Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 05, 1914, Image 3

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and Dairy Produce
of all kinia wanted.
W rit« for our
Pearson-Page Co. ro»™ '»
Large assortment. Spe­
cial Prices.
•ad SMITH PREMIER. $15 lip.
Machines shipped on
approvul and guaran­
teed by Home concern.
Write for samples of
work, stating make
Rockefeller foundation to Alleviate
Suitering in Europe.
Commission Is Sent to War-Torn
Europe to Devise Ways and
Means to Relieve Distress.
TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 351* Wask. Si., Partlaad, Or.
New York— The Kockefeller Founda­
tion has determined to employ its im­
mense resources for the relief o f non-
combatants in the countries afflicted
by war, and stands ready to give “ mil­
A G E N T S W A N T E D lions of dollars, if necessary,” for the
This was announced by John
If we had your address we coukl tell you how to purpose.
make money. Write today. Right uway. The D. Kockefeller, Jr., president o f the
Dingman Company, 604 Panama Building. Port­
land. Oregon.
In pursuance o f this philanthropy,
the foundation will send a commission
to Europe in a few days to report first­
hand as to how, when and where aid
can be rendered most effectively. A t
a cost of $275,000 it already has char­
Depends Upon Your Training
tered a ship and loaded it with 4000
Our courses In Shorthand. Pen­
tons of provisions for the relief of the
manship. Business Training and
Telegraphy will equip you for a
starving Belgians.
successful business career.
“ This action is taken, ” Mr. Rocke­
feller says, “ as a natural step in ful­
filling the chartered purpose o f the
foundation, namely, ‘to promote the
well-being o f mankind throughout the
world.’ ”
The ship is the Massapequa, the
Foarth Street, Near Morrison. Portland. Or.
largest neutral vessel now in New
York harbor, which will sail immedi­
We Guarantee Positions for All
ately for Rotterdam with certification
Our Graduates.
from the British consul at New York
Write Us, No Trouble to Answer.
that its cargo is destined for the use
of Belgian non-combatants only, and
should not be delayed in transit. The
LOSSES SURELY PREVENTER supplies are consigned to the Am eri­
by Cutter’s Blackleg Pilli. Low- can consul at Rotterdam, and will be
priced, fresh, reliable; preferred by
Western stockmen because they pro­ distributed by the Belgian relief com­
tect whers other vaccinia fail.
Writ« for booklet and testimonials. mission.
10-dois pkge. Blackleg Pills $1.00
Mr. Rockefeller has been in com­
80-doi# pkge. Blackleg Pllli 4.00
Use any Injector, but Cutter's beat munication with Ambassador Page at
Tlia superiority of Cutter products la due to over II
London and made public a cablegram
yoars of specializing In vaeelnes and serums only.
Inslit on Cuttar's. If unobtainable, order direct.
THE CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, California in which the ambassador described the
dire need o f the Belgians, and says
that “ it will require $1,000,000 a
Old Adam was a lucky houud,
month for seven months to prevent
His days were filled with rest;
It is a cinch Eve never found
“ In fa c t,” the ambassador said,
A blond hair on his vest.
“ many will starve now before food can
—Cincinnati Enquirer.
reach them.”
He added that the British groven-
Old Adam was a luncky hound, ,
ment forbids the export o f food and
He never slung a fit,
For Eve she never walked around that none can be bought on the con­
In a skirt that had a slit.
— Los Angeles Express.
It was in response to this urgent
message and a similar one from H. C.
Old Adam was a lucky hound,
Hoover, o f the American relief com­
So free from modern ills,
mittee in London, that the foundation
He never was dum busted by
decided to send a relief ship "a t the
Eve's millinery bills.
earliest possible moment.”
Mr. Rockefeller makes clear in his
Everybody's doing It. Berlin brands
stories of defeats as lies and London, announcement that whatever steps are
taken by the foundation in the admin­
Paris and l’ etrograd do likewise.
istration o f its relief work “ will be
Those A. B. C. diplomats are to he absolutely neutral.” The commission
decorated. Why not let them settle the of investigation will be headed by
W ickliffe Rose, director general o f the
European war P. D. Q. ?
International Health commission.
Dave Houston. Prop.
H. B. Thorsnes, Mgr.
Thoroughly modern. 101 Rooms o f comfort. Mod-
erate Price«. Three minutes’ walk from Union
Depot. W rite for rates. 72 N. Sulk St.. PORfLAND. OR.
It may not be good biology but the
larger an army's wings become the
Italy Is Reported to Be
smaller the main body.
If anything was In a name,
Then we could safely bet
The enemy would be captured
With a single bayo-net.
$2.50, $3. $3.50
$3.75. $4. $4.50
and $5 00
$2.25, $2 50
$3.00 l $3.50
All Slna
1 SO
For 31 year, W . L. Doutdaa tana (funrftnteed t h .
■value by having hi« name and the retail prlc«
■tamped on the sole before the «hoes leave the fac­
tory. This protect« the wearer ngainst high price«
for Inferior «hoee o f other make«. W. L. Douglas
•hoe« «re always worth what you pay for them. If
you could see now carefully \V. L. Douglas shoes *re
made, and the high grade leal hers used, you would then
understand why they look better, fit better, hold their
shape and wear longer than other makes for the price.
If the W. I. Douglas shoes are not for sale In your
vicinity,order direct from factory. Shoes sent every­
where. I’ostAge free In the U. S. W r it e fo r lllu a -
trwiet! C a ta ln g showing how to order by in»il.
W. L. DOUQ LAS, 210 Spark SL, Brockton, Mass.
r u p t u r e
SHIELD TRUSS. N o worrying or dan­
ger o f an operation. Rupture is not a tear
or breach, aa commonly supposed, but is
the stretching, or dilation, o f a natural
SHIELD appliance closes this opening in
10 days in most cases. If you can't coma,
write for measuring blank and literature.
Sold only by
Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or.
W ho n r. T tom Expert» >nd E x clu jlv.
State Agents for this applianca
People from all part« o f
Oregon and Washing-
I ton constantly visit our
I office for dental treat-
I ment. Our skill is ac-
I knowledge«! and our
I promptness in finish-
lin g work in one day
I when required is appre­
c ia t e d by out-of-town
I patrons.
I Dr. Wise is a false-
I tooth expert. There is
I in every calling, and
I Dr. W ise lays claim to
■ this distinction in Ore-
I aron. 27 Tsars’
■ W hat w s can't guar­
antee w e don’t do.
Good Red Rubber Piste*, eerh ..................
The Beet Red Rubber Pistes, each
22 Karat Gold er Porcelain Crewe
Pboeee— Male 203». A 202».
12SH Third Street Failing Bldg . Portland. Oregon
S. K. Car. Third sad Washington.
P. Ff. U.
No. 4S, 1914
BEN writing to advertisers, please I
ttoa this paper. ____________
Facing Big Deficit
Rome — All the cabinet ministers
who resigned their portfolios Monday
met Tuesday in the presence o f King
Victor Emmanuel, with whom they
discuBBed the situation for about two
Signor Rubini, minister o f the treas­
ury, gave a lengthy explanation o f his
reasons for resigning.
He said the
budget showed a deficit of $4,000,000
before the war began. That deficit
might easily have been overcome by
an increase in revenues and limiting
expenses, the augmentation o f the rev­
enues including the slight raise in tax­
ation, which already had been ap­
proved by parliament, and from which
it was expected to realize $16,000,000
annually. The war, however, changed
the whole situation, Signor Rubini
said, and the military budgets alone
would require $160,000,000.
Owing to the European crisis. Sig­
nor Rubini continued, the revenues,
instead of increasing, had diminished
by about $20,000,000,
instead of
$16,000,000. He added that he recog­
nized the necessity for urgent military
expenses but wished to counterbalance
them with new taxation.
A majority o f the ministers pre­
ferred to postpone the taxation until
after the war, but Sig-nor Rubini said
such action might be considered un­
Town o f Verdun Is Held.
London— A dispatch to the Exchange
Telegraph’ from Paris says:
“ It is officially announced that, con­
trary to the German statement that
the town o f Verdun had been de­
stroyed, the fact is it never has been
struck by a single shell. Fort Dnuau-
mont only was bombarded for 24 hours
at long range, and without any appre­
ciable damage having been done it.
The French army still bars the road to
Reports o f a German vic­
tory in the forest o f Argonne also are
absolutely false.”
$25,000,000 Gold Moved.
New York— The largest single ship­
ment o f gold ever made by the United
States government, $25,000,000, left
Denver last Friday and ia expected to
be locked safely in the vaults o f the
subtreasury in this city Tuesday morn­
ing. The fact that this great fortune
of gold was on its way was kept s
closely-guarded secret until it neared
New York. The shipment was made
in care o f the American Express com­
pany over several railroad lines, pack­
ed in special cars and under heavy
France Gaining Ground;
Germans falling Back
London— A dispatch to the Central
News from Northwestern France says:
‘ ‘The Germans were in great part
driven back across the Yser Wednes­
day with heavy loss by the French in­
fantry, aided by the fire of the moni­
tors. When the French and Belgians
undertook the defense o f the Yser they
held it for a week.
Then, by sheer
weight o f artillery and men the Ger­
mans pushed the gallant Belgians
back, but not before they paid the full
price for the temporary gain.
“ At least two army corps faced the
Belgians. Their object was to force
them right into France and thus suc­
ceed in turning the allies’ left. It cost
to prevent the attainment of this ob­
“ It is reported on reliable authority
that the German emperor had placed
eight army corps in this section o f the
field. Their losses have been frigh t­
fu l; their successes practically nil.
Toward the end o f last week the sit­
uation was doubtful; now there is no
reason to fear failure.
On the con­
trary, first class success may be looked
for which place the Germans finally
on the defensive in the west.
progress is being made in the reorgan­
ization o f the Belgian army.”
Three U. S. Warships
A re Blown Ashore
Norfolk, Va.— The United States
navy torpedo boat destroyers went
ashore off the Virginia coast early
Wednesday during a severe storm
which continued until at night. Two
vessels, the Burrows and Jouett, were
released and proceeded to the navy
yard here slightly damaged.
third, the Paulding, still was fast be­
tween two sandbars in Lynnhaven bay.
L ife savers from Cape Henry made
several unsuccessful attempts to reach
the Paulding, which carries a crew o f
84. The auxiliary cruiser Panther was
standing by with a hawser made fast
to the stranded boat. A ll efforts to
pull her into deep water were aban­
doned, however, for fear she could not
stand the strain.
High seas broke over the Paulding
and some of the crew donned life pre­
servers. The gale began to abate at
midnight, however, lessening the dan­
ger to the vessels. Late reports to
the navy yard indicated that she was
not leaking.
A hole was stove in the Burrows’
staboard bow and Jouett lost her star­
board propeller.
Recall of Portland Offi­
cials Is Sad Failure
Portland, Or.— The attempted recall
of Mayor Albee and Commissioners
Dieck and Brewster Tuesday failed
miserably and decisively.
By a heavy m ajority each of the
three officials was re-elected to remain
in office.
unofficial figures
showed that Mayor Albee had won by
a vote o f more than two to one over
his two competitors.
Dieck and Brewster have been re­
elected by a closer margin, but each
o f them have votes to spare.
An unexpectedly large vote was
cast. Approximately 56 per cent of
the registered voters in the city went
to the polls.
The total vote cast is
nearly 50,000 out o f a registration of
88,947 in the 293 city precincts.
A llies’ Victory Forecast.
Paris — Ex-Premier Briand, who
holds the portfolio o f justice, in an in­
terview published in the Temps, gives
his impressions o f a visit to the battle
front at Verdun and the frontier and
declares that he brought back convic­
tion, calmly reasoned out, that the
battle will result in a brilliant victory
for the allies.
M. Briand says that the Germans
have been blinded and rendered mal­
adroit by the checks they have sus­
He found the population of
the devastated region returning to
their homes and courageously resum­
ing work, saving what they can o f the
The minister o f justice said
that he interviewed soldiers in the
trenches and found them full o f gaiety
and confidence, not one doubting for
an instant the successful issue o f the
Orient Supplying Opium.
London — The increased British de­
mand for opium, due to the war, is be­
ing met by imports from the Orient.
There has been no advance in the price
of Persian opium, and the Turkish has
increased only a shilling the pound.
One ship arriving at London the past
week brought 118 cases, containing
160 pounds each, and there is a plen­
tiful supply with the dealers. It is
believed by the English that Germany
is running short o f this drug, so im­
portant in the emergency hospitals at
the front.
Rebels Routed in Africa.
London — A dispatch to Reuter's
from Cape Town says:
"Colonel A l­
bert has defeated the rebels in the
Lichtenburg district o f the Transvaal,
killing 13, wounding 30 and capturing
240. Commandant De Villiers was out
reconnoitering when he met a strong
rebel force with white flags attached
to their rifles. De Villiers approached
the band, whereupon the rebels attack­
ed him and captured 110 o f his men.
The rebels then advanced against Colo­
nel A lbert’ s force from two directions,
but Albert defeated them.
Earthquake Rocks Italy.
Rome — Earthquakes in Northern
Italy have been extended during the
past few days.
Seismic disturbances
o f more or less severity have been felt
in Turin, Genoa, Florence, Leghorn,
Pisa, Lucia, Bologna and Venice, in
Germany Plans New Loan.
addition to many o f the smaller towns.
London^-The Daily Mail’s Copen­ According to the latest advices, little
hagen correspondent says he learns damage haa been done and there have
that Germany ia preparing to issue a been no fatalities.
new war loan o f $1,250,000,000. Ger- i
German Girl Spy Is Shot.
many will advance a preliminary war
contribution to Turkey o f $50,000,000,
London — The Petrograd
the correspondent adds.
pondent o f the Morning Post, tele­
graphing under Tuesday's date from
African Revolt May End.
Galicia, says:
“ A German girl spy
London— The Durban correspondent! was caught a few miles outside o f
o f the Daily Mail says the governor at Petrograd. She has been court msr-
Pretoria has granted General Chris­ tialed and shot.
Her clothes were
tian de Wet, the rebel leader, a five lined with admirably executed plans
days’ armistice.
Presumably this is of Kronstadt and other military sta­
in order to arrange peace.
Portland— There is a slowing down
o f wheat buying in the country this
Prices were not
changed, yet the targe buyers did not
seem disposed to go as strong as they
did a few days ago. The Chicago mar­
ket receded, influenced by the accumu­
lation o f domestic stocks, and this had
some effect on sentiment notwithstand­
ing that the English markets were
Most o f the dealers are carrying
large stocks, and until an opportunity
is presented for turning them, buying
operations will likely be held down.
Farmers are very firm in all sections
and the majority o f them appear in­
different to current offers.
At the Merchants Exchange sessions
red wheat was steady, but club was It
cents lower on bid, and milling and
shipping bluestem were each down a
cent. Five thousand bushels o f forty­
fold were sold at $1.09, followed by a
sale o f 10,000 bushels at $1.10. Five
of red Russian
changed hands at $1.01.
The oats market did not display itB
recent strength. Buyers offered $28.25
against $29 the preceding week, and
there were sellers at $28.50, or a dol­
lar less than was asked previously.
Barley bids were 50 cents higher,
$22.50 being offered for feed and $23
for export grade.
Wheat— B id: Bluestem, $1.11 per
bushel; forty-fold, $1.10; club, $1.07;
red Russian, $1.01; red Fife, $1.02.
Oats— B id: No. 1 white feed, $28.25
per ton.
Barley— B id: No. 1 feed, $22.50
per ton; brewing, $23; bran, $21.50;
shorts, $22.
Millfeed— Spot prices; Bran, $24@
24.50 per ton; BhortB, $26@26.50;
rolled barley, $25.50(7/ 26.50.
Corn— Whole, $37 ton; cacked, $38.
Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $15
@ 15.50; grain hay, $10@11; alfalfa,
$12.50@13.60; valley timothy, $13@14.
Vegetables — Cucumbers, 30c per
d o z.; eggplant, 7c per pound; peppers,
5 @ 6 c; artichokes, 90c per dozen; to­
matoes, 60@90c per crate; cabbage,
$ @ lc per pound; peas, 10c; beans, 6c;
celery, 60@75c per dozen; cauliflower,
40@75e; sprouts, 10c per pound; head
lettuce, $2 per crate.
Green Fruits — Apples, 65c@$1.50
per box; cantaloupes, $1@1.60 per
crate; casabas, $1.250/1.50 per dozen;
pears, $1@1.75 per box; grapes, 90c@
$1.15 per crate; cranberries, $8@8.50
per barrel.
Potatoes— Oregon, 9 0 c@ $l per sack;
sweets, 2c per pound.
Onions— Yellow, 9 0 c@ $l per sack.
Eggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, case
count, 35c per dozen; candled, 37J@
40c; storage, 28@30c.
Poultry — Hens, 14c per pound;
springs, 13c; turkeys, young, 18@20c;
dressed, 22 @ 25c; ducks, 10@ 12}c;
geese, 1 0 @ llc .
Butter — Creamery prints, extras,
34Jc per pound in case lots; Jc more
in less than case lots; cubes, 30c.
Dressed Veal— Fancy, l l i c pound.
Dressed Pork— Block, 9c per pound.
Hops— 1914 crop, 8 J @ llc per pound;
1913 crop, nominal.
Hides— Salted hides, 13c per pound;
salt kip, 13c; salted calf, 18c; salt dry
hides, 24c; dry calf, 26c; salted bulls,
10c; green bulls, 8Jc.
W ool— Valley, 17@18c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 15@20c,
mohair, 1914 clip, 27jtc.
Cascara bark—Old and new, 4c per
Cattle — Prime steers, $6.75@ 7;
choice, $6.5 0@ 6.7 5; medium, $6.25@
6.50; choice cows, $6 @ 6 .2 5 ; medium,
$5.25 @ 5 .7 5 ; heifers, $5.50 @ 6.25;
calves, $6 @ 8 ; bulls, $3 @ 4 .7 5 ; stags,
Hogs— Light, $6.75 @ 6.90; heavy,
Sheep — Wethers, $4 @ 5 .5 0 ; ewes,
$3 .50@ 4.35; lambs, $5@ 6.25.
The Devil of Race Hatred.
Time for
Step right up and hit the man you
hate most.
“ I hate a Jew,” says one. So he
takes a throw at "the Kike.”
” 1 hate an Irishman,” says another,
and he drives at “ the Mick."
Another hates i_n Englishman, an­
other a German or a Japanese; so the
devil in human nature spends Itself
in this way until wisdom touches the
human mind and says, "Now calm
yourself and wipe the froth from your
Then one begins to think and finally
learns this truth: that race hatred is
one of the lowest and meanest of hu­
man passions. A race may have more
cunning than another, but the race
that makes the accusation may have
more bluff. One may have more cul­
ture, but the other may excel in sim­
ple honesty. And when it comes to
summing up all the virtues, faults and
capabilities of each race one about
equals the other.
Until we learn to judge every in­
dividual on his own peculiar merits
we haven't taken a first good step
toward social intelligence.—Art Young
in Metropolitan.
neglect or postpone
helping your stom­
ach, liver and
bowels when there
is any indication of
weakness. To do
so only invites sick­
ness. Take
today and let it help
you back to daily
health and strength
Remarkable Experience of F. Gagnon. Builds
Up Weight Wonderfully.
“ I w a s all run d o w n t o the v e r y b o t ­
t o m ” , w rite s F. G a gn on . ” 1 hHd to q u it
w o rk I w as s o w eak N ow , th a n k s to S a r-
gul, I look lik e a n ew m an.
I g a in e d 22
p o u n d s In 23 d a y s .”
“ S a r g o l h as put 10 p o u n d s o n m e In 14
d a y s ,” s t a t e s \V. O. lto b e rts .
“ It has
m a d e m e s le e p w ell, e n jo y w h a t I a te an d
en a b le d m e to w o r k w ith in t e r e s t and
p le a s u r e .”
Too Much Cutting.
Why We Shall Not Have Real Hard
W© are not in for hard times—at
least not if we manage our affairs
with intelligence. We can make hard
times out of anything. But there is
no natural reason for it that I see; in
fact, it’s all in our favor. If manufac­
turers, inventors, chemists and scien­
tific experts generally all join forces
and study the problem and keep every­
body too busy to talk we will be mak­
ing the best use of our luck. The
situation is simply a big call on Yan­
kee resourcefulness.—American Maga­
Seizing an appropriate occasion,
namely, the 68th anniversary of the
discovery of ether as an anaesthetic,
Dr. John M. T. Finney of Baltimore
uttered a warning against the abuse
of the knife.
“ There is far too great a tendency
to operate nowadays, and the average
doctor resorts to this shorter route
when perhaps a more careful diagnosis
would show some other course to be
preferable,” said he. “ Many opera­
tors—and I use the word advisedly—
rush into operations with no clear
idea whatever of the true nature of
the disease which they are endeavor­
ing to combat, and for this reason
many operations are needlessly per­
The plain words quoted should be
heeded, for they bear the stamp of
authority. The man who spoke them
is a distinguished surgeon connected
with Johns Hopkins medical school.—
Boston Globe.
The Worst Is Still in the Offing.
Suppose the war should spread to
the Caucasus, here is what the cable
editors would have to face in the way
of town and city nomenclature:
Krosnof Ufimsk
Ust Sisolsk
M Kosmodemiank
not to mention Novo Georgeviesk.—
Philadelphia Ledger.
... * 4 ?
Qo ° a < r
Shoe Brush on Auto.
ples are being shipped out at the rate
o f 100 carloads per day to imaginary
Piay With a Happy Ending.
buyers in the East and South in the
“ Did the play have a happy end­
hope that by “ rolling” the fruit they ing?” "You bet it did. Some one in
will be able to find actual buyers be­ the gallery hit the villain square in
fore the cars stop traveling. In this, 'he face with a tomato.”—Houston
however, there is likely to be disap­ Post.
pointment. It is probable that the
fruit will have to be stored in the East
until later, when there may be a chance
to sell. No higher prices are hoped
for this season.
Following the success o f the first
apple show in Western Washington,
Eastern Washington growers,
have been on the ground, are request­
ing that Seattle business men make Enhanced By Perfect Physi­
plans to hold a show every year here­
cal Health.
after. The distributors have pointed
out that owing to the importance o f
The experience o f Motherhood is a try­
Seattle as a distributing center, both ing one to most women and marks dis­
as to the Coast and oversea trade, tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one
efforts should be made to exploit the woman in a hundred is prepared or un­
apple industry annually as a means to derstands how to properly care for her­
widen distributing areas.
Local job ­ self. O f course nearly every woman
bers declared that between 400 and nowadays has medical treatment at such
500 carloads o f Washington apples times, but many approach the experi­
would be sent through this port before ence with an organism unfitted for the
January 1 for storage in California.
trial o f strength, and when it is over
Eggs— Select ranch, 44@46c dozen. her system has received a shock from
Poultry— Live hens, 10@15c pound; which it is hard to recover. Following
old roosters, 10c; 1914 broilers, 12@ right upon this comes the nervous strain
14c; ducklings, 10@ 12c; geese, 10c; o f caring for the child, and a distinct
guinea fow l, $9 per dozen.
change in the mother results.
Apples— New, cooking, 60@60c per
There is nothing more charming than
box; Gravensteins, 8 5 c @ $ l; Jona­
thans, 75c@$1.25; W inter Bananas, a happy and healthy mother o f children,
$l.2 5 @ 1 .5 0 ; Kings, 7 5 c @ $ l; Delicious, and indeed child-birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
$1.25@ 1.50; Spitzenbergs, $1661.25.
beauty. The unexplainable thing is
Grapes — Malagas, $1 @ 1.25 per that, with all the evidence o f shattered
crate; Tokays, $1.25; Concords, 1 9 i@ nerves and broken health resulting from
25c per basket.
an unprepared condition, and with am­
Huckleberries, 5c per pound.
ple time in which to prepare, women
Pears— Beurre
Easter, $1.25 per will persist in going blindly to the trial.
box; Beurre Anjou, $1.25.
Every woman at this time should rely
Quinces— $1.256/1.75 per box.
upon Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable
Walnuts— 18Jc per pound.
Dressed B eef— Prime b eef steers, 1 Compound, a most valuable tonic and
126/12}c per pound; cows, U J6?12c; L (vigorstor o f the female organism.
heifers, 12c.
In m a n y homes
Dressed Veal— 15@16c per pound.
once childless there
Dressed Hogs — Whole, packing are now children be­
house, 13c per pound.
cause o f the fa ct
Dreaaed Spring I.amb— 1 2 6 /13c per that Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s V e g e t a b l e
Dreaaed Mutton— 10@10Jc pound.
Compound m a k e s
Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c por w o m e n n o r m a ) ,
dozen; beans, green, 967/10*- pound; healthy and strong.
cabbage, local, l c per pouud; red, 1 J c;
I f yon w snt special advice w rite to
corn, green, $1 p«r sa ck ; onions,
green, 25@30c per
Walla Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confl*
Walla, 8561.90c per cw t;
potatoes, •entlal) Lynn, Mas ;. Your letter w ill
White River, $186{20 per ton; Y aki­ be opened, read and answered by •
woman and held lu strict confidence.
ma, $23.
T he superiority of W inchester
S m o k e l e s s Powder Shells is
undisputed. Among in tellig e n t
shooters they stand first in pop­
ularity, records and s h o o t i n g
q u a litie s .
A lw a y s use them
An ingenious brush for cleansing the
shoes is so mounted on an automobile
footboard as to be easily swung into
Seattle— Advices received here from position for use or out of the way be­
Wenatchee are to the effect that ap­ neath the board.
T h is cou p on , w ith 10c in s liv e r to
h elp p a y p o s ta g e , p a c k in g , e tc ., an d to
s h o w g o o d fa itn , e n title s h old er to on e
50c p a c k a g e o f S a r g o l F ree.
A d d re s s
th e S a rg ol C o., 337-Z, H e ra ld B ldg.,
B in g h a m to n , N. Y.
“ L E A D E R ” and “ R E P E A T E R ’'
Sold by all druggists. For sample free, •
w rite to D ept.2-W Lcsinoi, Baltimore. Md. *
R e s in o l S o a p
“ B e fo r e I to o k b a r g o l p e op le u sed to
c a ll m e ‘s k in n y ’ b u t n o w m y n a m e i*
ch a n g e d . M y w h o le b o d y is sto u t. H a v e
rained 15 p ou n d s an d am g a in in g yet. I
o o k lik e a n ew m a n ,” d e c la r e d a n o th e r
m a n w h o h a d Just fin is h e d th e S a rg o l
tre a tm e n t.
W o u ld you , too, lik e to q u ic k ly put fro m
10 t o 30 lba. o f g o o d , solid , “ s t a y - t h e r e ”
lle s h , fa t an d m u s c u la r tis s u e b e tw e e n
y o u r sk in a n d b o n e s ?
D on 't « a y it c u n 't b e d on e. T r y it. L e t
u c aend you fre e a 50c p a c k a g e o f S a rg o l
a n d p ro v e w h a t it c a n d o f o r you.
M ore than h a lf a m illion thin m en an d
w o m e n h u ve g la d ly m a d e th is te s t an d
th a t S argol <loes s u c c e e d , d o e s m a k e th in
fo lk s fa t e v e n w h ere ull else h as fa ile d ,
is b e s t p r o v e d b y th e t r e m e n d o u s b u s i­
n e s s w e h a v e d on e. N o d r a s t ic diet, fle s h
c r e a m s , m a s s a g e , o ils o r e m u ls ion s , but a
s im p le , h a rm le s s h om e tre a tm e n t.
o u t the c o u p o n an d sen d f o r th is F r e e
p a c k a g e tod a y , e n c lo s in g o n ly 1" c e n ts in
s liv e r to h elp p a y p o s ta g e , p a ck in g , etc.
A d d r e s s T h e S a rg o l C o , 337-Z, H era ld
B ld g., B in g h a m to n , N. Y. T a k e S a ig o l
w ith y o u r m ea ls a n d w a t c h it w ork . T h is
te s t w ill tell the story .
W in chester
this easy
way to c le a r
your sRin witH
Bathe your face forseveral min-
utes with Resinol Soap and hot
water, working the creamy lather
into the skin gently with the fin-
ger-tips. Wash off with Resinol
Soap and more hot water. Finish
with a dash o f cold w ater to close
the pores.
Do this once or twice a day, and
you will be astonished to find how
quickly the healing, antiseptic
Resinol medication soothes and
cleanses the pores, removes pirn-
pies and blackheads, and leaves the
complexionclearfresh and velvety.
“ Gains 22 Pounds In
23 Days”
f o r field or Tra|> Shooting.
A s k Your Dealer For Them.
Behold the Hunter.
Size of Universities of the U. S.
He talketh much about his trip.
He prepareth for it many days;
Yea, he bringeth guns to the office.
His equipment passeth understanding.
He consulteth the time tables and
He calleth up the depots to make sure.
With other sportsmen holdeth he con­
He retireth and ariseth early;
His family sleepeth not.
He goeth forth into sloughs and for­
And trampeth many miles.
His gun increaseth in weight and
His ammunition taxeth him sore.
In the distance seeth he birds,
Yet none cometh near him.
He returneth in disgust;
He sitppeth home after dark
And his countenance is evil.
On the morrow he cometh to work,
And lo! he lieth mightily!
The size of universities of the Uni­
ted States is rapidly passing beyond
the comprehension of the average
man, and, indeed, of the average uni­
versity man. How many New Eng­
landers are acquainted with the Uni­
versity of Minnesota? Asked to guess
the number of students, few of us
would place It above 2000. Yet, ac­
cording to the official figures, certi­
fied to by the university registrar,
there are 8972 students enrolled there
for the current year. Everybody gasp­
ed the other day when it was made
known that Columbia had a total of
12,000 students. Yet other institu­
tions are not far behind Columbia.—
Springfield Republican.
/Uwsypr *n<T CTiemIwt,
I.<-nd v.lle. Colorado. Hi-wui/tm prices: Gold,
gllver. Lead. Si Gold. SIlw r. V*--. Gold, fiflr; Zu
or Copper fi. M a ilin g e n v e lo p e s a d
nt on ai-plication, Control and Umpire work no
died. lUtfereaco: Ourl*>nnte National Hank.
To Breal. in New Shoes.
Alw ays shake in A llen V Foot ¿ase, a pow der,
it cures hot, sw ea tin g, a c h in g , sw ollen feet
Cures corn s, in grow in g naila and bu n ion ». At
ill dru ggists and shoe «teres, 2->c. D ont accept
m y substitute. Sam ple inai led FREE. Address
4 lien S. O lm sted, Le K oy.N . Y.
A Teat of Endurance.
The war will not be over until one
side is exhausted. A determinative
military success is improbable until,
through the attrition of corresponding
losses, a strength ratio of 4 to 3 is
Increased to a ratio of 2 to 1. The
contest has seemingly settled down
to one of grim endurance.—New York
Try M urine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak. W atery
Eyea and G ranulated E yelid»; No ¡Smarting—
ush. Eye C om fort. W rite for Book o f the Eye
•y m ail Free. M urine Eye Rem edy Co., Chicago-
Auntie Wants to Know.
City Nephew (on vacation)—I’m
studying now for a doctor.
Rural Aunt—Do tell! Ain’t the doc­
tor able to do bis owu studying?
Purifies Blood
With Telling Effect
Gives Conscious Evidence of
Its Direct Action.
No War on the Other Side.
There is a world of dramatic pathos
in the story of the French soldier,
who, wounded himself, passed his
water bottle to a wounded German of
ficer, who lay beside him on the hat
tlefield. The German sipped a little,
kissed the hand of the man who had
been his enemy and said: “ There
will be no war on the other side.”—
Springfield Republican.
Miss and Mrs.
The Vicar (to the old lady, the last
of whose family has married)—You
must feel lonely, Mrs. Muggins, after
having such a large family.
Mr*. Muggins—Yes, I do, sir. Some
times I misses ’em and sometimes I
wants ’em, but I misses ’em more nor
I wants ’em.—London Sketch.
Electric Egg Candling.
To Insure hotels and restaurants
serving their patrons fresh eggs a
candling apparatus using an electric
light has been invented.
The Time and the Plant.
“Any chump,” says the grouch, "can
bring in the family rubber plant, but
it takes a wise man to make it stay
, brought.”
"So you want to become my son-
in law, eh?”
"Y-Yes, sir That is. If you can of
lord it " —Amherst Rover.
8. 8. 8., the fam ous blood purifier, alm ost
ta lk « ns it «w eeps its w ay through the cir­
Its action is ao direct that very
o ften ia some form a o f «kin affliction the
appearance o f the eruption« change« over
night, the Itch and redness are gon e an 1
recovery begins Im mediately.
A s a m atter o f fact, there Is one Ingredi­
ent In H. 8. 8. w hich aerves the activ e pur­
pose o f stim ulating each cellular part o f
the body to the healthy and Judicious selec­
tion o f Its ow n essential nutrim ent.
T h at
la w hy It regenerates the b lood supply ; why
It baa aurh a trem endous influence in o v e r­
com ing eczem a, raali, pim ples, and all skin
A n d in regenerating the tissues 8. 8. 8.
hsa a rapid and positive an tidotal effect
upon all tbo«<> irrita tin g Influences that
cause rheum atism , sore th roat, weak eyea,
loss o f w eight, thin, pale cheeks, and that
w eariness o f m uscle and nerve th a t Is gen­
era lly erperlen ced ** spring fever. G et a
b ottle o f S. 8. 8. at any drug »tore, and la
a few daya you w ill n ot on ly feel bright and
energetic, but you w ill be th« pictu re o f
new life.
8. 8 8, t i prepared only In th«
laboratory o f T h e S w ift Specific D o , 534
S w ift B ld g . A tlanta. G a., w ho m aintain a
v ery efficient M edical D epartm ent, w here all
w h o have any blood disorder o f a stubborn
nature may w rite freely fo r advice and a
special book o f instruction. 8. 8. 8. 1« sold
•veryw here by drug stores, departm ent and
general «tore«, but bew are o f all su bstitu te*
LX» not accept them.