Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 07, 1915, Image 1

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    NO. 16 oi< VOL 8
Walter Givens, who for the
past few years has been in charge
•of the P. 1L L. & P. Co’s, sta­
tion at Estacada, and pastor of
the Estacada Christian Church,
and his friend, Mr. H. H. Tracy
of Portland, recently joined for­
ces and purchased the flour and
feed business, formerly conduct­
ed by J. F, Lovelace.
The new firm took over the
business the first of the year.
Walter Givens will be in entire
charge, ana temporarily Mr.
Tracy will remain in Estacada,
but ultimately will return to
Portland, where he has other
business interests.
The firm name will be Tracy &
Givens, and they have taken over
the entire business, including all
accounts, stock and good-will.
As Mr. Givens is well known
in this part of the county and
has a host of friends among the
townspeople and farmers, the
new firm will do a successful
business from the start. They
have the good wishes of the Prog­
ress and their many friends, in
their new undertaking.
J. F. Lovelace the late owner
and founder of the business,
after six years close attention to
the work, is planning to tempo­
rarily take a much needed rest.
He intends to improve and work
on his twenty acre property in
Springwater, and during the
summer expects to visit the Pan­
ama Pacific Exposition, with his
I-Iaskell-Horner M arriage
T H U R SD A Y , JA N U A R Y 7.
Detective Sues for $2,000.
Confidence Needed
Detective I.. L. Levings lias
started suit against Clackamas
coinin', to col'ect $2.000 ior sei-
v ces rend .Ted in the Hill murder
A movement is being started in
the Northwest to bring back good
business, bv creating confidence.
The constant repetition of the pow-
ertul little phrase "Business is
Good" will generate the unanimous
confidence and that is all business
needs. Lei Eastern C'ackuinas join
this movement and may tile mer­
chants recite this little phrase when­
ever the opportunity arises.
Levings has a contract dated last
Ju li, signed by Judge Anderson
and Commissioner Smith, autlioilz-
ing him to gather evidence. This
contract apparently was not made
in duplicate, for no recoid of the
agreement is on file and further­
more it was not signed liv Commis
sinner .Walloon, all hough it Is pos
sible lliat (lie signature of the third
tiicuilier of the conn was not nec­
Best Dance of the Season
llie annual Firemen's Dance
brought out llie biggest crowd that
has attended a dance in a year.
The lloor, management and mu­
sic were excellent ami everyone had
a good time
It it had not been
for several private parties which
were held that same night, a larger
crowd would have been prescut.
Levings presented his bill and
the court has refused to pav same.
From all accounts. Ins bill was ail
that lie did present, as no facts or
evidence to help convict the mur­
derer of the Hill family has shown
up vet.
Garfield Dance
From a legal standpoint, it looks
as though Levings has a prettv
good chance of getting some sort of
a settlement and that from the tax
payers' money.
Heiple Kirchem W edding
Miss. Mamie Heiple of Currlns-
ville and Mr. Hugh Kirchem of Lo­
gan were quietlv married at Van­
couver, last Wednesday.
Tile young couple will make their
future home in Logan.
many friends wish them much hap­
Invitation to Gresham
Edgar Horner, >oungest of the
well known and popular Horner
brothers of Dodge, and Miss Doro­
thea Haskell of Long Beach, Calif,
were united in marriage at the
Horner home, Satutday. Jan. 2nd,
the Rev. C F. Aue officiating
The happy couple left for a short
trip, after which they will make
their home in their new buugalow
at the Horner Bros.’ Mill.
H. E. Davis, the president of the
Gresham Cannery Co., in a letter
to the Progress, extends a cordial
inyitation to all growers to attend a
meeting of the Gresham Cannery
members, Monday, Jan. n th , «1:30
A. M. At which time the work
for the coming year will lie dis­
cussed and the visitors will he al­
lowed to inspect the new cannery,
and familiarize themselves with the
C. I. C. Invited
M asquerade Bail
The ladies of the Civic Improve­
ment Club are invited to witness
next Saturday afternoon's matinee
performance at the Family Theatre,
as the guests of A E. Sparks, the
genial manager.
The ladies are requested to meet
at the Club Room a little before 2
o’clock and atleud in a body. Im­
mediate# after the performance,
the regular meeting of the club will
be held.
Mrs. E W. Bartlett, Pres.
The masked hall at Dodge Hall,
New Y ear’s night was the most
successful dance in the hiStory of
the hall. A large crowd attended
and the costumes were the best
ever seen in this neighborhood.
Another masquerade is contem­
plated in the future and a new re­
cord will undoubtedly be made, as
everyone is enthusiastic and expec­
There will be an all night dance
held at the Gai field Country Club,
Friday evening, January 15th, and
everyone is cordially invited to at­
tend. Dance tteke's will be sold
for 50 cents for the men and a de­
licious supper will be served at 50
cents per person. Good music and
a good clean time is promised.
The W. C. T. U. will meet F ri­
day, January 8th, at 3 o'clock at
the home ot Mrs. Rees in Estacada.
Representative Guy T Hunt of
Estacada leaves this weeic to begin
his duties at the coming session of
ttie Legislature.
Born—Jan. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs.
Dwyer of Garfield, a nine pound
boy, and mother and son are doing
The E. H. S. basket ball team
will play a game against the Canby
H. S, team next Saturday evening
and a return game will tie held
here, February 13th
Rev. Kady, who was sent to
preach at Viola, was taken ill last
week and forced to return to his
home in Salem. Mr. John Hamilton,
Sr of Viola preached in his place at
both Redlands and Viola
The Children’s Party, given by
the Dorcas Society at the Garfield
Grange Hall, Saturday afternoon,
Jan. 2nd, was a very happy affair.
Mrs. Jenkins and the Misses Inglish
and Duncan decorated the hall and
trimmed the Christmas tree, and
Mrs. Trowbridge, assisted by the
above mentioned ladies, entertained
the children. Games were played
and each child received a favor
front the tree.
Simple refresh­
ments were served by Mesdames
Hunt, Yocum and Bundy.
Hi A Y F .A k
Easte»n Clackamas Helped
Defeat It
To quote from the Oregon Citv
Enterprise— "Oregon City is the
incubator of tile good roads move­
ment in this county. It was Ore­
gon City that put the bonding
proposition of a countv s>sti-m of
hardsiirfaced ro ids to tile people
last summer ' ’
Eastern Clackamas residents will
not contradict the statement that
Oregon Citv started the "counrv
bonding movement" for hardsur-
faced roads, although even a child,
would have been aware of the fact,
if it had looked over the list of
roaiis to Ire improved, as all of them
radiated out from Oregon City or
lead hack again. Occasionally there
was a road mentioned without Ort-
gon City nanud at either end. but
a reference to the map would show
that it was merely a continuation
ot a mad already leading to the
county seat. Oregon City, like
ancient Rome, was a great believer
in having all roads lead in their
general direction.
Eastern Clackamas residents are
great believers in good roads and a
glance at the past records, will
show that this part of the county
havo-tor several years past taken
the initiative in voting special road
tax and putting it into constructing
rocked and gravelled roads. Lead­
ing out of Klstacada in all directions
are miles of rocked roads and prob­
ably a bigger proportion as com­
pared with the population than in
anv part of the county.
Oregon City is a nice little town
and certainly believes in tooting its
own horn and taking credit for all
countv improvements, hut there are
other nice little towns in this here
part of the kountie and they build
roads too.
Possibly another "bonding sys­
tem for road building for Clacka­
mas counts" with a fair division
of the roads to Ire improved, would
carry and Eastern Clackamas would
be in the front ranks, when the
voting commenced.
Cazadero Road
A party of the P. R. L. & P. Co.
officials made a trip to Esfacada
last week to confer with Commis­
sioner Mattoon of the County Court
and Supervisor Guy Hunt of G ar­
field, with a view to an early open­
ing up of the dedicated road from
Estacada to Cazadero. Mr. Mat-
toon hopes to obtain some of the
general funds to spend on this