E «stern S tar - M asonic Installation 0 1 Friday evening the East­ ern Star and Masons, held their joint installation o f officers at the Odd Fellows hall. Owen E. Smith as retiring Master, installed the follow ing Masonic officers for the ensuing year: C. W. Devore, W. M. F. G. Robley, S. VV. J. M Schultz, J. W. E I). Allen, Treas. Wm. Da e, Secy. C. S. Allen, S. D. P M- Wagner, J. I). H. 0. Reid, S. S. W. S. Pyle, J. S- B. R. Kimmel, T. C attlem en FEEDING O rganize T h e W e il A number of the Garfield farm­ ers, who are ranging cattle in the mountains l>e\ond, are organizing a Cattlemen's Union, along the lines of similar organizations elsewhere A preliminary meeting was held this week, at which time the follow­ ing officers were elected: - Fred Bates. Pres., Thos Beebe. V. P., Herman Duns. Secy., J C. Duus, Treas., and an executive committee c o m p ris in g R n n iie y C r a w fu r il. F r a n k j FOR MILK FAT. N o u r is h e d C o w Is the P r o f ­ it a b le P r o d u c e r . Parturition should he a mere Incl dent In the yearly life of a ro w and will be If she Is as well fed wheu dry as when in full milk, writes 11 10 Cook In the Iturnl N ew Yorker O f course the prospective mother. If full fed will usually take on fat before fresh euiug. and generally fat is uu iudica tion at that time of strength and vigor ll is probably safe to say that it al ways will he. if put uu with the usual milk ration, or probably what is better and safer to use. either bran or oats, to wblch b> ndded nut- pound dolly of A t the close o f the installation, Mr. Demoy, in behalf o f the chapter, presented Miss Wash with a beautiful Eastern Star pin, in appreciation o f her two years service, as Worthy Matron o f Mountain Chapter. Make it YOUR BANK We are operating a modern bank on the most conservative principles, and w e respectfully solicit your patronage. | ollrneal. Tliero Is very Utile dancer of fever under such feeding if g«M»d hay In a short time they will hold an and silage are Judiciously fed o th e r m e etin g an d a d o p t a b y - la w s if H cow freshens and Is thin and Make use o f our savings and check­ ing service, an 1 feel free to store your valuable papers in our safe deposit vaults. a n d c o n stitu tio n a n d c o m p lete their j u°t *trong she will not give as rich milk, and usually not as much of it as cow freshening under full feed Kor few dava before freshening the Call on us i f you wish advice or as­ sistance, whether borrowing or loaning. Thom as and Fred B ates. o rg a n iz a tio n . C ard of T hanks We wish to thank our many A s installing officer fo r the friends for their kindnesses to us in Eastern Star, Miss. Eva Wash in­ our recent uuMortune. Mr. and Mrs C hasA Hicinbothom stalled as officers: Mrs. Katnryne Allen, W. M Owen E. Smith, W. P. ” Elizabeth Sparks, A. M. ” Helena P. Devore, Secy. ” Helen Wash, Treas. ” Irene Cary, Cond. ” Many Smith, Ass. Cond. ” Elizabeth Womer. Ch. ” Carrie Adix, Organist ” Helena Drill, Adah ” Lera Dale, Ruth ” Clarice Pyle, Esther ” Alice Lauryy, Martha ” Dora Herring, Electa Miss Abbie Wagner, W arder Richard Kimmel, Sentinel. Estacada State Bank For insurance our service is o f the best and w e want you to avail yourself o f our service. URO Y D. WALKER, President THOMAS YOCUM. Vice President It Isn’t Y our T ow n—It’s You IRWIN D. WRIGHT, Cashier If >ou want to live in the kind of a town Like the kind of a town you like, You needn’ t slip your clothes in a Interest paid on time deposits. grip And start on a long, long hike. Y o u ’ll only find what you left be­ I'he Guernsey? are a distinct hind. breed of cattle (hat originated on For there's nothing that’ s really the isie of Guernsey in the Kngllsh new. channel and nave heroine popular h i the United States Their dis­ I t ’s a knock at yourself when you tinctive characteristic is (he rich knock your towu color tney impart to their mil« thHf makes It partieularly dcfii-a- It isn’ t \our town— it’s you Die as a market milk I*hell milk Real towns are not made by men will not. as a rule, axe.iage high in fat pel «•eui a.« ihe Jersey, and afraid they *ive es? puunds of inilk than Lest somebody else gets ahead. the I bust* ins As dairy 1 »reeds When every one works and uobody these three are equally valuable The cow shown is- May I’elma. shirks u nion inane I t*»!» .T o pounds of out You can riise a town from the lei fat ill a yeai Dial is a world 8 record dead And if while you make vour per- i son a l slake I mother should la- put <*u less feed, hill Your neighbor can make one, too j not enough to lessen tier desire for Your town will be what you want | water yy Inch is the great equalizer or to see | balance wheel for tin* system Proof I is abundant that a change of ration It isn’ t >our town— it’s Y O U ! ! cannot suddenly improve the fat eon A ll then repaired to the Hotel Estacada to partake o f the deli­ Big ° C hristm as Shoot h' T ' " T " change is likely to disturb Hie system cious banquet served by host The new Western Automatic and reduee the tat Lu'.ryy. Clay Pigeon Trap has been in- .... . da> we shall an learn what stalled at the grounds o f the Es - hu''* " T " * » , ." tacada Rod ik Gun Club, for the prime condition every day from birth S pringw ater Shoot all day shoot, Christmas Day and j »<> niii*ii »uu timi tire «Giut.v to i«r>. With a real Arctic blast blow­ everyone is invited to participate. "/“ with “ I!!* the * , u i ' T ' ! ' , T * .' ‘ : be first bred calf and then ing up their shirt sleeves, and Spectators are invited to watch into tier without a skip. Watch the clay pigeons, jumping from the sport and with the new trap, •»«>• » umhih our u»wi suc.essfui im-i-u breeze to breeze; about forty no delay will occur, as the auto- *'r‘ ... . ‘“ " ' T ' wl»b uu « ceptions whatsoever that they push sportsmen took part in the shoot­ matic trap ill throw the targets every annual from birth to get a large ing matches on the Springwater as fast as five men can shoot. full development of body and digestive grounds, last Saturday. Several Rifle matches will also be held capacity T he ability to consume* to advantage a large quantity of feed t« boys from Logan, Currinsville, and some o f the best shots in this no accident, imt as much a piece ol and a number from Estacada, part o f the county are expected education as to educate a boy or gin to digest big mental problems. They joined with the local shots, and to take part. j cannot do it If they are In and out of ta r ied away their share o f the school to suit som ebody'« fancy Nel fam ily Ih eatrc sjKtils, in the shape o f turkeys, flier can a calf become a producer ot Friday and Saturday Nights | much milk and much fat if she Is fed geese, ducks and chickens. Ion the installment plan I hear It on Miss Marion Leonard in Owing to the cold and the wind, every hand that It doesn t pay If my M O TH ER LOVE no especially good scores were . 1 observation Is eorrect those who feed made at either the traps or with A I icturesque Ii6iirt D r a m a in 2 steadily as a whole are the prosperous dairymen, because they will not eon Chapters o f 3 reels each the rifle, but the conditions w ere Millie to feed Inferior cow s B E G IN N IN G S A T., JA N . 2nd as fair for one contestant as an­ Regularity Pays W 'th Hens. other. Ed Boner o f Estacada in­ 5 and 6 part Features, Saturday H ave a regular time lor doing all the Afternoons and Nights Only stalled his tent restaurant on the chorea necessary to be done about the Jan. 2 Boundry Riders grounds and helped alleviate the poultry yard A regular time for feed >> 9 The Stain inn means that you will ho ready ami suffering with coffee and “ hot ** 16 Detective Craig the birds will be ready They will look aogs” . Messrs. W ilcox and Mil­ for yon. and they seem to know '«Tien ” 23 Loyalty lard deserve much credit for the feeding time cornea. Regularity along * t 30 When Rome Ruled. this line la very important, and the manner in which they conducted man who feeda Just an the fever Feb. 6 The W aif the affair. atrikea him will find that the birds do ** 13 Last Volunteer not respond as they should. Estacada Pharmacy is Headquarters fo r Santa Gaos As Usual - Nuf Ced f i o a week $? a da\ The Hotel Estacada MO.l >KK N C O N V K N I K N C K S One «il the most (ieliuhitul Resorts on the Coast Local pnd Tourist Trade Solicited Palace EVseei Market Fred Jorg, Proprietor Lard, Eggs, Butter, Sausage Fresh and Smoked Meats Fresh Fish every Friday Buy and Sell Veal, Hogs, Sheep, Cattle Poultry Phone Mctin 83. and Hides Broddway Estacada, Oregon