Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 07, 1915, Image 4

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Plow Shares
Discs and Cutaways H f r A j i n f l
All kinds of tools U l U U I I U
Metal Repairing
Electric Wiring
We Are Still Selling Feed
Casing Lumber and stepping prices,
dependent on grade.
Estacada Lumber
and Produce Co.
A nnouncement
We beg to announce to the citizens of Estacada and this community, that we have taken
over the Flour & Feed business, formerly conducted by J. F. Lovelace of Estacada.
With the cooperation and support of our friends and the people of this part of the coun­
ty, we intend to conduct a first class business, handling only the best of stock, and at
prices fair to both consumer and dealer.
It is our intention to ultimately enlarge the business to include several additional lines,
but at present we will confine our efforts to the same lines as have formerly been handled.
We have taken over not only the business and good-will of the former owner, hut have
purchased all accounts, so that such indebtedness as may be due the former management,
can be paid to us.
We hope to warrant your present and future business, and trust that our trade
relations may be both cordial and beneficial.
TP.ACY & GIVENS, Successors to J. F. Lovelace, Estacada, Oregon.
i I ncorporated '
P ub lishe d
fv e r v
T h u rsd ay
M o rn in g
í^. M. Standisti, Editor «nd Manager
at the
poatofflce In Estacada. O re go n
second cla ss mai.
O n e year.................................................... $1 0 0
Sli months......................................................
Thursday, January 7. 1914
T h e A d v a n ce
sums up the
The Oregon Federation of Wo­
men’ s Chibs are making a prelim­
inary canvas to ascertain the num­
ber of crippled children, in the state
of Oregon, io whom they may furn­
ish free medical treatment of the
most modern .scientific kind, that is.
in all cases where the family in­
come is not sufficient for expensive
consultation with specialists.
In a letter to the Progress, they
request that the readers advise Mrs.
Millie R. Trumbull. Secv, of the
Child Welfare Commission, 2$o %
Third St., Portland, Oregon, of
any child, who is crippled as the
result of an accident, spinal menin­
gitis, infantile paralysis, tubercul-
Horatio Alger Books-
Good binding, each 15c
Ladies’, Men’s and-
Children’s Hose, pair 15c
Ladies’ Silk Lisle Hose, pair 25c
Men’s Wool Socks
pair 20c
Good Lines of Granite Ware Just In
Hunt Bldg.
E stacad a
Kletsch Mills
First class lumber of all kinds.
Dimension material a specialty.
Prompt deliveries made
from big stock on hand.
Phone or call at mill, at Dodge.
hicle on the public highways. Bui
there should be a law compelling
every vehicle to carrv some light,
especially during the extremely dark
nights of winter: not that two teams
are liable to collide, but to do away
wiih danger of collisions with art
auto, for the auto driver can only
see the road a short distance ahead
of his machine and on other than
level or straight roads, can see less.
Outside of the beam of light cast
by an auto headlight, it is especial­
ly dark and every auto driver will
agree that it is dangerous for any
vehicle to be on the road without
sotnu kind of a light, if only a lan­
tern swinging from the dash board
New Year's Resolutions as follow's:
“ Despise not good resolutions,
nor mock too much at those who
make and break them. Were it not
fletter to resolve to he better and to ¡ ° S'S of ,he bones or joints- ur froni
keep that resolution for one day ¡ anv 0 ,b cr c r lP P lin* cause
It is maintained that these little
than that the whole 365 should he
A meeting of all organizations
lived on unaspiring levels? And if cripples, besides being the most and growers interested in fruit and
the good resolution should last for pitiful of all cases of helplessness, vegetable by-products will be held
two days, or ten, and then collapse and besides being without organ­ in Portland, January 25th.
and let ns sag hack to where we ized assistance, in contrast with the
were, and no lower, should we not great state institutions for the deaf,
thank God for the two or ten davs blind and feeble minded, are also
The funeral services for the late
of lietter living and of larger hope? the most curable if treated in time
Dr. Haviland of Estacada, were
But not all good resolutions are
held in Holman Chapel in Oregon
shortlived. Some last the whole | *° make K001’ ' stronK- useful citi-
City, with interment in Mountuiu
vear through and justify themselves' zens
View Cemetery, Saturday, Jan 2nd
For this work, many noted physi­
in that thev make room for other
at 1 1 o'clock. A number of Es
and still better resolutions. No one cians are offering their services free
tacada friends and relatives attend
is so had hut he can afford the lux- and men and women all over the
ed the services.
mv and extravagance of resolving state are interested ill the cause.
If you know of anyone who could
to be fc.tter, and no one is too good
to deny himself this added satisfac­ be benefitted by this crusade, notify
tion. the solemn hope and inspir­ Mrs. Trumbull or notify this office
and the names will he sent in to
Deputy Game Wardens Patton
ing purpose of improvement."
the proper parties.
and Ames made a second trip last
Oregon City is proud of its 1914
week into the mountains beyond
record and well may tt be, with a
Sometime ago complaint was reg­ Molalla and located two more illeg­
decrease of 55"« in the number of
arrests due to the liquor traffic, as istered at this office, against auto al deer slayers. The wardens fi­
compared with the previous year, mobiles using the public highways nally had to obtain search warrants
under the booze regime. If figures at night, without having their and after a thorough search of the
were available, showing a compari­ lights on. The complaint was jus­ violators’ homes, found sufficient
son between Kstaeada's wet and dry
tified and the law requires that cer­ fresh deer meat to warrant the
davs, it would show about 99.99"),
arrests. The arrested men will lie
less arrests; and one entpiv building, tain fore and aft lights be lighted.
tried at Oregon City, January 8th,
owned bv a non-resident, is about
the only penalty to date.
the pedestrian and the horse ve- and a conviction should be obtained,
By Products Meeting
Dr. Haviland Buried
Estacada W ardens
M ake More Arrests
But we are overstocked with the following!-
Cement, 4 sacks to bbl. $3. per bbl.
1.75 ’ ’
Sand, 2500 lbs. per yd. 3. ’ yd.
Lathes . . .
2.50 * M.
0. C. Klaetsch, Owner.
Hogs- Cattle-Sheep
I shall be in Estacada next Sat­
urday, Sunday and Monday.
Phone to Mr. Standish in Esta­
cada and he will furnish you the
market prices and give further infor­
mation regarding shipping and buying
dates. a
Leave word with him if
you wish to have me call on you.
Remember, I pay cash on de­
livery for all livestock purchased and
I will gladly come to your place
and buy there, if you prefer.
Livestock Buyer.