ESTACADA NO. 6 of VOL. 8 PROGRESS ESTACADA, OREGON, TH URSDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1914 News Notes W e carry a nice line of S T IL E T T O K N IV E S, CHISELS, SAW S, H A M M E R S , AXES and H A T C H E T S . The Latest Patterns in STOVES, What’s the uss having a pocket knife that will not cut readily? RANGES and Can you imagine anything more annoying than “ trying to sharpen a p en cil“ or "endeavoring to cut a piece o f rope ” with a knife that w on’t hold an ed ge ? H EATERS. Everything in HARDW ARE, HARN ESS Y ou should b e very particular when purchasing knives. Insist upon having and IM PLEM ENTS. Bert H. Finch and you are bound to be satisfied W e guarantee every biade Oregon. Estacada, I am Paying J & 2 / X aj Flour I am Selling p' r ,bush,el ,or eood, whw- per ton for gray oats. (H ard W heat Patent) Shorts - Bran - 6.00 per bbl. $32. per ton. 30. per ton. Feed o f all kinds prices fair, honest weights and treatment. Try a small package of “ Guthries Chicken Mixture.” It id a tonic for poultry—containing bran, •shorts, soy-bean meal and blood meal. (Formula from V. B. Guthrie, Agricultural teacher, Edtacada School.) Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. How’s Your Phone? Special price: “Bluebell Batteries” Set of 2, $ .45 Hand Saws Filed .25 Cross Cut Saws Filed .50 Expert Saw Hammering, per hour, 1.00 C. C. MILLER Metal Repairing Plumbing Electric Wiring J io a week $2 a da)' The Hotel Estacada MODERN CONVENIENCES One of the most delightful Resorts on the Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Coast Palace Meat Market We handle only the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickle'. A comp'ete line of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh E ggs and Butter. HtLD J0RG, Proprietor Waterbury and Chapman “ The Busy Store” and the Leading Grocery Store of ESTACADA, OREGON POP, Wholesale and Retail Phone. Main 76. R. G. MARCHBANK CON FECTION ERY SM OKING ARTICLES LIGHT LUNCH IC E C R E A M TOBACCO C IC A R S OREGON ESTACADA, Fire Insurance SEE A. E. SPARKS Pacific S la te s Fire Insurance Co. High School Notes Christian Church $1 A Y E A R Estacada State Bank One of the largest crowds of the From All Sections Special Hallowe'en program by Mrs. Lunsford, and three cbil- the “ W ebs” tomorrow afternoon. season assembled at ihe regular A t a special meeting o f the hour for worship on last Lord's > f Washington, are visiting at ú ü ttíáfl ihe home of her parents, Mr. and Student Body last week, Lewis Day evening, every seat in the | Jones was elected to fill the office house being comfortably filled. A Mrs. Eadeti, of Viola, Make it i o f yell leader, left vacant by the special feature in the musical pro­ gram was a vocal solo by Miss| Friday evening. Nov. 6th, th e! resignation o f Robert Ewait, ladies of the Civic Improvement J Manager Dale, o f this year’ s Gladys Townsend. The sermon by Club, will give a Mother Goose c n -. basketball team, has a lre a d y I'be pastor upon “ The Parables of tertainmeut, at the Family Theatre, j Scheduled several games and it the Christ” was illustrated by the Deposit your money here at any time. for the benefit of the library. looks as though E. H. S. would usf of tl>e stereoptlcon and about have a successful season in this ■ thirty-five well selected slides, Draw out your money at any time. There will be a Republican rally line o f sport. Mr. Guthrie will There will be the regular services at the Family Theatre, Estacada, again hold forth as coach. | on next Lord’s Day, The moriv Make use of our checking service. Friday, October 30th, at 8 P. M. The Student Body last week ' big theme will be "Witnessing for Questions of the day will be dis N o matter the size of your account. voted that the High School \ Christ.” The evening theme will cussed by the Republican candi- ghoqfd enter both the County I be a continuation of “ The Parables For safety, leave your valuables in the vaults. dates. Ladies especially invited. and .Interscholastic Debating |of the Christ.” There will also be a When you want to borrow money, either short There will be a basket social Leagues. The question for de- i special musical number by the choir. or long time, let us help you. at the Viola school house, on bate in the County League has the evening of Nov. 6th Every- J not yet been decided upon while ; L a n d P rod u cts S n o w When you want information on good invest­ one is invited. Ladies bring their the question in the Interscholas-1 Substantially the same Clacka- ments, let us help you. baskets and gentlemen briug their tic League; Resolved, that the mas county exhibit, that won all of motley ^ ’nvprnmpnt n »»» ~♦ — *. State t?-:.. | O governm ent aVinnlri should num own anri and nr\_ op- I j «U« the U honors at ¿I,«. the recent Fair, For your insurance, our service is of the best. ; erate railroads acting as common | has been set tip at the Portland United States District Attorney carriers within and across the ] Land Products Show, Feel at home to avail yourself of our conservative Reams, will speak at Boner The­ boundaries o f the several states. ; R. M Standish, of Estacada, su- . ' banking service. ater, Estacada. Saturday evening Debating practice will be held perintended the staging of the ex- at 7 : 30 , Oct. 31 st, in the interests under. the coaching o f Miss Dll- hibit and with the help of Roy Mey- UR 0 Y D. WUKER. President o f Geo. E. Chamberlain, U. S. ' Ion and Prin. Ford. THOMAS YttrtJVI. Vita Präsident ers, of Eagle Creek, T. W. Cross. Senator. IRWIN D. WRI 3 HF, Cas’iier The Student Body play has of Gresham, and W . K. Niles, of The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. | been sent for and should arrive Oregon City, has made one of the Interest paid on time deposits. O E. Smith, of Estacada, is report- j in a few days. under the j best showings that this county has watchful eye o f Miss Jones, the ever made at such a Portland cxlti- ed as rapidly improving. The child received a hard bump on the head presentation o f the play is guar-j bition. last week and it was feared at firstj anteen to be equally as good as , % Besides a fine display of grains, | vegetables, fruits and corn, the that it was a serious injury, but ex ­ that o f test year. Ih e Freshmen will give a party drawing card or lure, to get the pub- pert examination showed it to be of next Saturday night, and to date j lie inside of tbe exhibit, consists of a minor character. (M onday) have invited no upper ¡a couple of F, J Harkenrider’s ] it - The Eagle Creek deer hunters classmen but then, these upper tie pigs, in a big pen, with a glar- On the balance of our line of seem to be having their share of classmen often go places where ing sign on the front, reading “ Dan luck this season. W ill Douglass they are not invited. N u f sed. ger, don’ t feed the animals,” ;n- FRENCH BLUE ENAMELED WARE returned home this week, with one (Contributed) side of the pen, a sign, reading deer and reports that another one ‘ ’Clackamas county mortgage lift­ had been killed bv one of their ers” explains their presence. Violin Recital In order to hurry up the D R A W IN G for the patty. Guy and Pete Clester left The Land Products Show will A Violin Recital has been ar­ last week for a couple of weeks’ ranged to be given in the school- continue until Nov 14th The show hunt. house, Friday evening, promptly is located at the Armory and is op­ Last Monday evening, in honor I at 7 ; 30 . I he Walter A. Bacon en from 1 to 11 P. M. with an ad- o f the birthday o f R. G. P a lm a -! sch ool o f Music wiH present Mr. misson price of 25 cents. It is well W e need the space, for our holiday stock will soon be here, teer o f Garfield, a party o f the I Miller, assisted by Mr. Bacon, worth many times the admission band boys seranaded him at his | celloist; Miss Moore, vocalist and price, for the exhibits are both in­ structive and amusing. See special fa th er’ s home. About tw enty- i 1 ) lr - Berry, Ptanist, in a program excursion notice in this paper. tw o o f the boys spent the evening, for the benefit o f those who enjoy good music. with games and a liberal supply Death of E. J. Stevens There is no admission charge. of music, followed by delightful In order to make room for new goods, we have Word was received here this refreshments. week of the death of Mr. E. J. Ste­ Football filled our front window with these specials, vens, of Estacada, at Elkton. VV. Va The Presbyterian denomination The Estacada team met their Iiarlv last June, Mr. Stevens, ow* of Portland, are erecting buildings including glassware, birthday novelties and clearing land south of Dodge, Przemyl last Saturday afternoon, ing to sickness, returned to his form­ when the Gresham bunch, squar­ at home at Elkton to recuperate, but near the mouth of the South Fork. and kitchen utensils of merit. * They are establishing a home ior ed all old accounts against the was unable to regain liis health. 1913 team, by thoroughly drub- Mr. Stevens will be remembered down aud outs” to give employ­ ment, good food and healthful sur­ bing the 1914 players to the tune by his many friends here, a gentle- Estacada Furniture Co. rounding for the men. The insti­ o f 39 to 0 . The Hillsboro team 1 man of very quiet habits, ot kindly will play Estacada, here, next Green Trading Stamps UNDERTAKERS 1 disposition, a hard worker and an tution is called Hilloekburn Home and is iu charge of a Rev. Johnson. Saturday and there is a chance expert poultry raiser, with a fine for the boys to redeem them­ ; ten acre property at the top of the It is a safe bet that the Wilson Hill road. The Progress The new city roller, made bv the selves. local men, seems to be accomplish­ sporting editor o f the Progress is | and his many friends, tender their ing the work. This roller cost not going to hand out anymore sincere sympathy to his family and ahout $30. to build and should last advance dope on what Estacada relatives, about 2 C O years,