Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 11, 1915, Image 6

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Dont Throw It Away
2 Ply Cascade R oofing
108 sq. ft. to a roll.
Just Because It Leaks
I am equipped to mend leaks in
either tin, metal or granite ware, pots,
pans, washboilers, wash tubs, etc.
W e have a few bargains in 5 panel doors.
Electric Wiring, Plumbing, Metal Repairing
Shady Brook Dairy Food
C. C. Miller
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
( W e
S e ll F e e d ,
O f C o u rse )
T h e two county sent papers are I Railway Officials Visit Park
h a v i ng Mich
i nk R i n g i n g
I v e ry
M orning
Be sure and deposit your ticket,
with your name written on the
back, at our store before the draw­
ing occur".
New Stock just received of
Mowers For Hat Trim m ing
Calico Gingham Percale
A special car lu nught out a par
among themselves tor the past two tv ot the P R. L. & P. C o 's offi
t S U C A D A , O K I CON
weeks that they have not found cials last Fti-lay afternoon, T h e
R. M. Standi ah. Editor *»nd Manager time In t a k e a crack at the Progress party comprised R M Townsend,
property agent: O. C. Fields, s u ­
ai the postoffice in Estara.ia Oregon as lattlv ,
but like death and taxes,
second class m ail
perintendent; Geo.
K e lly ,
it'll come.
a g e n t; T hos. Pu m ph te y, chief en­
One year ....................................................................$ | 00
gineer; R oy Meyers, asst, to traffic
S t* m onths ...............................................................
T h e Canetnah bandit, w ho re­ m anager; and Win. Strontherg,
cently held up a P. R . I, & P, car publii ity ag> nt.
Thursday. March II. 1915
Acting spokesman K e lly, on ar­
bevon<l Or< gon Citv, is*given cred-
rival at lystacada, immediately in
T h e Oregon W eekly Industrial '< tor being e x t r a gallant, refusing
terviewed the editor and explained
R e vie w announces that the State to take I he niotorman’ s money, say -
that the party w as m king its
has ordered 6oo bushels ot seed, to j,tg that he only wanted the cnm- monthly inspection trip along this
establish a flax industry at tit
Dany's money. T h e poor ra ilw ay division.
Reports show that they
State Prison.
thoro ughly inspected the dining
To date, C lackam as county has
. , . ,
through a dam age suit at the conn- ri>om a,1<t kt'clien ot tlie Hotel r.s
raised little flax and little experi
taenda, as usual.
meriting is being done with this (v seat, or just plain hig hw ay roh-
Saturday’ s
grain . A t the local county and herv.
that the-e same officials were look­
state fairs last year, fine specimens
ing over Estacada Park with a view
ot f l i x were exhibited, from this
T h e District Forester of Portland to locating a baseball diamond then .
county. One bundle from Garfield
has suggested that as a means ot A well bin t diamond in (ht paik
was as fine a specimen as any ex
would pro ve a big d raw in g card
hihited from other p a n s of the j eradicating much of the brush and
and, while it would cost consider­
other itiflamable grow th in the near
able to grade and build one, il
While experim entin g along other J bv mountains and as a paying in
should pav for ilself in a season,
lines, it would be well for some en- du strv, these mountain slopes can
by the additional traffic crcato .
terprist,.g farm, r to plant an acre ! be utilized profitably, for the rais-
Spokesm an K e llv did not mention
or two to this product, for which ing amt pasturing of goats
lite ball diamond while here, but hr
Ihcre seems to be a good mark et.
E xp e rim e n ts are now being c a r­
may h ave given the Portland re
ried on along this line and there is
porters an inside tip.
K ve r y day we read o f more mon­ a likelihood of qiti'e a business be­
ey being appropriated by the stale, ing established.
M any farm ers in
or the various counties for more and Ibis section are raising gouts and Methodist 3 0 , Christian 13
better scenic h ig h w ay s. T h e ques­ they seem t J thrive well on the
T h at is the score of the basket- i
tion naturally atises, does it benefit ro ugh lands
ball gam e that was played brtwetn
the state at large and the agricn1-
the teams representing the two E s !
tnral residents as much, to have
ta-ada churches, last F riday after­
T h e article in last yve.k's P r o g ­
fine roadways leading through setn-
noon. T h e Methodist team, com
ress, headed "F^stacada B u ys W a t ­
ic spots, as though the same money
prises largely the C ru sa d e is Class,
e r ” was misleading and should have
was expended in building more and
and is made tip substan tially of
read, ‘ ‘ E stacad a Planning to Buy
lietler h ig h w a y s am ong the less
high school athletes, which ac­
W ater” . Som e of the local people
scenic and more lerUle parts of the
counts for the easy w in nin g; as
feel that the town council, while
their opponents used a pick u p te am ,
empowered co purchase water for
A scenic route usually comprises
comprisin g the church boys ami a
the city, should obtain the senti­
nearby mountains, rushin g streams,
ment of the public, before doing so. couple from the town team.
waterfalls, gigantic boulders, rocky
It would be well to bold a mass
cuts and the like, but these same
meeting to consider the question Reviewers Report Favorably
scenic N]M)t s make m ig hty jxror
and a straw vote would signify the
T h e road reviewers recently re ­
farm in g ground and consequently
consensus of opinion. It is not ported favorab ly to the county
these h ig h w a y s are not helping to
likely that there would be much an­
build up the agricultural sections,
court in the case of the Springwat-
tagonism show n, for everyone ¡ d
nor act as a trade artery for the
Flstacada realizes the need of pure er cut-off road, kn own as the
T h e court will
water and the South F o rk project T r a c h s -1 road.
T h e tendency of the state at large
offers a timely and economical solu­ probably m ake an appropriation of
is to create drayving attractions for
tion, but un less this service can be $ 2 ,ooo to $ 3 ,0 0 0 from the general
the eastern tourists and to provide
purchased at a figure, which will fund, for the im provin g of this
perilous joy riding routes.
allow of a fair proportion of the
a well ploughed eighty acre farm
road and this amount with the spec­
.ncome to be laid aside for the han­
does not look quite as aw e inspir
dling of the water bonds at m atu­ ial tax from the immediate toad
ing as a cataract, hut it is doing a
some other yvater supply district, should greatly im prove
darned sight more good and needs
should tie considered
this convenient h ig h w a y .
the road.
•'u iilisiirtl
Saturday, March 13th 3 pm
A lfa lfa and Molasses, 100 lbs. $1.45
' I NCO RHOR \ T K D l
Watch Drawing
Park & Closner
Hunt Bldq.
tsta ca d a
Kloctsch Mills
First class lumber of all kinds.
Dimension material a specialty.
Prompt deliveries made
from big stock on hand.
Phone or call at mill, at Dodge.
0 . C. Klaetsch, Owner.
I Pay Highest Cash on Delivery
Prices f or
Hogs -
- Cattle
I shall aim to ship a carload
at least every
other Monday
Stock must be delivered at
yards by 11 A. M. on shipping date.
I shall spend certain days in each
month buying stock throughout East­
ern Clackamas County, and if you
have any to sell, phone to R . M. Stan-
dish at Estacada
he will quote
prices and give date o( next shipment.
Livestock Buyer.