*. M. ut I. O. O. F. x’ ntry, No. 138 7, lor Lot 1, end on Hall. F. br ary 18, 1914. rrad • Add’ l Hd. En­ try No. 04097 or L o t 2, both in Section A. F. & A. M. First Tuesdav evening, each month at 1. O. O. F. Hall. G, Toxvnahii 3 S ruth, Range G E 1 st. W ill­ amette Meridian, h is filed notice of in­ Order of Hastern Star. Third Tuesday tention to m ti e Final hroe year Proof of each month at I. O. (>. F. Hall. under See. 2305 - R. S., to establish claim to the land above desc-i ed. Logan Grange. First Satu day in everx month at Grange Hall. before t ' e Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, i t Portland Oregon, on Springwater Grange. Second Saturday the 25th day of March, 19 5. in every mo th ut Grange Hall. Claimant names ns xyitnesser: j Ragle i r ek Grange. Third Saturday in F. E CJ-rt.-, '■ R nv n, S j everx month nt »n tige Hall. HENRY OFFICh, ADJOINING KK8IDKNLH Local and lung Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can tie connecte.' with your home phone nt night if r*quested First Saturday S t e v e n s , d ec eas ed , of DR T e s ts T H O R O t R E D Plymouth R ock, Buff O pnigton and Buff Leghorn | g g - for - rilin g. $ 1 . 5 0 for 13 eggs. A p p ly . S ' a id t sli—Progress Office. F O R S A L E — Bargains. Part­ ridge R ocks Prize winners at four f u r s in 1 9 1 4 . 1 Rooster and 2 or more hens at $2. apiece. 1 5 egg fe ll in g s $ 3 L G . Reislatid. Estacada. Oregon. F O R S 3 L E — Cider Mi 1 , Barrel Sp rav Pump. 6 ft. Ctoss Cut Saw , Mauls Hailing and Splittin g W ed­ ges. At home »vettings and Sun H its If O. Boswell. Estacada. F O R S A L E — S C. White L e g ­ horn E g g s lor hatching. I er Se t­ ting ot t 5 eg g s 75c Incubator lots |ier hundred $4 00. Fertility g u a r ­ anteed. Not show stock but heavy lixer--. W G iv e n s , Estacada, .E d n a h D e m in g P ia n o Lessons Rhone for Appointment Garfield, Estacada, O regon. Irwin D. W right, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 th day of Mar. 1 91 5 . Claude W. Devore, Notarv Public. Correct— Attest: Lerov I). W aiker. Thomas Yocum, Irwin D. W right, d i­ rectors. fits glasses. T e le p h o n e con n ec tio n . C L A U D E W. D E V O R E A 1 T O R N E Y - A T - L A W and n o t a r y r u u u c Es i n c a d a . O r t w o n E. W B A R T L E T T LAWYER O ffice oil F j'a c id », • W illia m i Methodist Episcopal Church B road wav. • Or* gon M. SLont: A tto rn ey - at - L a w Office Phones- Pacific Main 405. Home A 270. Res.- Home B-214 Bcav r Bl I g Grrgon ( ity. Or S a d ie H o r n i b r o n k P ia n o a n d Vocal I n s t r u c t o r 40512th St. Portland. Ore. or Progress. John Brown The Insurance Man Phone 513 • Gresham Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n ot McM’nnville, Oregon Automobile Insurance a S i»«’»altv ------- -------------------------------- * ----- Livery, Feed & Sale STAB LE W . A. JO NES, Proprietor. G« mm ! rigs and careful drivers alwav.- . SPECIAL ATTENTION r.ivFit Dunlin*.' an* I F hhitn! Partus Church of Jesus Christ T h e meetings of the R e Organ ized Church nt Je su s Christ of L . D S , corner of 2nd and Main Sts., are held e v e n Su n d ay as follows:- S u u d a v School - 2PM Afternoon S* rx ice • 3 P.M Y o u n g Peoples’ Meeting 6 :3 0 P.M . Evening S e r v i .e - 7 :3 0 F M. Total ___________________________ ___ $96 610.25 All are cordially invited to attend. J. F Wiles, Elder State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: L O S T K I T T E N — A n y informa­ tion h a d in g to discovery of lost k it ­ I, Irwin D. W right, cishier of the ten alxint 6 mo old with decided T i ­ ger stripes of a gr a y color, will he above named hank, do solemnly swear suitable rewarded, hv returning to that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Vtrs. F. L. H evlm an, E s 'a c a d s . and at the church. S u nday School - - - in a. in. I Epworth Le agu e - 6130 p nt Praxet meeting Thttr-dax 7 :3 0 p 111 T l t t r t will l>t preaching services in the Melhooist C hurch. Sunday morning. March 14, at 1 1 A M. Preaching service» at Me Zion on j lit and 3rd S im ila r s at 3 P.M . anil I at Garfield on 2nd and 4 It S o lid ax.- jat 3 P.M. at Kstacada. in the State of Oregon, at T h e re will be pr-aching in the the close of business, Mar. 4 th, 1 91 5 . C urtinsville M. HI Churi h, Sunday RESOURCES eve ning, March 14, at 7 :3 0 P.M. 1 Loans and discounts....................... ........$ 65 876.27 In place of Ihe regular pleaching Overdrafts, secured and unsecured....... 8.50 3onds and warrants................................ 17 368.87 service at Garfield Su n d ay alter Stocks and other secu rities................. 2 661.00 noon M arch 14th, Mr. Hunt, our Banking house.......................................... 3 450.00 representative to the Legislature, Furniture and fixtures ............................ 1 750.00 speak on I he Prohibition Due from approved reserve banks........ 2 9 8 3 .1 7 w ill Checks and other cash item s.................. 177.83 Amendment T h i s meeting xxill Cash on hand........................................... 2 334 6 ! commence at 3 P M. E xp en ses................................................. .... none Y< it are in v i lt d In attend. Total ........ ..... ...................................... $96 610 25 C. B Rees. Pastor. L IA B IL IT IE S Capital stock paid I n ............................. $25 000.00 Surplus fu n d ........................................... 500.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid ___________ ______ __________ I 70 42 Dividends unpaid..................................... none Postal savings bank d e io s lts ........ ......... 2 788.33 Deposits due State T rea su rer................. 5 000.00 Individual deposits subject to c h e c k ............... ......... ........________ 52 455.08 Demand certificates of deposit......... ...... 2 992.00 C ertified c h eck s.... ......................... 2.89 T im e certificates of dep osit................... 7 649.03 Liabilities other than these above stated 52.50 e xes Office on Main S i t . between l-t and 2nd. Residence over Drug Store. s ar v v o u c h e r s , w ithin s i x m o n th s Christian Church ri’ er*t)»e first p n hli c ation of tin s n o ­ tice. to said a d m i n i s t r a to r , at th e Sunday school 10 A . \i. office of his A t o r n e v , K s ta c a d a , Moniing service I I A . M. O re g o n , th e s a m e b e in g the place Y . P. S. C. E. 6:4 3 l* M for tiie tra n sa c t io n of the b u sin e ss Ex c u in g s erv ice T i“ r M of said estate. A ll a i t t o 'ilt a lly in v it til R . M S t fln dish, W . G iv e n s , Pastor. F O R SA I„K or T R A D E for Port land property, 6 acres adj lining Adm inistrator o f th e estate ot town on the S Ft. T h is propertx E d g a r J . S t e v e n s , d ec eased . is only a few hundred feet fiom the C'iande W . D e v o r e a tto rn ey for Hotel and will sell same for the sai d ad m in ist ra to r. p 'ice of a city hi!. A ddress owner, D u e » f first p u b li c it io n , F e b r u irv Jose ph M. R leg, O erbnger Bldg 1 ». 1 9 * 5 Portland. Or. Date of last publication, March 1 1 . tot *; F O R S A L E - S . C W hite I ^ g horn e g g - . 75c a setting, ftont 2 1 1 , old p in e hreil winter Inters R E P O R T OF T H E C O N D IT IO N OF Cltas. Hicinlioth nt, k i v r Mill, Box 84. Estacada, Or. tSTACADA STATE BANK R. M O R S E . P h y s ic ia n a n d Surgeon W A N r i i O - Y o u n g cattle; Here­ to th e c re d it o rs of, an d all p erson s Estacada Chri. tian Endeavor i o ial. Third Tuesday o f each month. fords, Shorthorns, Durham«. h a v i n g c la i m s a g a i n s t , the said de St inlev T urel, K s t.c a d a , Or. ceased t'* e x h i b i t th em w i t h n e r e s M O N EY TO LO A N O X M ORT G A G E S - H ave $ 1 5 0 0 . available now. Can handle two $3000 loans about March 15th S tae d is h , Progress t)(Bce DENTIST A s s o c i a 'e d w i t h Dr. hl. V A a i x . FOR S A L E or TR A D E 25 each month. Notice to Crcd.tors acres, % mile from Morrow Sta­ Currinsville Ladies Aid. First Tues- In the C«»r.nt' C»»nrt fo r C lu c k a of each month. tion, 1 mile from Estacada, best o f improvements, running’ hot inns C o n n t x , Stn»e o f O r e g o n , in Estacada M. E. Ladies Aid. First and Third Wednesdays o f each month and cold water, land partly clear­ 1 lit- nm»tt*r of the esta te of I v i g a r J . at 2:30 P. M. ed, good timber and 300 cords o f S te \ e n s , d ic t-a s c d . First N o ti c e is he reby g i v e n by the mi- Estacada Christian Endeavor. cut wood. C. A. Looney. Monday evening o f each month, lersit?ntri. i d n in is tr a t o r of the eS­ Route 1, Estacada. a fe of K d g a r J One tong ring. Dr. L. A. W E L L S 1 j Garfield Grange, Fourih Siturday in W. G W bbe , eve y month at Grange llu i1. Ch le; M ir o n , all of Cherry- ville, Oregon. 1 Sunshine Circle. livery two weeks on If. F. TTigby, Thursday afternoon, Regis'm-. Dorcas Society. Third Thursday of F r'o f made und^r Act June G 1912. eut h month. Modern Priscillas’, V. A D I X . M . f . P H Y S IC IA N A SU R G EO N Dale’s have - - - W IR T NURSERY stock. Home grown. True to name. A ll Kinds and Varieties. Come and pick yours out NOW . Estacada, - - Or gon. leam Work, Hauling and Packing Wood delivered, any amount or length. TIE SHED - 10c per Rig. W. M. Yonce Corona Wool Fat For H A R D H O O F S 12 ounce can - 50c J. V. BARR Blacksmith and Wheelwright