Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 21, 1915, Image 5

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    Cheaper than Wheat
“Progressive Scratch Food”
Undoubtedly the best combination
on the market today
Com posed of:-
Chopped Oats
Kaffir Com
Chopped Corn
Sunflower Seed
Oat Groat
Dried Green Peas and Bone Meal
Try a package
$2,60 per 100 lb. sack
Tracy & Givens
January Values
A few o f the $200, $250 and $300 new
pianos can still be had for $08, or the
more showy styles for $145.
used pianola-pianos, which could not pos­
sibly be told from new, at prices ranging
from $285 for the $500 grades, to $488
for the $900 and $1000 grades.
metal tube player-pianos, with four
music rolls, all at genuinely reduced
Player-pianos may now be secured on
terms as low as $12 per month, some for
$10 per month and some for only $2 per
Pianos now only $1 per week.
Attend this exceptional piano sale at
once and make your selection now before
the manufacturers’ representatives, Ells­
worth, Barnes and Davey, leave Portland.
Real mahogany, $250. Uprights,
Better kinds, $325. values, $118. to $145.
Three used Pianola Pianos, like new,
with free music rolls, $488, $335, $285.
Three old-style Pianos,
$45. and $35-
Beautiful new design mahogany cabinet
grands, $335. Smaller $500. sizes, $255.
New style $500. Kimball Uprignts, $318.
Genuine Autopiano Player Pianos in
17 different designs,
$12. a month.
Bungalow Player Piano, biggest toned
little player piano made, $10. a month.
Free music rolls with every player piano.
R. M. Standish,
Estacada Agent.
Broadway at Alder
Portland, Oregon.
S ad ie H o rn ib ro o k
P ia n o a n d Vocal in s tr u c to r
405 12th St. Portland, Ore. or Progress.
T h e C. I. C. dance Saturday eve­
School Notes
ning, was well attended with a
Chris Bittner <>t El wood is repair- [ number of young people present
T he high schools’ negative d e ­
ing an engine at the Klaetsch Mill ! from Gresham. T h e committee re­ bating team met Forest G r o v e ’ s
in Dodge
port a profit of about $1*.
affirmative team at Forest G ro v e
last F'riday evening, and the ques­
Mrs H S. (ones of Portland was
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. W h i t ­
tion of " G overnm en t Ownership of
the guest of relatives at Eagle comb of Portland spent the week Railroads” was thrashed to a " f r a z ­
Creek, last week
end at the home of his parents. Mr. zle ” T h e Estacada worthies proved
H. A . LaBarre returned and Mrs. A O. Whitcomb of G a r ­ conclusively that Government o w n ­
ership would Ire a decided " fiz z le.”
from Portland after a ten da>s visit field.
but the judges were evidently-
with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Viola Douglass of F)agle | bought bv the railroads, for they
ga ve Forest G ro v e the victory b\ a
R S. Coop and wife of Currins- Creek returned to Portland with
vote of two to one. Since the iwo
ville. have returned from an extend- i her daughter, Mrs. S. H. Jones, teams were tied bv the victory at
ed visit among relatives in Kansas.
Estacada, the b o i s will have a
j days.
chance to redeem themselves next
Hugh Mendenhall of Estacada
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burdette of Friday and they returned home
spent a few da y s last week visiting
with the determination to win, if
and Mr. and Mrs. Tinman
his parents at Sheridan. Or.
hard work will do it.
1 of Manitoba, Can. were guests at
Manager Macauley Dale has an­
Grandma Miller and Frank Cum j the home of Lester Hale in Currins
nounced the following schedule for
ins of Viola, are on the sick list at j ville last week.
the basketball teem:
Ralph Lemon o f Garfield, who Jan. 2 2 , Washougal at W a shougal
| T h e Bissel correspondent reports j has been ¡11 in the Good Samari­ ” 30, Vancouver at Estacada
' the ground white with snow for the tan Hospital at Portland, for the Feb. 5, St Johns at St Johns
12. Canbv at Estacada
! oast few days
past few weeks, has returned to ” 19, Hillsboro at Hillslroro
26, St Johns at F)stacada
| Mesdarnes Hans Johnson and H. his home and is about well again.
i Jovner of G eorge, who have been
e A delphic L ’terary Society
J. L. Overton and wife of Ho-
| on the sick list, are both reported quiam, Wash., visited for a few held a special meeting Monday for
the purpose of elecring officers
| to be improving.
days this week at the home o f T h e following officers were elected
Jack T u ck e r and wife who have Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Wright in for the coming semester : Macaul-
av Dale, president; Della Lovell,
lieeti absent for the past six months Estacada.
vice president; Eleanor Bewes. sec­
at Black Hawk. Utah returned this
One of the agricultural classes of
retary; Dora Curriu, treasurer; Otis
week to Estacada.
the High School, i m p ed e d the silo Wagner, sergeant-at-arms; Louis
Mr. Fred Daharsh, wife and baby recently installed by C. C . Saling Jones, vtll leader.
of Payette, Idaho are visiting at the at his Ferttdale TJairf' Ranch near
T h e Adelphics seem to have a
haid time finding offices for all
home of his sister, Mrs. Walter CurriDsvillc.
their members.
G ivens of F'stacada.
W ill Henderson of Oregon City
T he Websterians will giv e a pro­
Miss Nellie H o gy e of Portland is staying with his ptrents in El-
gram at the school next Friday a f­
spent a few davs visiting Miss E t h ­
ternoon. All. who care to come,
el Hale of Curriusville the past father, W T . Henderson, who is are welcome.
slowly improving, after three weeks
O wing to illness. Miss. Myrtle
A. W . Cooke and wife of Damas
Woodle of Estacada arranged with
C. M McAllister of the Portland Miss. Delia R ynning to teach the
cus spent a part of Sa turday and
Sunday with Mrs. S. F'. Howlett of Union Stock Y a rd s was an Esta­ Viola school children during her
cada visitor last week. He is es absence. Miss R y n n in g has been
Eagle Creek.
teaching at Dufur but her school
pecially interested in the develop
closed and she returned to her home
C. W . Standish and wife of
ment and growth of the hog and in F)stacada last month.
Brownsville, are visiting ai the
cattle industries in this section.
T he re were several visitors at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Heury
A. W. Bullís of Kim ball. S D., F.agle Creek G range last Saturday,
T rap p of Garfield.
who has been visiting his brother- among whom were Mrs. Edna Cool-
O. S Matthews and family of S.
id ge of Hood River, Jas Bell of
in law, W . D. Henthorn of E sta­ Sandy and Joe Brackett of Moni­
Estacada. have moved to Milwau-
cada, left last Sa turday for home, tor
Mrs. Coolidge has been visit­
kie. Or. where they will reside per­
via San Diego, where he expects to ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. P.
visit the fair.
T h e dance at the GarGeld C o un ­
Mr. and Mrs. A . E. Sparks of
A. C. Wiederhold of Bissell, met
try Club last F'riday night, was a
Estacada gave a delightful, delayed
with a seiious accident last New Years dinner to a tew friends
success with about 30 couples
the result of a kick from a horse. last Sundav
T h e original affair
T h e blow struck just above the was postponed, owing to the illness
Dr. White of Portland, last week, right lung and will necessitate his of Mrs Sparks, but S u n d a y ’ s din­
tested 22 head of cattle for J. W. remaining in lied for about three ner more than made up for the
Dowty of A lspaugh and reported weeks.
them all to be O. K.
Mr. D. A . W ilco x , formerly of
Miss Sadie Hornibrook o f Port­ Springwater, who has fieen living
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H tip le of land, who is drilling and direct­ with his daughter. Mis. Lillian
Alspaugh entertained a few friends ing the Girls Chorus o f the Esta­ Close of Va nco uver, W ash., was
and telatives at dinner, last S u n ­ cada High School, reports that operated upon last week and at last
report was getting along finely.
they expect to give a concert His sons. G u v and Gerald, and his
R e v Kady, who has been under within the next thirty days, that daughter, Mrs F)ar! Kilgore, went
the weather for a couple of weeks, will be a treat to all who attend. to Vancouver at the time of the
resumed bis preaching at the Viola
Mrs. Non T r a c v and daughter
Eagle Creek G range met last
and Redlaud s churches last Sun­ Lottie, of Garfield are ill with t y ­
Saturday with about sixty people
phoid fever.1 Tlteir daugh ter Ethel in attendance
After dinner, five
H . Joyner of George, recently and son A vo n , have just recovered candidates were obligated in the
purchased a registered Durham from the disease and are able to lie | first and second degrees. T h e offi­
cers elected at the December meet­
bull, which is another step in the about the house. T heir many friends 1
ing were duly installed. C. T .
direction of raising better Ireet and hope that their attack of the disease Dickinson of Oswego, assisted by
dairy stock in that enterprising sec­ will be slight and that they will soon Mrs
Dickinson, officiated as in­
stalling officer.
be well.
News Notes From