2;000 Vote» Piano Contest For a New Suhsa^Sf__ . .... . . . . . . 11 , MO- 4*.-?» VOL f — • r .Ç s ü iù & ïr -7 Merchandise Cary’ s for General Meet your Friends here C A R Y M E R C A N T IL E CO. - ESTACADA. - - OREGON. Do You Need A BUGGY, SURREY, HACK or WAGON? If you do, now is the time to buy. For the next 15 days, we will give S P C IA l PRICES and LX IR A PIANO VOTES on the following: $68.50 and 15,000 votes $75. Steel Auto Seat Buggy 100. Two Seat Hack 89.00 20,000 85. Two Seat Hack 74.50 17.000 135. Family Surrey, Canopy Top 108.00 25.000 125. Mandt Wagon complete, double box and spring seat 100.00 25.000 60. Lorain Steel Range 50.00 15.000 50. Service Range 40.00 10.000 Ahy DeLaval Separator from 65. to 90.00 20,000 These prices are good for 15 DAYS. If you are going to need any of these articles within the next year, buy now and save from 15 to 25^>. 7 Bert H. Finch ■ • ■ Hardware, Harness and Implements News Notes | a strajgjjt business proposi - C. Butler is building a new tion to the mer,.hants of Kstacada. barn and silo for Clyde baling oi sonjctliing: should be done to keep Currinavill the country buyer in town Miss Emma Paulsen of George, longer time. returned to her home last Tues­ A farmer drives into Kstacada to day to spend a few weeks during trade and the longer Kstacada r an keep that farmer and his wife in the harvest seasotp From All Sections H. The new steel bridge over Eagle Creek, connecting George with Ks­ tacada was finished last week and travel has already begun over it. The bridge represents a goodly e x ­ penditure and is a fine specimen of town, the more money they Mrs. Anna Read, of Portland, bridge building, being about 85 feet to spend. speut part of her vacation with her liable Kstacada's welfare is almost en­ above the water and 270 feet in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antrim of tirely dependent on the business length. 16 teet wide and cost Jp io o . Kstacada. E. H. Kellogg of Kstacada, with done by the merchants and the mer­ chants are to a large extent de­ the editor, in a Ford auto, made pendent on the trade of rhe larmer the first auto trip across the new | structure, last Sunday. Asthe north I out of the a ___ I As matters are now, especially approach had not been graded.it ne­ cessitated the climbing of a 40 % d au gh -! grade for about twelve feet, but the 1 his insecure machine made it without any trouble. The grade on both sides J. are liable to leading to the bridge is a good 6 % be j sev- one and as scenic trip it cannot ca few weeks. 1 surpassed, and visit | a The George Commerci.i ggestion the Civic provement Club could accomplish Social Club have arranged fora pic­ no better wotk than to forward a nic at or near the bridge on the movement to secure a permenent banks of Eagle Creek, next Sunday, j hitching rack and public tie sheds, August 22nd. Everyone is invited where a farmer could leave his I to be present and bring their lunch. The merchants and people of Ksta Mrs. J. P. Steinman and daugh­ horses and wagon and not have to cada and their families are cordial­ worry about the rain or sun bine ter, entertained the Modern Pris -1 ly invited to attend and get ac­ cillas in Currinsville, last Tuesday ' doing anv harm to them. Such quainted. The people of George i public sheds should not harm the afternoon. livery or feed stable business, thoroughly appreciate the donation for the majority of outsiders made by the Estacada people last merely stay in Estacada long enough year to help build this connecting to buv the necessities and get home j road and they wish to be allowed to feed their teams. to suitably thank the Estacada peo- There are few cities in the coun- ' P'e at this picnic, Cecil Hampton and wife of Pen- I l,e Estacada business men are delton, Oregon, who were recently trv, that are i : h dependent upon married, are visiting at the home rural trade as T.stacada, but have | arranging to attend with their farn- of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ilenry public bitching stands and stall ! 'bes a” 4 all are cordially invited to join them. If you can go, leave room. Eppcrscu of Garfield. It is likely that the space on Third word with anyone of the following St. at the rear of the City Hall, committee so that transportation could be used for such purposes and arrangements can be made:- W. F. additional hitching racks could be Cary, Fred Jorg. B. H. Finch, A. E. Sparks, I. D. Wright, or R, M. erected at other places. There should also be some public Standisli. A large number of Currinsville place in Estacada where horses can be watered, for there are few water­ people are planning on being pres­ ing places near town, especially on ent and the people of Garfield and this side oi the river. Even an old other sections are invittd. Bring wooden trough would answer all your lunch and dont bother to bring purposes and a concrete fountain milk or coffee, for those items will he furnished by the George Club iu could he built at small expense. In the past few weeks several abundance. runaways have occnred, owing to the insecure hitching facilities, for even a telephone pole is not proof against the strain of a frightened horse. One pole recently was pulled Within a few weeks there will be down but luckily caused no damage. a special school election, to decide Last week a team tied to the post as to whether the Estacada High support in front of Finch’s Store, School shall be operated on the took fright and started down the Union High School plan or not. street with the post dragging from Seven petitions with the necessary the bridles, but were stopped in time. signatures have already been receiv­ No verv secure hitching facili­ ed from the following districts; ties are offered from the sidewalks, Dodge, Spring water. Viola, Tracy, owing to their present condition, Kstacada, Currinsville and Deep but it might be a blessing it some Creek, and the petitions from Gar­ fractious team would run away field and Elwood are expected in by with about too yards of the Broad­ the last of this week. way sidewalks dragging behind and It is to be hoped that this Union if they once get started, they should High School measure will carry, for be allowed *0 keep on going until it will mean better schooling for all well out of the city. pupils and with a school governed If the merchants have any doubt by a board comprising representa- about the value of good tie sheds tives from each district, and hitching racks, let them ask j any farmer who conies into Estacada and it should not he long before the With the return of W. F. Cary improvement comes, this week from the Cary Hot Springs, Itegins the closing of the Word was received here Tuesday first season for this scenic and well night of the sudden death of Miss advertised mountain resort. Edna Phillips of Morgan, Oregon Mr and Mrs Pyle returned to Ks­ by a fire accident Miss Phillips tacada with Mr. Cary and the bal­ had been hired to teach the eighth ance of the local people, including grade and sewing classes of the Ks- Mrs A K. Morton and Mrs. Ray tacada School for the ensuing year j Eschleman and family are expected and the loss will be a serious one for ! home this week, Ray Eschleman the school. Miss Phillips was an 1 will remain in there for some time, exceptionally popular girl, having attending to the wants of such been May (¿tieen at tha last festival ! guests as may later arrive, as there at the Monmouth Normal School, is a bountiful supply of food and where, she was graduated with the camping equipment still there. class of 1914. It is to be hoped that the Cary Brothers have n :t become discour- aged with this first season’ s experi- , enee, although it may have been than could ht desired, profita They have well advertised these „ . , 1 j wonderful springs Ore- Ed. Grafhain of George is busy hewing the timbers for his new barn, which will be completed in and parties living city few w e e k s . Mrs. NettieTurian and during the rainy season, a farmer ter Alma, of California, are vis- has to hitch team to an iting at the Viola home of Mrs. fastening and with the present A. Randolph. j frequency of automobiles on main , , baby , of . streets, accidents A1 Myers and Mrs. baby of happen, in fact, have happened Viola, returned home last Sun- ; e|-aj times in the past day, after a three month: suggestion, Im- among relatives in Kansas. Mrs. Seymour Wilson and Mrs. Prank Walters of Portland are visiting at the John Ely home in Currinsville. a Miss Bessie Congdon of Cur­ rinsville has accepted a position with the Lowengart Millinery Company of Portland. Miss Dorothy Cahill and Miss IT Midred Skipton of Portland, are WILL DO YOU GOOD spending a short vacation at the to see how your horses will ¡>o into the feed we provide. No indifference, no mussing with the feed but just straight eating. If Vour horses are “ off their feed" give' them some of ours. You’ll see a quick cure and a bettered condition that mean more work and better. Isn't that what you are after ? Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. $2 a day $ io a week The Hotel Estacada MODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Palace Meat Market the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. A complete line of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh Eggs and Butter. We handle only I RED JORG, Proprietor e a s - ’ j _________ _ ■ ■ i i n i ■ .i ■ ■■■ .. I a » ............................................ ............................................. — Waterbury and Chapman “The Busy Store” and the Leading Grocery Store ESTACADA, of OREGON Phone, Mein 76. POP, Wholesale and Retail R. G. MARCHBANK CONFECTIONERY SMOKING ARTICLES LIGHT LUNCH ICE CREAM TOBACCO CIGARS ESTACADA, OREGON TRADE AT THE ESTACADA HOME BAKERY for home of E. E. Saling at Currins­ ville. Mrs. Dr. Swinburne and daugh­ ter, Miss Fay Bartholomew, re­ turned to tneir home in Portland, after a few days’ vacation with relatives at Currinsville. Mrs. Marcia Klinker and her daughter Helen are visiting rela­ tives in Portland at present, which necessitates Messrs. Chris UNION HIGH SCHOOL and Henry to sample their own | cooking. Up for Vote J. W. Reed ’eft early last Sun­ day morning for a trip to the coast, with his big auto, carrying John Osborne, family and rela­ tives and T. J. Reagan. The party returned Wednesday after­ _______ noon. Miss Ruth Saling returned last week from a five weeks va­ cation in Heppner, Ore. She was accompanied by her grand­ mother Mrs. Mary Bartholomew, who expects to spend several weeks visiting relatives in Cur­ rinsville. ______ The August meeting of the Garfield Dorcas Society will oc­ j cur on the 27th from 10;30 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Each lady is re­ Hot Springs Close quested to bring her own lunch­ eon and sewing. Business ses­ sion at 2:00 P. M. Signed Mrs. Death of School Teacher F. L. Bundy, Secy. LaBarrevue, the popular Gar­ field resort is still the mecca for vacationists from Portland, \v ith the following people now there: Mrs. Agnes Glen, Mrs. E. J. Swindells and son, Mrs. R. B. Cook and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gosslin and Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. _______ A party of seven, comprising Wm. Underwood, wife, son, and mother, Mrs. Charlotte Howell. Miss Isabella Underwood and Corbett Underwood, returned Eugenic’s Contest Monday night from a week’s out­ The directors of the East ing trip at Garbaldi Beach. The Clackamas Fair announce and Iess fitaMe, trip was made both ways in Un­ call attention to the fact that derwood’s Ford machine with there will lie a eugenics contest throughout necessary camping outfit and oc­ at the coming fair, under the n anf] tj,e \ orthwest another cupied about 12 hours each way. supervision and judging of Drs. Reason shollM see a big and influx of The neonle of Geortre and Bis-' tu 'IX a,1,l H.u ilarid ot Estacada. p]eas„re seekers. The luck v jieo- ine people 01 George ann Bis fhese doctors will have no envi- , wrr f tlie .... ,his g* f„7 HKX,* K TtS.:. fit« Tifi? in their respective sections. The j „¡'i beVeaJe of w in s season -«T Z during j1'- detei- I coming season ,or "« and '»•»' •l»""* a pleased custo petition has been signed by near-1 mjne the best from a lot of per- j mtr is the best advertisement vet. Fancy Groceries. Bakery Goods, Confectionery ly everyone and will l>e sent to fect children, G«t S. A H. Trading S t.m p.,________________ G. H L1CHTHORN Prop. I The opening up of these springs the 4th Asst. Postmaster Gener- ' rore3t Fires al in a few days. These sections Forest hires | has given Kstacada gooys safely home the water. Adix-Saling quartette. the donated supplies. several farm buildings iu its path. , later in the evening. U> Deposit your money here at any time. Draw out your money at any time. Make use of our checking service. No matter the size of your account. For safety, leave your valuables in the vaults. When you want to borrow money, either short or long time, let us help you. When you want information on good invest­ ments, let us help you. For your insurance, our service is of the best. Feel at home to avail yourself of our conservative banking service. I TROY D. WALKER. President THOMAS YOCtJM. Vice President IRWIN D. WRIGHI, Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. $ 59 . Steel Range FREE The ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. are now ready to begin the sale of their famous 300 PIECES of f BENCH BLUE ENAMELED WARE This handsome FRENCH BLUE ENAMELED WARE and the RANGE TO BE GIVEN AWAY are now on exhibition in their store windows. To each piece of this ware, is attached a duplicate number, the purchaser receiving one number and the duplicate is retained by the company for the drawing. On a certain dav, notice to be given in advance, after the last piece of this famous FRENCH BLUE ENAMELED WARE has been sold, a drawing of the lucky number will take place and the party holding the winning number receives the $ 5 0 .0 0 STEEL RANGE FREE. One number is attached to each article, regardless of its selling price. Each article is sold at a very reasonable price and is of the best of quality. Call at the store at Once, for the 300 pieces will soon be sold. Estacada Furniture Co. Green Trading Stamps. UNDERTAKERS Ten Electric Generating PLANTS Widely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. for the purpose of providing Reliable Electric Service to its patrons. Through high tension trans­ mission lines, each of these generating plants are intercommunicative, so that the service is insured against unforseen inter­ ruptions. W HERF L O C A T E D Portland ( 2 ) Oregon City Si 1 vert on Cazadero Estacada Bull Run Boring St. Johns Salem Portland Railway, Li^ht & Power Co. Broadway and Alder Strcrti Phones: Marshall 5100 Home A-6131 ! WAR! If the European war continues, look out for prices to jump on WHEAT and FLOUR. Now is your time to buy Dements Best Flour and tfet the best, before the advance. Manufactured by Dement Bros. Co. Walla Walla, Wash. Sold only by J. F. Lovelace, Estacada, Oregon Special pricesin quantity lots, (. r a in o f ALL KINDS w a n t e d .