Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 24, 1914, Image 4

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We Are Still Selling Peed
Plow Shares
Discs and Cutaways
All kinds of tools
Metal Repairing
Electric Wiring
Estacada Lumber
and Produce
We W ish You, One and All, A Jo lly Xmas, and a Happy, Prosperous 1915.
"Your Store”
Years Days
Resolve to make 1915 a successful
year lor yourself and your community.
Patronize Every Home Industry.
“ Stand by the Men that stand ty You,”
Your Home Merchants.
( I ncorporated )
Pu b lish ed
E v e ry
T h u rs d a y
M orning
R . 3VI. Staudish, Editor and Manager
at the
poetofflce In fcttacada Oregon as
second class mall
One year .......................................................... $1 00
Six months
Thursday. December 24. IQI4
The Progress wishes you a Merrv
Christmas ami a Happy ami Pros
perotis New Year.
Too often, the familiar phrase,
‘ ‘T h i Christmas Spirit", is too
closelv allied to visions of roast lurk-
ev, mince pie. plum pudding and
presents galore, but it 4 broadest
meaning should embody "Peace on
Earth. Good Will to M en".
We are prone to cast off the man­
tle of the C'hristntas spirit about
January 2nd, feeling that, like the
broken toy, it has fulfilled its mis­
There is no "closed season’ ’ for
the feeling and practising of the
true Christmas spirit and let os try
this year to stretch it along into the
Soring and really practice. "Good
Will to Men” .
Editor and His Paper
Are Town’s Best Asset
Head of
of Journalism
(¡¡ves New Keaton Why Ads Are
Merchant’s Beat Investment
University of Oregon, Kugene,
Dec. 7. — "Advertising in the coun­
try paper is the best investment a
country merchant can make,” says
Kric W. Allen, head of the depart­
ment of journalism at the State
Promise You:
Fair, Honest, Courteous dealings in
every transaction, W e will sell you
good, reliable merchandise, just as
cheap as the markets will allow. Every
penny you spend here is backed by our
Personal Guarantee.
Store Closed for Inventory, Monday, Jan. 4, 1915.
C ary Mercantile C o .
D a le ’s
But we are overstocked with the following: •
Cement, 4 sacks to bbl. $3. per bbl.
1.75 ’
Sand, 2500 lbs. per yd. 3.
’ yd.
2.50 ’
Casing Lumber and stepping prices,
dependent on grade.
N o Goods Sold on that Day.
Estacada, Oregon.
the store offers, and the copy
should he changed frequently. The
advertising columns should he made
as interesting as any other part of
the paper, and the merchant’ s ‘ad’
should appear with the same regu­
larity as the editor’ s news. An ad­
vertisement in the local paper is by
no means charity. It brings big
retuui~: first, iu direct business
when it is handled with a little
common sense; second, in building
up the community.
’ The paper should be made as
impottant an agent of a town’s im­
provement and prosperity as the
church or school. The great prob­
lem of the small town in these days
ot centralization and parcel post is
to mare itself a good place to live
in and a pleasant place for the coun-
trv people to come to. It it doesn’ t
do that it is doomed to disappear.
“ So no town should Ire so short­
sighted as not to give every en­
couragement to the man, who is
trying to make a newspaper there.
He is in one sense the most import­
ant citizen. He can do more for
the town both at home and abroad
than any other one man. He should
he hacked up ill his effort to do
business at business prices and in a
business way. It would he just as
sensible ior you to let your schools
run down, or your stores run down
or your churches run down, as to
let your newspaper run down” ’.
Farmer’s Week Recipes
As furnished by Mr». Alice M. Dolan,
during the Domestic Science C o u n t
Z WEI BACH — One half cup of
milk scalded and cooled ftont one-
half to one cake of compressed
yeast, soaked*in two tablespoons of
luke warm water and one and one-
half teaspoons of salt and flour
“ The merchant’s advertising enough to make a drop hatter, let
should l>e tie«-. It should tell it raise and then add two beaten
something very definite about what eggs, two tablespoons of sugat, two
tablespoons of melted butter and
flour enough to make a dough as
stiff as can be handled with a spoon.
Let it raise and then pinch off
enough for biscuit size, put them
in a pan grease the sides of the
biscuits, let raise and hake
FR E N C H B U N S -T w o cakes of
yeast, one foutlh cup i f luke warm
water, one cup of milk, one-fourth
cun of sugar, three tablespoons ol
butter, one egg. one halt teaspoon
lemon extract, one and one third
teaspoons of salt and flour enough
to make dough as lor bread
SP IC E D L IV E R With Oranges—
Plunge the sliced liver into boiling
water and allow to remain in four
minutes, remove from the water,
take the skin off. sail to taste and
roll in flour To each one-fourth
pound of liver, Use one slice ot
bacon cut into hits, try it out and
add two tablespoons of onions roll
the liver in flour and put it into the
hot fat and brown it on both sides.
Add one half orange sliced (peel it,
so as to remove the white skin) and
two cloves and enough water to
cover the liver, cook slowlv until it
is llioroughlv done, then remove
and thicken gravy with flour if not
already 'hick enough Serve with j
sliced oranges.
SOUR C R E A M R O A ST — Three
and one-half pounds of steak cut at
least one inch thick, salt to taste, 1
pound in as much flour as it will j
take, put some fat in the frying pan |
and when hot. put the meat in and j
sear it on both sides. Then add j
one onion cut in slices, one bav
leaf, one sweet green pepper, from
which the seeds have been removed,
or one-half tomato mav be used iu
place of the pepper. One and one j
half cups of sour cream, put this all j
in a pan, put a cover on it, and set |
this pan inside of another pan con- j
taming hot water, put the cover on j
the pan and cook in or on top o f !
W ould like to have you come
in and see the nice alumnium ware
that they are giving away absolutely
as premiums.
It pays to trade
with them, as their prices are always
right, their goods the best and their
treatment, courteous.
Yes. the fruit trees have come in,
that we told you of, some days since.
See them also,
just which you want.
Klctsch Mills
First class lumber of all kinds.
Dimension material a specialty.
Prompt deliveries made
from big stock on hand.
Phone or call at mill, at Dodge.
0 . C . Klaetsch, Owner.
The second carload of livestock
has gone and I
other shipment,
within two weeks.
I shall be in Estacada next Sat­
urday, Sunday and Monday.
Phone to Mr. Standish in Esta­
he will
you the
market prices and give further infor­
mation regarding shipping and buying
Leave word with him if
you wish to have me call on you.
I pay cash on de­
livery for all livestock purchased and
I will gladly
and buy there, if you prefer.
Livestock Buyer.