Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 19, 1914, Image 2

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    Som e Shooter.
Dr Morse also tests eyes
and fits glasses. Office over
Mgr Laurvv of the Estacada
Hot> Ciirrm admits the following
1 Hotel, announes that he will serve drug store.
»nil there were witnesses
Currins had a chii-keu that refns , one of his famous Thanksgiving
rd to board at the parental domicile I dinners from 5 30 to 7 P.M. Nov.
will lie necessary that all
preie ring the tall and uncut
Bob 26th.
Gladys Carpenter, School Editor
laid tor that piece of poultry when parties availing themselves of this
If a number of high school stu­
hunting Chinas. He finally spotted j treat, shall notify Mgr Lanryy in dents are seen Friday, “ some in
it dissapearing into a clump ot fern advance and make reservation
rags and some in tags and some in
and cut loose with a full load of
velvet gowns,” do not think the
No. 6 — among the dead, dying
beggars have come to town, hut re­
and wounded were one motherly old
member that November 2otb is
speckled hen and ten downy, fluffy,
“ Rough-Neck Day” at school.
innocent little chicks. The intend
Miss Sadie Hornibrook is direct­
ed victim was last seen headed to-
ing the Glee Club one evening a
watds Hale's ranch.
Mr. Wright is to take
charge of the high school chorus
after football season is over.
The class in dairy farming is
making butter once a week under
the supervision of Mr Guthrie.
The cream is procurred from one of
the Currinsville farmers and. after
J W. Dowty of Alspaugh re­
being made into first class butter,
cently returned from an extended
is sold at market prices
visit in eastern Orogon.
Tiling for the draining of the
Win. Bletch and family of Spring-
north part of the school yard has
water. are selling out and intend to
arrived, and boys are busy doing
move to Portland in the near future
the ditching.
T h i Fir wood School will give a
Arrangements are being made
Thanksgiving program Nov. 25 th.
with the Agricultural College for
at 2 o'clock.
the conducting of “ A Farmers’
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sevier of Viola
Week” here, some time in Febru­
spent the week end at the home ot
bet daughter, Mrs. C. Hicinbotham
The Websterians will give the j
of River Mill.
following programme in the As­
Garfield Smith of Firwood has
sembly Hall Friday afternoon at
returned from Portland, acconv
2:05. Everyone is invited.
pauied by his sister Edith, who will
Song, Am erica,. ________ School
spend a few days with her parents.
Debate: Resolved that the White
The Rev. Paranogan, the Meth
Man's Treatment of the Indians
odist S S.organizer of Salem.preach­
Is Unjust
Affirmative, Robert j
ed the -.<1111011 at (lie Viola Church
Ewalt. Orion Coop.
Negatjve, I
last Sunday, which was greatlv en­
Paul Courtwright, William Otier-
Vocal Solo
____ Mabel Kellar
A crowd alteuded the dance and
Peace Pipe. losephine Lingelhacb
basketball practice at the Dodge
The Q u ak ers__ ______I.ela Howe |
liall. last Saturday evening. The
G iils’ Chorus
hall is (icing ceiled and eal.somined
Turkey_______ _____Lela Traylor I
and a liew entry-wav is being built.
Give Thanks tor What?
Tnerc will be another dance at
Philip Adams
ihe hall in-xt Saturday night and
Veneta Page, Helen !
the ladies will bring baskets and j
Keith. Clvde Denney
serve coffee and lunch at midnight, 1
Earl Tracv has been absent from
Mrs Lawrence Crudiiiskv of 1
school the past week.
Springw tier has rammed to her
home after an absence of several j
The Sunshine Circle of Spring- |
weeks and is gradually improving
water met at »be home o* Mrs. ;
in health after her long illness.
Earl Kilgore last Thursday, but j
Mr and Mrs John Gilhens of
owing to the stormy weather, few ,
Alspaugh entertained Mr. and Mrs
were able to attend.
Loins Yunker of Hogan. Miss I The Harvest Festival, held a we<k
M imie Heiple and Mrs. Lulu ago last Sundav at the Spnngwater j An entertaiment and box social
Sparks. Iasi Sunday
Inasmuch Presbyterian Church, was a grand will he given next Saturday night, I
as John Githetis reports the capture success. Rev Montgomery of Port- ! Nov 21st. at the Garfield Grange, j
this week of a new species of duck, 1 land gave she morning address and I for the benefit of ¡he Garfield Band j
with a hill like a chicken, it is pos- the chorus sang several excellent | A $1 box ot candv will be given!
Sime that a chicken and duck din- selections
I11 the afternoon a mu- Í as a prize to the highest bidder for
a box. Everyone is invited.
jsical program was rendered.
ner wa - served.
Mrs. Fred Horner has purchased
a Tamworth pig. more commonly
known as a “ razorback” which is
said to produce the finest of bacon
Owing to failure on the part of the
shipper, to have the hog insptcled,
it was returned for inspection by
the state authorities, but will be re­
shipped soon.
School Notes
Tom Morton of Estacada ex-
! pects to witness the U. of 0. and
0. A. C. foot ball game, next
Saturday at Corvallis.
Carl Duus of Criterion, Oregon
returned home this week, after
spending a few weeks visiting at
Dr. H. Steiner of Sandy was an the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Duus of Garfield.
Estacada visitor this week.
C. W. Devore of Estacada re­ “Docie” Palmateer of Garfield
turned Wednesday from a week’s returned last week from a success­
ful shoot on the Columbia Slough,
business trip to Drain, Or.
with a big goose and a string of
Albert Adlon of South Estaca­
da has just finished his new house
and has just received a Kirsten
stump puller and is about to begin
the clearing of his suburban acres.
The revival services being con­
ducted every evening by the
Christian church are being well
attended and are doing a good
work. These meetings will be
continued indefinitely.
Born, last weekto Mr. and Mrs. 1
A. D. Young of Garfield, an 8)4
lb. daughter. Mr. Young is the
contractor and builder of the Ho­
tel LaBarre Vue which is fast
nearing completion.
B. F. Bullard of Currinsville
recently suffered a loss of several
¡goals, probably the victims of
I dogs, although some of the indi-
¡ cations pointed to other animals.
I This is the second report of the
j kind this week and will probably
¡ end in a dog killing.
The Portland papers this week
chronicled the burning of the
home in Sellwood of a family by
the name of Lovelace, in which
a child was killed. This house
J was owned by E. S. Shankland
of Currinsville and partly cov-
jered by insurance. Mr. Shank-
! land had no trouble in collecting '
I the insurance, but it far from
covered the loss.
Annual Thanksgiving Entertainment at the Estacada School
House, Tuesday Evening, at 7:30 o’clock, November 24, 1914.
Thanksgiving Proclamation
Singing Games
_______ . ___ ..1st Grade
Thanksgiving Story . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . _____1st Grade
Scarecrows Aroaming..
____fitli, 7th and 8th Grades
At Home
.......................... ....................2nd and 3rd Grades
large party of Garfield farm­
Dialogue. An Ax to Grind...
.........................................3rd Grade ers. A comprising
John Duus, Frank
Song. Thanksgiving ____ _____________________ 4th Grade ! Thomas.
Fred Bates,
Recitation. An Awful Dream__ _______________ Benton Sarver Crawford brothers, Elmer
Monologue. Fred’s View of Early Rising
.. .Waldo Demoy j and Clyde English, who are rang-
Song. Pies
. . . . 4th and 5th Grades ! ing cattle in the mountains be­
left this week for a trip, to
Dialogue. First New England Singing School. 6th. 7th and 8th Grades yond.
and succor such of the
Monologue, Little Sammy's Troubles_________ Leonard Mayfield cattle as up were
reported to be storm
.. .
Adelphics bound near Currin Creek. These
Websterians farmers have for years past,
found cattle raising on the public
Italian Folk Dance, Tarentella . .... .6th, 7th and 8th Grades lands
be a profitable business
Song, Gay Feast of S o n g ................................. ......................Glee Club and are to now
building a big com­
Admission, Adults 15 cents: Children 5 cents.
munity barn and corrals, for per­
manent storage of food supplies.
Proceeds to pay for school organ.
Thanksgiving Time
Will soon be here
Wc have ROASTERS of all kinds,
for Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chick­
ens. Roasters in Aluminum, Granite,
Pressed steel and Sheet iron. Carving
sets, Basting spoons, Gravy ladles and
Silverware of all description, at prices
to suit your pocket book.
C a ll in and look over our lines.
Everything in
Bert H. Finch
Estacada, Oregon
Pure Food Department
Buy your Groceries cheaper
On any $20. or more order of as­
sorted groceries purchased at our store,
we will guarantee to Ee as cheap or
cheaper than any catalogue house in
If you have not received a copy
of our November grocery catalog,
we will be pleased to mail one to you.
Palace Meat Market
We handle only the best of meats
Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickier.
A complete line of fresh and salt meats.
Fresh vegetables in their season.
Fresh Eggs and Butter.
1K1D JORG, Proprietor
- Do you know half of
your labor can be saved by using the
Ask your neighbor who has used one.
Or better still, try one for yourself.
L A U IC 3
Estacada Pharmacy