Oregon Htstor. Soc 207 Second St T ESTACADA 2,000 Votes Piano Contest For a New Subscriber no . « or Meet your Friends here CARY M E R C A N T IL E CO. ESTACADA, - - - OREGON. Do you need help? Our new F U L L E R JO H N SO N Pump and Engine will pump your water, run your churn, separator, wash­ ing machine and feed cutter. Call in and look over our line of Plows Engines, and Pumps, Machinery, W e also carry a full line of H A R D W A R E , P A IN T S D O O R S, W IN D O W S and R O O F IN G . BERT H. FINCH Estacada, Oregon How docs your cow average in a milk test? Good, clean, wholesome feed, is the first essential. Horses should die of old age, not disease Good, clean, wholesome feed, is the first essential. Healthy swine, bring highest cash price Good, clean, wholesome feed, is the first essential. We sell only Good, dean, wholesome feed FOR Cattle, Stock and Poultry Consult us on lumber prices, before you decide to build. (W a can make delivery too.) Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. $10 $2 a day a week The Hotel Estacada MODERN CO N VEN IEN CES One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Palace Meat Market We handle only'the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. A complete line of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh E ggs and Butter. FRED J0RG, Proprietor 11L — 1 " __ J — -M! L ■L' J r . * . ■ - il L Waterbury and Chapman "T h e Busy Sto re" and the Leading Grocery Store of ESTACADA, OREGON POP. Phone, Main 76. Wholesale and Retail R. G. MARCHBANK CONFECTIONERY SMOKING ARTICLES U C H T LUNCH ICE CREAM TOBACCO CIGARS O REGON ESTACADA, TRADE AT THE ESTACADA HOME BAKERY Fancy Groceries, for Bakery Goods, Gel 3. * H. Trading Stamp.. Confectionery C. H. UCHTHORN, Prop. All I ask Is a chance to figure on your Plumbing and Electric Wiring CHA5. M. SPARKS, Eetacada, Or age« Fire Insurance SEE • Piano Contest For a Renewal of Subscription E STA CA D A , OREGON. TH U RSDAY, SEPTEM BER 24. 1914 VOL. 8 Cary’s for General Merchandise l PROGRESS 1,000 Votes A. E. S P A R K S Pacific States Eire Insurance Co. ESTACADA WINS FIRST News Notes Social Events From All Sections Quiet Wedding Mr*. Helen Massey of Portland Clackamas County Fair Last Wednesday noon, a quiet is visiting with her sister Mrs. (From Canby Irrigator, Sept. 18 , 1914 ) wedding was held at the home of Dale, for a few days. Estacada was awarded the first Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schreiner of Remember the C. I. C. Hal­ prize yesterday afternoon in the Garfield, when their sister, Miss lowe’en Dance, Oct. 31st. Tickets community exhibit in what was con­ Jessie L. Lemon, was married to 75c. Cider, doughnuts, coffee, etc. sidered the closest competition that Mr. S. A. Roberts of Emporia will be served. has been seen at the Clackamas Kansas. Only the immediate rela­ tives and friends were present Mrs. J. W. Cahill of Eagle Creek, County Fair in several years past who went to Nebraska about two A great deal of the credit for this Mr. and Mrs. Roberts left at once months ago to see her mother, re­ result is due to Editor Standish of for Emporia, where will make their turned home last week. the Estacada Progress, who has future home, as the groom is a well known farmer in that locality. The The Estacada foot ball team is worked with the Estacada people Progress and their many friends, scheduled to play a game with until he knows them individually, wish them all kinds of success. Washington High, at Portland personally, intimately, and every other way, and has accomplished Saturday. Friday evening. Oct. 2nd., at the wonders with the amount of mater­ Pavilion, the Christian Church will Quite a number of Estacada peo ial he has had to work with. give their annual reception, to the pie attended the dance at Eagle We understand that the Estacada pupils and teachers of the Estacada Creek last Saturday night. All re­ people hesitated for a long time as High School. The honored guests port a good time. to whether they should send an ex­ will be Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Ghorm Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, former hibit to the Fair or not, and finally, ley, who are making their home in ly of Portland are to spend the through the efforts of both Mr Estacada, having recently rented winter at the home of Mr. Lee’s Standish and the representatives of the E. Bates place on Main St. parents in Bissell. the Portland Railway Light, St The C. I. C. is planning to have Mr. Edward Shearer has re­ Power Co., they were persuaded to turned from the Canby fair where a take a part in the community ex­ another Rally Day soon. The pur­ number of his valuable fowls were hibit. with the result that they car­ pose of this Rally Day is that peo­ ried off the first-prize, to the great ple may become better acquainted exhibited. chagrin of the many communities with the work of the club, more Mr. Irwin of McMinnville has which have had a sort of a monop­ interested in its work, and that been visiting a few days at the oly on this prize in the years past. more names may be added to the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. E. We extend to Estacada our heart­ membership list. Ellison. iest congratulations on their success The class of 1913, together with Rev. Rees, pastor of the M. E. in this, their first efforts, and hope Church, left Tuesday morning to to see them represented every year the Estacada High School faculty of the same year surprised Mr. and attend the conference which is be­ in the future. ing held in Portland, this week. The exhibit shown by this hustl­ Mrs. Malcolm Woodle. last Satur­ As Mr. Woodle is a ing community was without doubt day evening. Owing to the absence of Mr. Aue, 1913 alumnus, the other members one of the best seen at the Fair in the pas.or of the church at Spring- took the opportunity of assuring water, Mr. Horner occupied his many years and shows what can be him and his wife o( their good wish­ done when any one community sets place in the pulpit last Sunday. its very he.rt and soul towards a es. After the jolly time spent at J. F. Wiles, elder o f the L. D goal, no matter what that goal may the Woodle home, F. B. Guthrie in S. church, is back from a three behalf of th* class and teachers pre­ be. months’ harvesting trip in East­ Estacada is one of the most pros­ sented Mr. and Mrs. Woodle with ern Oregon, where he was also perous little towns in Clackamas a picture. looking up some homestead lands. County and its citizens have but The reception given by the The first Literary Programme of lately wakened up to the fact that this term will be given Friday af­ no matter how prosperous a com­ board o f directors in honor o f ternoon, by the Websterians in the munity may 1«, it does not reap the the teachers, Friday night, was High School Assembly room, at full reward from its prosperity un­ well attended, considering the weather. This function is given 2:05. Everyone is cordially invited less it shouts its advantages from its annually that the teachers and to attend. very housetops. It is now working parents may become better ac­ Gov. West, who was to have along the same lines as the man who quainted, and that the interests been in Estacada Thursday noon said, " If you have a story to tell, or o f the school may be furthered. as stated in last week’s paper, anything to sell, don’t whisper it- After a very pleasing program, will speak here on Friday even­ down a well, mount the tallest tree light refreshments were served ing instead. Gov. West only and yell like--------.” by the wives o f the directors and The assistance given to the people speaks at Estacada and Oregon a social hour was enjoyed by all. City in Clackamas county, and of Estacada by the Portland Rail­ The Program will be accompanied by Milton way Light & Power Co. should be Piano Solo - - - Hattie Belfils A. Miller and Gilbert Hedges who appreciated for Its full value and Piano Solo - - - Edna Jorg every encouragement given to that will also speak. Recitation - - - Tommy Jorg company to step in in the future and Vocal Solo - Miss Helen Bartlett Last Sunday evening, at the help out when such an enterprise is Piano Solo - Miss Rachael Reed Methodist Church, Mr. C. Sheu- on foot. The officials of this big Vocal Solo - - Mrs. Roger Cary bel gave an interesting talk and corporation attended the Fair yes­ lecture on prohibition. A large terday and were immensely pleased crowd attended, and each one of R ecall Petition at the success of their efforts in the audience went away with Portland papers state that recall arousing a proper amount of rivalry several good reasons for voting in the community of Estacada, petitions are already in circulation in Clackamas County, to recall for the state-wide prohibition which they serve exclusively. Commissioner W. H. Mattoon. amendment. Mr. Sheubel said While this report has been cur­ the best way to win in this fight Ed Shearer Wins rent for several days past at Esta­ was to have all those in favor of (From Morning Enterprise, Sept. 18 ) cada, this office has not as yet seen the dry amendment, register, go In the poultry department Ed. one of the papers. to the polls, and vote. Strong accusations are mentioned Shearer, of Estacada, was awarded against Mr Mattoon in connection first on Barred Rock rock in the G e o rg e F air with this recall and if they are cor­ poultry department, first on hen, rect be should be recalled at once, A large force of men has been first and second on pullets; first and but if they are not correct, the ac­ rushing the worst on the club house second on Light Brabania ben; first cusing parties should be prosecuted of the Geotge Social and Commer­ on Campine hen; first and second on to the full extent of the law. cial Club for the past two weeks in The use of the recall in this coun­ Ancouas; first and second on White ty, is fast getting to be a habit and order to have the building enclosed Emdden geese and first on ducks. its too frequent use will mean ita and ready for the community fair to abolishment. It is a dangerous tool be held tomorrow, the 25th. While A reception will be given at the in careless hands, bnt if the condi­ the building is not entirely complet­ Garfield Grange Hall the evening tions warrant his recall It should be ed, it is sufficiently progressed to done, but until the Progress has of Oct. 3rd. in honor of the teachers gotten to the bottom of the facts, it honse the exhibits and make every­ of the Tracy, Garfield and Porter is still for "Uncle Billy.” body comfortable. schools. The recall mav be easy, but the A special meeting of the club was question is, who will take his place? held Saturday evening at the home The Clackamas School Men's His successor, if there be one, of Mr. and Mrs. Gtts Zwehrman Club will meet in Estacada, Octob­ should come from Eastern Clacka­ for the purpose of closing up the er 3rd. After the business meet­ mas County and the people of this last details of the arrangements and ing, the teachers of the Estacada part, should get busy and see to it that the next commissioner is from it was found that practically every­ schools will banquet the members. this section. one in the district was planning to Reports are current in Oregon make some kind of an exhibit, and Last Wednesday evening a num­ City and Western Clackamas Coun­ a very interesting day is assured to ber of Miss Helen Clester's friends ty, of successors already lined up all, who attend, as well as a splen­ very pleasantly surprised her when for the vacancy and the people did dance in the evening. Those they called to spend the evening should make sure that it is not a case of "out of the frying pan". who wish to briug their picnic with her at the home of her sister, Eastern Clackamas should get lunches will find ample accomoda­ Mrs. Ed. Douglass of Eagle Creek. busy at once and decide on their tions and for those, who do not All had a delightful time, and after man. A straw ballot can be taken come thus supplied, the club has playing games and dancing for through the Progress, If necessary provided a stand where plenty to awhile, a fine supper was served. Write to this office and make yonr suggestions, and all will be printed, eat may be secured. Judge Dimick The event was in honor of Miss as far as space will allow. of Oregon City, Professor Brown of Helen's 19th birthday, although This is a matter that should not the O. A. C. as well as Portland, Sunday being her birthday, they be put off, unless Eastern Clacka­ Estacada and local speakers will chose Wednesday evening to cele­ mas wants to continue to "bold the bag." all help entertain the people. brate it. A YEAR $1 Estacada State Bank Make it YOUR BANK Deposit your money here at any time. Draw out your money at any time. Make use of our checking service. N o matter the size of your account. For safety, leave your valuables in the vaults. When you want to borrow money, either short or long time, let us help you. When you want information on good invest­ ments, let us help you. For your insurance, our service’is of the best. Feel at home to avail yourself of our conservative banking service. LEROY D. W UKER. President THOMAS YOCUM. Vice President IRWIN D. WRIGHT, Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. Bold it up to the light and see the hole in it Examine your old coffee pot, tin dipper, tea kettle, milk pan, wash basin, or any of your metal kitchen ware and see the light shining through that hole in the bottom. It probably only rusted or burned through, but you need a neqp one anyway. Our new line of FRENCH BLUE E N A M E L E D W ARE is not all gone yet. Remember, every piece is tagged and numbered, and you may also win the prize, a $ 50 . Steel Range FREE W ARE is much superior to the ordinary gray enameled material and costs very little more. A full line of kitchen utensils are made in this ware. FR EN C H BLUE E N A M E L E D Call at the store at once, as there are about 100 pieces left, then the lucky purchaser gets the F R E E R A N G E . Estacada Furniture Co. Green Trading Stamps. UNDERTAKERS When you wish to renew your Magazines, or subscribe for others, either singly or in clubs, the ESTACADA PHARMACY w ill be pleased to serve you at Publishers Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Do not be deceived by travelling agents, as some o f our Estacada citizens have been recently. Ask for our catalogue. Special Subscription Offer DAILY & SUNDAY OREGONIAN (regular price, $8.00 per year) ESTACADA PROGRESS (regular price, $1.00 per year) $7.40 DAILY OREGONIAN & ESTACADA PROGRESS $5.80 EVENING TELEGRAM (regular price, $5.00 per year) ESTACADA PROGRESS (regular price, $1.00 per year) $4.75 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE (weekly) (regular price, $1.50 per year) ESTACADA PROGRESS (regular price, $1.00 per year) $1.60 WESTERN STOCK JOURNAL (regular price, $1.00 per year) ESTACADA PROGRESS (regular price, $1.00 per year) $ 1.50 No votes given with these offers. Our Sacrifice Sale Goes Merrily On All previous records were broken Tuesday and Wed­ nesday. The First and Second days o f this Sale hun­ dreds o f eager customers thronged our store. It will pay you well to come in each day, for we will continue the Cut and Slash prices all this month. Each and Every 50th purchaser will get a Brand New Dollar Bill FREE during entire sale. Cary Mercantile Co. “ Your Store”