Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 15, 1914, Image 2

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    The Governor's I
”Oh, father, tell the tru th ,” Kath­
erine Interrupted. “These gentlem en
want to m eet you, Mr. Slade. I hear
we're to expect great things of you.
You see, I’ve been mixed up in poli­
tics all ray life, and I do love to have
a hand in them .”
“She’d run for president if they’d
A N o v e l i z a t i o n of
let her,” teased her father.
“Indeed I would,” the girl adm itted,
Al i c e B r a d l e y ’ s P l a y
brazenly. ‘T v e got politics in my
blood, and home doesn’t seem like
home unless politics are being brewed
in our dining-room. So you’ll both
Illu stra tio n s fro m P h o to g r a p h s o f th e S t a g e P r o d u c tio n
No Fewer Than 200 Kaiser's Big
come, won’t you—you and Mrs. Slade.”
Slade was s:am m erlng his accept­
Siege Guns ot Large Calibre
ance when Strickland Interrupted ab­
C o p y rig h t, l» U ( P u b l ic a t i o n ttlg b u t U oaerr«*!) by LMtvUl liobusco.
Hurl Destroying Shells.
woman th at m akes a man glow with ruptly.
“How’d you like to be governor,
pride to present as hiB wife oT daugh­
ie l S la d e s u d d e n ly u d v a n c e s fro m a ter. She was all th at Mary Slade was
London—The Morning Post Saturday p e D n a n n ile
Slade threw back his head with a
s s m in e r to a m illio n a ire a n d be- not.
says th a t it has been inform ed by a cutm -s a p o w e r In th e p o litic a l a n d b u s i­
Slade stood looking a t her, fasci­ laugh th a t was intended to denote
n ess w o rld . H e h a s h is e y e o n th e g o v e r ­
good au th o rity
th a t A ntw erp has n o r ’s c h a ir . H is s im p le , h o m e -lo v in g w ife nated. forgetting for the m om ent the com plete unconcern.
“Oh—th a t talk! Did the evening
fa ils to ris e to th e n e w c o n d itio n s .
man she was with, rem em bering noth­
ing but the m agnetic personality of papers put th a t into your head or—”
The official press bureau says it is
C H A P T E R I— Continued.
the woman whose reputation for do­ and he paused significantly, “did you
unable to confirm the foregoing.
put it into the evening papers?”
The D aily Telegraph R otterdam cor­
“Dan.” she said, ‘T il tell you some­ ing big things in a big way was al­
S trickland« laugh was a practical
respondent, telegraphing Friday, how­ thing. These expensive laundries ruin ready known to him —a woman whose admission.
ever, says:
your sh irts right off, and when 1 eyeB m eeting his gave back flash for
“It would mean a hard fight, Slade.
“ A more hopeful view prevails here washed ’em they lasted a whole year. flash and understanding for under­ The w ater-front crow d’s against you,
regarding A ntw erp.
R efugees from They a in 't ironed right, either.”
Almost m echanically Slade found and you can ’t get on w ithout th eir
th a t city declare th a t not a single Ger­
“Oh, my God!” groaned Slade, help­
man soldier has yet entered A n tw erp .” lessly, pitying her lack of understand­ him self acknowledging Senator S trick ­
“Not in this town, a t least,” amend­
“ Stubborn fighting is proceeding be­ ing ra th e r than being angry with her. land’s formal presentation of his
ed K atherine.
fore the A ntw erp fortifications,” says
“I wish you’d forget, Mary, that I daughter. H eeitatingly he offered his
“You’ve got to have W esley M erritt,
the Daily M ail’s Ostend correspondent, had to let you wash and scrub once. hand, which the girl, perfectly a t hiB paper, his highfaluting editorials
teleraphing Friday.
We’re up now. Let us kick the lad­ ease, grasped with a cordial, sym pa­ and his speechm aking—and his wife,”
“ Four assaults have been repulsed der out from under*us and stay up— thetic pressure. H er eyes were look­ Strickland explained. “He and his
ing critically into his, much as if she
a t No. 4 fo rt a t Vieuxdieu. The bom­ forget how we got here.”
crowd run the tow n.”
bardm ent of th e town appears to be
“ But I don’t want to forget,” rem on­ were trying to read him through and
“Oh, you m ean my neighbors?”
dim inishing som ewhat in intensity.
strated the little wisp of a woman op­ through and take his m easure for fu­ aeked Slade. "T hey’ll come around,"
“ According to the late st advices the posite him. “ I was perfectly content­ tu re use.
H er easy, graceful acceptance of the he finished, meaningly.
Belgians m ade a successful sortie from ed those days. I ain ’t now. 1 hate
“But, man alive! Only today Mer­
A ntw erp, which resulted in the cap­ this house. I hate it. It’s too big. situation, her thoughtful inquiry for
r itt’s a tta ck on you was scurrilous. I
tu re of 300 Germ ans and forced the The help scare me, so m any of ’em. Mrs. Slade’s health, prompted by well-
rem onstrated with him myself. He’s
enemy to recross the R iver N ethe, I’d like Jest one hired girl and my old bred sym pathy ra th e r than any curi­
your out-and-out enemy. I’ve tried to
T hese photographs, ju st received from Europe, give som e idea of the appearance of Louvain a fte r the destruo abandoning th e ir guns a t L inth. ”
sitting-room set.” She stopped medi­ ous interest, and the cultured m odula­ get him—to—to come over and shake
"E v e ry sign indicates th a t A ntw erp tatively, her thoughts w andering back tion of her splendid voice, charm ed
tion of th a t once beautiful Belgian city by the Germans. The main picture shows the stu d en ts’ quarter and the in*
hands, but he sw ears he’ll never c > bb
is fa llin g ,” th e Daily C hronicle’s A nt­ to the early days when h e r husband
se rt a glim pse of the Place de la Concorde, where were m any hotels and cafes.
your threshold—”
w erp correspondent says in a dispatch took his pick and dinner pail and
“I guees they’ll come when I want
dated Thursday. “ It is possible the tram ped off to the mines, and Bhe
’em to come,” Slade interrupted, with
town w ill be surrendered.
sang as she bent over the washtub
an assurance his auditors could not
"T h e m ain stre e ts are deserted, but and busied herself a t th e kitchen
understand. “In fact, I’m looking for
there are 20,000 panicky people on stove.
’em any m inute now,” and ho consult­
the quays and around the railroad sta ­
H er husband sat with face averted,
ed his watch.
tion, w aiting to leave.
his im agination carrying him far into
“You’re looking for them —here—to­
“ The town is in flames throughout the future—a vision of honor as chief
night?” gasped Strickland, showing
the southern section and no a tte m p t is executive of the sta te and power in
plainly he thought Slade was making
being made to quench th em .”
keeping with the untold riches he had
a Joke of the m atter.
The D aily Chronicle’s Rosendaal, accumulated.
“Yes, tonight,” replied the would be
Holland, correspondent, under date of
“T h a t’s it,” he finally exclaimed, “ I
governor, quietly, and turned to K ath­
Friday, says the situation in A ntw erp wunt to go ahead and you want to
is critical and th a t the town is v irtu a l­ stick over your washtubs. I need the
Strickland subsided, a question
ly deserted except fo r the Belgian support of big people—got to mix with
grow ing in his mind as to w hether he
Commanding General Tells Citi­
'em, and be one of ’em. And you
had fully m easured the man he expect­
“ E very house h ere,” the correspond­ won’t.”
vance Guard Is Said to Hold
zens His Forces Have Entered
ed to use for his own political and
ent continues, “ is packed to the roof
“No, I don’t have to,” replied Mary.
Position Near Arras.
financial ends. T here was in Slade's
City as Conquerors.
w ith refugees, and other refugees are T needn’t.”
method of fighting a direct and open
cam ping around the railroad stations.
“ You don’t see the necessity of Join­
quality th at would m ake him hard to
A ntw erp’s civil guard was disbanded ing m e?” he asked, testily.
handle in the crooked and indirect
London— D ispatches from A m ster­ on W ednesday.”
London—Germ any has imposed a fine
“I don’t know how.”
ways of political life.
dam Thursday say th a t the Germans
An A m sterdam dispatch to the Reu­
of £20,000,000 ($100,000,000) on A nt­
“Do you w ant to know how?” he
continue to bombard Antwerp, th at te r Telegram company says th a t 32
K atherine Strickland's eyes nar­
werp as a w ar indem nity.
rowed as she met Slade’« gaze. H er
two more defending fo rts have fallen Germ an m erchant ships, including a
The population of A ntw erp is about
“No,” came the provokingly indiffér­
quick, calculating mind saw in this
and th a t the Belgian governm ent has large num ber of steam ers, have been
292,000. The levy, therefore, is ap­
ant answer.
man the possibility of realizing her
been moved to Ostend.
blown up in th e port of A ntw erp.
proxim ately $342 per capita.
“You’re putting the bars up in the
highest hopes and am bitions. W ith
M eanwhile the French account of
A dispatch to the Daily Express middle of the road,” he continued,
A dispatch to the R eu ter Telegram
such a man a woman could scale any
the battle of the Aisne says th a t the from A ntw erp says :
company from A m sterdam says th at
‘and I’m making up my mind to
heights—reach any goal. He was hard
b a ttle on the a llies’ left w ing contin­
“ A t 3 o ’clock Friday m orning all change things.”
General von Beseler, commander of the
But a man needs to be hard
the back p a rt of the city was a mass
German troops th a t captured Antwerp,
Suddenly M ary’s lips quivered and
in theee days and tim es If he is ever
ing extended more and more.
The of flames.
has issued the following proclamation :
\ hu rt look showed in her eyes behind
to accomplish anything. In her fer­
Germ an account says th a t the advance
“ To the inhabitants of A ntw erp:
“ The loss of life in the city is ap­ the m isty tears as she realized th at
guards of the opposing forces are in palling.
tile brain sm oldered am bitions as
The aristocratic suburb of w hatever she did irrita te d her hus­
The Germ an arm y has entered your
g reat as his am bitions th a t she now
touch north of Arras.
Berchem has been burned.
city as conquerors.
No citizen shall
band. She started to speak, but was
A dispatch from A m sterdam says:
realized would never be attained un­
“ Thousands of refugees are arriv in g interrupted by the entrance of a serv­
be harm ed and your property shall be
“ A m essage received
here from here and the steam ers for England are ant, who announced th a t Senator
less she m ade some great, radical
spared if you refrain from hostile acts.
This twelve-year-old Servian boy G hent says fighting of a violent char­ packed,” R e u te r’s Ostend correspond­
change in her life.
All refractions will be punished ac­
Strickland and his daughter had ju st
She had pushed her father as far
cording to the law of w ar and may fought hard in the rifle pits a t Bel­ a c te r has taken place betw een Aude- ent says.
as the man would—could go. She
“ In the siege operations against ter would call on th e ir way to the
lead to th e demolition of your beauti­ grade, and proved him self a first rate narde, 15 m iles southw est of Ghent,
shot. He is the pet of the soldiers and and Leupeghm, a small town about a A ntw erp the Germ ans are using no
had outdistanced every girl in her
ful c ity .”
mile south of Audenarde.
circle. She had reached high, but she
The H ague correspondent of the E x­ shares their hardships and perils.
few er th a t 200 guns of 11, 12 and 16-
Slade's face flushed and paled a t the
had trium phed. Now she waif at the
“ A fte r an hour’s engagem ent the inch caliber, some of them having a
change T elegraph company says th a t
thought—flushed a t the pleasurable
end of her tether. It was a m atter
Belgians received reinforcem ents and range of more than e ig h t m iles. The
Prince A ugust W ilhelm, the fourth son
Secretary to Pope Benedict
of m aking some one huge stroke or
threw back the Germ ans w ith heavy bom bardm ent of A ntw erp Saturday be­
of the emperor, was among the first to
from the senator, and paled as he
sinking back into stupid obscurity, a
XIV Passes Suddenly losses. ’ ’
penetrate the fortifications of A n t­
gan a t half past nine o'clock a t night .hought of the se n a to r’s stunningly
situation all the more bitter because
An Am sterdam dispatch to the Reu­ and stopped a t 10, only to be renewed çowned daughter arriving to find his
werp. He sent an enthusiastic m es­
Rome—Cardinal Dominic F errata,
of her previous successes.
w ith increasing violence a t m idnight.
sage to the emperor, who replied, be­ the cardinal secretary of state, died te r Telegram company s a y s :
wife in a cheap, ill-fitting dress th at
thought of settling down into the ev­
“ Among the refugees who left A nt­
stow ing the Iron Cross on the prince Sunday.
would have looked badly even for
eryday life of the w estern city where
w erp w ere Cardinal M ercier and the
and General Beseler.
morning wear.
The im m ediate cause of the death of
Belgium famine Protest
She Was All T h a t Mary Slade Was she was born m ade her very soul
According to a report received here Cardinal F e rra ta was p eritonitis, an m inister of justice and other high offi­
“Mary, you look like a steerage pas­
squirm. Surely there was som ething
Is Made to America senger,” he exclaimed suddenly, tu rn ­
from The Hague, Baron von der outcome of his protracted illness. Be­ cials. They traveled by automobile to
more in life for her. Surely there
Sehuetz has been appointed governor cause of this peritonitis, it was consid­ Flushing, from which point they pro­
W ashington, D. C.—The Belgian
were bigger goals to be gained.
ceeded to Ostend.
of A ntw erp and has notified the Bel­ ered im prudent to o|>erate.
“ More than 10,000 fugitives have m inister filed w ith the S ta te d ep art­
She had never realized how empty
gian refugees in Holland th a t they
T here was nothing of the shy, re tir­
The death of the cardinal was not arrived a t Rozendaal, a t which place m ent a protest from his governm ent call from the senator and his daugh­
the old home life was until now, when
may re tu rn unm olested w ith all g u a r­ unexpected. The news was conveyed
the bom bardm ent of A ntw erp can against the threatened fam ine in B rus­ make excuses and hold them till you m akeup. She was a woman of splen­ she suddenly found herself a part of
antees for th e ir safety.
to the Pope by telephone and his com­
sels, said to be due to th e ravages
It is said th a t the Germ an soldiers m ent w as: “ God’s will be done, but clearly be heard.”
did physique and wonderful m ental de­ it again a fte r the brilliant European
caused by the German arm y.
The come down.”
are active in m astering the fires.
”1 can’t,” she gasped. *T a in ’t got velopment. H er appeal to a man was season and the stim ulating, exciting
it takes from me a dear friend and my English Help Japanese in
message from the Belgian foreign
life in diplom atic circles at the capital.
The Gem rans agreed in the term s of
rig h t hand.”
office and filed w ith th e departm ent time, anyway, and 1 haven’t anything th a t of a dom inant intellect as much The thought of rem aining in the W est,
capitulation not to disarm the civic
as of a lovely woman. She imm edi­
to go to the opera in.”
7 sing Tau Bombardment says:
The Pope im m ediately retired to his
guards or m ake prisoners of males be­ private apartm ents, where he prayed
Slade leaned forward and struck ately im pressed Slade as being keen­ a big frog in a little puddle, had
“ The civil au th o rities of the Brus­
grown positively hateful to her. Big
Pekin—A comm unication received
tw een th e ages of 18 and 30 years.
for the repose of the soul of the de­ here from a German source in Tsing sels agglom eration inform th e govern­ the table with his clenched flat “Don’t w itted, strong-m inded and clever. His or little herself, she wanted a big
you understand? You m ust see these adm iration displayed itself in his shin­
puddle. She was quite satisfied in her
Tau, the fortified position in the Kiau
Berlin—The Germ an official report
The secretary of sta te passed away Chau territo ry , sets forth th a t in a V iolating once more the rig h ts of m an­ people. T onight’s paper nam es me for ing eyes and his unusually affable, a t­ own mind that no puddle would be so
on the capture of A ntw erp sa y s:
Strickland’s influence is tentive manner.
Germ an sortie last F riday night the
“ The first shot was fired on Septem ­
Suddenly he found him self com par­ big th at she couldn’t become a frog
more necessary to me than any other
ber 38 a g ain st the outer line of forts. was conscious to the last moment. Germ ans lost one man killed and three fourth convention of The H ague, the m an’s in the whole state. He controls ing his ow n little old fashioned wife of considerable size in it.
Now as her restless brain and soul
wounded, while 25 Germ ans are m iss­
On October 1 the first forts were taken
the party. He's bringing his daugh­ with this handsom e, self possessed
ing. A B ritish battleship, according away from the population an im portant ter to my house. You’re m eeting them woman before him. W hat a wife K ath­ clam ored for higher goals and a wider
by assault.
The riv er Nethe was I go to join my sa v io r,.”
field, the thought of Slade’s millions,
to th is sam e inform ation, has p artici­
crossed by the Germ an infantry and
appendicitis soon a fte r his appoint­ pated in the bom bardm ent of Tsing to let it starve.
The sam e inform a­ socially. Come on, now, come on”— erine Strickland would be for the gov­ Slade’s dom inating, forceful personal­
a rtillery on October 6 and 7.
he becam e persuasive—“put on a nice ernor of a state! W hat a picture she
A Germ an torpedo boat, re­
On October 7 A ntw erp was notified
little gown and come along and show would make presiding a t the head of ity, Slade’s reputation for sweeping
th a t a bom bardm ent was im m inent and papal secretary of state. The cardinal cently engaged w ith the Japanese, has I emburg.
How • everything before him, Slade’s prob­
them you can do som ething. W e’ll a m illionaire’s dinner tables!
returned to the harbor undamaged. !
this was begun a t 12:40 o'clock in the
hold a reception here and It’ll be a wonderfully such a woman would able governorship, flashed through her
mind like a burning streak of electric
m orning of October 8. Sim ultaneously
For six
this revolting act of barbarism and direct answ er to W esley M erritt’s slur adorn the richly furnished room s of ' fire. W ith him, with his weapons,
Blame Put on French.
an attack was made on the inner forts. a cardinal Ju n e 22, 1896.
his newly built m ansion! Instead of
on you in tonight’s paper.”
"O n October 9 two of th e inner forts
I/Ondon—The A m sterdam correspon­
Go to the opera with K atherine the work-worn fingers of his wife, con­ what a career lay before a woman!
were taken. A t 2 :30 o ’clock on the late r was prefect of the Congregation dent of R eu ter’s Telegram company j ciation of the civilized n a tio n s.”
darning ■ Just.,as suddenly she found herself
Strickland—with *\ women who had tinuously fum bling
afternoon of October, 9 the city of
says th a t dispatches from Rerlin deny !
just returned from Europe—the wom­ threads, he eaw, in a m ental vision. , wondering what sort of a woman had
A ntw erp was occupied by German in­
indignantly the reported destruction j
an who had dined with a queen and this woman’s lovely hands constantly | been a m ate to this man for so many
Teuton* Take Yankee Dye.
fantry w ithout resistance on the part
by German troops of the property of : the surrounding suburbs, which are been feted all over the continent. Hold engaged in unwinding the threads ot i years. She was conscious of a poign­
of the Belgians, whose conduct was
New York — Dyestuffs valued at M. Poincare, president of France, a t
H ere , ant pang of envy—Jealousy alm ost—
a reception—hostess in this house problem atic political tangles.
valiant. However, the effect of the $500,000 shipped from Basel, S w itzer­ Ribecourt. They declare this proper­
where she felt, save for her Dan, a was a woman who would be a m an’s against this woman who had the op­
Educator Defends Kaiser.
German a rtillery , in fantry and m arine land to the firm of W alter F. Sykes & ty was the center of a heavy battle
stranger. Meet people who spoke in wife and comrade—the very antithesis portunity which was denied her.
divisions in the first atta ck was such
U niversity of C alifornia— “ The E u­ w hat to her was a strange and alto­ of the household drudge his own wife 1 “Well, what do you think of your
Co., of this city, and consigned for near Verdun, and th a t it was bom bard-)
th a t resistance was futile.
The charges ropean war came about ag ain st the in­ gether unm anageable fashion—with was content to be, with no in terest own country, now you’re back?” she
A m erica by way of Rotterdam , Hol­ ed by French artillery.
heard Slade's voice saying. “Seem
“ A large q u antity of supplies was
land, were seized Septem ber 14 bv the of the Countess de Bays th a t the Ger­ terests, against the desires and against an aocent she did not recognize as be­ outside of the four walls of her home big to you?”
taken by the Germans. The efficiency
German governm ent.
Such is the in­ man Crown Prince looted her chateau the efforts of the Germ an K a ise r,” said longing to her own plain w estern and no desire for anything bigger in
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
of the Germ an troops was recognized form ation contained in a cable dis­ also are ridiculed. It is declared th a t President W heeler, in a recent address. speech.
life than the daily routine of break­
by the em peror in conferring on Gen­ patch received
Mary caught her breath with a sob fast. dinner and supper, washing on
A protest the Crown Prince never was in this He described a long talk he had w ith
eral von Beseler the order of m e rit.”
French Temperance Society.
ag ain st the seizure has been lodged mansion.
the em peror in June, 1913, ju st before of dism ay. The very thought para­ Monday, ironing on Tuesday, and so
An organization for the promotion
he celebrated the 25th anniversary of lyzed her. “ I can’t, Dan,” she finally on to the end of the week—week a fte r
w ith the S tate departm ent at W ashing­
Cotton Sent to France.
Japanese Report Advance.
his acecssion. D uring the conversa­ managed to blurt out. “I'd do any­ week in the sam e deadly rut. H ere of tem perance in France has been
ton and Secretary Bryan is said to
was a woman who would “go along founded by M. Schm idt, deputy for the
New York—For the first tim e since have notified Ambassador G erard to
Tokio—The following statem ent rel- j tion the kaiser review ed th e e x p eri­ thing else for you—but not this.”
“1H not ask you again.” replied with a m an”—possibly a step ahead, departm ent of the Vosges. A feature
war sta rte d in Europe a direct ship­ urge release of the shipm ent.
a tiv e to Japanese operations a t Tsing ences and problems of his em pire. The
Slade, ominously, and poor Mary, too blazing the way for new and greater of the new body is its catholicity. It
m ent of cotton from th is country to
Tau, seat of governm ent of the German president, who is a w arm friend of excited to in terp ret the th reat, picked glories and recognizing no limit.
includes every shade of political and
La**en Shoot* Fireball*.
France was made Thursday. It is sup­
concession of Kiau Chow was given out i Emperor W ilhelm, m aintained th a t the up her sewing and her new spapers
Slade brought his reflections to a religious belief, and all classes of so­
posed m ost of the cotton which has
Chico, Cal.— Balls of fire and flam­ here Monday: “ The Germ an forts, j ruler had always advocated peace.
and m ade for the door.
sudden halt as he rem em bered the ciety—politicians, professional men
been reaching France has gone through ing gas were seen spouting from the w arships and aeroplanes are try in g
and workmen. A m eeting, addressed
“Tell them ,” she exclaim ed b reath ­ g irl’s father.
Prisoners to Be Listed.
G reat B ritain, but T hursday’s consign­ c raters of Lassen Peak.
These fire­ vainly to a rre st the Japanese advance.
lessly, “tell them I had a headache—
“Why, what has happened to you, by doctors, law yers and a deputy, has
m ent was to H avre. The total exports balls are superheated boulders torn We are sustaining no dam age. Japan-1
Paris — The governm ent is assem ­
th a t’s a fashionable enough excuse, senator? Your face looks different Just been held in Bordeaux. The
of cotton were 29,812 bales.
This in­ loose from the throat of the c ra te r and ese w arships have silenced litis fort bling exact inform ation reg ard in g the
new association, which is called
anyway.” And, terrified, she fled out than it did thle afternoon.”
cluded 3405 bales to France, 5478 to shot upward by explosions of steam . and driven a w arship out of range of identity of 70,000 German prisoners j
of the room as K atherine Strickland
“ H er fault,” replied the senator, “L’Alarme,” justifies its nam e by call­
G reat B ritain and 7456 to other points The stream s of one m ountain are th eir guns. Our aviators answered an now in French hands, w ith th e object j
and her father were announced.
with a smile of tolerant affection, in ­ ing attention to the rising flood of
on th e Continent.
More than 12,000 bringing down so much g rit, ash and unsuccessful attack by Germ an airm en of exchanging this inform ation w ith
dicating his daughter. “She m ade me alcoholism in France.
bales w ent to Japan and approxim ate­ slim e th a t the irrigation dithches in on Japanese mine draggers by flying the German au th o rities fo r sim ilar
cut my beard this way. It’s French.”
ly 1250 to Mexico.
the valleys are becoming choked and over T sing Tau and dropping bom bs.” facts regarding French prisoners.
K atherine laughed a delightful,
Remembered Instruction«.
The French m inistry of w ar has
fields are being overlaid.
As Slade turned from the fright­ throaty little laugh.
She was a little girl and very po­
Idle Period Not Feared.
Tars Fear Mines and Quit.
ened, Insignificant figure of his flee­
lite. It was the first tim e she had
London - David Lloyd George chan­ build catch basins on H at and Lost
London—A m essage to the Weekly may be sent from France to French j ing wife, he saw a woman of perfect “Of course, I like the W est, but I been on a visit alone, and she had
cellor of the exchequer, in a speech to creeks, 30 m iles from the m ountain.
Dispatch from Chiasso, Sw itzerland, prisoners in Germ any and also from j poise and queenly carriage, a woman don’t believe In being absolutely typ­ been carefully instructed how to be­
prisoners in
a deputation of the w orkers’ national
"T h e crews refuse to work on i Germ any to Germ an
a trifle haughty and insolent in her ical. I was horrified when I got back have.
Turk* Active in Syria .
com m ittee, said it was not a t all cer­
vessels of the A driatic because of the I France through th e Swiss postal ad-1 youth and beauty and assured com­ and found you so blatantly the typi­
“If they n k you to dine with them .”
ta in th a t they were not a little pre­
P a ris—A dispatch to the H avas fear of floating mines. A m ericans who
mand of all the intricacies of social cal, m uch-cartooned W esterner.”
papa had said, “yon must say. ‘No.
m ature in looking forw ard to any con­ agency from A thens says: “ The news­ spent a night on board the Sardenga.
grace and charm . Her wide, full eyes
“ Mr. Slade.” resum ed Strickland, "a thank you; I have already dined.’ ”
Four Killed in Tornado.
siderable am ount of unemploym ent as papers here say it is announced from bound for Alexandria, are indignant,
met his with an engaging, frank curi­ few Influential men from different
It turned out Just as papa had an­
th e w a r progressed.
The demands on an au th o ritativ e source th a t the Turks as th e Italian governm ent offered a
Joplin, Mo. — Four persons w e r e j osity to see this new factor in the po­ parts of our sta te are having a m eet­ ticipated.
industry in this country, the chancel­ are show ing much energy in Syria, j torpedo boat to convoy th eir steam er to j killed and five w ere injured, tw o prob- \ litical world. H er gown was a tri­ ing In town tom orrow , and I w ant you
“Come along. M arjorie,” said her
lor said, would lie enormous, but in the P alestine and N orth A rabia, where Ancona, and the shipping company had ably fatally, when a tornado sw ept a umph of soft, shim m ering silk and to meet them. I'm arranging a little little friend's father, “you m ust have
cotton tra d e the distress undoubtedly they are concentrating troops a t sever- i promised compensation in the event of \ farm ing d istric t nine m iles southw est alluring chiffon—a gown th at em pha­ Im promptu dinner, and thought K ath­ a bite with us."
All passages have been re­ of here Saturday. The four killed and sized the charm of her proud, statu erine might be able to persuade Mrs.
would be severe. T hat was the only al points and fortify in g im portant ; disaster.
“No. thank yon,” said the little girl,
trad e , he added, which had completely ports on the coast and on routes to the ; called and traffic in the A d riatir is three of the injured were m em bers of j ssqus figure. She waa tb s sort of Slade and yourself to join us.”
with dignity; ”1 have already bitten.*’
again a t a sta n d still.”
one family.
in te rio r.”
broken down so fa r.
Rumor Also Says 3000 Germans
'Captured Near City.
LEVY $100,000,000
Germans Demand of Antwerp Huge
War Indemnity.
Belgian Capital Moved to Ostend—
Bombardment Continues.