Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 14, 1915, Image 3

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    Plow Shares
Discs and Cutaways
All kinds of tools
Metal Repairing
Electric Wiring
We Are Still Selling Feed
$3. per bbl.
1.75 »
’ yd.
2.50 ’ M.
Casing Lumber and stepping prices,
dependent on grade.
Estacada Lumber
and Produce Co.
As ever, all promises are for a ses­ the pigs to a tnarketab'e age aud
confining its energies to econo­ dispose of them to the best advan­
(I n corporated )
mies and the passing of fewer and tage. paying off the note with the
Published Fverv lliu rsd ay Morning at better bills, but the outcome will proceeds of the sale. In the work
probably bt a repetition of former done by the hog clubs of the North­
R . M. Standish, Editor nud Manager
years with bills galore on the pio- west last year, an tleven year old
and every new legislator striv­ girl at Washougal, Wash, made a
Entered at the postoffice In Estacada Ote«on as
second class mail
ing to reach the lime light, by way clear profit of $79 on one brood
of a new bill aimed at that old fa­ sow. In this instance two litters.
One yejr............................................................... $1 00 miliar mark, the corporations
The 24 pigs in all, were produced. Lo­
SI* months ........................................................
Progress will not have a special cal educators have expressed the
correspondent at Salem during this opinion that this is the most im­
Thursday, January 14 , IQI 4
session, hut it will try to keep tile portant step ever taken in this line
local people well informed as to the of work and, as tar as known, the
That H ard-W orked Dollar doings of the Clackamas Comoy first movement of the kind ever
One of the main results of the representatives and it hopes to lie started in the United States.
present (pilet business conditions in able to chronicle only wise and
and about Kstacada is the delayed sane actions on their part.
Jury List for District 14
In the Justic; Court the following
Evtrv merchant in Estacada is
The Southern Pacific has an­ names were drown for the 1915 ser­
experiencing this same embarrass­ nounced the rates which will apply vice:
ment His bills are usually due the to tourist travel between Portland
J W Reed
ioth day of the month succeeding and San Francisco during the pe­
F J Harkenrider
purchase and the big Portland and riod of the great exposition, tickets
J F" Lovelace
other foreign firms, extend little to be on sale daily between Febru­
J P Irwin
leniency. In the case of the local ary 15 and November 30. On 90
Granville Linn
customer, there is a jrersonal friend­ day limit tickets the rate will be
Hal Gibson
ship element that does not appear #351 0,1 30 day tickets, $30; on
Gideon Krigbaum
in the transaction lretwecn the mer­ special occasions, such as important
J A Somer
chant and the firm that he buys conventions, & , a round trip rate
James Smith
from. Consequently the local mer­ will be made of *26.75 with a 15-
J C Dims
chant is averse to pressing his col­ dav limit and stop-over privilege
John Stunner
lections for fear he will hurt a cus­ on the return trip To the exposi-
Doc Palmateer
tomer's ftemigs and with the de­ tion at San Diego, the toad will
Wm, Dale, Sr.
layed payment of accounts by bis make a round-trip rate of $52 25
Raney Crawford
trade, he is hard pressed by bis with a limit of 40 days and stop­
T J Reagan
over privileges both ways.
Lloyd Yocum
• There is not much actual money
Noah Stingley
in circulation in this part of the
A Moriow
Oregon School Children to
stale at this time and little outside
Phil Standish
Raise Hogs
Chas E Linn
money is comiug in, consequently
Adolf Miller
A conference of far reaching im­
ttade has to Ire handled by the
Jack Inglish
steady passing around of such cur­ portance to the livestock industry
Warren Harr
of the Pacific Northwest was held
rency as is in circulation
Fred Bartholomew
A dollar in Estacada pays a lot at the Portland Union Stockyards a
J J Marchbank
D \1 Marshall
of bills in the course of a month, few days ago. As a result of this
J H Tracy
and usually merchant number 2 conference, arrangements have i>een
John K Ely
cannot pay his bill until number 1 made whereby it will lie possible to
Wilbur Wade
has passed on that dollar, etc. an send out 1.000 or more brood sows
J S Osborne
to the boys and girls of Oregon,
L J Palmateer
R G Marchbank
If you are one of the fortunate these animals being treated for, and
U S Morgan
ones, who has money on hand these guaranteed against cholera. The
Koht. Cnrrin
day*, make it a point to pay your
Edw. W Shearer
bills just as early in the month as are to be sold at prices ranging
Conrad Krigbauui
possible and within a week the from $ 18 to $25 each, and in pay­
H D Trapp
H G Trowbridge
chances are that the money has satis­ ment the Stock people will accept
Fred Bates
fied mauv accouuts and eliminated a note running from 8 to to months
J P Steinman
a lot of hours of worry on the part at 6 per cent interest, the note to
li E Saling
of the various people, who are try­ be indorsed by the father of guard­
C C Saling
ing to make their collections by the ian- of the boy or girl and approved
C R Looney
by the county school superinten­
C R Lovell
Edger Heiple
dent. The family of infant pork­
The 28th session of the Oregon ers will appear in four or five weeks «.Lester Hale
E N Foster
L eg islatu re beRan last Monday and after shipment of the sow, and the
Otto Paulsen
from now on the news columns bov or girl will have plenty of time
Rov Douglas
Sam J Howe
will be full of nays, yeas and bray s. before their note matures to bring
But w« are overstocked with the following;-
Cement, 4 sacks to bbl.
Sand, 2500 lbs. per yd.
Horatio Alger Books-
Good binding,
Ladies’, Men’s and-
Children’ s Hose, pair
Silk Lisle Hose,
W ool
Good Lines of Granite Ware Just In
Park & Closncr
Hunt B ld g .
Kldetsch Mills
First class lumber of all kinds.
Dimension material a specialty.
Prompt deliveries made
from big stock on hand.
Phone or call at mill, at Dodge.
0 . C . Klaetsch, Owner.
I shall be in Estacada next Sat­
urday, Sunday and Monday.
Phone to Mr. Standish in Esta­
he will furnish you the
market prices and give further infor­
mation regarding shipping and buying
Leave word with him if
you wish to have me call on you.
I pay cash on de­
livery for all livestock purchased and
I will
and buy there, if you prefer.
Livestock Buyer.