Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 10, 1914, Image 7

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    ! News Notes From All Sections
Buy Your Wife A Fine
Present, And One That
Will Please The Family.
Oak Bedroom Set
Includes beautiful Dresser, Chiffonier,
Bed and 2 Chairs.
Oak Dining Koom Set $52.
Includes Table, Buffet and 6 Chairs.
See the Christmas Toys
in our Windows.
Estacada Eurniturc Co.
Green Trading Stamps
Order Your Xmas
Suit or Overcoat
Select your material, either Balma-
caan, Meiton, Worsted, Cheviots, Ox­
ford, Kersey or Chinchilla. Made to
your order and latest styles.
R. G- M A R C H B A N K - E S T A C A D A
D (1 Gift r I a m t wife 01 !*■ »rt-
There will lie a nance at the Bar-
vi-in-d » lew davs at ihe home
Clyde Haven1» of Estacada re­ tun Hall, Saturday evening, Dec. 19.
nt L. C Lawrence of Springtvaler.
turned this week from a short visi*
There will he a house warming
I among friends at Aurora. Or.
next Saturday, at the home of Carl
Ne's Peterson of Dodge just re­ Anderson in Barton.
turned from a summer spei t in
I Iowa.
Mrs. Bessie White of Portland
is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Pete Clester of Eagle Creek.
The Currinsville Priscillas met
last Saturday at the home of
| Mrs. Granville Linn.
Miss Annie Zimmerdale of
Portland, is visiting Mrs. Fred
Hullman of Dodge.
Byron Randolph of Viola, who
recently met with an accident to
his foot, is able to be about.
Mrs. Lewis Bagley of Knappa,
Or. has been visiting her sister.
Mrs. FI. C. Butler of Currinsville.
O. Olson, formerly of George,
is visiting this w'eek at the home
of Nick Scheel in Bisseli.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Max
Klaetch of Estacada, a daughter,
Dec. 3rd.
Miss Nellie Hayes of Garfield
left recently to begin a course in
the study of nursing, at ttie Good
Samaritan Hospital in Portland.
There was an enjovahie social
Miss Helen Bartiett of Estacada
dance given Saturday- night. Dec.
is spending a week at Eugene, Or.
¿th at the Barton Hall i>. behalf of
wlreie she is enjoxiug the social life
H. P Jockinsen of Dodge just tIre "bridge boys.”
of the U. of O.
moved into his tiewlv bni't house
| on his recently acquired forty acres
Jim Abbott returned this week
Mrs. Frank Cumin and son
to Estacada, after an absence of
j Francis of Viola, who have been
several months in the Willamette
sick for the past three weeks, Mrs. Noah Heiple of Currins­ Valley.
i are about well.
ville is recovering from a recent Mrs. C C Saling of Currinsville
1 Owing to the Domestic Science severe illness, which has confined gave a delightful dinner party to a
' Course being this week, the regular her to her bed for the past week. few listacada friends last Tuesday
; meeting of the C I. C. will be
in honor of the birthday of
Wm. Hicinbotham and family evening
Moudav instead of Saiutdav.
Mr. Saling.
of Sheridan, Or. have returned
A. E. Morgan and wife of | to Viola for the winter, as the Mr. and Mrs. J. Hinshaw of
i Moscow, Idaho, enroute to San mil! at Sheridan is closed down. McMinnville spent a few days
Diego, are visiting at the homes Will Allen, 011 the old Wasco the latter part of the week, visit­
ing at the home of her sister,
of his uncles, E. E. and C. C- Shannon
place in Springwater, is Mrs. Thus. Yocum of Garfield.
Saling of Currinsville.
having ten acres on the corner
There was a slight smallpox cleared, which will he a big im­
scare in Eagle Creek last week, provement for the community.
but, after careful medical inspec­
T he late sum ----
m er and autumn
tion, the ‘‘dreaded spots’’ turned Nob ° Me Millan of the Upper •j- X a fiord
the farm er the best oppor-
Dam and Hugh Mendenhall of the
| out to be merely a rash.
•j* utility for making furm luipruve-
Forest Service, left this week for a f m eats. Usually there Is tim e
M. K. Johnston and wife and ten
hunting trip near Arling­ j- available d u rin g th is Reason, um l
S. Uoke of Clackamas are camp­ ton. dins
X tile nom litiou of tile soil is favor-
able. D raining operations espe-
ing in Viola, while gathering
are most successfully put
ferns for the Portland market The Klaetsch I,hr. Co of Dodge £ j* Hally
during these m onths.
and expect to remain a couple of report the sale of the lumber for the £ through
In the spring the soil is too wet
new house of Otto Bhlichspies in V and sticky to lie econom ically or
They also furnished X com fortably handled, but in the
Clark Posson and wife of Esta­ Spiingwater.
*£ autum n conditions are usually
the Barton bridge.
Ij. favorable. The sam e is true re-
cada are contemplating moving
the removal of old hedge
onto the Bulger Krigbaum ranch Albert Kitching and wife of V .j. gnrding
lows, w ith their stum ps and
in Garfield, where Clark will join Currinsville have been spending j* stones, or the clearing of stoues
The energetic farm ­
| forces with the owner in opera­ a few' days in Portland, visiting er from will land.
not fuN to tind plenty of
ting the place.
t relatives while Albert is scouting opportunity
for putting in all
the tim e lie can spare from Ids
Preaching at the Viola M. K. around to buy a new team.
regular crops in these ways.
Church was given last Sutidav by a
student ut the Wtliamelie Univer­
sity and he will preach the ist and
3rd Sundays of each mouth here­
The Viola Happy Hour Social
4- h - h -
Club met in the parsonage last Fri­
day where Miss Myrtle Woodle,
the teacher, had prepared a fine
program for the forty people pres­ o .------— ----- -------- --o
The young people of Currinsville ent
I T he cows will need to be kept In th rt
gave a delightful dance last Friday
1 stables nights now. and these should
I be put in the best condition for winter.
nig lit at the Odd Fellows Hall
; There will not be much grass In the
which was well attended by the
j pastures, so they will need to be fed
younger set o* Estacada. under the
! mostly at tile I »am.
The m eadow s should not be closely
chaperonage of Mrs. C. F. Frazier.
Farmers' Week is in full sway
now and big crowds have attend­
P ia n o a n d V ocal I n s t r u c t o r
ed each and every lecture from
405 12th St. Portland. Ore, or Progress.
Monday's opening to date. An
large crowd is expected on fed. but a sufficient grow th left for
f ? n <ta\
»to a week
Mrs T. Eadeu of Viola returned Saturday to w itness the Butcher­ good protection through the winter.
W hile you have plenty of tim e during
home last Thursday, after a iwo ing and Judging Demonstrations the w inter keep a close w atch of every
weeks vi-it with her dunghter at and to attend the Cannery Meet­ cow in the dairy barn and see if the
Income from her dairy products will
Brooks, Or. Her son in-law, Mr. ing in the afternoon.
pay for her feed and leave you a rea-
One of the most delightful
Boss, returned with her. and an­
j son able profit on your tim e and labor.
other sou in-law from Castle Rock,
kesorts on the Coast
Lice are frequent causes of u n th rift­
bridge of Garfield have as their iness
henever nits or
Wash, is visiting lor a tew days.
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
guests this week, Mr. and Mrc. lice are with seen fall the pigs pigs W should
In? dipped
ten day Intervals or else given one
Bert H. Finch of Estacada, re­ Herman W. Ross and daughter ut coating
cently sold an extra fine, single, of Olympia. Wash. Mr. Ross broom. of crude oil applied wdth a
Individual Farm Stationery
Henney buggy and harness to C. was formerly a member of the Don’t tie yourself to the profitless
is no sense in keeping
N. Folsom of Springwater. Washington State Board of Con­ cow a T ml here m ilking
250 Letter-heads
them just because
New vehicles alw ays follow good trol and is now on his way to cows
farm T here
250 Envelopes Y *
roads and special taxes. Even | San Francisco to take charge of Is little s-itlsfHction In the «Imply
of them ns a chore. If there is
! Phil Standlsh of Garfield has re- the publicity for the State of care
at h-ist a fair rein it iteration for
Estacada Progress
I painted his “one hoss shay’’ and Washington at the Panama Ex­ not
feed and labor no pleasure can lie got
j purchased a new harness.
out of file ildtig
S a d ie H o rn ib ro o k
The Hotel Estacada