K "T " J .1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ESTACADA PROGRESS W h at People A r e Doing In O ur School | Editorials Kddic Scheel of Bissell has been The A ddphic and Websterian j Si |e House Legislature literary societies have been re- . . »ublishpd Every Ihurtddy Morning dt ill for the past few days. organized this year and new offi- Election time will soon be here, H E N R Y V.AD1X.M .D F. A. Kolpin of Portland visited ESTACADA. OREGON cers have been elected. Both and Just now we «rehearing relatives in Estacada Sunday. P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N R. M. Standisti, Editor and Manager societies plan to have good pro­ much o f the prohibition amend ***** Inasmuch as Miss Wilma Kitching it Myrtle Looney Miss Kitty Reagan spent the 33,440 grams, which they hope will be ment. But we must not think inter ad at the poctofffce tn Estacada. Oregon as OFFICE, ADJOINING "RESIDENCE had obtained the largest number of 12 Estacada M. E. Church 49,800 week erd with her parents. that this is the only amendment o f interest to the public as well second class mail Local and Lnnfc Distance Telephone 28,2*5 J. M Hinkle of Eagle Creek is as to the school. Faculty advis­ coming up this fall that demands votes, during the week ending Sept. 13 Ethel Tracy The doctor*» phone can be connected 19th, she was awarded the weekly 14 Emma Barr 26,000 our attention. There are many erecting a new residence. ors have been chosen for the two SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'with yotlr home jihone at night II re The ballot box will be 15 Sadie Wilcox 23.300 other bills that should be voted prize. $1 00 One year............................................ ....... societies, Miss Dillon for the •quested. One long ring. Jerry Joues and wife have re­ opened again Saturday, Sept. 26th 16 Garfield Country Club 22,950 .. 50 Si I months ............... - ....... Adelphics and Miss Jones for the on, and* voted on carefully. turned from the mountains. and a prize will be awarded the con­ 17 Alta Reisland 22,810 Among them, one o f the most Websterians, Dora Currin was testant who has made the best t8 Lucile Jones D r. W. K . H a v ila n d Carl Kimmel is on the sick list 20,370 elected president for the Adel- important is, the Single House Thu-»day, September 24 . 1914 showing lor this week. The fol­ this week, and unuble to attend 19 Ruth Baling >7.865 Legislature Bill. Physician and phic Society and Paul Frazier, school. 16.050 This bill is proposed by the lowing is the standing as shown 20 Della Vallen secretary. In the Websterian Surgeon Want and For Sale Column Sept. J9th. 21 Lela Howe *3.5*S H. S. Jones and wife of Portland, Society, Leroy Gard received the State Grange, Oregon State Fed­ 'O ffic e o h M a i n St. b e tw e e n 1st 22 Effie Cox 12,295 eration o f Labor, Farmers’ Un­ Below is a list of the Candidates were the guests of relatives at presidency and Elva Adams the a n d 2 n d . T e le p h o n e C o n n e c tio n s Progress Want Ads Turn The 23 Ellen Erickson 12,015 ion and other such organizations. for the First 14 Weeks. Eagle Creek, the first of the week. secretaryship. R esid en ce c o rn e r o f Second Deal. 24 Ethel Horner 11,125 In the early days o f our nation 1 Wilma Kitching 181,478 25 Mrs. Earl Kilgore James Taylor of Dufur, is now a n d C u rrin streets 10,955 it would have been a hard thing High School FOR SALE Good fresh vege­ staying with his mother, Mrs. Cour- 2 Mrs. Roy Douglass 157.675 26 Mrs. J. W. Stevens 8,780, to find a city that was not gov­ ter of Eagle Creek, Visits Gresham Fair tables. Come and see them. 3 Gladys Hayner 146,972 27 Jas. G. Hamilton 8,705 Dr. L. A. W E L L S erned by two groups o f men com­ Fred Jorg 4 Lera Dale About forty students o f the 137.887 28 Mable Tracy M. C. Glover of Eagle Creek 8,575 prising the governing body o f the 5 Grace Denney made a sale of a pure bred Jersey Estacada High School, aceom- «« 5.775 29 Leta Posson 4,810 D E N T IS T • «. .. . . . , i. I city, because they copied their WANTED Second hand sin­ 98,609 30 Wm. Glenn panted by the high school facu ty | system from thj} English Parli. 6 Pearl Johnson calf to Ad. Wiederhold of Bissell. 3.035 system from the English gle buggy, with or without har 7 Flora Johnson 88,920 one grade teacher and several of Cloe Halbert from Tillamook is ment. Today, if we were to look ness. Apply Progress. The prize for Sept. 26th will be 8 Edna Jorg 88.260 the grade pupils, visited the registered for another term in the for a city controlled by the Two- Associated w ith Dr. H. V. one-half dozen Rogers silver-plated 9 Minnie Nelson 70,060 Gresham fair last Friday morning. House system, we would find Money to Loan in any amount, Estacada High School. A a ix . 10 Rosalie Allen 61,290 tea spoona. The crowd left Estacada on on first mortgages. Money avail- Mrs. Theo. Harders of George the 8:55 car, arriving in Gresham comparatively few o f them. They have done away with the able at once, with no red tape spent a few days at the home of her at 9:35. On leaving the car the bicaramel system, and have es­ formalities. Apply R. M. Stan D R R. M O R S E . mother in Estacada, last week. students proceeded to terrorize tablished instead, a One-House You get 100 votes for $1. cash purchase at Finch’s store. dish, Estacada. P h y s ic ia n a n d Surgeon Mabel Keller, after one year of Greshams’s football bunch with Council system. • • >> 3°o ,, ,, $(. paid on old accounts at Finch's store. absence from school, has resumed their dreaded high school yell. Wanted Half dozen Leghorn, ,, .. 2000 ,, ,, $1. cash on new subscription to the Progress. The State Senate has become a Tests eyes and fits glasses. Arriving at the fair grounds ,, ,, 1000 ,, „ $1. cash for renewal to subscription or for Plymouth Rock or Leghorn-Wy- her wo:k in Estacada High. the Estacadians were admitted thing o f the past. The legisla­ subscription paid in advance (no matter Office over Drug Store andotte cross pullets. Mrs. Fitzgerald of Portland spent tures o f the different states were how far) at $1. for each year. free o f charge for which they Local and long distance tele- Enquire at this office. Saturday, and Sunday at the home showed their appreciation by giv­ copied after the Two-House sys­ phone. of Henry Githens in Currinsville. Call at the Progress office or Finch’s Store for further information. ing nine rahs for the fair man­ tem o f Congress. Congress cop­ R O U N D U P —Your family and ied the bicaramel system from Mrs. Freda Kirchem of Logan, agement. They then divided in­ get that family photo taken, by A. C L A U D E W . D E V O R E M. Stephens. was an Eagle Creek Grange visitor to two parties; the boys visiting England. The two houses may Saturday. A T T O R N E Y - A T -L A W the stock exhibit with Mr. Guth­ be needed in Congress, but in a State Legislature where they do and WANTED—Eggs. Highest J. C. Pettrson, who underwent rie, and the girls inspecting the N O T A R Y P U B L IC price paid at Palace Meat Market. an operation at the Good Samaritan other exhibits under the watch­ not consider foreign relations and where their business deals E s ta c a d a . O re e o n Fred Jorg hospital a tew weeks ago, has re­ ful eye o f Miss Jones. The exhibits o f horses and with only local questions, then turned to his home in Springwater. The Universal Car LO ST— Pair of pincher glasses E. W . B A R T L E T T . dairy cattle were especially good, the government is much more Dr. Steiner and wife cf Sandy like a city. Hinder please leave at the Bank, or and Mr. Guthrie held an atten­ LAW YER were Estacada visitors Monday the Progress office. Reward. The Two House system today tive audience, as he pointed out evening, returning Tuesday inorn- their good and weak points. causes much more expense on ac­ Office on Broadway. Effective August 1st, 1914, F. O. B. FOR S A L E — 900lb. bay gelding ing. Some choice 0 . I. C. and Poland count o f the extra clerk hire. In Cilacada, Oregon This horse is perfectly gentle and a J. H. Sevier o f Viola has pur­ China swine were also shown. the year 1909, the Legislature o f Oregon City or Estacada good roadster. Bargain cash price chased a large motor truck, for A t twelve o ’clock the company Oregon speht almost ten times as $65. M. Shankland. R. 1. J O H N B R O W N use in hauling produce to the retired to the exhibition building much for clerk hire alone, as the Portland market. for lunch. Mr. Ford, after de­ One House Legislature o f British T H E IN S U R A N C E M A N FOR S A L E — Some good Barred vastating a lunch counter, was Columbia. Mrs. I. D. Wright accompanied O F G R E S H A M P H O N E 513 Rock and Rhode Island Red cock liberally supplied from a basket Today it takes a Philadelphia her sister, Miss Hill, to Portland erels, for $ r, each at Armstrong’s. brought by some o f the girls, lawyer to know what is going on last week, where Miss Hill in­ R. F. D. 1. W ith full equipment. O R E G O N F IR E and it became necessary for him in the -complicated Two House tends entering high school. R E L IE F A S S O C I A T I O N system o f the State o f Oregon. Pacific H ighw ay Garage Wanted to Bur— One second­ Monday, the work of preparing to leave on the two o ’ clock car. A fter lunch, the boys visited These secret methods would be O F MCMINNVILE, ORE. hand farm wagon, and three good the Currinsville school house for Of O regon City, Distributers. J. W . R E E D , cows. O. C Twombley, the coming term was started. It the grain and horticultural ex­ largely abolished if our State was Local Agent. controlled by One House, for then hibits and found them almost as Automobile Insurance a Specialty Route 1, Estacada, Ore. will be reshingled and a new heat­ good as usual, despite the excep­ each member could be held res­ ing plant is to be installed. Dr Morse also tests eyes tionally dry season, while the ponsible for his own acts. Wood for Sale—Down timber and fits glasses. Office over C. C. Miller of Viola and Glad­ girls started for the live stock ANO for sale cheap. Apply at Prog­ The State Senate no longer drug store. stone has purchased the plumbing buildings with Mr. Guthrie. ress Office. acts as a ¿heck on the bad bills. business of C. M. Sparks of lista- Most o f them, however, deserted It is useless as far as the check Methodist Episcopal Church STABLE cada. Mr. Miller is well known to be “ canna-mo-boob-o-lized” in Call at ESTACADA PHARMACY W A N T E D — To exchange high is concerned, because in this pro­ class, clear, Portland lots, or house here and the Progress and his many the goat and dog show, which, by gressive state o f Oregon we have Sunday School - - - io a. m. W . A . JO N ES and lot. for team, farming imple­ friends wish him success. the way, was “ The only one o f higher and better checks than Epworth League - - - 6:30 p. m. Calendar o f Meeting Dates Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m PR O rR IK T O R ments, tools, stock, etc. The Epworth League of the M. its kind now in existence.” Eatacada Development League. 1st the Senate, such is the Govern­ Monday evening, each month at E. church have changed the date of H. C Stephens, George. On the way home, the usual or’s veto, Initiative and Referen­ PREACHING SERVICES: Good rigs and careful drivers always C. I. C. Rooms. their reception to the High school hilarity was indulged in and dum, and the Supreme Court. At Estacada— First and third Civic Improvement Club. 2nd. and 4th. FOR S A L E — A Disc Harrow, students and teachers from Friday every one was kept dodging to SPECIAL ATTENTION Saturday afternoon at C. I. C. Rooms. The opponents o f this measure Sundays in each mouth at 7:3op. m. Given Hunting and Fishing Parties Hay Rake, Side Hill Plow and a to Thursday night. The change the tune o f “ Peanuts in the A ir.” point out that the Single House Second and fourth Sundays in each O. O. F. Every Saturday night, Sharpies Cream Separator, all near- was due to Gov. West’s schedule Besides having a most enjoy­ has been tried and is found want­ 8 P. M. at I. O. O. F. Hall. month at 11 a. tn. ly new. to speak here Friday night. able time, the students acquired ing, but in every instance they Team Work and Hauling by At Currinsville— First and third Retieccas. Each 2nd and 4th Wednes­ Call Main 85 or Progress office. day Evening, 8 l*. M. at I. O. O. F. Stanley Turel and family of many new ideas which will prove point out it was not given a fair Sundays at 11 a. m. Second and Hall. the Day or Contract helpful in their study o f agricul­ trial. It was stated that the fourth Sundays at 7:30 p. m. LOST— 3 Horses. Strayed from Dodge are to move to Estacada in a A. F. & A. M. First Tuesday evening, ture, and all seemed to consider legislatures o f Georgia, Pennsyl­ Carnett place, on Dodge Road, last few days. Mr, Turel and family At Garfield— Second and fourth each mouth at I. O. O. F. Hall. the day as one well spent. vania, and Vermont tried the Sundays at 3 p. m. week. Bay mare - 6 yr. - bald face will be especially welcomed to the Order of Eastern Star. Third Tuesday unicaramel system “ but the in­ of each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. Commercial Patronage white feet - saddle marked - weight city, as it will mean the addition of A t Mt. Zion— First and third Hunt Championed stability and passion which Sundays at 3 p. m. six more students to the Estacada about 1,000 lbs. - branded “ A L” . Logan Grange. First Saturday in every a specialty. The Oregon City Courier has marked their proceedings so ap­ month at Grange Hall. 3 year old black mare, weight schools. C. E. Rees, Pastor. given a great deal of space in their parent that the people o f each o f Springwater Grange. Second Saturday about 1400 lbs. A home gathering was celebrated in every nioutii at Grange Hall. W. M. Yonce 2 year old brown mare, weight at the Woodle home, Sunday, in re;ent issues to the supposed evasion these states caused their consti­ The Re-Organized Church of Crrek Grange. Third Saturday in about 1,000 lbs. honor of the new bride and groom, of the prohibition question, by Guy tutions to be revised and the Jesus Christ of L . D. S. meets in Eagle every month at Grange Hall. Finder please notify Clias. Tail- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Woodle. A T. Hunt, of Garfield, the Republi dual-chamber system established store building on the corner, form­ Grange. Fourth Saturday in and maintained as it is in all oth­ erly the Howe store, Sundays as Garfield man of Estacada, or phone him in sumptuous dinner was served at one- can candidate for the legislature. J. V. BARR every month at Grange Hall. Mr. Hunt probably had good er states o f the Union.” But follows: Sunday School at 10, and care of Waterbury & Chapman, Ihirty o'clock, aud a very pleasant Circle. Every two weeks on reasons for not answering the ques we must remember that these preachiug at 11 o'clock A. M. All Sunshine time was enjoyed by all. Thursday afternoon, B la ck sm ith a n d W h e e lw r ig h t Estacada. tion as put to him by the editor of states tried this Single Chamber cordially invited. Dorcas Society, Third Thursday o A E. S. McCormick o f Eugene, the Courier, but the fact remains system just after the American each month. J. F. Wiles, Elder. At the Old Stand R E P O R T O F T H F C O N D IT IO N O F who was appointed to fill the that their attack on him has un­ Revolution. Can we expect a Modern Priscillas’, Fourth Thursday o| each month. ESTACADA STATE BANK vacancy o f County School Super­ doubtedly hurt his candidacy new form o f government, such Christian Church visor, left vacant by H. M. James GIVE HIM A CALL at Estac ida, in the State of Oregon, a t throughout this county. as the Single House to have a - 10 A. M. the close of business, Sept. n t h , 1914. o f Estacada, called at the Prog­ Mr. A O. Whitcomb of Garfield successful origin, at a time when Sunday school Family Theatre • 11 A. M. ress office Saturday and will keep has now come to the front as the the country is in a turmoil such Morning service RESOURCES Loans and discount*............................... $ 58 732.98 Y. P. S. C. E. - 7 P. M. this office posted on the school champion of his neighbor and has as our nation was in at that time? Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...... non* Saturday, Sept. 26 - 7:30 P. M. 12 200.94 improvements in his district. written a strong letter to the For similar reasons we find that Evening service First class lumber of all kinds. Stocks and other securltlea .............. 2 661.00 All are cordially invited. The Range War Banking houae........................................ The Estacada district display, Courier, stating emphatically where the One House system was not 3 450.00 J. C. Ghormley, Pastor. 1 750.00 Mr Hunt stands and his reasons successful in France, because it Dimension material a specialty. Due from approved reserve banks...... A gripping story o f the plains, as shown at the recent county 9 151.21 for not having come out in the Checks and other cash item s............... pulsating with rapid-fire action. 470.43 fair, won the first prize in its originated during the French open before. Mr. Hunt is for pro­ Prompt deliveries made from 2 397.1 1 class and was awarded $50.00. hibition, personally, and all people Revolution. Mr. Bettes, a former minister Sunday, Sept. 27 big stock on hand. Other individual exhibitors, such in this section of the county, are But in every instance where o f Michigan, gave a prohibition Total .................................................. $90 813 67 .... - --------- - ------ as Ed. Shearer, John Ely, A. 0. conversant with his fight against the proposed system has been lecture at the Methodist Church Caught in the web o f intrigue Phone or call at mill, at Dodge. LIABILITIES "booze” in connection with the $25 000.00 Whitcomb Rnd T. J. Reagan, also given a fair trial we find it still last Wednesday evening. He en­ From the novel by Michel Morphy Garfield Country Club. 0. C. Klaetsch, Owner. 250.00 received cash premiums for their deavored to convince the people Famous French writer. If the people of the state vote in use. All the larger cities are Undivided profita, leas expenses and exhibits. Another year, Eastern dry, he will enforce that law, and controlled by a Single Chamber, that. Oregon should “ go dry” in Clackamas should run away with if thev vote the state wet. he will seven o f the nine provinces o f ! the November election, by giving We SELL and DELIVER Postal savings hank deposits ............ ... 2 756.00 Many people from this vicinity the lion’ s share o f the premiums, enforce the laws regarding the pro­ Canada have the system in sue-1a series o f jokes. The audience Deposits due State Treasurer.. .......... 3 000.00 if entries are made, and if com­ hibition of liquor irto any present cessful operation, all but six o f 1 was certainly entertained for have made trips to Bull Run recent­ Individual deroaita subject ... 53 649.87 petition is no stronger from else­ drv territory, or territory that may the Swiss states are governed b y ! about an hour. Because the lec- ly, returning with large supplies of Demand certificate* of deposit......... 2 672.25 be voted dry at a latter date. First class - $4.00 per cord Certified ch e ck s ........................... 50.00 where, than it was thi« year. one body, while Norway has ture was not well advertised, salmon which are very plentiful in Time certificates of deposit .............. .. 2 739 45 Second class 3.50 ’ ’ had the system for a hundred many, who might have been in­ that stream, at the present time. Eagle Creek Grange held its reg­ Owing to an oversight, mention Notes and bills rediscounted ..... 1 none Bills payable for money borrowed f terested, did not attend. The C. I. C, needs some wood for was not made in last week's issue, ular Saturday meeting with about years. Cord Wood in any Quantity T otal ......................... .......... $90 813.67 fuel. Anyone of philanthropic tem- of the death of Mr. J. J. Judd of 20 of the members in attendance Oregon was among the first to The meeting was a pleasant and in­ Write B C. LOONEY State o f Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: Barton. P. R. L. & P. Co. officials will perment, who will donate some Mr. Judd was one of the structive one. A fine dinner was adopt the Initiative and Referen­ or S. L FISHER I, Irwin I). Wright, cashier of the old residents in this part of the dum, the Corrupt Practice A c t ,; be in Estacada Thursday for wood, will receive the blessing of partaken of and a larger attendance alx>ve n«i tiled hank, d o solemnly swear Route 3, Estacada, Oregon county and his sudden death, Sept. is expected next mouth. and other progressive laws, it is the East Clackamas Fair meeting, that hustling organization. Or leave orders at Progress Office. that the almve at.itement ia true to the t6th, was a great sutprtse to his heat of my knowledge and belief. The report conies from Spring- now ¿0 be hoped that the ma- and on Friday will attend the To the list of students and teach­ many friends. For some time past water, that many of the voters in jority o f the voters at the com- Q m ^ Irwin D. Wright, Cashier. Fair. Ed. j ers. who are "batching," three Subscribed »Hit «worn to before me this he had been a sufferer from intes­ that district, said they would glad ing ixovember election, will see new names have been added. Miss 19 th day of Sept. 1914 . tinal troubles, which finally caused ly vote tor any measure that would Horseshoeing and K«pair Work enougn in the future and Wer,em W1" Spe» k' Amon* Rica Anderson. Miss Edith Ander­ R. W. ttart'ett. Notary Public. help Estacada pave its streets, rath his death. The funeral was held donc at morrows * barn vote on the affirmative side o f j those present will be F. D. Hunt. son and Emil Johnson have taken Correct-— Attest: l.erov D- Walker, er than vote for a Union High A ll work nuantntrcd Tlviaaa.« Vocum , Irwin D. Wright, di­ at the Foster cemetery, last Sun­ School. Maybe we are being; the State Senate Constitutional. R- M. Townsend, and T. W .. housekeeping apartments in the W. C. Whitfield day. rectors. laughed at. [ Amendment. ¡Cross. Congdon house. ( I ncohpop . a t k d ) Standing of PIANO Contestants Week ending Sept 19 ’Remember- FORD N E W 1915 P R IC E S Model T. Runabout “ Livery Feed & Sale Klaetsch Mills 16 inch WOOD BLACKSMITHING $515.00 “ Touring Car 565.00 Watch Repairing Cleaning