Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 31, 1914, Image 5

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    News Notes From All Sections
We Wish You
A Htippy and Prosperous
Come in and t»et Your 1915 Calendar
Now that the Holidays are over,
we are offering some very attract­
ive bargains. Dont forget our
line of French Blue Enameled
Ware and the $50. Range,
that is to be given away.
Estacada Eurniturc Co.
Green Trading Stamps
I Wish You
A Happy New Year
l^. G. Marchbank
Headquarters For
Special For Saturday
Mrs. Iona Starr of Portland, is
Mrs. Emily Taylor of Portland, ('has Horger of Eagle Creek, visiting
the home of her par­
is visiting her mother, MTs. is visiting at the home of Henry ents, Mr. at and
Mrs. H. Joyner of
Klinker of George.
Louisa Harders of George.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing of Miss Gertrude Morrow of Me
Miss Myrtle Woodle, had an
Xmas tree for her pupils at the the Upper Dam, entertained a I Miunville spent Christmas at the
Viola school last Thursday af'er- number of the young folks at a home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
party last Tuesday evening.
A. Morrow, of Estacada,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schramek
Chas. C. Miller of Estacada has
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Dunlop of
been laid up lor the past week with and daughter Edith of Portland Garfield entertained last Wednes­
a had attack ot la grippe, hut is are vi-ittng at the home of Henry day evening with a delightful danc-
Smith in George.
able to he up now.
! ing and caid party
Miss Kittie Reagan of Portland
Thos. Eaden of the Viola store
Three daughters and a friend
entertained his children from Lo is spending the holidays with her from Portland have been visiting at
gall, Stone and Castle Rock over parents, Mr and Mrs T. J R ea-1 the borne of B Tannler of Viola,
gan, ol Estacada Heights.
j Christmas.
during the holidays
Mr and Mrs August Paulsen!
I A New Years Eve dance and
I Christmas tree will he held at the and children of Standfield. Or are
t George Social & Commercial Club visiting at the Julius Paulsen home
in George.
| and everyone is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Whitcomb
and Miss Lynch of Garfield, spent
Christmas day at the home of
their son, Walter D. Whitcomb
in Portland.
Bill Hunt of Garfield, who has
Chas. Hicinbothom and wife of
River Mill spent Christmas at the been working in Portland for some
S D. Allen of Missoula. Mont.,
home ot their parents, Mr. and time past, has returned to the par- j wife and daughters returned home
euta! homestead.
Mrs. J. H. Sevier of Viola.
Wednesday, after an extendtd visit
A. W. Bullis of Kimhall, S. D. among relatives here, and the son
is visiting at the home of his brotli- is visiting C. S. Allen at Cazadero
eritilaw, W. I). Henthorn, of Es
The many friends of John C.
Peterson ot Springwater will be
pleased to know that he has recov­
Mrs. Marv L. Hill and daughter
ered from his recent operation and
Harriett of Portlaud are spending
returned to Estacada last Wednes­
the holidays at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Irwin D Wright of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trapp of
Garfield, are spending the holi­
days at the home of her mother,
at Woodburn, Or.
C. H. Bartholomew, wife and
family of Heppner, Or., spent
the holidays at the homes of his
sisters, Mrs. E. E. and 0. C.
Saling of Currinsville.
Don Newman and Charlie Kan-
dle of Tillamook and Cloverdale
have been spending a few days in
Estacada and vicinity, visiting with
fiieuds and relatives.
Mrs. L. Glover of Eagle Creek,
has returned home, after spend­
ing a couple of weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. L. Story of
Oregon City.
Wm. Palmer of South Estacada
has built an addition to bis house.
His sister and her husband, Mis.
and Mr. O. H. McClung of Port
Crescent, Wash, have moved here
and will make their home with him.
Knitted Toques 25c
Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Jones of
Sellwood spent the holidays at the
home of E. S. Shanklaud of Cur­
rinsville. His aiother Mis. Nancy
Shanklaud, has returned for an ex­
tended visit also.
Park & Closner
E s ta c a d a
S a d ie H o rn ib ro o k
P ia n o a n d V eca l In s t r u c t o r
405 12th St- Portland, Ore. or Progress.
Mrs. Pierson of Idaho, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. A. D. Bur-
Miss Fay Myers of California is
Oliver Ilendron of Dodge recent- ' nett o f E a * le C reek-
spending the holidays at the home
ly trapped an exira large coyote
The Rev. Kady of Willamette
of H. Dillon of Kstacada
preached last Sunday
Paul Womer of Oregon City spent
gen in g at the Viola
Christmas at the family home in ly went to a Portland hospital to “ f,trnoon
M. E church,
a minor operation.
Hunt Bldg.
Ralph Lemon of Garfield is seri- 1
ouslv ill in a Portland hospital.
At the meeting of the Garfield
Grange, held last Saturday, L. G.
Palmateer was elected to serve as
Grand Master. At the next meet­
ing, Saturday January 23rd, there
will be held the installation of offi­
cers and the Garfield band will take
part in the program.
Mrs. J. F. Standish and daugh­
ter Margaret of Portland, spent |
Christmas at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. S. D. Dunlop of
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Russell Betz, formerly of Esta- j Eagle Creek Church, will give a
cada, who is attending the Univer­ “Box Social” and “Watch Party”
sity of Oregon, was a Christmas New Years Eve. Everyone is
guest at the Reagan home on Esta­ invited to attend and start the
new year right.
cada Heights.
The Currinsville school child­ Geo Currin of Heppner, Or.,
ren gave a fine Christmas enter­ visited a few days among rela­
tainment last Wednesday night tives and friends in Currinsville.
and celebrated with a glowing, He is contemplating locating in
this vicinity and it is to be hoped
candy laden Christmas tree.
he will not look elsewhere.
Mrs. H. V. Adix and children
Heinie Cruse and Wilbur Beattie
of Eslacada are spending the holi­
days at the home of her parents in were Estacada visitors this week.
Portlaud. Dr. Adix is making the It Will be remembered that Cruse
trip to and from Portland each day. Bros, lost a horse about two years
ago and Henry Schmidt of George,
A happy family reunion was held who found it, recently learned its
Christinas day at the Cazadero ownership and returned the animal.
Lodge, when Mr. and Mrs. C. L
Supervisor Benson and assistant,
Allen of Estacada entertained their
of the River Mill Hatch­
three sons and their families.
ery are getting their bands warmed
A family reunion was held Christ­ up again, after breaking ice in the
mas day at the home of F J. Har- hatching troughs steadily for five
kemider in Estacada. as their chil­ days and nights, but ’ twas not in
dren and grandchildren from Port­ vain, as they saved the little fishes
land and elsewhere were home for
L . A. and F. F. Brandes and Le­
the Christmas dinner.
roy D. Walker, stockholders and
The third carload of hogs, cattle president of the Estacada State
and sheep, was shipped from Esta­ Bauk, made a business trip to Es­
cada last Monday noon.
Buyer tacada last Wednesday. They are
Lucke hopes to make a similar highly pleased with the present
shipment next Monday. The rail­ condition of the bank, as many
way company are rebuilding the thousands of dollars in new ac­
chute in the stockyards, as the counts have been added in the past
present one is too narrow to force a sixty days, and the business is
growing rapidly.
stubborn pig up.