Baking Powder Week W e have a large supply of high-grade Bakin# Powder Prze Medal Brand which we offer S P E C I A L for this week at 45c per can A valuable prize of crockery or glass­ ware goes with EVERY can, many of them worth nearly the price asked for the Baking Powder. Every Can Guaranteed “The Quality Grocers” Waterbury & Chapman Estarada, - Oregon Special on Rugs They Are Going Fast Body Brussels, 9x12 $15.75 to 18.75 Brusselo (all wool )9 x l2 $10.50to 13.00 H alf Wool 9 x lC G $6.00 to 7.00 W e also have a nice line of small rugs. To Keep the Floor ('lean Rope Door Mats - 75c to $1.25 Estacada Furniture Co. Green Tracing Stamps $? a d ay Undertaker* J i o a w eek The Hotel Estacada M O D K K N C O N V E N IE N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Quality is Rem em bered W e are in business to sell Good Goods at Lowest Prices. The mail order houses neither buy your pro­ duce, help pay your taxes or sup­ port your schools. Trade A t Home. Estacada Pharmacy A Municipal Report jMii'uis inai nan in: in»* editors s\v car ; the gate post and the lirst paling of approvingly over their I o'clock lun ch- i the gate. But when you got inside you poll. So they had commissioned me 1 to J saw that Mil was a shell, a shadow, a round up said Adair and <*ortu*r by ghost o f form er grandeur and excel contract ids or her output at *J cel t leuce. But in the story I have not yet word before some other publisher o f­ , got inside. fered tier 10 or -b. j When tile hack had ceased from rat At P o ’clock tin* next moniing. lifter I fling and the weary quadrupeds came ill.v eiiicken livers eii brochette (try ! to a rest 1 funded my jeliw his r»o cents them if you can lind that Imtefi, I > with an additional quarter, feeling a strayed out into the drizzle. wliieli was i glow o f conscious generosity as 1 did still on for an unlimited run. At the | so. li e refused it. first earner I came upon I'tid e Caesar j “ It’s $2. suh." he said. U e was a stalwart negro. older than "H o w ’s that*/" I asked. "I plainly the pyramids, with gray wool and a heard you cull out at the hotel. ' Fifty face that reminded me of Brutus and cents t«> any part o f the town a second afterw ard of tin* late King "It's $*J. suh." he repeated obstinate CYtewayo. lie wore the most remark­ I ly. "It's u long ways from the hotel.” able coat that 1 ever had seen or e x ­ " I t is within the city limits and well pect to see It reached to Ids ankles I within them.’ I argued I >