Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 03, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 1 1
VOL. 8
Session Short but Decisive
Railway Officials to Speak
Estacada's road meeting, as
previously advertised, oceured at
2 o' clock sharp last Friday after­
noon and adjourned about 15
minutes later with no special
road tax voted.
Every road district in this sec­
tion, except tne city o f Estacada,
voted special road tax this year,
which means more miles o f grav­
eled road leading into and con­
necting up with Estacada’s mud
and plank pavements.
It is a shame that the city’s
pavements have to be sacrificed
to the petty jealousies and squab­
bles o f a few o f its inhabitants,
but the tax payers o f Estacada
are equally to blame, in not at­
tending the road meeting and
offsetting some o f the political
jugglery that was practised.
Out of over one hundred tax
payers in the district, 29 were
present and probably a few more
would have been present within
a half hour, but were late as us­
ual. In the mean time, the op­
ponents o f the city administra­
tion had adjourned the meeting.
This adjournment was not neces­
sarily an act against voting spec­
ial tax, but characterized the
feeling against the present and
past methods o f road building
and represented not a few per­
sonal jealousies.
By immediately adjourning the
meeting, itis’ now impossible for
any excess tax to be voted and
Estacada will have to get along
with its general fund and mud
Few o f the larger tax payers
were present and apparently not
a cool head in the assembly.
Some compromise measure could
probably have been brought up
in time to have saved the city's
roads, had the tax payers been
The feeling o f the few people
present w a s n o t necessarily
against TAX, but against its
method o f expenditure and some
arrangement could have been
made to rectify this evil, if it
needs rectification.
If the city administration had
prepared and submitted to the
tax payers in advance a state­
ment o f the finances as spent to
date, it might have helped, but
the meeting adjourned before its
presentation. There were many
erroneous and misleading finan­
cial statements current in the
mean time and like all exaggera­
tions they spread rapidly.
As usual, Estacada, as a city,
has to suffer but its tax payers
are all to blame and the “ hatch­
et-' had better be buried now,
before property values decrease
any further.
Saturday, December 12th, will
be an epoch making one for Es­
tacada and vicinity, as it will be
the formal beginning o f hog rais­
ing as a real industry in Eastern
Clackamas County.
It is to be hoped that it will
also see the • uniting o f the Esta­
cada and surrounding growers,
with the Gresham growers, in
the cannery business.
The O- A. C. Farmers’ Course
fitted right in with the plans
for this day, and their experts
will conduct their Hog Judging
on that day and at the new stock
yards. The Butchering Demon­
stration will attract a good sized
crowd and the Union Meat Co.
feel confident that th,ey can clear­
ly demonstrate by this butcher­
ing, that it is more economical
for the grower to sell his pork on
the hoof, rather than to do the
butchering at home. This is a
fair proposition and every farmer
should be interested and willing
to be convinced.
Negotiations are under way to
have either Pres. Griffith or Gen­
eral Manager Hild o f the P. R
L. & P. Co. or possibly both, here
for that day. The railway peo­
ple are vitally concerned in the
canning and hog raising indus­
tries along their lines.
Estacada will try to arrange
facilities to handle all o f che peo­
ple, as the stores will have rest
rooms and the ladies o f the City
are planning to serve lunches
and possibly care dor the chil­
The stock yards are almost
completed and present a neat
and business like appearance.
More Sheep Killing
Reports have come in from
several sources tnis week o f
sheep being killed by dogs.
John Stormer o f Springwater,
reports the death o f two and
the wounding o f several others
and several o f his neighbors are
complaining, with similar reports
from the Currinsville section.
The owners o f the sheep, from
now on, are going to make a
search for the guilty dogs and a
killing will follow. While some
farmers complain o f Estacada
dogs being the culprits, it has
been proven that several farm­
ers’ dogs are also committing
the offenses.
Carload O f Autos
J. W. Reed o f Estacada, re­
ports that he expects this week
to receive his first carload o f
1915 model, Ford automobiles.
The carload comprises one run­
about and five touring cars.
This order is only one o f three,
the other two carloads to be de­
livered at later dates. Eighteen
Fords should keep the ex-mayor
busy selling until after Xmas.
D E C E M B E R 3. i y i 4
0. A.
Farmers’ and Home Makers’
Short Course
Geo. T. Collins, business man­
ager o f the Oregon Agricultural
College, was an Estacada visitor
last Friday and Saturday. While
here, he perfected arrangements
with Prof. Guthsie o f the Esta­
cada schools, and others, for the
coming Estacada Farmers’ and
Home Makers’ Short Course.
This is not a school course, but
a community affair, and held un­
der the auspices o f the school.
The course will begin Tuesday,
December 8th, at 9:30 A. M. and
continue until Saturday after­
noon, December 12th.
T h e railroad company h a s
agreed to make a special rate o f
one and one-third fare for the
round trip. This reduction ap­
plying on all fares amounting to
25 cents or over, for one way. A
number o f people from Portland,
Gresham and other points, ex­
pect to attend.
The morning and evening ses­
sions will be held at the Family
Theatre, and the afternoon ses­
sions, at the school house. The
Domestic Science and Art lec­
tures and demonstrations will be
held at the C. I. C. Hall
The evening sessions will com­
prise lectures and demonstrations
illustrated with moving pictures
and should be a rare treat to all
attending. Through * the court­
esy o f A. E. Sparks, the theatre
has been given over to the course
for the four days.
Every farmer and family is in­
vited to take advantage o f this
course from start to finish and
there is no charge in connection
with same. There will be lec­
tures and demonstrations for the
housewife, the daughter, the son
and father.
The course will be in charge o f
six o f the O. A. C. Extension
Service staff o f professors and
each is a recognized expert and
authority on his or her particular
subject. Everyone is invited to
come prepared to ask questions
and to join in the general discus­
Tuesday, Dec. 8th:
9:30 A. M., Registration and
10- 11 A. M., Establishing a
Successful Cheese Factory, Prof.
A. G. Simpson.
11- 12 A M., Poultry Feeding
and Management, Prof. C. C.
1-2 P. M., Poultry Lecture and
Demonstration, Prof. Lamb.
$1 A Y E A R
3 P. M., Feeding for Milk
Production, Prof. E. B. Fitts.
4 P. M., Dairy Cow Judging
Demonstration, Prof. Fitts.
8-10 P. M-, Lectures by Profs.
Fitts and Lamb, with Moving
Wednesday, Dec. 9th:
9:30-11 A. M., Improving the
Dairy Herd, Prof. Fitts.
11 12 A. M., Cooperative Or­
ganizations for Dairymen, Prof.
2 P. M-, Care and Handling
o f Mdk and Cream, Prof. Fitts.
4 P. M , Care and Marketing
o f Poultry Products with lecture
and demonstration, Prof. Lamb.
Evening, Illustrated Lecture.
Thursday, Dec. 10th:
9:30-11 A. M., Small Fruits,
Prof. W. S. Brown.
11-12 A. M., Walnut Culture,
Prof. Brown.
2 P. M-, Grafting Demon­
stration, Prof. Brown.
4 P. M., Pruning Demonstra­
tion, Prof. Brown.
10 P. M., Insect Enemies and
Plant Diseases, illustrated, Profs.
Brown and Larson.
Friday, Dec. 11th:
9:30-11 A. M., Crop Rotations
and Soil Fertility, Prof. J. E.
11-12 A. M ., Seed Potatoes as a
Special Crop, Prof. Larson.
2 P. M., Cultural Methods
for Important LocafCrops, Prof.
4 P. M., Soil and Crop De­
monstrations, Prof. Larso:..
Evening, Illustrated Lectures,
Notts Prof. Brown will lecture
on Loganberries—hour not set.
Saturday, Dec. 12th:
9:45 A M , Hog Feeding and
Management, Prof R. E- Rey­
9:45-10-30 A. M , Hog Judging
Demonstrations, Prof. Reynolds.
10:30-12 A. M , Hog Butcher­
ing by Union Meat Co.’ s Expert
1-2 P. M. Marketing L i v e
Stock, Prof. Reynolds.
3 days only
Thursday, Friday and Satur­
T h u r s d a y , December 10th:
9 10 A. M., Lecture: “ Food as
a Factor in Health’ ’ .
to -1 1
A . M ., Demonstration:
"Vegetable Cookery’ ’,
2 3 P. M ., Lecture: “ Cuts of
Meat’ ’ .
4 P. M ., “ Meat Cookery".
Friday, December n t h :
9 -10 A . M., Lecture:
for the sick’’ .
“ Food
Concluded on page two.