High School Family Reunion In 1865 l'hilip Linn and family Election o f Student Body offi­ crossed the plains from Illinois 10 cers tomorrow afternoon. Great Oregon and located in what is now interest is being taken and sev­ known as Currinsville. In 1886 eral offices are being hotly eon- P h ilip Linn died and his s u rvivo rs tested. in this viein lv are a d au ghter and The Freshmen pennant can two sons, Mrs. N an cy Shankland ; now be seen hanging proudly ami G ranville Linn of Cnrrin sville [ with those o f the other classes, and their children and Ed Linn of in the assembly room. Garfield Be sure and plan nothing for A s a surprise t i ^ Mrs. Nancy Shankla nd, who recently returned the night o f January 29th, as that from an extended stay in Portland, : is the date the High School play a family reunion* with a suniptous will be given. dinner was held at her home o r The Basket Ball team goes to N e w Y e a r s ’ s day. Canby next Saturday to play the After dinner a fam ily picture was High School team o f that place. taken, which included four genera Following will be the line-up: tions, namely Mrs. Nan cy S h a n k ­ Dale C., Gard and Wagner F., land, her son Klmer, his daughter, Denny and Bartlemy G. With Mrs. Clarence O 'N e el, and her this new line-up E. H. S. ought daughter Roberta. to win. T here were in all about forty de- , Remember that our affirmative cendants present, made up largely team in debate, meets the Dayton of local people and W. E. Lin n oi negative team in the High School Clayton, 111. T h e r e were many Assembly Hall one week from to­ other decendants living in C lacka­ morrow night at 7:15. We have mas county, who were unable to be a good chance for the district present. FOODS THAT MAKE Estacada State Bank HARD SHELLED EGGS ■ D H B D W i T he feeding o f hens for the pryduo ttou o f hard shelled eggs not easily ! breakable In handling is possible and demands attention Shells vary grout ly in strength. A strong, heavy shell is not nearly so likely to be broken by the Jars, Jolts and rough handling incident t.» ordinary shipm ent as a weak one. Chem ical analyses show that the shell o f the egg is largely carbonate of lime, hut that it also contains carbo­ nate o f m agnesia, mineral phosphate and som e organic matter. If strong shells are to be produced the mineral elements must not be lacking, (»rains that are ordinarily fed d o uot ooutiilu these mineral elem ents in sufficient pi*o|>ortions. and an additional and sep arate supply Is necessary Fortunately these mineral elem ents are available in much cheaper form s than in grains. i Notice Persons knowing themselvea to be indebted to Dr. Haviland will please make settlement with the Doctor’ s widow at Estaeada Hotel at the earliest possible moment, thus conferring a favor and kindness upon Mrs. Haviland. Creditors will please send item­ ized statements. I D o n ’ t fo o d th e b ro o d w w Call on us if you wish advice or as­ sistance, whether borrowing or loaning. For insurance our service is o f the best and we want you to avail yourself ttf our service. I f ROY D. WAIKTR. President 1 pound 3 ” Vice President cans - ” - Steel Cut 30c 85c M. J. B. Coffee 1 pound cans - 40c 3 ” - $1.00 Ground and Whole Golden West Coffee 1 pound 3 ” cans - 40c - $1.00 Bulk Coffee 25c - 30c - 35c Eggs are as good as Cash. Estaeada Home Bakery G. H. Lichthorn, Propr. It p a y s to d ry pick p ou ltry The fo w l look s, k e e p s and ta stes b e tte r H a n g b ird s as s h o w n in the pictu re. W ith head in o n e hand g r a s p la rg e w ing fe a th e r s firm ly w ith the oth er and w ith d ra w n e x i the tail feu th ers. then ten d er p o rtion s o f th e b od y ,, su ch a s a b d o m e n , breast, b a ck and th igh s G ra sp a sm all h a n d fu l at a tim e and pull in d ir e ctio n o f least re s is ta n c e on Mam Street, have moved into the house recently occupied by Lim e is the principal ingredient o f oys­ the W ousters in So uth Estaeada. ter shells, which may he procured for Do not buy a hörst* that »* too light Tor your work, iu u will gain nothing by overburdening him He will hihiii becom e un- sound and wear out. Make use o f our savings and check­ ing service, an ! feel free to store your valuable papers in our safe deposit vaults. German American Coffee notifying the Progress office, for Mr. and Mrs. L aw ren ce Crudin- the furnishing o f these supplies is the least we can do to repay you. skv entertained a number of the ! ’ ! 1 t We are operating'a modern hank on the most conservative principles, and we respectfully solicit your patronage. Interest paid on time deposits. ness du ring the illness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. N . L . Kirchetn of Oregon City, spent Christm as with her p ar­ R. H. Monekton and F am ily. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J . C . Duns of Low er Garfield and the following Notice Correspondents Satu rd ay the entire fam ily were en­ If you are out o f stationery and tertained at a dinner given by H e r­ postage, dont be backward about man Duus and wife. New County Officers Begin YOUR BANK THOMAS YOCUM. championship, and if a large crowd is present, we will surely Card of Thanks. win. Come and hear both sides We wish to thank our many o f the Government ownership of friends and neighbors fortheir kind­ railroads expounded. The newly elected county offi­ cers who began their duties last : +*v++++++-r-.--. . . .... »»♦♦♦«♦♦ H O R S E S A N D S W IN E . Monday morning are, Miss Iva Harrington, County Clerk; H. H. ’ S h o e s s h o u ld up n w f e v e r y Johnson, Surveyor; E. P. Ded- I four or m i Week*, itrvoui ug to . man. Recorder; Adam Knight, 1 file condition of the teel Commissioner; and W. J. Wilson, • Don t forge! to provide dry. j warm and well %«u thated Hog ! Eheritf. » •bonne* Make it IRWIN 0. WRIGHT, Cashier t } o u n g people of Sprin gw ater at their home on N e w Y e a r ’ s K ve, Neighbors Not Suspected with dancing and music. Am id a A f t t r s t v e ra l d a y s ami nights of thundering volley from the family secret detective w ork, L . Y . Cong- artillery, the guests sat down at don of C urrinsville has gained s u f­ midnight to a delicious luncheon. ficient evidence to w arrant the con­ S. H. Wooster and fam ily and clusion that the "Missing S i x Harold Wooster and w ift have Ln ave s of Bread” is the result of a moved back to their residences on prowling dog and wishes to have B roadw ay, in listacada. Tom tile Progress state that no neigh­ Watson and family, who have bors are or t v e r were suspected. l»een living iu the Bates house S M B B IB M n B H I $10 to $12 ¡1 ton Iron, magnesia and often phosphorus in many kinds o f urtiticlai grit may lie procured for about the sam e price, while these ele m eats in grain would cost at least doll hie these figures , Bone meal contains phosphorus m appreciable am ounts besides lime, m agnesia, etc., and. w hile expensive. Il Is effective 111 giving the shell an even ness and fineness o f texture which adds much to Its strength It Is there fore often used as an Ingredient for dry mashes for laying flocks, usually In am ount varying from 3 to 5 per cent Palace Meat Market Fred Jorg. Proprietor Lard, Eggs, Butter, Fresh and Fresh Smoked Fish Buy and Sell Hogs, Sausage Meats every Friday Veal, Sheep, Cattle Poultry and Hides to o • much corn. ! I f your bon** fall« don't shout at bim or beat Dim; help him to Ret up. Kaise horses for big money, rattle for sure money and nogs I for quick m oney is an old auy • lug and a good one. H in t fo r H o g R a*ser*. It Is a com m on mistake with many j to try to keep too many **»w* or more j than they ran give propet nffenrioti I to during the period* of pregnancy | birth and sm kiing ihiring all throe , period* tne> must r»e cared for cor reefp if good result» are expected I wttn trie dtters Phone Main 83. Broadway Estaeada, Oregon