POULTRY —...... . and Dairy Produce o f all k in d s w a n te d . W rite fo r o u r STEAMER BEACHED German Army Appears Near Dunkirk on Coast In a Hundred Years. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. From the hillside a group of men I watched with great Interest develop­ m ents on the plain below. A squadron of cavalry m ade a brilliant dash up the slope. From the lop of the grade a line of lurid flume shot out and men and horses fell in a heap. Back of the lines clouds of belching black sm oke showed w here howitzer shells were bursting. From the trenches hordes of m en sw arm ed with bayonets flashing and put to rout an advancing 12 GAUGE , 5 SH O TS brigade of infantry. Overhead a di­ rigible was seen to collapse and f a ll. T h e recoil reloads th is ffun. Y ou sim ply pull th e to earth, pursued by a sw arm of m ono-1 trigger for each shot. T h is n e w gun is safe, strong and planes. Am bulances and Red Cross corps hurried to and fro. Reenforce- simple. It h as all th e good points of o th e r recoil operated^ m ents appeared to the west and soon shotguns, an d m any im provem ents besides. the carnage began anew. The field A m ong th em are Nickel steel construction was covered with dead and dying men. an d a reloading system th a t requires no dead horses, demoralizeu a rtillery and change for different loads. fallen standards “ W hat unprecedented carnage? I t ’s the Fowling Gun Par Excellence W hat strange w arfare do we behold?" cried a sta rtle d spectator in alarm. "M erely a bit of w ar stuff that the moving picture men are living in re­ acting the w ar of 1914.” said the Not the Friday Odor. other, us he hailed a passing Zeppelin Our contributor's sm all friend, lit­ and skim m ed back to the studio.—Ex tle Kollo, aged 5, had alw ays ob­ change. served th at fish was the big dish at his home on Friday. And he had ob­ Depends Upon Your Training DOES YOUR SKIN served th at the rule held in the neigh­ O u r c o u rse s in S h o rth a n d . P e n ­ ITCH AND BURN* boring households. m an sh ip . B u sin e ss T ra in in g and Recently little Kollo was sent out T e leg ra p h y will eq u ip you for a If you a re suffering with eczema, to visit his grandm a in the country. s u c c e s s fu l b u sin e ss c areer. ringworm , rash or other torm enting And a fte r a day or two he m issed F A L L TER M SE P T E M B E R 7. skin erupti6n, try resinol ointm ent anil som ething. resinol soap. You will be surprised G randm a,” said he, “a in 't it ever how quickly the itching stops and the Friday in the country?” skin becom es clear and healthy again. “ W hat a question!” she laughed. Prescribed by doctors for 19 years. ‘‘Of course, it is. Today is Friday, B U S IN E S S COLLEGE. All druggists sell resinol ointm ent dear.” F o u rth S tre e t, N ear M o rrison. P o rtla n d . Or. (50c and $1.00), and resinol soap “ W ell,” said Kollo. “It don’t smell (25c).—Adv. like Friday.”—A tlanta Journal. We G uarantee Positions for All Our G raduates, “ Why did you q uarrel?” Decollete Dress. “ She w anted me to hold her hand W rite Us, No Trouble to Answer. “(’lever deduction is everything,“! at a crowded reciption.” declared Sherlock Holmes. ‘‘For in­ “W hy didn’t you?” “ 1 was already holding a plate of stil nee if you see a lady going out in salad in one fist and a cup of coffee in ball costum e it is safe to deduce that BIRD MANNA the other, with no earthly chance to she is going to a ball.’’ “Not at all,” objected Doctor W at­ M AKES set anything down.”—K ansas City son. “Many of our girls have adopted Journal. Canaries Sing it for ordinary stre e t w ear.”—Louis tunrfu! melodic«, when illness 01 ville C ourier Journal. moulting has made them s lent. Itw is Y O U R O W N D R U G G IS T W IL L T E L L Y O U London—T hat a Germ an arm y is be- tween^Furnes and D unkirk and nearing Portland. J the la tte r place, which is on the Eng-1 Portland — Hop buying continues I lish Channel, less th an 50 m iles from j w ithout interruption at steady prices. ! the coast of Dover, is reported in a | D ealers report th a t it is difficult to in­ j Rotterdam dispatch from a German TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES te re st brew ers in new business, and L a rg e asHorUneat, S p e ­ source to the Daily Mail, under date of th is is to be expected in view of the cial P rices. REMINGTON «ni bMIIH PREMIER, $15 Up Sunday night. approaching elections and the fact th at M achines sh ip p e d on A dispatch to the Mail from Dun- j a p p ro v a l am i g u a ra n ­ hops are being offered to brew ers at a teed by H om e ouncern. Fireman Cremated, but Rett ot kirk, dated Sunday night, says th a t | steadily declining scale of prices. W rite fo r s t a p l e s o f heavy firing has been heard near Dun­ Crew Saved—Explosion Starts w ork, s ta tin g m ak e There is a g re at deal of uncovered con­ kirk Bince 8 o ’clock Sunday m orning. p r e fe rre d . Blaze in Stoke Hole. tra c t business to be taken care of, EXCHANGE, 351 * Wait. St Portland. Or Severe fighting is taking place. It however, and it is this th a t is keeping is supposed th a t destroyers or gun- the trad e employed. boats’are being used in the canals. This w eek’s purchases were made a t NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Portland,^Or. — The steam er Santa D ave H ouston, P ro p . H. B. T h o rsn es. Mgr. a huge $700,000 steel B erlin — All signs indicate th a t a a range of 8 to 12 cents. The largest T h o ro u g h ly m o d ern . 101 Rooms o f co m fo rt. Mod­ C atalina, e r a te P ric e s. T h re e m in u te s' w alk from U nion freig h ter of the W. R. G race Co.'a trem endous change is im pending in deal was closed by MeNeff Bros., who D epot. W rite fo r ra te s . 12 N Su* St.. PORTLAND. OH line, plying betw een New York and the protracted struggle in N orthern bought 340 bales from Dem aris Bros., Pacific Coast ports, including Portland, France, where for weeks the hostile of Yakima. This firm also bought 175 la n o m o r e n e c e s s a r y took fire and was beached late Sunday arm ies have faced each other in such bales in The Dalles section, the crops th u n S m a l l p o x . Army afternoon against the Oregon shore of strongly entrenched positions th a t of Frieson, Sm ith & G ates and one experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous r ‘i'l- . the Columbia river, two mileB from neither has been able to advance, ex­ other, also 100 bales from Salem deal­ Cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. ers. She is practically a total cept a t enormous cost. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and | St. Helens. The apple m arket was good for your family. Tt is more vital than house insurance. loss. The present effect of the m utual Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "H ave Two carloads of am m unition in her flanking operations has been to extend cheap and m edium -priced fruit, but you had Typhoid?” telling of T y p h o i d Vaccine, th ere was not much demand for the results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. cargo exploded w ith the fire, adding the b a ttle lines w ithout e ith e r side’s higher-priced grades. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, C A L horrors and damage. finding a weak spot. m o o u c im s vaccina * a asanas unosb u . a. sov. l ic s n s s G rapes are steady here and prices Forty-tw o m em bers of her officers’ cannot be advanced, in spite of the staff and crew are safe, but one fire­ firmness of the C alifornia m arket. A A tjE N T S Sell n e w ly -p a to n to d a rtic le to officer, man, G ub Johnson, is dead. He was Attack by Submarine stored, hom es. S am p le p rep a id . $ 1.50} of cantaloupes arrived from Med­ entrapped in the engine room instantly Was Complete Surprise car sells fo r $2.60. M urk Shuw . Los A n g eles. C alif. ford. when the explosion occurred, and Aberdeen, Scotland—The atta ck on W heat — B id: Bluestem, $1.02; heroic efforts of Captain J. F. Rose Im m u n e . the B ritish cruiser Hawke, which was forty-fold, 99Jc; club, 96c; red Rus­ and his aideB to rescue him before the sunk by a Germ an subm arine, came as sian, 90c; red Fife, 92c. T he hunters now will get in line, ship was abandoned were futile. a g re at surprise to those aboard the O ats— B id: No. 1 white, feed, $25 T heir turn will soon be here; Among the rescued are Mrs. Rose, cruiser, according to the survivors who per ton. And every cow will w ear a Bign, w ife of the captain, and th e ir baby, arrived here. N othing was seen to ‘‘Don’t shoot me, I’m no d e er!” Barley— B id: No. 1 feed, $20 per who were lowered over the sides of the —-Cincinnati Enquirer. indicate the presence of a subm arine ton; brew ing, $21; bran, $22; shorts, burning vessel while still in m id­ Indeed our beef will be so high until a fte r the explosion, when the $23. stream . This warning will be heard, periscope of the boat was detected M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $25(<( The fireboat David Campbell, of As cows go sailing through the sky, m oving away a t some distance. 25.50 per to n ; shorts, $27(;(28; rolled Portland, fought the flames in the big “Dou't shoot me, I'm no b ird !” The H awke sank in five m inutes and barley, $26(027. NfV York Mail. lin e rja fte r m aking a fa st run from hundreds of men, some of them in Corn— Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, Food prices may go soaring high, Portland. cork jack ets and others hanging to $38. And reach the ether thin, The Santa C atalina was capable of Hay — E astern Oregon tim othy, With flaring signs, ‘Don’t shoot me, 1 carrying 10,000 tons dead w eight and pieces of wreckage, were scattered about in the w ater. Am not a Z eppelin!” $15.60(0 16 per to n ; grain hay, $10(0 had ju st entered the Columbia river on invented by the breed -is in the Hart* “ I was on the forenoon w atch, ’* said 11; alfalfa, $12(013.50; valley tim ­ T ry M u rin e E y e R e m e d y fo r R e d , W e a k . W a te r y Mountains. It keeps Canapes in rood Once again the am ateur strategist her second voyage to Portland. She one of the stokers, “ and we w ere en­ othy, $13(014. E y e s a n d G r a n u l a t e d E y e lid s ; N o S m a r t in g — For the privilege of being battpred health and restores their feathers. l u s t .K y e C o m fo rt. W rite f o r H ook o f J i e E ye tip Antwerp is asked to dig up a cool w rites to inquire if the disappearing made her maiden trip last December. joying ourselves. Someone was sing­ Sold by dniFcii-ts at 15c. Mailed at V egetables — Cucumbers, $1.50 per by m a il F r e e . M u rin e E y e R e m e d y C o., C h ic a g o . same price with a 42-page bird book. b atteries are the ones the enemy has She was one of the first g re at liners to ing and the others had joined in the $100.000,000. O ther cities w anting ■ box; eggplant, 7c per pound; peppers, Comolete 120-page bird book mailed for 15c. rrtorethei with m ake a passage through the Panama captured. sim ilar publicity address W. Hohen 1« 2 5 c ., CENUINE BIRD MANNA i, chorus when the H awke was struck. 5(0:c; artichokes, 85c per dozen; tom a­ In the eyes of some employes the zollern, Potsdam, Prussia. canal, having arrived a t San Francisco alwavs put UP in white metal cans with red imprint on them. The allies seem bent on turning the from New York about 10 days ago. She The ship vibrated violently and imme­ toes, 50(0,90c per c rate; cabbage, l j c new civil service rules doubtless ap­ PHlLAD’A BIRD FOOD CO., button S., Philadelphia, Pa. wings of the enemy in order to give left San Francisco Friday and carried d iately sta rte d to cant over. When I per pound; peas, 10c; beans, 6c; cel­ pear m ost uncivil. reached the deck the captain was caii- ery, 50(d;75c per dozen; cauliflower, Radium Greatest Invention. it to them in the neck. about 2000 tons of mixed cargo, 1400 The sta te may never go dry, but a ing, ‘I t ’s everybody for h im self.’ Social Uplift. 75c(0$l; asparagus, $2 box; sprouts, tons of which w ere for Portland. lot of m unicipalities are m aking sure I’m fond of melodrama, O ver a m ill’on m ag a z in e re a d e rs h a v e d eclared “ I jum ped overboard and managed 10c per pound. “ You should join our discussion In the cargo for Portland was a their w ater supply is pure. th a t R adium s ta n d s fo re m o st an io n « th e 7 w o n ­ W here the villain vilely capers. to keep afloat, although the w ater was Onions—Yellow, $1(01.25 per sack. d er* of m odern tim es. F o r 3 y e a rs w e h a v e been club; it is no end of benefit." Hut I'm quite disgusted with the one large supply of am m unition, which ex­ b itte rly cold, until picked up by the x p e rim e n tin g w ith th e d itf e re n t q u a rtz e m ittin g Green F ru its — Apples, 75c(0$1.75 “ Do you cover a wide range of sub­ At the Chicago m unicipal m arket e L**t>o ploded w ithin a few m inutes a fte r the T h a t has no m issing papers. ity and have a t last, succeeded in p e r ­ only boat th a t there was tim e to per box; cantaloupes, $1@1.60 per handkerchiefs were sold for 2 cent s. fecting: a c o tiv u r ‘ R adio A c tiv e P a d .” w h ic h h a s been je c ts? ” vessel took flame. The exploding c a rt­ s u c c e ssfu l beyond ou r e x p e c ta tio n s . T hese p a d s launch. For a tim e we rowed around c rate; casabas, $1.25(ul,50 per dozen; N aturally a lot of people with bad “ Oh, no. We confine ourselves ex­ Some women can keep a secret, ridges created a near-panic among the on te s t u n d e r th e elcctoecope e m it 1000 m ac h e clusively to bridge and tango.”— colds blew them selves. u n it” e v e ry h our, and will la s t fo r years: w hen even a t the registration office. Ask sailors and crew and made the work of picking up men, but the boat was soon pears, 50c(o!$1.25 per box; peaches, Cleveland Plain Dealer. placed on th e s e a t of pain, will, in alm ost every overcrowded and beyond throw ing life ­ 40(o60c; grapes, 75c(0 $1.25 per c rate; the clerk! fighting the blaze still more hazardous th e su ffe rer a t once. In cases of T ran satlan tic steam ship companies S ra to s e m relieve belts to the men in the w ater, we cranberries, $8(08.50 per barrel. ach T roubles. R h e u m a tism , Insom nia, N e rv - | and nearly impossible. Three of the have decided to waive interest pay­ u s o -.s . R un-dow n c onditions, its effect in al- i Somebody has figured out th at the A N orw egian Potatoes— Oregon, $1.25 per sack; m ents. People have sort of lost inter­ o mos* Columbus discovered America Oc seamen jum ped overobard, tw o sw im ­ could do no more. w ar is costing $55 per second. Now ev e ry in sta n c e is m arvelous. '• - p ric e of th e "R a d io A c tiv e P a d ” is $6.00, we understand why neither side can tober 12, 1402. Lucky there were nc m ing to the Oregon shore, a third be­ steam er came up and picked up a few sw eet potatoes, 2(0!2Jc per pound. est, anyway, in tran satlan tic tratfic. hii* lo r a s h o rt tim e to in tro d u c e th em in y o u r Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, case geographical societies for him to face? ing rescued by a small river fishing men, but for the large m ajority she afford to lose a m inute. cop-.m unity, on re c e ip t o f $1, w ith a d isc rip tio n o f ; was too la te .’’ count, 29(<; 32c per dozen; candled, 33 yo>,; sic k n e ss anti a c o n fidential lis t of 2 or m ore j The nervy correspondents, boat, which w ent to th e aid of the si- U people in your neighborhood, w e will send j The citizens of Antwerp m ust have Do a funny w artim e stunt. ((¡,35c; storage, 27J(u28c. “Seek light on liquor m easure,” says Santa C atalina as soon as the explosion yon *he Pad w ith full in stru c tio n s a nd all c h a rg e s • fleet. We read They follow in the arm y’s rear a headline. Yet brew ers declare light was heard up and down the^Columbia Poultry—Hens, 12J( th a t now connects “ New F rance’’ w ith 14c; ducklings, 10ou«laa «hoc* are I came home to Ohio to live and th a t Is opened by a lever attached to its made. ¡\: id the high grade leathers used, you would then issued another casualty lis t received w ith an am bulance a t the b a ttle front, Co, 6.50. handle. understand why they look belter, ftt better, hold their had her shoulder torn by a shell. His Sheep — W ethers, $40(5.50; ewes, has been m y home for the last 18 years. shape an 1 wear longer than other m akes for the price. from headquarters under date of Sep­ If ihe W. r. Douglas shnea are not for sale in your tem ber 16. son, a dragoon officer, also was wound- j $3.500(4.50; lambs, $50(6. It gives 51 non-commis­ “ T heC hangeof Life came when I was vicinity, order direct from factory. Shoes sent every­ A patent has been granted a Dres­ The general was dining, a f t e r } where. Postage free In the U. 8. W r i t e f o r I 11na­ sioned officers and men as having been ed. 47 years old and about this tim e I saw den inventor tor an application of the Dressed m utton— 100;17ic pound. i r a i e r f 4 H i n l o i «bowing how to order by mail. W. L. D o t O LAS, X10 Spark St., Brockton, Mass. killed, 149 men wounded and 566 men w inning a battle at Bar-le-Duc, when j my physical condition plainly described principle of the therm opile for the di­ V egetables — A rtichokes, 75 0; 85 M a n y p r o file h i v e m a r v e le d t h e w a j m issing. Those of the killed belonged a spy notified a Germ an b a tte ry of his dozen; beans, green, 7 i0 ;8 c ; bell pep­ in one of your advertisem ents. Then I rect production of electricity from S. S. M. o v e rc o m e s a k in t r o u b ' j *. T h e >‘X whereabouts. As he left the restau- j entirely to the Royal Scots, the Royal pers, California, 30-lb. boxes, $1.25; began using Lydia E. Pinkham ’s Veg­ co.tl w ithout the Intervention of a boil­ p l a n a t io n In t h e f a r t t h a t S. H. S. w ork« ra n t a shell burst near him. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS Irish and the E ast Surrey regim ents. In th e b lo n d a n d t h e b lo o d D r e a lly a m o st beets, new, $10(1.26 sack; cabbage, etable Compound and I cannot tell you er, engine or dynamo. i n t r i c a t e a n d e x t r a o r d i n a r y m a s s o f a rte rl* n FOR OUT-Of-TOWN PEOPLf local, lc pound; red, l j c ; corn, green, or any one the relief it gave me in the a m i v e in s . Since St. P etersburg has been Russians Planting Mines. Kaiser Visits Trenches. People from all p a rts o W h e n y o ti c o m e to r e a liz e t h a t t h e s k in $1.500(1.76 Back; carrots, local, 85c first three months. I t p u t me right changed to Petrograd, it Is safe to O regon ami W a sh in g j P etro g rad —The Russian governm ent Berlin — According to lette rs from (n $ 1 sack; cauliflower, local, 75c w here I need not lay off every month .¡tstiine the Cossacks a re now ord er­ a n d t h e fle a h b e n e a t h a r e c o m p o s e d o f a ton c o n s ta n tly v isit o tr n e tw r k o f t in y b lo o d v e s s e ls y o u s o lv e th e office fo r d e n ta l tre a t | announces th a t because of the presence ■ field, received in Munich, Emperor dozen; cucumbers, hothouse, 750; 86c and during the last 18 years I have not ing Ham grad and Lim grad cheese m y s te o ry . m ent. O u r skill i« ac paid out two dollars to a doctor,and have sandwiches. of German subm arines in the Gulf of W illiam a few days ago entered the T h e r e a r e w o n d e r f u l m e d ic in a l p r o p e r t ie s dozen; field, 350;45c; lettuce, local, k now ledge^, and on p ro m p tn e ss in finish Finland and the sowing of m ines in j lines of certain B avarian and Prussian 400; 50c dozen; potatoes, W hite rivers, been blest with excellenthealth fo ra we- In S. S. S. t h a t f o llo w t h e c o u rs e o f th e :n g w ork in one da. After seeing the dam age a m ere b lo o d s t r e a m s J u s t a s n a t u r a l l y a a t h e m o st Yakim as, $25 01,27; woman of my age and I can thank I ydia w hen req u ire d ia a p p ’-* Russian w aters it has been compelled detachm ents and visited the troops in $ 2 1 0 (2 3 to n ; n o u r is h i n g fo o d e le m e n ts . c iated by o a t-o f-to w r in tu rn to have recourse to sim ilar t^ e trenches. The em peror conversed sw eets, $1.900;2 hundred; radishes, E. Pinkham ’sVegetableCompound for i t runabout can do a t the hands of joy­ I t 1» r e a l ly a r e m a r k a b l e re m e d y . It p a tro n s. riders no one questions the potency c o n ta in * o n e I n g r e d i e n t , t h e a e t t v e p u rp o s e “ Since th e Change of Life is over I m easures. Consequently certain zones w ith m any o f the men and asked them local, 16c dozen bunches; rutabagas. L>r. W ise is a fa ls e I »f w h ic h la to n t lm u ia t e t h e tia s u e * t o th e of the arm ored auto In war. to o th e x p e rt. T h e re ii of Russian w aters, especially those t ° re la te th e ir personal experiences, A laska, $2 sack; Spinach, local, 90cfn have been a m aternity nurse and be:ng h e a lth y s e le c tio n o f I ts o w n r a a e n t la l n u t r i ­ “ALW AYSONE RES'» wholly self-supporting I cannot ove, m en t. A n d t h e m e d ic in a l e le m e n ts o f th la near the gulfs of Riga and Finland and He gave them words of encourage- $1 c ra te ; tom atoes, local, 30O;.40c in e v e ry c allin g , am A progressive move th a t seems a m a tc h le s s b lo o d p u r if ie r a r e J u s t a s e s se n ­ estim ate the value of good health. 1 Dr. Wi f lay s claim t ' the L ittoral archipelago, m ust be con- m ent, spoke in recognition of th eir c ra te ; turnips, new, w hite, $1.25 have now earned a comfortable little step in the right direction is the serv­ tia l t o w e ll b a la n c e d h e a lt h a s t h e n u t r i ­ 'h is d istin c tio n in O re sidered dangerous. In order th a t non- j services, asked w hether they had heard sack. ing of “w ienies” a t political rallies. It tio u s e le m e n ts o f th<* m e a t s , g r a i n s , f a ’ * gen. 27 Yean’ n p e io rt home juBt by sewing and nursing. I *nd s u g a r s o f o u r d a ll y fo o d . W h a t w e c a n 't g u a r | com batants shall not run risks the from the people a t home and exam ined N o t o n e d r o p o f m i n e r a l s o r d r u g * U u sed Apples— New, cooking, 500; 60c b o x ; have recommended the Compound to guarantees a crowd. a n te e w e d o n ’t do. m any with good results, as it is excel. entrances to the gulfs of Riga and Fin m any o f the soldiers as to th e ir duties, in i ts p r e p a r a t i o n . A.sk f o r M. s . S. a n d 1X>W PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. G ravensteins, 86cO; $ 1; Jonathans, 75c l“Ot to tak e before and a fte r child­ The banks may be holding money, l u s t I n s i s t u p o n h a v in g I t. A n d I f y o u d*»- land, it is said, are considered closed, j He was gre atly pleased a t the answers. Good Red Rubber Plates, each S&.ft i lr e s k il lf u l a d v ic e a pon any 0($1.25; W inter Bananas, $1.250(1.50; i b irth .’’— MUs E v e l y n A d e u a S tew ­ as S ecretary McAdoo charges, but our m a t t e r c o n c e r n i n g t h e n b d lo o c d o u a n n s e d l s k u in The Best Red Rubber Plates, each 7.$» w rP e K ings, 75c0i»l. only regret is they do not hold more to t h e M edD -al I * n a r t m e n t . T h e . j*w 22-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown .. S.D a r t , Euphemia, Ohio. lft Prince Saved by Illness. Prisoners’ Exchange Due. of ours. l S p e c ific T o ., fi2 9 S w i f t I lld g .. A t l a n t a . G a. C rabapples—40c0;$l box. i f yon w ant special advice w rite to WISE DENTAL CO. n o t a llo w s o m e z e a lo u s c le r k 's e|e. L>>e*..n *nd nun colors. MONROE DHL i U G “ C O M Í A N Y , Q u ì a c y , I - ì t n o l a stopped firing. I home by way o f Copenhagen. I Dressed spring lamb— 120i l3c pound. | CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. Big Coastwise Liner Takes Eire on Way io Portland. TYPHOID S e lf- L o a d in g Shotgun SUC CESS- rX “ SIS? L. D O U G LA S A NURSE TAKES DOCTOR’S ADVICE Most Skin Trouble Readily Overcome \ PUTNAM FADELESS DYES