MO. 18 oh VOL. 8 . E S T A C A D A . OREGON. TO ADVERTISE CLACKAMAS Gresham Won Commissioner Mat toon states that tila County Court is still consider- in* the advisability ot appropriate ini' a sum of mouev to maintain a representative at the Panama Pacif­ ic Exposition, whose duly will con­ sist of advertising the county. A t the request ot the Oregon City Live Wites, the Court will probably appoint O. E. Eieytag of the Oregon City Commercial Club as the representative, in case they decide to make the appiopriation. Mr. Ereytag would make a good man for the work, if a representa­ tive should tie necessary. There is a possibility that the Clackamas County Fair, which has always been held at Canbv. will not be held this year, owing to the loss sustained last year. The State a p ­ propriates about $ 2 .0 0 0 from the Clackamas taxes, for this fair, to lie used in the premium end of the work. The weather last vear is re­ sponsible for the poor attendance at the county exhibit, but the holding of the fair in the lower corner of the county, will always militate against its success. If the event could be held at Gladstone or at some centrally located point, it would lie better and would receive general countv support. Senator Dinnck is making a good showing from ttie start in the Stale Seuate, and with his experience and tendency towards insurgency, the public will always be aware of the fact that tliete is a county called Clackamas. Mary Never Took the Cow The old rhymes tell about Mary taking her little lamb to school, but it takes the teacher o f the (lurrinsville School to improve on Mary. About two weeks ago, in order to more clearly show her classes, the relative beef and milk values o f a bovine, she had one o f Wilbur Wade’s cows brought into the school house. At last reports, the cow refuses to be milked after the school bell rings. Representative Hunt, when he left fistacada, was not ready for in­ spection, as his face was swollen to double its regular size, from an ul­ cerated tooth and e^eu his friends hardlv knew him. Before reaching Salem he had been treated by a dentist aud explained to his fellow representatives that he had had his corruption relieved before coming to the legislature. It would he wiser for the Court to appropriale a sum of money to help* the East C'ackamas Fair, the Sandy Fair, the George F'air and other e x ­ hibits, than to spend the thousand or more dollars in advertising at San F'rancisco. * A hill lias been presented to the Legislature this ¡ession, to abolish the using of bird dogs in hunting. Th is bill should be defeated. The use of dogs in hunting birds cannot lie classed the same as using dogs in running deer, for in ihe lat­ ter case the deer has no chance and in the former case the hunter has uo chance without the dog. Probably 7 5 % of the pleasure in hunting birds, is experienced in the training and working of the setter or pointer. Hundreds of sportsmen would quit hunting en­ tirely if thev were not allowed this form of the sport The use of the bird dog. • probably increases the mini tier of birds killed, hut the present bird laws amplv protect the hitds from extermination and it is usually the owner of the bird dog who takes a leading part iu the clean enforcement of the game laws. . There is also talk of introducing a bill to allotV hunters to shoot two triuale China pheasants in each bag of five. Tins law should be passtd, for these birds are monogamists and Hie past season showed the fe­ males in a proportion of half a doz­ en to one over the males, in this part of Clackamas Ccuntv. While tile local representatives were anti-Selling men, for the speakership, Speaktr Selling cer­ tainly held no ill feeling against them, judging from the appointing of Hunt as Chairman of the Horti­ culture Committee and schuebel, chairman on Stockraisitig. Mr. Standish will arrange with some owner of a big power sprayer to do the work for all growers w ho wish. This plan seems to meet with approval for the growers are not equipped to do the work them­ selves econoinical'v and in many cases do not know the proper chem­ icals to use. Where an owner mere­ ly has a tree or two in his yard, the power sprayer can do the worx in a few minutes and at slight expense. While the County Court has not asked for an expression of opinion on this subject; as tax payers, we have a right to express our senti­ ments about appropriations, the Live Wires have already expressed theirs, and if there are no objec­ tions, the motion will be carried. Dont Abolish the Bird Dog Much is heard about the Multno­ mah Delegation, hut the Clackamas Delegation is mulling a close sec­ ond in the lime light. Clackamas Represemaiive Scnuehel is well in the lead in the number ot nills he is submitting and our Hon. Guy T. is backing three or four hills, along the lines of amending and repealing laws, relating to road work, aud Hunt certainly ought l^knnw what lie is talking about in that line. He reports that in nearly every instance he met with the co-opera ‘ tion of the grower and the majority cf them were glad to have their or­ chards inspected, with a view to their being properly sprayed and pruned. I Si A Y E A R At the end of the first week of the session of the Legislature. 151 hills had been presented aud no laws passed, bqt it is too earlv yet to draw any conclusions as to the effectiveness of the work that will be done. Inspector Upheld Clackamas county has advertised for settlers for years past, and land­ ed its share during the ‘ ‘boom davs’ ’ and the majority of these settlers are not making more than a bare living today. W h y not help the fairs and stimulate aud educate our present people, rather than take a long shot and try to land more from the tourist and pleasure seekitig crowds at F'riscn? igi.s Estacada’s Representative Fathering Bills P. K Standish of Garfield, the acting County Fruit Insptctor, put in several days this week in Esta- cada and in the Spriugwater coun­ try til connection with his duties 1 21, COUNTY WELL REPRESENTED The Gresham High School bas­ ket ball team, beat the Estacada squad by a score o f 23 to 14, after a hard fought game at the Pavil­ ion last Saturday night. An ex­ tra bunch o f rooters were in at­ tendance from Gresham and Es­ tacada, and the game showed a substantial profit for the athletic association. The visitors had a well drilled team, and with one exception, their men were from two to four inches taller than the locals, which gave them consid­ erable advantage on overhead passes and catches. Money Could Be Used to Better Advantage In urder to make such an adver­ tising campaign effective, a goodlv supply ot high grade advertising matter, shoti'd he at the disposal of the representative A t present, only two cities iu the county have such matter, Oregon City and Esta­ cada. Estacada has a very limited number ot Uieir booklets left as they were largely used up at the past Stale Pair and the Portland Land Products Sh ow Estacada cou <1 not afford to issue other printed matter at this time. The Oregon Cily Commercial Cldh each moiitn issue a sheet, called Oregon City Publicity, which is given lip 10 exploiting the county at large, although the name is misleading This piece of advertising matter is very cheaply gotten up and would hardly stand up in competition aga'pst the high grade booklets and other specimens of the printers' art, which will he distributed by other localities and especially by many of the California communities The experience in using this class of ad­ vertising matter at the recent State Fair and Land Products Show, should have demonstrated the fal­ lacy of trying to distribute unat­ tractive literature. TH URSDAY. JA N U A R Y The local delegation is strong for economy and are getting along with one stenographer for the four mem­ bers. Incidentally Guy T. can be urged to talk about his hobby, the Garfield Country Club. January Girls Entertain 1 Lovelace Buys Farm j I J. F. Lovelace o f Estacada, last week purchased the 20 acre ranch o f I. M. Park in Spring- water. The sale included im­ plements and some stock, This twenty acres adjoins the twenty which Mr. Lovelace owned, and the two combined will make an extra fine place. Smiley Love- lace and w ife o f Estacada, will likely move onto the property and with the assistance o f Neil Bronson, will operate it. The Currinsville January Girls, comprising six of the voting ladies from that section, whose birthdays occur in th. t month, gave a delight­ ful party last Friday night at the Currinsville Halt. About 45 of the voting folks were present and en­ joyed an evening with games and dainty refreshments. The January Girls comprise the Misses Minnie Steinma-i. Nina Taylor, Doris Lo v­ ell. Mvrtle Looney, FLthel Hale and Echo Wade. New Location I Dr. R; Morse of Estacada, has purchased the office effects o f the late Dr. Haviland. and will soon occupy Dr. Haviland’s former office on Main between 1st and 2nd Sts., but will retain his res­ idence over the Drug Store. I