Estacado State Bank ESTACADA ( I PROGRESS n c o r p o r a th d ) Published Everv Thursday Morning ESTACADA. OKI (»ON R. M. Sundish, Editor **nd Manager Make it *nterea . YOUR BANK 11 ROY D. WAI hi 1!. President Vice President IRWIN D. WRIGHT, Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. I am Paying $1.15 per bushel for'good wheat. 27.00 per ton for gray oats. I am Selling Flour 6.00 bbl. Shorts - $32. per ton. Bran - 30. per ton. Feed of all kinds prices fair, honest weights and treatment. (H e rd W h e a t P a te n t) per Estacada lumber and Produce Co. Plow Shares Ground 25c Hoop Iron for Barrels. Hand Saws Filed Cross Cut Saws Filed Expert saw hammering C. C. M I L L E R Meta! Repairing at the roatoffice in Estacitda. Oregon as second class mail SUBSCRIPTIO N RATES We are operating a modern bank on the most conservative principles, and we respectfully solicit your patronage, Make use of our savings and check­ ing service, an A feel free to store your valuable papers in our safe deposit vaults. Call on us if you wish advice or as­ sistance, whether borrowing or loaning. For insurance our service is of the best and we want you to avail yourself of our service. THOMAS YOCUM. ut Electric Wiring Plum bing Kluetsch Mills First class lumber of all kinds. Dimension material a specialty. Prompt deliveries made from big stock on hand. Phone or call at mill, at Dodge. 0. C. Klaetsch, Owner. One year ................................................................... $ 1 00 Six months .............................................................. 50 Thursday. November 26, )6I4 Keep Out of the Rut It has been suggested that an appeal be made to the drivers of vehicles in this vicinity to obtain their cooperation in the upkeep of our new roads. All drivers are requested to keep out of the rut, especially during the winter months, when the beaten track becomes a deef. water filled cut. The new stretch of graveled road in Estacada is sixteen feet wide and there is plenty of room for the wheels, other than in the worn groove. This same sug­ gestion should apply to all of our rocked roads, for once the rut is cut, the drainage naturally fol­ lows it and washes the filling out. Let every driver this winter bear this in mind and see the big improvement that will be notice­ able by next spring. The more road bed that is covered by the wheel:, the better the road is packed, unless they all follow in the same old rut. Wood Piles One of the leading road super­ visors of this community has com­ plained, and rightly, that some ruling should be passed by the County Court forbidding the pil­ ing of cord wood along our main highways, that is, up to and abutting the graveled center. At present no such ruling has been passed, but it is likely to come. It is a slight inconvenie: ce to have to pile the wood off the side of the road and makes it harder for the loaded wagon to get back onto the main road, but the pres­ ent custom is a nuisance, espec­ ially when a wagon is loading or unloading and the passing vehicle is forced to take to the mud to get around. In all fairness, a compromise might be affected, with a given boundary line, to confine the wood piles. High Schools Debate Thirty-four high schools in Or­ egon will be in the Debating League this >ear, with Estacada in the Northern Willamette divis­ ion competing against Woodburn, Forest Grove, McMinnville, New- berg, Oregon City, Canby and Silverton. Football Beneficial A few of the Estacada parents are not in favor of football in the Estacada High School. Inasmuch as they are in the minority, their influence will not be strong. As a rule, the prejudice against the game is due to a lack of knowl­ edge of the science of the sport. Its main benefit, like all ath­ letics, lies in the building up of strong, clean bodies and gives an outlet for the superfluous energy that the average boy has at that age. The training and rigid diet­ ing, during the training season, are a big asset, the call l'or quick thinking and equally as quick action and team work are its largest benefit- To the parent, who knows the science of the game, the so called brutality is lacking, and the game as played by the high schools and colleges, is the highest type of clean sport, creating strong school spirit and clean sportsmanship, whether winning or losing. SH ELTER CGITONSEED ItiEAL A CHEAP EEEF FEED IPreparert t»y rhe United States depart­ ment of agriculture j From present indications it Is prob­ able that there will he tills year ttp- proximutely f*UO,UUi more turn» of cot­ tonseed meal on the tiome market than there were last year. Not only is the cotton crop itselt larger, hut the ex­ ports of cottonseed meal are likely to he much diminished on account or the conditions prevailing abroad In the opinion or experts in the United States department of agricul­ ture this abundance of cottonseed meal otters an excellent opportunity to the farmer to feed beef cattle at a greater profit than lie lias been aide to do for some years The feeding value of cottonseed tueal has been recogniz ed by agricultural authorities for some time It Is. in fact, a trifle higher than that of linseed meal and at least twice that of corn In other words, for foisting cattle one pound of cotton­ seed meal is etpial to two pounds of corn. Where the remainder of the ration is composed entirely’ of feeds nigh In carbohydrates, such as corn, corn stover ami timothy hay. the rela­ tive value of cottonseed meal Is even Higher j This fact Is of especial importance to cattle feeders throughout the corn belt and other states where much corn FOR COLTS. Young Animals Nsod Warm Quarters During the First Winter. Now that cool, frosty nights are hero again h irood shelter should be provided for the young colt at night, let tin*: It out again In the morning, says the .American Agriculturist. A coif’s lirst winter is a crucial period, ami it should receive proper attention The future value of the animal de pends largely on now it get* through A m o n g c u t tin n rc o s o le ly ro r oeef the winter No matter how well the n o n e ra n g , high**» t le u i l*ie H e r e ­ colt may be cured for after the first fo rd « r i le H lio i t l io r n . A n g u s . U n i it will never get over It. If not In w a y a n d p e rh a p s th e U « 1 I ' o ii In e e d s a r e to* w e ll t h o u g h ! o t in properly eared for during the cold v a r io u s p u r l s o l (h e c o u n t r y Ad­ months. Cold weather will cause the m ir e r s e blanketed during ttie ex­ If corn was wort!) 70 cents a httshcl treme cold weather A colt that has am) clover hay $1"» « ton, each ion of no better protection from the wind cottonseed meal fed the cattle saved and snow than an open shed or the the farmer $.Vi 40 worth of other feed. sheltered side of the straw stack, usual With cottonseed meal at #'J4 h ton !y looks pretty shaggy by spring With this Is a net saving or $'M a saving the demand for horses going up on well worth while account of the European war. it be Tw enty four dollar* a ton may seem hooves every farmer to take tile best low for cottonseed meal, but as a mat­ possible care of his colts ter of ra d tlie meal can now he nought in tile south at price* ranging from to $‘.M |ier ton Instead ol *2? Cottonseed as a Hog Feed. Hog men in general leave out of con to $:il, demanded last year At these Mtderution cottonseed men I as a concen­ prices cottonseed meal is approximate­ trated feed for hogs Meat meal or ly $!."» per ton cheaper than linseed tankage, which supplies digestible pro­ meal Cottonseed Hulls had an even tein in much larger «piaiitilies than cot­ greater drop in price and are now sell­ tonseed meal, can In* used profitably in ing at from $4 uO to &YfiU a ton In addition to Its feeding value the balancing the ration of tiie hog. and fertilizing value of cottonseed meal is this concentrate la being almost uni versa Ily used by hog men Who are very high, so nigh ludecd at present studying how t*est to get the largest prices the meal could la* profitably returns from the grain they feed.— used for fertilizer alone When fed to Kansas Farmer. cattle from NO to in» per cent of this fertilizing value remains in the ma­ nure In other words when tlte en­ Piggery Sanitation. The sanitation of the piggery should richment V f the mud is rnKeii into consideration the cattle are fed at a tie guarded as carefully as the sanlta cost of from only lu to 2b per «*eot of tioti of a hospital l»amp and III veil Hinted sleeping quarters an* fatal to tlie market price or the cottonseed pigs, and unless the owner will see to meal Tills, say the ex|R»rts In the de­ It that ho*'» Always have a dry and partment «»r agriculture itlTord* an op- well ventilated place to sleep ho had |N>rynnity to the farmer ft» make protits dll tlie feeding of live stock which he much better keep out of the business has not enjoyed for many years