NO . 8 of VO L. 8 E STA CA D A . OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER la. 1914 News Noies I he Gresham & Estacada Canning Company. Estacada Slate Bank W ilcox-Reid W edding A quiet home wedding was sol- P. M. Wagner, of Estacada, is Ilow would that title sound, if | emized Ia3t Sunday afternoon at building an addition on his house. the following proposed plans carry? the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mike H. E. Davis of Gresham, the Reid, of Springwater, when their Laski of Eagle Creek, last Thurs-! president of the Gresham Fruit daughter. Miss Susie Reid, was Grower’ s Assn, and of the canning married to Guy Wilcox, of Spring- day, an 8J4 lb. boy. company, was au Lstacada visitor water. Miss Dora Curriu of Currinsville last Tuesday. The ceremony was performed entertained her Sunday School class Mr. Davis is a practical farmer ; by Rev. Aue, of the Springw ater last Thurstay evening. and fruit grower of years experience [ Presbyterian Church, in the pres- Miss J. J. Lynch, of Garfield, and is at present operating the big enceof about fifteen relatives and We have just received a car load is spending a few days, visiting W. W. Cotton ranli. friends. in Portland. He reports thac the Gresham Some of their enthusiastic of 3, 4 and 6 inch TILE which we will sell Miss Helen Klinker of George, cannery building is built, at a cost friends charivaried them Mon­ who has been visiting in Portland of #4000. and that over $Sooo. of day night and gave a good imita­ at reduced rates for the next 10 days. for a few weeks, has returned home. the $15000. capitalization has been tion of the bombardment of 0s- tend. I paid in, Born— Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. The young couple will immedi­ The cannery will begin operating If you are going to need any tile this winter A. M. Stevens of Garfield, a daugh­ 1 next spring and Mr Davis is ar­ ately begin housekeeping in the ter. or next spring, better buy new and save money. ranging for the necessary fruits and J. A. Reid farm home, as the Miss Ethel Tracy, of Garfield, vegetables to work on, besides the young folks have leased the par­ who has been very ill at her amount which will come from the ental homestead. Everything in home, is reported as improving Giesham country. s!»w!y. Mr. Davis suggested that possibly Foot Ball Hardware Implements Harness Mrs. Frank Ewing, of Caza- growers from Estacada and other One dollar’s worth for two bits dero, recently met with a painful, points along the line, could be in­ was the reward obtained by the BERT h. FINCH Estacada, Oregon if not serious accident, by a fall, terested in joining their cooperative lucky spectators of last Satur­ which resulted in a badly strain­ association and share iu the profits, day’s .game, between Estacada as well as profit bv the sale of their High School and St Johns. ed arm. produce. Such a plan might be I. & P. Co are having The St Johns team was the P o y v in i n g n 27,oo 5 1 1 0 per Per ton bushd for £ood worked out, with au arrangement 1 T am ra {or frray oats wheat- the The board P. R. sidewalks around their strongest aggregation that Esta­ to establish an Estacada cannery, hotel property, repaired and it cada has tackled yet, having when the local planting has increas­ beaten Gresham and other fast Flour (Hard Wheat Patent) 6.00 per bbl. would be a good idea for other pro­ ed .sufficiently. perty owners to do the same. teams. The coming season they expect Shorts - ’$32. per ton. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Dunlop, of to can Gold Dollar and Clarke's Most of the spectators had Bran - 30. per ton. Garfield, entertained about thirty Seedling strawberries; Cutbbert and looked for a walk-over on the of the visitors, owing to the Feed of all kinds- prices fair, honest weights and treatment. friends with an informal dancing Antwerp, red raspberries; Evei- part new line up for the locals, but and card party, last Saturday green blackberries; Bartlett pears; were agreeably surprised to see night. Try a small package of “Guthries Chicken Mixture.” Green gage plums; Kentish, Early that Estacada had improved 200 It 1 « a tonic for poultry—containing bran, A party of hunters, with Chris Richmond, Royal Ann, Bing and since their former game. short«, soy-bean meal and blood meal. Lambert cherries; gooseberiies; cur­ Klinker of George as guide, are Estacada lost by score of (Formula from F. B. Guthrie, Agricultural teacher, Estacada School.) on a hunting trip in the Wild rants; apples, for cider and canning; 13 to 6. The visitors the played Cat Mountain country, where Refugee and Kentucky Wonder snappy ball every minute fast, and Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. bear are reported as plentiful. beans. their forward passes and trick The growers in this section Henry Githens, Ralph Herbert plays, gained them the majori­ and C. Sarver of Currinsville, left should at least be willing to plant ty of their yardage. Estaca­ and sell their product and if an ar­ Tuesday evening on au extended da had the stronger line and, at rangement can be made to ultimate­ pleasure trip among friends and straight, old fashioned foot ball, *3 ly get a cannery here, some of the relatives near Heppuer, Or. people would probably buy a share had the better of it. Mr Beckett and daughter of of stock. Every man on the local team Portland, spent last week on theii At a later date, It is likely that a played a star part and the new recently purchased farm at Eagle meetiug will be held in Estacada, to ends, Johnson and Bartlemay are Creek, helping clear some of the consider a union of some sort, with fast and nervy. Plays should land. be arranged to allow these two our neighboring growers. Mr«. Mary Heiple entertained the The Progress hopes to soon print men to carry the ball, as their Priscilla Club, to one of her fine a list of the prices that were paid speed should count. The backs dinners, on Saturdav last at her the past season, for the above pro­ did more than their share of de­ beautiful home in North Ourrins- ducts, by the Puyallup, Wash, co­ fensive and offensive work, with ville. About tweuty members en­ operative cannery. If you are in­ good punting by Dale. joyed the treat. terested in this proposition, kindly Estacada played too much on the defensive in the last half, The many Garfield friends of advise this office or Mr. Davis. and had they taken the offensive Mrs. Geo. P. Henderson of Pori- Monument Fallen and not punted on their first land, will be pleased to know that Metal Repairing Plumbing Electric Wiring Last week, Clark Posson of Es­ down, when they were safe by she is doing nice!) , after her opera­ tacada, felled the 60 foot brick tion on Nov. 6th at St. Vincent's chimney, which has so long been from 10 to 30 yards, they prob­ ably would have tied the score. hospital. a land marx, on the Terrace Ad I 11 the last half, Estacada had it o a week $2 a day cl it ion flat, marking the finish of W. S. Pyle of Estacada is build­ Kstacada’s commercial supremacy, but five yards to go and on a ing a boulder wall along the front as a ceramic manufacturing center. first down, pass, of his Terrace Addition property, Clark is renovating the 50,000 odd which failed, tried and a forward substantially 'which, with the grass terrace bricks and getting them back into ended their chances. Inasmuch M O D E R N C O N V E N IE N C E S above, presents a appear­ their original shape, for active ser- as Estacada could make gains One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast ance from the flat below. vite in live industries. Local and Tourist Trade Solicited through St Johns line, they Each of these bricks, represents Stanley Ture!, Jr., of the Esta­ a certain amount of Estacada’« in­ snould have resorted to line cada High School, killed a brown vestor’s money, for at least three hut it was not the plunging bear, near their Dodge ranch. investors who were to blame for downs, before trying a pass in Palace Meat Market He had trapped two of them, and the collapse of the original brick such crowded quarters. both had escaped, but he over­ making business. We handle only the best of meats Estacada should win their game took and killed the smaller of the Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickier. against Oregon City, at Estaca- Dorcas Election pair. A complete line of fresh and salt meats. . . . . , .. . . . da, Nov. 21st, if they will play The Ladies of the Estacada M. Fresh vegetables in their season. At the annual meeting of the fh in . .|ifl . t Saturdiv with E. Church will serve chicken hot Garfield Dorcas Society, held in 1 a* they “ Y last i»turday. with Fresh Eggs and Butter. October at the home of Mrs. W *ht' addition of a few trick or tamales with bread and butter for fR L l) JORG, P ro p rie to r R. Reid, the^ following officers fake plays. More attention 15 cents. Creamed potatoes, salad, were elected. should be given to the issuing of cofLe, cake and pie, 5 cents each, Pres. Mrs. H. G. Trowbridge. the signals, to pound a given at the C. I. C. room, Nov. 20th. at Vice Pres. Mrs. II. A. LaBarre. Special weak point, and more field gen­ Secy. Mrs. S. D. Dunlop. 6 P. M. sharp. eralship is needed. The tackling Dem ing’s Garfield LOGANBERRIES 25c lb, Mrs. E, E. Saling of Currinsville Trea3. Mrs. Edward Shearer. was still a little high but no fum­ Joint November and December bling occurred. entertained a party of twelve in meeting. Dec. 3rd. at the A. O kouor of her birthday, last Tues­ Whitcomb home. W aterb u ry and Chapman day. It was also the birthday of From All Section $1 A Y E A R Do you need any tile? Make YOUR BANK We are operating a modern bank on the most conservative principles, and we re­ spectfully solicit your patronage. Make use of our savings and checking service, and feel free to store your valuable papers in our safe deposit vaults. Call on us if you wish advice or assis­ tance, whether borrowing or loaning. For insurance our service is of the best and we want you to avail yourself of our ser­ vice. LtaOY D. WALKER. President THOMAS YOCtlM. Vice President IRWIN D. WRlSHl, Coshier Interest paid on time deposits. TO M A K E R O O M I am Selling Plow Share- Ground & Gummed 25 c Hoop Iron for Barrels. Hand Saws Filed Cross Cut Saws Filed Expert Saw Hammering FO R LADIES - Do you know half of your labor can be saved by using the O’C ED A R MOP and POLISH ? Ask your neighbor who has used one Or better still, try one for yourself. SOLD ON TRIAL by Estacada Pharmacy Fire Insurance A. E. SPARKS Pacific States fire Insurance Co. L M. Kirchem of Oregon City and his brotber-in-law, John Stein- man of Eagle Creek, were Estacada visitors last Tuesday Mr. Kirch- etn is one of the officials of the Ogle Mt. Mining Co. The plant, which comprises a cyanide mill and other works, is closed for this win­ ter. Prohibition Celebration Because of the recent prohi­ bition victory in Oregon, the peo­ ple of the Garfield country, met at the Nora Memorial Church, last Sunday afternoon and held a general rejoicing. Representative Guy T. Hunt Nov. 7th was the 70th anniver- ?P°k ' briefly and promised his sarv of the birth c R. G. Palma- full support of the enforcement te. r (Doc) of Garfield. A birth- of the laws regulating the liquor Beginning next Sunday. Nov. , £ay . *,v*n this ; traffic and other vital problems, with \-Wa? his and . ak sister- 15th, the Christian in Church will 1 home, dl"™ rival rm-ptine" in-law, Mrs. E. M. Horner and The Clackamas County dele- hold a series of rev "jM rs. Sarah Palmateer of Gar-¡gates. Hunt, Hisley, Schuebel in charge of pastor Givens. field, an guests. Doc is one 01 and Dimirk, will all be heard These meetings will continue in- .the oldest settlers m this coun- definitely and extra musical at- try, having crowed the plains in f ". ' ... 8F . n’ . n tractions will be given every i '52 and can still do a full day’s c‘'nr,t’c*1011 wise legislation evening, as well as steriopticon work, along with the best of .**>'! enforcement of the prohi- talks. I them. bition laws. J. W. Reed of Estacada and Mr.«. H. C. Butler of Currinsville. Agts not known. Chas. W. Hayes of Portland, was a visitor at the Eagle Creek Sunday School last Sunday. After the Sunday School, he preached a short nut interesting sermon, and, in the evening, gave a fine steriop- ticon lecture. S TO C K Six Fish Rods Left $ 2.50 salmon rod - $ 1.85 '$ 4.00 trout rod - $ 3.50 $ 2.50 bristol rod - $ 2.00 WTe are fa6t closing out our FRENCH BLUE ENAMELED WARE The lucky number wins the $50.00 Range Estacada Furniture Co. Crcen Trading Stamps. UNDERTAKERS GELT A N E W T A IL O R E D S U IT F O R T H IS W I N T E R 'S D A N C E S SPECIAL OFFER FOR NOVEMBER 4 I will accept orders for 22 suits The Hotel Estacada OREGON N E W W e have two Baby Buggies left Regular price $ 7.00 now $ 5.65 C. C. M ILLER ESTACADA, it * ! . EACH Made to your order, with choice of Serges, Tweeds, Worsteds or Cheviots. R- G- M A R C H B A N K - ESTACADA Agent for the International Tailoring Company. Pure Food Department CARY’S MERCANTILE CO. Buy Your Groceries Cheaper On any $20. or more order of assorted groceries purchased at our store, we will guarantee to te as cheap or cheaper than any catalogue house in Portland. If you have not received a copy of our November grocery catalog, we will be pleased to mail one to you.