PROFESIONAL CAROS H E N R Y V.ADIX.M.L P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N OFFICII, ADJOINING RKSIDKNCI? Local and Lon& Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can lie conn°cte< with your houie phone at night U re quested. One long ring. D r . W. K . H a v H a n d P h y s ic ia n a n d Su rg eo n 6Iffice o n M a i n Si. b e tw e e n 1st and 2nd. T e le p h o n e C o n n e ctio n s R esidence c o rn e r o i Second a n d C u rrin streets n r . L. A . W E L L S D E N T IS T Associated w ith Dr. H . V. A o ix. D R R. M O R S E . P h y s ic ia n a n d S urgeon Tests eyes and fits glasses. Office over Drug Store Local and long phone. r.L A U D E distance tele- IV . D E V O R E Estacada. O re g o n W. E A R T L E T T . LAW YER Office on Broadway. Eitacada, THE Oregon BR O W N O REGO N R E L IE F W h a t People A re Doir.g F H G N E 513 F IR E A S S O C IA T IO N O F MCMINNVILE. ORE. C holera Livery,, Feed & Standing of PIANO Contestants WceK ending Oct. 3 20 \V. A H eylm au or E \V. tacada, including fencing, FOR S A L E Five Kellerstross Bartlett. . ¡Crystal White Orpington cocker Miss Sadie Hornibraok, a Vocal els for sale cheap if taken at anu Piano Instructor of Portland, once. Apply R. O. Morrison or was an Estacada visitor, Wednes at the Progress offcoe. day, looking up a Vocal and In FO R S A L E — 16 head of Shrop strumental class. Saie STABLE JO N E S PROPRIETOR Good rigs and careful drivers always shire Sheep, r Sow with 8 Pigs. Call Main 85 or Progress office. Miss Laura VVismer and daugh ters, Debora and O-hlla, of Hills boro, are visiting at the home of CLEARANCE SA LE John her mother, Mrs. P. Held, of Githens has some fine rabbits George pens,; blue prints, specification and cost • Sum m er C am p in g Sites data Last seen in the neighbor- \Aithin the National Forests hood of tbe P. It. L-. & P. Co s. j £,id you know that you could office in Po eland, but probably j rent, at a nominal fie per annum, tangled up in red tape and can’t hulf an acre of ground within flu- reach Estacada. Any informa-: Na1ti?nal f ortK.t *or " 8um,n,er h,'me . . 1 1 1 , 1 , , and live there indefinitely ? tion as to the whereabouts should ! . ,. , .1 According to the National Forest be sent to the Progress at once. ; Manual. “ The fullest use of tbe LOST Several car loads of j NalionaI Foresl lands ani. resources gravel, between the Barton pit js desired and encouraged". Few and Estacada. Four loads got | | people realize what this means. So as far as Morrow station. These 11 much has been said of the commer- car loads were presumably sent ------ j cih1 --------- gid_e of the National Forest re- . . from the pit, or promised, about about i sotlrces of their worlh lo (he four months ago, and should ,j ion as a business proposition, that arrive before the apple blossoms little heed has been given to their come again. value as a people’ s playground. and guinea pig-3 fo.’ calc. Call on nim, at Alspaugh, if you are Socie'.y S alionery is the proper | looking for a bargain. thing. Call and let u.; samples or sugge . i-ruething Team Work and Hauling by The Washington Nursery Co. „ ¡ce anj proper l'or your writing is now introducing its superior ¡table. the Day or Contract Nursery Stock for Fall and j Spring settings. Gallon Walter | W. H. Mat too’ , County Com- Politics Whitbeck, Estacada, Ore. Will mission -r, from Estacada, em- Readers may notice a scarcity phatically denies the statements cal! by request. Commercial Patronage ol political news in the Progress, as set forth by a Mr. mar, a specialty, FOR S A L E A good two se-1- and sEited that there was r,o but it may come litter. Most of the money being spent to adver- ed hack in fine erudition, year truth in hh acc 1 attons. tise the various measures, is and a naif old, at a bargain or W . M. Yonce The house pair.tii; - t ; identic being spent with the big city will trade for a good single bug has spi ...1!, and -eporte come of papers and the promulgator.3 gy. S. D. Dunl p, Garfield. , its pro .■ nee on 'he liorte of J. of the measure.' expect the 'Randolph of Viola. A newly country papers to give them Adminijtrator'j Notice to Creditors painted h-va \> is 1 g.j. J reflection free advertising. This office- Notico is hereby given that the unde.-- 0 f p ^ ,. B lack sm ith an d W heelw right I receive. do.:en3 of letters per SPECIAL Given Home Again H aving spent the majority of his A fter hog* have been exposed to the cholera and tbe germs have time for the past sixty days, in the interests of Clackamas county and tC,tml " ,eir ‘ v»tems, the only | the Oregon State Pairs, the editor, 'Method of prevention consists iu K. M. Standish, returned to Ksta- the ‘ “jection of hog cholera serum,'' | cad a last Tuesday meriting and “ says I)r. B. T . Situs, veterinarian inlcrod .t ihj ro*tofflce In Eiuxxàà. Oi«gcn. a* Will aud Walter Douglas ; of from now ou, with little exception, second class mail at the Oregon Agricultural College. Eagle Creek, killed a porcupine he will remain right on the job and | Inasmuch as Miss Wilma Kitching 1 8 Flora Johnson 91,0 05 But if the methods of spread " fe w tidys ago. give bis entire time to the publish had obtained the largest number ol 9 Minnie Nelson 70.755 SUBSCRIPTION RATES *• are kept iu mind, a great many out tag of tbe Iv tacada Progress. , votes, during the week ending Oct 1 to Rosalie Allen 61,605 One year.. ___SI 00 Miss Em ily Kälber of Cal-fornii breaks . may be prevented bv not a! ___ 50 is ei-iting her mother and family at three the weekly Myrtle i.tHUiey Looney r ., . ,. . .. . . * For ‘ • tbe - — past I .............- - weeks » »■»- . .pd, V I she was . awarded « » . hot the me » w i l l ( it ntytiK 55-440 " k' ° exi ■ Progress has been largely edited by prize. The ballot box will be j j Rstacada M. K. Church 49,860 George. cholera. Tile following are some the High Sell sil Students of Fsta-j opened again Saturday, Oe-t. rotli j 13 Ethel Tracy 28,225 Thursday, October 8, 1014 Mrs. O. O Bland of Estacada of ilie rules that should be observed. ; e-ada and the editor wishes to thank and a prize wdl be awarded the coti- 14 Emma Barr 26 . >35 has been on the sick list for a few I Be su -picioiis of every sick bog. tliem f r theii good work. tesiant who has made the best 15, Sadie Wilcox 23300 dar s Want and For i ü ! c Column N ever allow any bog tb it is »-ek to As everyone knows, Clackam as showing for this week. The fol- t6 Garfield Country Club 22.950 Mr and Mis, Hively of Alspaugh remain with the well animals. <minty wou the first prize among lowing is the standing as shown 17 Alta Reislatid 22,810 Progress Want Ado furti The attendu) tile funeral ot M is Coop Be sure the bogs do not have n the county exhibits, the prize only I Oct. 3rd. 18 Lucile Jones 20,370 Deal. er of MiF.vaukie list week. chance to drink infected water It imounted to $ 14 2 net, blit the 19 Ruth Saling >7-865 This contest dost s S .turday, there is an outbreak of cholera any honor made up the difference, as it 20 lK*Ua Vallen 16.050 FOR S A L E Good fresh vege October 17th. O N LY TEN “ NO H U N T IN G ’ ’ signs are where in the neighbot hood do not is the first time Clackamas ever , 21 I.ela Howe 13 - 5 > 5 tables. C a t e and see them. printed and for sale at the Prog- let your hogs get to a stream which won a first. Clackamas also won D A Y S M O RE. Get your 22 Elfie Cox > 2.370 Fred Jorg I ress office. Call before the sup passes through one of the infected the Oregon F.lectric C o .'s $10 0 .0 0 votes ¡11 early, before it is too 23 Ellen Erickson 12 ,0 15 ply is exhausted. ranches J chime clock, for the finest display 24 Ethel Horner late. > >. > 25 W A N TED Second hand sin A lw ays quarantine any new hogs of grains and grasses. T h is clock 25 M is. Earl Kilgore >0-955 gle buggy, with or without har Below is a list of the Candidates Several people from the Eagle which are brought on the ranch for will cdorn the court rocui of the 26 Mrs. J. W. Stevens 8,780 ness. Apply Progress. for the First 16 Weeks. Creek neighborhood, attended at least three weeks. This is e-- County Court, hereafter. 27 Jus. G . Hamilton 8 705 the Sandy Fair and all report a 200.783 28 Mable Tracy The credit for this w inning e x 1 Wilma Kitching peciallv true of animals which have Money to Loan in any amount, 8.575 good time. been shipped in freight cars It is hibit is not all due to the editor, for 2 Mrs. Roy Douglass >82 775 29 Leta Posson 4.810 on first mortgages. Money avail- i 168.757 30 Will. Glenn Edgar and Henry Htiple of Al- some trouble to keep these hogs he received abundaut help from! 3 Lera Dale able at once, with no red tape \ 3.035 >53.237 formalities. Apply R. M. St'.n-j spaligli are planning on a goose separate but they are alw ays dan- growers from all parts of the conn- j 4 G ladys Hayner The ptize for Oct loth will be 12 1,19 5 shooting trip to Eastern Oregon in ! gérons, tv and O. E Freytag of the Oregon j 5 Grace Denney dish, Estacada. one-half dozen Rogers silver-plated 6 Pearl Johnson City Commercial Club, had collect >>8.457 tbe near tuitire. Bury or burn the carcass of every 7 Edua Jorg RO U N D l TP Your family and 94 9oy ¡ tea spootis. ed a very fine collection of grains' Mrs. R M. March, of Clover- animal that tins on your ranch It get that family photo taken, by A. dale. O ■ gon i ; 111 king a few weeks ' this is not d om , the ca: 1 ion eating am* Kr:issc‘s . which materially add- M. Stephens. visit iu IisUe’ada, with friends and animals may come directly liotn the et' >° the display. P. b . Standish Remcmber- relatives. carcass of a hog that died of cliol- °* Garfield attended to the exhibit W AN TED Eggs. Highest era to your ranch and thus bring in of fruit an l so picked and display You get 100 votes for cash purchase at Fin ch 's store. Miss Helen White and Robert price paid at Palace Meat Market. ed his apples, that they made a ,. >, the infection. 300 ■ . ,. $ 1. paid on old accounts at Finch’s store. Peter.:. :i of Foreland, were week Fred Jot g very fine showing. .. 2000 ,, ,, J,t. cash on new subscription to the Progress. A s far as is possible see that end g i f ta ■ f Mr. and Mrs. Pete ,, $ 1 . cash for renewal to subscription or for It is likely that the majority of ,, ,, 1000 ,, your neighbors bum or bury all PIGS FOR S A L E $ 3.00 each. Cleste. of Eagle Cn-.k. subscription paid in advance (no matter the Clackamas exhibit will be carcasses especially those of hogs how far) at f i . for each year. Apply D. Horner, Dodge. shown at the Portland Land Prod iff!’. B U SIN E SS MAN, Don’ L which have died of cholera. ucts Show, Oct. 26th to Nov. 14th, FOR S A L E F u l l b lo o d e d let your line of Stati mery run Do not feed hotel or kitchen as the P. R. L. i t P. Co. are w ill Call at the Progress office or Finch’s Store for further information. • ot lor. slops which contain raw bacon Berkshire boar pigs for sale. Sire, out before pU>..:.; in • ing lo finance the display. In the Cascade King: Dam.Vio et’s Prin do it NOW while you litii.k of it. rinds or lirtm bones, latter case, R . M Standish will ar- Dr. Morse also tests eyes cess 4th. Price, including regist When your neighbors, hogs get rnnge the exhibit and the eom- W atch Repairing Joe Nicholson, of E-t w , 1 a, re 1 and fits glasses. Office over ration, 512 and up each. sick let them alone. You probably oany's employees will handle it. AND turned home this wetk, . !:er sev drug store. Apply D. Horner, Dodge. can not help them but if you gr, Few people realizi the hours of eral months lil.sitice, ou the hy Cleaning around where they are you are very hard work in getting together such F O U S A L E -O n e $00.00 Behn- draulic wotk at the Big Dam at liable to collect some of the germs a display of the county products' as M ethodist Ep iscop al Church Cal1 at E ST A C A D A PH ARM ACY ke-Walker Business Colleg Tui Great Falls, Mont on y our feet or clothing at.d thus was shown at the State Fair, but it tion Certificate. Will sell n easy Sunday School - - - to a. m. _ , . , , Mrs H arvey M utoon of Viola, infect your hogs. N ever allow any was well worth the work and e x terms to any worthy young man who it as been in 1.1, O ree 11 City one. who has been around sicl; pense, for thousands of people be Epw onu League - - . 6:30 p. or woman desiring same. Will hospital for some lime, 1» isjiorted Vocal instructor hogs to come into your lots or came belter acquainted with Clack Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p m take secured note or will sell cer as well on the ru, i to recovery, and handle your h o g s " . 405 12th St. Portland, Ore. amas county and its resources tificate as ffrst payment on a may return home i t a f-.-w days. I-REAC11ING SERVICES: or Progress Office O ier2.5C L)<f the Estacada book fresh milch cow or other stock At Estacada— First and third Lc-at Remember, vot is may register lets were di .ributed at the County that can be used on the farm. Sundays in each month at 7:30 p. m LOST- Unc One real nice, young and State Fairs aud results should Phone or see A. M. Stephens, up to October 15 li, and you c:n Calendar of Meeting Dates Second and fourth Sundays in each register at the i fii. e.s of C. \V. I> nronaise of a .dockyards for Gs- come from them, Route 1, Estacada, Oregon. mouth at 11 a. nr. Kstacada Development I.eague. 1 st vore, Automobile Insurance a ■; ecialty W. A. H og J. P. Strahl o f Eagle Creek, went to Eastern On -Ion, l'CC'. atly. Published l%erv Ihursdav Morning at Miss Anita Pau’san of Port- rSUC 41 ) 4 . OtttGON land, is visiting at the home o f R. M. Standisti, Editor *q«l Manager her uncle, J. Paulson of George. S a d ie H o rn 1 b roo k Piano and IN S U R A N C E M A N O F GRESHAM PROGRESS (iNCtfKFOUATltn) $1 A T T O R N E Y -A T-LA W and N O T A R Y P U B L IC JO H N ESTACADA ATTENTION Hunting and Flailing Partie* Mondsy evening, each month ut A t Currinsville First and third C. I. C. Rooms. S u n d aysat 11 a. in Second aud Civic Improvement Club. 2nd. nml 4 th. fourth Sundays ot 7:30 p. m. Saturday uftcruoon at C. I. C. Rooms, At Garfield Second and fourth Stiuday s at 3 p. m. A t Mr. Z io n --F irst and Sundays at 3 p m. third C. E Rees, Pastor. O. O. F. Every Saturday night, 8 P. M. at I. O. t). r. Hall. Rebeccas. Each 2nd and 4tli Wednes day Evening, 8 l*. .M. at l. O. O. K. Had. A. F.. & A. M. Pirst Tuesday* evening, each mouth at l. O. O. F. Hall. The Re-Organized Church of Jesus Christ of L . D S. meets in Order of Eastern Star. Third Tuesday of each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. store building on the corner, form eily the Howe store, Sundays as L"g ” i Grunge. First Situ day iu every month at Orange Hall. follows: Sunday School at 10, and preaching at ir o’ clock A , M, All Springwater Grange. Second Saturday ill every month ut Orange Hall. cordially invited. Eagle Cr. ek Grange. Third Saturday in every month at Orange Hall. J. F. Wiles, Elder. Where can one find a more delight Garfield Grange. Fourth Saturday in fill recreation soot than iu the beau eveiy mouth at Grange Hall. Christian Church tiful forest? Sunshine Circle. Every two weeks on Many a “ sylvan scene” within Sunday school - 10 A . M. Thursday afternoon, the National Forest - boundary may Morning service - ir A. M. Dore ,s Society, Third Thursday of be permanently enjoytd for tbe ask- Y . V. S. C. E. - 7 I». M each month. i-.ig. Go into the Forest and pick Eveuing service - 7:30 P. M. Modfrn Priscillas’ FourtlrThursday of out your camping site along some- each month. A ll are cordially invited. stream or by the side of some lake J. C. Ghormley, Pastor. or in the high mountain--; then ap- ( S E c ply to the nearest supervisor for a permit to use half an acre or so o f1 GET A NAME E 0 R YOUR HOME ATTEMI0N signe! hus boon appoint-.1 administrator ’ * J , ------ - - --------- >— | Und on which to establish your j And come to the PROGRESS When in need of Letter-heads, of the Fatale of Jeremiah J. Judd, do-' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass of week w ith tree ¡-.(dices enclosed, camp. If vonr choice t>f a site dot s O FFIC E and let us print you At the Old Staud ceased, by tho County Cjuit of Cl-tcka- Eagle Creek, were host for publication, but until some- not interfere with other Forest us- Memos, Statements, Envelopes, '1 r.tns C 1.1 ntv, Oregon; All porions having | hostes3 last week, to the latter’s thing looking like noney, cash. ers. he will grant it to tou upon tin , L* > 0 (i i'R m s , I n v i t a t i o n s , ^ some tasty sta tionery I citimi aglina sail estate aio ho.-.-bv parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moeh- checks, or i.s -ivtivalent comes payment ot the annual rental, which Announcements, B u s i n e s s or I oIxTrlu GIVE HIM A CALL j notified to present the same properly ■ , , , , , , . . . 1 . e make a busi-1 verlfl *d to the undersigned at his rc.i- n k e ’ an d b ro th e r a n d w ife , Mr. a lo n g with it, no publicity will rental runs from $5 to $25, actotd- Calling Cards, Hand Bills, Butter w be g iven to th e ir respective mg to the location and the size of j Wrappers, or in fact, anything ' 1 " ess of Pnnt,nK letter-heads | donee n*?ar B irton. Clackamas County and Mrs. Albert Moehnke. Oregon, on or before six months after Give US a t“ f° r our faiTner friends. Call Since the trout have quit biting, I m easure3' | of th eram p site. Y ou r permit is in the Printing line, “ and let us talk it over. the date of fi st publication of t'-.i-no trial and be convinced. VV. A . II. and Irwin I), ln v e been r- v vo ter «bould vote down gotxl indefinitely, the only req-tire- F irst class lumber of all kinds. tice. Dit>d this 8th day of October, 1914. \ pursuing the elusive mushroom the I>”<-, o s t - Eight H our Law. ment lieing that you comply with : The capture of this luscious tidbit fo r il is ruino,,i>- :>»'l »'b at would [ Forest Service regulaliu. s, chiefly Edwin N. Bat. t. Dimension material a specialty. Let the progressive farmers of Administrator of tho est .te of Jprcmi- is great -port, exhiliralir.g but not a farmer do, if his h a rv e s t w as I in regard to sanitation and fire pte- this neighborhood name their Road W ork On ah J. Judd. Deceased. Prompt deliveries made from overly dangerous, unless it's a toad Dati.llei! iti t ight hour s h irts or | vention. farms. Pick out a good name and L. Stipp, Attorney for Administrator. sloo’_ ! our lumber canips were operated From the Forest Service, U. S. big stock on hand. Supervisor Kitching of Dist let us know. We will publish it First publication, Oct. 8, 1914. There is no' Dept, of Agriculture, Portland of and that will pre empt the title for r,ct 4, kidnapped four car loads ! on the same bt Phone or call at mill, at Dodge. The Oregon Law says that ill argument i.> T.v.-i- of this bill. your sole use. Farm ers are not | ° f KTavel from the Morrow siding Nt.fite for Publicati >n BU TTER must be wrapped in for Oregon. 0 . C. Kladsch, Owner. naming their pi ores for mere senti- j I38*- week and spread them on R ecall L a g g in g D -partment of the Inte.-ior. U. s . I P arch m en t p aper. W E h ave th e I T h ere is a en e on the bal-' The recall petitions being circu mem’ s sake, although that has a ¡the stretch o f Currinsville road o r T i'H A 0 #t P0nl8nd 06 , J ‘ Pa Pe r and can do th e p rin tin g i n ! lot to allow Portland to form a lot to do with the choice of names. ; near the Shankland place. He J. V. BARR Klaetsch Mills We SELL and DELIVER Notice i* hereby given that Idmboth th e proper form . C A L L 'a n d S E E . W. Johnson, of Bissell, Cackam-j C)., O.vgon, who. on Augu 1 9 . 19 ». made ' ,r an<1 Mrs. A M Hurlhert, H >mestcad Fnt.y. Nj. OF 3 .’ , for South- formerly of Estacada and vicinity, west quarter, S -tion 24 . Township 3 but, who for the past je a r have county o f its own and elim in ate tw o Sets o f officials. W e should vo t* fo r this tile isti-e. a s it ir .ig llt help th e form ation fa t t e w c o u n - tv “ in thia lv>,v ,,-io-bho -bo., 1 " lated ag .wist Commissioner W. H. Mattoon, don't seem to be receiving The farnier recognizes the adver- very many signers in the eastern » •« "« value that ■ good farm name part of the county, and those which W hy don't you advertise, are being worked bv paid solicitors Mr- Earmet? ^Ports that everyone in dtis dist- n c t donated work and cut down ^ Bullard hill. District 4 is F irs t class - $ 4 .0 0 per cord s owing the proper spirit in the matter o f better roads. The bal- Second class 3 .5 0 ’ ’ « bce” S ,he vici,'il> of Prince Ru in a few v', :. s hence. “ | ‘ " ° .re.g° n Ci,y’ ,rc nut over!y i J W. Ferguson, J r ., our congcn-!an ce ^l>e w ork is a w a itin g Cord Wood in any Quantity ma'-.e Km il Hve year Pi oof, loettbll.h «*rt- B 1 " have rrtnrne€* As to thy l.< m ’„lures, most cro^ le(l w,,1‘ " amrs- ial district forest sttpervi- or. who m ore g ra v e l, claim to the I inn :<V»ve describe!. *** s' *> "'K with Mrs. ' 0f th*m are V..g.,e in their word. 'V,,hm* 10 S' Kn a rcia" I elition ! lias made his home in Estacada for j VVnle b c. LOONtY for« the Regi ter an I Revolver, l . S. Huilbert's parents, Mr and Mrs. ¡ng and it would take a student ' ho" 1J have to K° 10 sonie desig or s L FISHEIt Dr. C. J. Smith democratic can- I.aad Ol«.-.., at Porti t ', (’ r.-g ,:., o nated spot to sign, and not have it the past season, is leaving this of political ccot-.i tv to ferret out Route 3, Estacada, Oregon t'te I 81 I. day of Novaarber, '9'.4. week with Mrs. Ferguson, for their didale f< r governor, and Milton A . . forced on them by paid signature Chas E. Dubois of S\.r. Oregon, their real intent, hut one thing is / Or leave orders at Progress Office. Chiman riMhUM ar wit no* t-; getters. If a man had to go out *lome in Salem. Mr. Fergusons's Miller, will speak at the Boner has been an Fstacnla »i-itoi for the apparent, t > y m to bo fram- A Wcaicrhold, of his way to sign one, he might wor,t k r tbe past few years, ... has Theatre, Friday evening, Oct. 9th N 80 h.Fl, p.tst few iia\s, attending 10 some ed w it h a view o f harassing t h e necessitated his residence here dor-1 n , , 1 . , not lie so eager to start a recall G. W. Riler,-, business matters lu vc He ii-Miin- c o r p o ra t io n s an t w it h t h e i>re. - H alf of the big the summer months and Rat*. ! ‘ “ * s u ’Ject W >11 be State 1 . ^ ... , , . . , , . . . . ai>y and every pretext, El. I. n'l of It; sell, Ort-gon. Horseshoeing and Repair Work e.l to fstir. Tuesday, where lie is f l i t quiet liU 'ltlt’s ConoitiotlS 111 H- F. Iligby, name* on the average petition of . 0 “ 1* will regret their leav- IsS" C!'' aml M r' Miller will advo DONt AT .MORROWS' BARN engaged 111 the lumber, the Northwest, the corporations. Register All gunrantre-l ----- . , _ rt «mount 10 m.llung but M “ «• but nke the apple blossom s, c'ile “ >e interest I of S n Geo E U v.t .e n d in g to law under -r.- the firm name of Donahue N s ' “ "b n 010. ............ in O rcyo, llse from n , e r»is and the little green aphis, they will Chamberlain. A ll arc invited to W, C. Whitfield w ieh entry was made. | Dubois Lumber Co. i should b« tallow J a resp ite. j t e n t ’ ’ 4,gu.,u r c chaser." ! ta u rn aga-.u in the spring. j , ttewL 16 inch WOOD BLACKSMITHING j