Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 14, 1915, Image 2

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    Basketball Saturday
W hen Properly C jre d For Th e y Are
Valuable F j r m Animals.
T h e prin cip les ot sheep hu sban d ry
m ust first be learn ed in order to be
su c c essfu l In the b u sin ess and d erive
a profit, w rite s a correspond ent o f the
A m erican C u ltiv a to r
T h at «beep are
v a lu a b le oil a fa rm Is ce rta in ly true
T h e fe rtility o f an y land w hich U run
dow n can very q u ic k ly l»e built up
njrntn if sheep ure placed upon it. For
th is reason the sheep has its proper
n am e, the “ gulden h o o f "
It m ay be
m entioned rig h t Here that sheep w ill
n ev er th riv e and do w ell If Kept ou
low . wet. m arsh y land
They w ill at
w a y s Im prove the fe rtility o f the mod
on w hich they a re an d by no m enus
e v e r lo w er it
It Is an undisputed fa c t that the
m an u re o f sheep is m uch richer than
School Notes
The H a m p s h ir e breed ut eh eep .
w h ic h
so m ew h at
r e s e m b le s
th e
S h r o p s h ir e , is In c re a sin g ! in p o p u ­
l a r it y in th is c o u n t r y
It nua m a n y
p o in ts coiiiin en ittn jc It a s a ( a r m
b re e d
O n e or it s s tr o n g c h a r a c ­
t e r is t ic s Is th e r a p id g r o w t h m a d e
b y th e la m b s w h e n y o u n g
H am p­
s h ir e s a r e th e la r g e s t o f th e m e ­
d iu m w ool b re e d s
They are h eavy
a n im a l s a n d fo r g r a z in g on ro u g h
la n d a r e p e r h a p s n ot s o Well a d a p t ­
ed a s s o m e o f th e lig h te r a n d m o re
a c t i v e b re e d s
T h e p ic t u r e s h o w s a
p riz e w in n in g H a m p s h it e r a m
that or o th er liv e stock w ith the ex
volition ot (lint o( ch ick en s
fu rth erm ore, they th e m selve s sp read
the uni m ire m ore ev en ly on tin- land
than any m an u re s p re a d e r can do that
lias a s yet is-cu invented .
A giaal
h e av y crop o f g rain , corn or Vt'gelrttiles
nniy lie exp ected w hen a coat o f sheep
m an u re has la-cn ap p lied on ttie land.
A noth er a d v a n ta g e o f keep ing sheep
Is Unit they a re v e ry fond o f w eeds
am i w ill eat som e o f them m p re fe r
once to gcsid g r a s s
A u th o rities claim
Unit, sh eep w ill ea t o v e r 4 IKI ot ttie
* iki dilTereut kin ds o f w eeds whlt-l!
grow on o u r fa rin g
M any tim es they
w ill a lso ea t ttie w a ste g r a s s arou nd
tru c es amt cornel's w hich Is left by
oth er stock
It Is 11 g en eral «'omplatnt n o w a d a y s
all o v er tin- cou n try th at eom is-teut
tiilsir Is v e ry sc a rc e , hut It m ust tie
sntd that at ttie tim e w hen the farmer
Is liuslesr w ith his p lo w in g , seed ing,
c u ltiv a tin g uiid lu trvestln g . tils stus-p
w ill c a u se him rlu- least am ount of
w ork, null thus m ay he culled labor
It at tills tim e they have
enough g r a s s to cu t. good fresh w a te r
to d rin k and h a v e a c c e ss to salt at all
tim es they w ill Is- fu lly snll*ttc<!
A baby daughter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Closner
of Estaeada, Thursday morning,
Jan 14th. Mother and child are
uoing nicely.
Bill Underwood, Fred Bannister,
Henry Fanton and
Paul Morrow of Estaeada left this
W ho’s the Guy?
The Estucaila High Sclxxil bas­
ket hall team, quietly crept hack to
their home town, after their con­
templated capture of the Canby
laurel* *. Ttie local hovs were de­
feated to the tune of 38 to it and
had several excuses to offer, hut
undoubtedly the best one, was the
superior playing of their antagon­
The E . H. S. gang are far from
discouraged and hope to win ftotn
Gresham next Satutdav night, at
the Ksiacada Pavilion. The game
will be called at 7 o’ clock sharp as
the C. I. C. dance begins at 8:30
The dancers should take advantage
of this chance to witness a good
game before the dancing begins.
In the current issue of the Week 1
lv News Bulletin, the following 1
paragraph appears:— ‘ Guv I.aFol ;
lette is the new owner of the Crook ¡
County Journal at Prineville, Or” .
This is undoubtedly the same
G u y that used to edit the Progress
and if so, the Crook County pi ople
are to be congratulated, rtt last
report LaFollette was holding down
the editorial chair of the Helena,
Mont. Independent, hut possibly
this is merely a side line and he will
hire someone else to run the new
acquisition. LaFollette has a ranch
at Crescent and intends to boom
local values.
Union Meat Salesman Here
Not satisfied with merely paying
out' their money to the local farm­
ers, the Union Meat Co. have sent
out their representative, R. E
Crego, who is representing their
Fertilizer and Animal Food De­
partment. Mr. Crego will canvass
this country with a -«iew of educat­
ing tile hog raisers to the use of
animal fertilizers and especially the
using of "tankage” for hog feeding.
Inasmuch as this ‘ ‘tankage” is used
by the leading swine raisers and is
endorsed hy experts, it is likely ii
will find a ready sale iu this vicin-
The High School Student Body
held its regular monthly meeting
last Friday and elected the fol­
lowing officers: Leroy Gard, Pres­
ident; Leona Gard, V. P-; Vene-
ta Page, Secy,; Echo Wade,
Treas.; Clyde Denny, Sergt. at
Arms; Chester Womer, Yell Ldr.
and Eleanor Bewes, Asst.
The Adelphic Literary Society
will render their last program of
this semester, next Friday at
I >ty.
2:30 oclock.
A special meeting of the Web-
Priscillas Elect
sterian Literary Society elected
Earl Tracy, Pres.; Nellie Bonney
A very interesting meeting of the
V. P .; Gladys Townsend, Secy- Friscilla Club of Currinsville was
Treas. and Chet Womer, Serg. at held at the home of Mrs. E. Ii Sal-
ing on Saturday, Jan. 9th.
The debaters will debate with j A light luncheon was served at
Forest Grove at the school house ' noon to about 25 officers, members
Friday evening at 7:30. Show and visitors.
Th e members added greatly to
that you are interested by attend­
the pleasures of the afternoon bv
toasts readings, fortune telling and
The regular meeting of the singing.
The following officers were e'ect-
George Social and Commercial
Club was held at the club house ed for the ensuing term: Miss Fal­
Saturday evening, Jan. 9th. Af- len Erickson was re-elected presi
te’r the usual business meeting, dent; Mrs. Gladys Hughes, vice
a short literary program was giv­ president; Miss Minnie Strinman
en, followed by an informal was re elected secretary; Miss Edith
dance. The next meeting will be Trowbridge, assistant secretary;
held the evening of January 30. | Mrs. E . E . Baling, reporter and
This is the annual meeting for j Mrs. H. H. Yount, toast mistress
The Club will meet tile first Sat­
the election of officers.
urday iu Feb., at the home of Mr.-.
Mrs. H. V. Adix of Estaeada, | Youut.
entertained fourteen of the young
folks last Tuesday afternoon, in
honor of the 10th. birthday of
Victor Adix. Games were play­
ed and the delightful refresh­
ments served by the hostess, end­
ed a happy afternoon. In the
evening a few of her friends;
who had heard rumors of the de­
lightful refreshments of the af­
ternoon, called and completely
devastated the bountiful supply
which remained.
The Springwater Grange met
last Saturday, electing the fol­
lowing set of officers: - Master,
Lauren Tenny; Overseer, J. F.
Moger; Lecturer, Mrs. J. F. Mog-
er; Chaplain, Rev. C- F. Aue;
Steward, J. C. Peterson; Pomo­
na, Mrs. C. F- Aue; Flora, Mrs.
Jas Shibley; Ceres, Mrs Ed Clos­
ner; Treas., Ed Closner; Secy.,
Elva Shibley; Asst., F.veret Shib­
ley; and Mrs. Chas Folsom, Lady
The Springwater Chorus is plan­
R. B. Gibson of Eagle Creek re­
Creek. ning a “ costume concert" for the cently sold to Buyer Lucke. a 4 25 lb
\V. A. Jones is in charge of getting near future.
A new chapel organ sew, which brought $ 2 6 52 on the
hoof at Estacada.
the party safely to their destination. will soon lie installed.
Estacada State Bank
Make it
We are operating a on
the most conservative principles, and we
respectfully solicit your patronage
Make use of our savings and check­
ing service, and fee; free to store your
valuable papers in our safe deposit vaults.
Call on us if you wish advice or as­
sistance, whether borrowing or loaning.
For insurance our service is of the
best and we want you to avail yourself
of our service.
U R O Y D. W A lktH . President
Vice President
Interesl paid on time deposits.
German American Coffee
1 pound cans
í i
» 1
Steel Cut
M. .) . B. Coffee
1 pound cans
3 * »
- $1.00
Ground and Whole
Golden West Coffee
1 pound cans
3 ”
Bulk Coffee
25c - 30c - 35c
Eggs are as good as Cash.
Estaeada Home Bakery
G. H. Lichthorn, Propr.
Palace Meat Market
Fred Jortf, Proprietor
Lard, Eggs, Butter, Sausage
Fresh and
Smoked Meats
Fresh Fish
every Friday
Buy and Sell Veal,
Hogs, Sheep, Cattle
Phone Main 83.
week to work for the Bittner
& Shingle*Co
Estacada, Oregon