Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 12, 1914, Image 2

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The Governor's
Fourteen sta te s now have laws pro-
h ibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages
as the result of T uesday's election, on
the face of the late returns, which !
show th a t prohibition was adopted in
Arizona, W ashington, Oregon and Col
orado. The states which prohibit the j
sale of liquor are ; Arizona, Okia- j
homa, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, I
Illustrations from Photographs of the Stage Production
Maine, Mississippi, North Carolina. Report Suggests More Torpedoes,
Oregon, Tennessee, W ashington, W est)
and More Men in Roth
V irginia, N orth Dakota, V irginia.
Oopyrltf h t . I M I i r a b l i a t i i o a t t W b U J U m t t w I ) b y i M r M U c I jlsoo .
Army and Navy.
Alabam a once adopted prohibition
der and galloped off w ith you on a
am endm ent, but late r rescinded it.
South Carolina is largely so under
D an ie l S l a d e s u d d e n l y a d v a n c e s f r o m a
"Oh, Rob,” she breathed, really
W ashington, D. C.— Both Secretary penniless
various acts. A score of sta te s have
m i n e r t o a m i ll i on ai r e . Ho Is pleased a t his dom ineering tone.
G arrison and Secretary Daniels will a m b i t i o u s t o be c o m e g o v e r n o r o f t h e
local option laws.
“T h at’s the sort of a m an to get
te . I l l s s im pl e, h o m e - l o v i n g w if e fa il s
I lay before congress, in th e ir annual re- hta
t o line t o t h e n e w cond it io n «. S la d e m e e t s
Seven sta te s voted on the question t ports, soon to be made public, the K a t h e r i n e , d a u g h t e r o f S e n a t o r S t r i c k ­ on with a woman like you,” he ac­
of woman suffrage Tuesday.
In two lessons they believe the arm y and navy la nd. a n d .sees i n h e r al l t h a t M a r y la not. cused. "A brute! A man could do
id es t o s e p a r a t e f r o m ilia wife anything with you if he once con­
the suffrage cause won, while in five of the U nited S lates should draw from S a n la d d e t a k d ec
e s r o o m s a t h is club. H i s d e s e r ­
ti o n o f h is w ife a n d h is c o n s t a n t a t t e n ­ quered you. T here's nothing in those
it was rejected. M ontana and Nevada I the w ar in Europe.
K a t h e r i n e S t r i c k l a n d c a u s e s long understandings," he broke off.
grated the franchise to women. Mis­
No e x traordiaary expenditures have d pu a n b li c e c c on
om ment.
disgustedly. "I’ve lost you and I don’t
souri, N ebraska, N orth Dakota, Ohio been asked for by e ith e r the W ar or
know how, or why. I do know you
and South D akota voters declined to do Navy departm ents in the annual e sti­
CHAPTER V—Continued.
liked me b e tte r than anyone else, and
m ates already filed w ith the appropri­
I adore you yet,” he finished, impul­
The 11 states, w ith the tim e of ation com m ittees of congress, but the
"Well, I don't care how you get It—
g ra n tin g th e franchise, a re : Wyom­ two cabinet heads will discusse in de­ I w ant it. It's vital. I’ve got to have sively clasping her hand with both
ing, 1890; Colorado, 1893; Idaho, ta il the best method of obtaining a ten thousand to go to Europe. Every­ of his. K atherine patted his strong
1896; U tah, 1896; W ashington, 1910; mobile and adeqaate arm y and a pow­ body's going—Mrs. Webb. Mrs. O'Don­ fingers with her free hand.
“Please, Rob, I know you do,” and
C alifornia, 1912; Arizona, 1912; K an­ erful and efficient fleet.
nell—” and her voice trailed off Into she left him to pass back and forth
sas, 1912; Oregon, 1912; Nevada,
S ecretary Garrison will endeavor to a pettish whine.
the length of the room. “I can't,"
1914; M ontana, 1914.
concentrate the attention of congress
"Yes, I know all about th a t crowd,”
and the country on the necessity of a M erritt snarled. "Sunny places for she sighed. Then hurriedly: "If I
only had the courage. Oh, R ob!” and
P ortland—A surprising result of the definite national m ilitary policy, ex­ shady people.”
she turned on him with a helpless
la te r re tu rn s was the revelation th at tending over a period of years.
“W esley! I need clothes. I've told little gesture.
M ultnomah has joined the sisterhood
Secretary Daniels will recommend everybody I'm going," and the peev­
"W hat do you m ean by courage?"
of counties and sw ung into the “ d ry ” two battleships, but probably will ask ish woman glared a t her husband.
M ultnomah was the last congress to give the navy authority, as Then she added suddenly: "C an’t the he demanded.
“I mean I'd have to—to live here
county to report and makes the verdict it did last year, to expend a lump sum senator ask Slade?”
In this little hole In the W est,” ehe
in favor of prohibition, by counties, for subm arines w ithout fixing the num­
"Oh, my God, F annie!" the hectored burst forth, vehem ently. "No—no, I
unanim ous in the state.
man groaned. "Can I suggest th at? can 't face It—alw ays!"
W ith only p arts of two precincts
The s|>ectacular raids of subm arines A rival candidate!
I've m ortgaged
“Well, suppose It did mean to stay
m issing the vote on th is issue now i s : in the European w ar have draw n a t­ iny property up to the h ilt now for
h ere?” Hob stood with folded arms.
For prohibition, 36,588; ag ain st pro­ tention to the fact th a t last y ear con­ clothes—but sooner than—"
“It's a home. E veryone vegetates
hibition, 36,202. M ajority for, 386.
gress appropriated an ag g reg ate of
“I don’t care—I need clothes," his
more than $4,000,000 for the building wife Interrupted, rising and walking m ore or less at home. K atherine!"
S eattle, W ash.— L ate figures indi­ of subm arines and specified th a t one of restlessly ubout the room. "I’ve got his voice became more tender, "do
cate the m ajority for prohibition will them should be a seagoing vessel, to go to Europe. The devil take your you really m ean th a t? ” And he put
be closer to 20,000 than 15,000.
The practically tw ice the size of those used excuses.”
m ajority fo r the drys increased stead­ in the coast patrol.
Then, w ith a sudden change of
ily as the returns were received from
Such a subm arine, according to the thought, she cooed. "W esley!"
the outlying precincts. W ith one pre­ explanation made by naval officers at
M erritt stood with his elbow on the
cinct m issing, it is indicated th a t King the tim e to congress, will be the larg­ m antel, looking moodily into the fire.
county gave the w ets a m ajority of est and most powerful in the world,
"W esley," ehe cooed again. “Why
15,706. This is somewhat less than able to accompany the fleet every­ don’t you—if you can 't get In—why
the anti-prohibitionists had figured, where.
European subm arines have don’t you boom Slade? They say he's
and saloon men feel th a t this county been able to m ake only com paratively buying everybody.”
should have done b e tte r by them . The short voyages from th e ir bases, and
“Well, w e’ve been bought." H er
figures for 407 out of 408 precincts in the g re a t cruiser subm arine planned husband's tone indicated ju st how
K ing county on the amendm ent were by A m erican naval officers, bids for little consideration such a plan would
34,322 for and 50,028 against.
which are soon to be opened, will have from him.
Satisfaction is expressed here in eclipse any of the kind seen in the
"No, but you've been defeated six
many q u arters th a t Oregon also was present w ar.
tim es," she objected, determ ined to
carried fo r the drys, since, it is con­
argue this new possibility th at had
tended, th a t puts Oregon a t the same
Just occurred to her. "W es—If the
economic disadvantage as W ashington
sen ato r has gone back on you—look
in reference to adjacent w et common­
out. Sell out. I m ust have clothes."
w ealths.
I t is asserted here th a t the
She stopped as the senator himself
effect of the conflict between the word­
entered from the sm oking room.
ing of the prohibition m easure and the
Tokio — I t is officially announced
"They’re asking for you, W esley,"
sta te constitution relative to the tim e th a t the Germ an fo rtress of T sing Tau and M erritt, glad of the Interruption,
of effectiveness of the act will mean has surrendered to the Japanese and hurried out.
th at, while, under the constitution, the B ritish forces.
"Ah—good evening, Fannie.” S trick­
act m ust be effective w ithin 30 days
It is fu rth e r announced th a t the first land took h e r hand In his smooth,
a fte r its passage, the clause in the step in bringing about the surrender of affable way. "I'm sorry, Fannie, th a t
bill providing th a t the m easure is not the fo rtress occurred a t m idnight S at­ W esley doesn't take more to Slade.
to go into effect until January 1, 1916, urday, when the in fantry charged and I t ’s a g reat m istake. Why don't you
sim ply has the effect of preventing the occupied the middle fo rt of the line of tell him so?"
im posing of any penalty for violations defense. In th is operation they took
"Oh, my gracious!" her m anner
during the coming year.
200 prisoners.
changing to su it the occasion. "W hat
The Germ ans hoisted the w hite flag influence could I possibly have with
a t 7 o’clock if) the m orning a t the
Democrats Will Have
my husband? H e's a man of iron
w eather observation bureau of Tsing
will. Why, I have to do everything
Majority of 24 in House Tau.
he tells me myself. I wouldn’t dare
The quickness of capitulation of the
New Y ork—The m em bership of the
to meddle with his affairs.”
S ixty-fourth congress as the result of
"W ell, Just coax him, Fannie, the
T uesday's election, excluding one con­
way a nice, sweet, womanly woman
te st still in doubt, will be as follows:
can,” urged th e senator, knowing full
House of R epresentatives — Demo­ the people of Tokio.
well th at the M erritts had one me­
“I Couldn’t—Oh, Rob! I Couldn't."
crats, 229; Republicans, 196; Pro­
nage for private use and quite another
Villa May Be President.
gressives, 7; Socialist, 1; Independ­
for publication.
his arm s around her shoulders and
ent, 1. D em ocratic m ajority, 24.
San Antonio, T ex.—According to ad­
"I want to go to Europe and my looked long and earnestly into her
S e n a te — Democrats, 53; Republi­ vices received Saturday from Aguas husband says he can’t afford it.” upraised face.
cans, 39; Progressive, 1. Dem ocratic Calientes bv a San Antonio new spaper, H er voice dropped to a sugary whine.
"I couldn't—Oh, Rob, I couldn’t,”
m ajority, 13.
General Eulalio G utierrez has resigned
"W e can’t all be m illionaires like she protested. "All this month I’vo
Senatorial contests in doubt are in as provisional president and may be Mr. Slade, can we?” Ju s t think. It been w eakening—but I—”
Colorado, Nevada
Wisconsin. succeeded by Villa him self.
“Ah," he interrupted, his face close
would cost $10,000, to say nothing of
D em ocratic leaders still claimed the
to hers. "Y ou're wearing my flowers,
election of Charles S. Thomas over
"Don't worry about th a t trip to Eu­ too—I saw th a t when I cam e in.
Brownsville—General V illa two days
H ubert W ork, in Colorado, and of ago wired General C arranza proposing rope, Fannie," the senator advised, And my picture—you are still keeping
F rancis D. Newlands over Samuel th a t in order to se ttle the question of m eaningly. "I think,” and he paused th a t.”
P la tt, in Nevada.
"B ut 1—I c an ’t quite,” she began.
peace in Mexico th a t both he and Car­ significantly, "I think you'll earn i t "
Republican leaders claimed the elec­ ranza be executed, according to A. W ith th a t he started tow ard the " I’m dreadfully troubled, Rob.” she
tion of F rancis E. McGovern over Paul D ittm an, a photographer, who returned smoking-room. "W esley," he called, finally m anaged to say. She turned
A. H usting, Dem ocrat, in Wisconsin, from Aguas C alientes.
G eneral Car­ and as M erritt appeared in the door­ from his em brace. "W e'd be poor
but through an error discovered late in ranza did not answer.
way, rem arked: "I believe your wife and then we'd be like the M erritts,”
the day in one of the W isconsin coun­
with a tragic spread of her arm s. "I’m
has som ething to say to you.”
ties, an apparent m ajority for Mc­
"Oh, yes, W esley—I have som ething used to the world. I w ant to live—
Servian Position Lost.
everyw here—to see things. I'd die
Govern had been sw ept away, leaving
Vienna—The follow ing official s ta te ­ m ost Im portant to say.”
the situ atio n much in doubt.
"Well, if It's about th a t trip to Eu­ here, veg etatin g !”
The resu lt in only one congressional
“Oh, no you wouldn't,” Hayes s ta r t­
rope,” growled M erritt, asserting him ­
“ In the southw estern w ar th ea ter self as he would never dare to do ed to rem onstrate, when the door of
d istric t was undeterm ined.
In the
the sm oking room opened and Slade
F irst New York d istric t, Frederick C. the battle on the whole front Monday when he was alone with her.
Hicks, Republican, and R epresentative continued w ith undim inished force. In
"Now, W esley, come with me to the appeared.
Brown w ere running on v irtually even spite of the obstinate resistance of the balcony,” Fannie coaxed in w hat she
"I was ju st going to look you up,
term s, and the outcome probably will enemy, entrenchm ent a fte r entrench­ considered her prettiest manner. Robert. I thought you wouldn’t go
w ithout seeing me, but—’’
not be known until an official count is ment near Kroupani was tak en until 5 "You'll excuse us, senator?"
o’clock in the m orning one of the
"No, of course not.” Hayes did not
As Fannie dragged ber husband out
In com puting the Dem ocratic total strongest points, K ostajnik, which the of the room Hayes, returning from a ttem p t to conceal his annoyance at
in the house a t 229, W illiam K ettner, Servians believed unconquerable, was the smoking-room, and K atherine, re­ the interruption. K atherine moved
of th e E leventh C alifornia district, storm ed by our troops. "T h e num ber turning from her talk with the re­ slowly toward the door.
"I'm not driving you away, am I.
who also ran on the Progressive ticket of prisoners and captured guns is not porter, found them selves alone. K ath­
and ranks as a Progressive in th e pres­ known.”
erine was nervous and ill a t ease. Miss K atherine?”
Before she could answ er Fannie
ent congress, is included w ith the m a­
Im m ediately she began to busy her­
jo rity party.
self folding copies of her fath er’s M erritt came sweeping In. She was
English Bombard Arabians.
H er beam ing face and Mer­
London—The B ritish cruiser Min­ speech and Inserting them into mail­
ritt's sullen one made th e situation
Turk Plunders Armenian.
erva has bombarded the A rabian town ing envelopes.
“Slade's doing it,” Bob rem arked. plain to all in the room.
London — In a diapath from Tiflis, of Dieddah (Jiddah), on the Red Sea.
"My dear,” ehe exclaimed, turning
trans-C aucasia, coming by way of Jiddah, a town of some 30,000 inhabi­ "They are nearly all wiped out in to K atherine. "You were quite right!
tants, is the chief seajfcrt of A rabia, there. Those who haven't been be­
Petrograd, th e Daily T elegraph's cor­
in the province of H * a z , 65 m iles guiled, have been bullied or bought— Mr. Slade is a g reat man. I'm leaving
respondent says:
"T he T urkish A r­
northw est of Mecca. I t is a p ictu r­ Hold on! T h at sounds like the head­ my W esley here to work for him. I'm
menians w ere pitilessly plundered on
off for Europe next week," she gushed
esque town w ith narrow and irreg u lar lines in a Socialist paper—”
the eve of th e war.
Hundreds were
"W hat’s happened to you?" he broke as Hayes helped her into her evening
stre ets and houses o f coralline lim e­
arrested. The arrival of the Russian |
stone. From the sea th e w hite m ina­ off abruptly. “I can't find a trace of wrap, “leaving my poor, dear boy all
troops was greeted enthusiastically in j
re ts show plainly w ithin the walls of you left. E ver since you came back— alone. You will be good to him, won't
those neighborhods, where harvesting [
the town and give i t a picturesque ap- I've been hunting for one sign of the you? Good night, Mr. Slade; thank
now has been resumed.
L arge num­
peanrance. The angles of th e walls girl I knew. Your notes—the very let­ you," and, closely followed by K ath­
bers of A rm enian refugees have reach­
te rs you w rote me from E urope sound­ erine, she hurried out to h e r waiting
are surmounted by forts.
ed Odessa seeking enrollm ent in the j
ed as if some one else had w ritten motor.
Russian arm y. They will be enrolled I
Slade's face was a study In amused
them. Who la It who's occupying
as a special corps to the Caucasus. ’ ’
complacency as he realized th a t he
London— A dispatch to R e u te r's T el­ your mind, K atherine?"
"I don't know what you m ean," the need fear nothing more from Wesley
egram company from A m sterdam says
M erritt or his "tin horn tooting sheet.”
Germans Fine Brussels.
th a t advices received th ere from Ber- j girl evaded.
The Hague, via London—There has lin say th a t up to last Sunday the Ger-
"You used to care a lot for me,” The self-esteem th at was slowly but
been received here a copy of a German man concentration cam ps and hospitals | reflectively, his mind recalling the completely obscuring clear vision,
m ilitary decree issued in Brussels on held the following p riso n e rs : French, j warm, eager welcome of her arm s the prevented him from seeing th a t his
October 28 by Field M arshal Von Der 3138 officers and 188,618 m en; Rus- j day he had declared his love for her, money, not himself, had brought about
the change. The money he had made
Goltz, m ilitary governor of the occu­ sians, 3121 officers and 186.779 men; six years before.
pied p art of Belgium, condemning the Belgians, 537 officers and 34,907 m en; | "I only thought I did." she declared, was his—was he—himself. He ton-
tw o Belgian policemen to tw o and five B ritish, 417 officers and 15,730 men.
but her eyes dropped before his steady fused Its vast power to bend the Mer­
ritts and th eir world w ith his own
years' im prisonm ent, respectively, on j The correspondent adds th a t the Ber­ gaze.
the charge of m altrea tin g a German lin dispatch says these figures do not
"You did care,” positively. “ You strength.
did care. I could tell. W hen you went
include prisoners not encamped
The sam e decree fined the city of |
aw ay the first tim e you did. Why,
Brussels 5,000,000 francs ($1,000,000) "The Nude" Barred from Mails. it was only a question of my luck
because it was alleged citizens p a rtici­
"Mre, Slade won't sign over the cot­
Chicago — The m ails w ere denied turning. You were going to wait for
pated in th e affair.
Saturday to copies of “ The N ude,” the me. I alw ays knew t h a t Then I tage," Hayes began abruptly. "I c an ’t
painting which won th e P o tte r Palm er m et 8lade. Even the senator's got a do anything more."
"She m u s t”
Slade uttered the
"W et" Majority Is Heavy.
prize of $1000 at the annual exhibition good word for me now. But you—"
Sun Francisco— R eturns from 3324 , of Am erican paintings a t th e A rt In- I his voice broke and he leaned forward words through set teeth. "She ean't
precincts out of 4586 In the sta te g iv e : j s titu te here. The work of a rt w a s , and laid hie hand over hers as It live there. Robert, you a re the only
person who knows us both thoroughly.
Prohibition— For. 172,896; against. described as "purely v u lg a r” by C. A. rested idly on the table.
“ H eavens!” he exclaimed, as he I w ant you to bring th is m atter to a
Angier, postoffice inspector. Copies
Red lig h t abatem ent—For, 154,134; of “ The N ude” will be barred from snatched his hand away. "W hat I finish quietly and kindly and—now.”
“Why don't yon see her and have
against, 165,259.
store windows. M ajor M. L. C. Funk- j ought to have done was to have rtd-
A nti-prize fight — For, 145,045; houser, second deputy of police, as-1 den up here, taken you over my shoul- U e a t with her?” Hayes suggested.
against, 124,166.
Success oí Divers in European War
Impresses Department.
A N o v c l i z a t i o n of
Al i ce Bradley's Play
Ex-Kin? Manuel of Portugal, here shown with his wife, who is a Hohen*
zollern princess, has offered to serve England in any rapacity in accordance
with the alliance between Great Britain and Portugal, and has advised his
royalist friends to be loyal to th eir country. It is said plans are on foot to
resto re him to the throne.
Thirteen Democrats and
Twelve Republicans Win
New Y ork — R eturns from th e 29
sta te s w here gubernatorial elections
were held show th a t 11 Dem ocrats and
10 Republicans had been elected, and
th a t in seven sta te s the Republican
candidates were leading in five and the
Dem ocrats in two.
California re-
elected Governor Johnson, Progressive.
Of these 29 states, 16 now have Demo-
Prohibition Carries Every County [ cratic governors, 11 Republican gov­
Except Multnomah - Initiative ernors and two Progressive governors.
Measures Mostly Lost.
S tates electing Dem ocratic govern-
j ors were Alabam a, Arizona, Georgia,
M assachusetts,
Portland— Election retu rn s collected ! Idaho,
from the sta te and Multnomah county Michigan, N ebraska, Oklahoma, South
Carolina, Tennessee and Texas, and
and compiled late W ednesday night Wyoming elected a D em ocratic-Pro­
leave hardly a shred of doubt as to the gressive.
Republican governors were elected
fa te of any issue before the people.
George E. C ham berlain is elected to in Connecticut, Iowa, New H am pshire,
New York, Nevada, N orth Dakota,
the U nited S tates senate by a large Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvnaia, Rhode Is­
p lurality over R. A. Booth, his Repub­ land, Verm ont and W isconsin. In Col­
lican opponent. If the ratios are not orado, Kansas and South D akota the
changed in the complete retu rn s it Republican candidates are leading.
New York, New Ham pshire, Con­
may reach 18,000.
necticut, Colorado and Ohio elected
Dr. Jam es W ithycombe has received ' Republicans to succeed Dem ocrats;
a plurality for governor probably larg ­ Minnesota and Tennessee chose Dem-
e r than ever given a candidate for th a t | ocrats to succeed Republicans.
office in the sta te . It will range above
30,000 if the present ratio s are con­ i Four Out of Six States
Go Decidedly “Dry”
On the sta te and Suprem e court tic k ­
Chicago— Four of the six sta te s th a t
ets th e Republican candidate have
voted Tuesday on the extirpation of
been easy winners.
There has been a trem endous protest saloons decided, according to latest
a g ain st the abuse of the initiativ e. returns, to forbid the sale of alcoholic
E very m easure except tw o seems to
have been defeated, some of them by beverages in fu tu re and two voted to
retain saloons. Ohio and C alifornia
a vote as high as six to one.
Only Prohibition and the amend­ kept th eir saloons, while W ashington,
m ent changing th e qualifications of Colorado, Oregon and Arizona closed
voters have pulled through, but both
j theirs.
W ashington on first returns
of those have received large m ajorties.
showed a t w et m ajority, but la te r re ­
Oregon has spoken for a dry sta te
turns gave the drys a lead, which tend­
w ith an em phatic voice. The m ajority
ed to increase.
in favor of the am endm ent, it is now
Unofficial retu rn s from Arizona show
indicated, will go higher than 30,000.
th a t saloons w ere voted out, the wom­
W ith the exception of Multnomah,
en aiding m aterially in reaching th is
every county in the sta te has given a
' result, as well as in voting to re ta in
m ajority for the am endm ent, unless
the death penalty, thus condemning
prelim inary returns are grossly de­
finally to death 15 m urderers aw aiting
the outcome of the election.
The sta te a t large w ill overwhelm
Ohio sustained saloons by a good
the m ajority Multnomah county has
| m ajority and and adpoted a home rule
given again st the amendm ent, for if
am endm ent th a t was recognized as a
the complete re tu rn s show no change
saloon m easure.
in the trend of votes the sta te will
come up to Multnomah county w ith a
Canada Restrains l*ress.
possible m ajority for the am endm ent
of 40,000.
O ttaw a—The Canadian governm ent
If th ere is any m easure aside from has ordered the suppression o f news­
these tw o which has a chance of adop­ papers publishing articles calculated
tion it is th e am endm ent authorizing to promote sedition among alien re si­
the m erging of contiguous c ities and dents in Canada. W eekly newspapers
printed in the Germ an language in
On several m easures, such as the W innipeg, Regina, C algary and Ed­
normal school bills, the den tistry bill monton have openly condemned G reat
and city and county consolidation, B ritain, France and Russia and upheld
Multnomah county has given small the acts of Germ any and A ustria in
affirm ative m ajorities, but i t is prac­ the European war.
tically certain th a t these m ajorities
The N orthw est m ounted police have
will be sw ept away by the u pstate been ordered to put an end to the pub­
lication of such sentim ents.
Senatorship Is Only O l e Lost by
Oregon Republicans.
Egypt Is Smoldering.
Taft's Escort Ejected.
The Hague— A high official who has
ju st returned from A lexandria, Egypt,
says th a t conditions in th a t country
are outw ardly quiet, although inward­
ly dangerous. He says th a t disconten­
ted people, under the leadership of
Prince Mohammed Ali Pasha, brother
of the absent Khedive, are keeping up
a quiet a gitation while professing loy­
alty to the B ritish and aw aiting fu r­
th e r developm ents in the T urkish Mo­
hammedan world.
‘‘Foreginers in
E gypt are living like passengers on a
liner w ith a burning c arg o .”
H artford — E x-President T aft was
voting in the N inth ward Tuesday,
having been escorted to the polls by
his friend. Colonel Isaac M. Ullmann,
a New Haven Republican leader, when
Colonel Ullmann ripped down litho­
graph pictures of P resident W ilson and
Governor Baldwin placed on the front
of a building occupied by Democratic
headquarters. Mr. T a ft edged his way
out of the angry crowd as Ullmann
tore down a second picture. The police
w ere called and Colonel Ullmann was
ejected from the vicinity.
Germans Are Suffering.
Airman After Tiro Rulers.
London — The correspondent of the
Chronicle a t Petrograd telegraphs the
follow ing;
" W in te r began officially w ith the
closing of navigation on the R iver
Neva W ednesday.
Snow covers the
ground all along the frontier, and the
Germ ans are suffering intensely from
cold. They a re com m andeering all the
available clothing, furs, sheepskins
and leathers. A t Lodz and Sherardow,
w here th ere are g re a t cloth factories,
the G erm ans are w orking the em ­
ployes day and n ig h t.”
London—A C entral News dispatch
from N orthern France says th a t a G er­
man airm an, skim m nig 5000 feet
above the Belgian town of Fum es, ap­
parently w ith the knowledge th a t King
A lbert and P resident Poincare were
going to review the cavalry drawn up
before the Hotel De Ville, dropped sev­
eral bombs which, however, missed the
square and did but slig h t dam age a
short distance away. The king of Bel-
gum and the president of France a r ­
rived on the scene a fte r the c raft had
yw *
"We had It out the night 1 left the
house and told her not to wait up for
me." Slade rem inded him. “1 never
quarrel with anyone more than once.”
He eyed Hayes critically tor a m in­
ute. “You’re with me, a re n 't you?”
as if an idea had Just occurred to
* “I'm awfully sorry for Mrs. Slade,"
Hayes began, when Slade Interrupted.
“Look here, Hayes—I want a di­
vorce," and be seated himself squarely
in front of the astonished Hayes.
"A divorce?"
"T hat's w hat I want,” and hla lips
sh u t grimly.
"But. my God!" Hayes was amazed.
"You didn't w ant It in the first place.
All you wanted was to live your own
Ufa. Do you expect me to help you
get rid of Mrs. Slade? '
"D on't go crazy,” Slade advised, not
a suggestion of feeling evident in his
voice o r manner.
"If you do you are due for a su r­
prise. I can 't go sticking a knife Into
th at wom an’s heart. 1 won’t."
"You’re a h—1 of a law yer!" Slade’s
anger was rising.
'i 'm not th a t sort of a law yer,”
Hayue rose as if to dism iss the sub­
"W hatever sort of a law yer you are
I m ade you, Hayes.”
"1 know you did," returned Hayes,
bitterly. "You've told me th at before
and this Is what comes of letting a
m an m ake you!”
"You bet, rank Ingratitude,” hotly.
Hayes leaned forward, his arm s on
hts knees and looked Slade square in
the eyes.
"I honestly think you're drunk with
all this power and prosperity. T hat
little woman was the apple of your
eye. I alw ays said to m yself: 'T here's
one man who does stick to his w ife!’
I didn't beUeve wild horses could drug
you away from home—”
"One m inute!" Interrupted Slade.
"All th at has nothing to do with you.
N either you nor anyone living can
in terfere with me now. Have you
stopped to figure out, and I say it with
all kindness and with all respect, what
sort of a governor’s lady Mrs. Slade
would make, feeling as she does?”
"W ell, what so rt of a governor
would you m ake if you were di­
vorced?” Hayes questioned, mock­
ingly. "Those men In there,” and he
Jerked his thum b toward the sm ok­
ing room door; "will they stand for'
th a t? ”
"T hey’ve got to—I own them, boots
and all!"
"But you don’t own public opinion,"
thundered Hayes, banging hts fist
down on the table, scattering the
copies of the senator's speech in all
"Why don’t I?" Slade questioned
with an arrogant smile disfiguring his
mouth. “I’m going to buy half of
M erritt's paper tonight. I guess th at
will be public opinion enough for me.
More than that, I'll stand as a man
whose wife has deserted him. T h at's
how it will end. Mrs. Slade will de­
cide where sh e ’s to live—but it m ust
be a t some distance."
“You won’t get your divorce
through desertion.” Hayes scoffed. “I
know her. You can 't do it."
"I can't do it, eh?" Slade's eye«,
held a nasty expression.
“T h at’s
w hat they’ve been telling me all my
life. Ever since 1 was a barefooted
little b rat running around th e mines'
they’ve said to m e: 'You can't do
this and you can 't do th a t.’ But I
alw ays did it. L et me tell you, young
man, after all I’ve conquered no wom­
an is going to stop me!
“C an’t do It, eh?” he repeated, pug­
naciously. “ You watch me do it! You
young jackanapes!
I’m as good as
deserted now. The only question is:
Are you going to see Mrs. Slade—put
her aboard a train east or not?”
“Mrs. Slade has been my best
friend,” Hayes answ ered quietly. "I
love her dearly—I—” his voice broke.
"All right. T hat settles It. You
turn over every scrap of paper of mine
you have by”—he thought a m oment—
"by tomorrow night. Then you can
walk the ties to the devil, young man,
and go back w here 1 found you.”
As Hayes turned to go, Strickland
hurried Into the room.
"M erritt has Just Introduced a very
unexpected subject in the smoking-
room—the question of—well, you’ve
got to know It, Slade—the question of
Mrs. Slade.”
Hayes wheeled around and watched
to see what effect this announcem ent
would have on Slade.
(T O
C O N T IN U E D .)
W hat Are Known as “Leanera” De-
cldedly In the Majority Among
the Natives of Mexico.
"Mexican Indolence has always had
som ething to do with making Mexlcau
national history," said a traveler.
"Mexico has a class of natives called
'leaners' from th eir habit of leaning
against the side of a building to roll
a cigarette. Once in this position the
leaner adheres to it for hours.
“Tradition declares th a t a Mexican
leaner qpce sued an American railroad
builder for pulling down a building
ag ain st which the plaintiff had beea
leaning. Damages were awarded for
severe shock and inconvenience, and
the court took occasion to recommend
a law requiring one hour s notice un­
der sim ilar circum stances.
"Mexican m ilitary forces are to
some extent recruited from leaners.
Mexican history has record of an
insurgent force which was being
pushed forward victoriously when it
cam e to a stream which had swollen
over night. The general was a leaner
He bivouacked to w ait till the stream
should subside, but it did not subside
and he withdrew. He could easily have
bridged a narrow cascade less than a
mile from his cam p, but th a t would
have required a fresh Initiative, which
has no place in the practical philos­
ophy of a leaner
"B ut he succeeded, anyhow, because
hie adversary was also a leaner.
W hen the river fell the Insurgent
force cam e back, crossed without op­
position. and casually took possession
a t tb s contested territory.”
Average Stature.
T bs difference between the tallest
and shortest races in the world is
one foot eight and one-eighth Inches,
and the average height of the world's
peoples is five feet five and one-half