1 S. Neutrality Must Be ly applied It to the colonel's outbursts J ‘*Knew vihat?" rousing herself. "That Courtlnudt nearly lost his Ilf« without being depressed by the feel­ Positively Obeyed to Letter In the eighties." ing of inelegance. Washington, D. C.—The magnitude "In the eighties!” dismayed at her There Is invariably some slight hes­ | of the problem of American neutrality j itation In the selection of chairs slip. in the international war into which "Latitudes Polar expedition.** around a tea table in the open. Nora Europe has been plunged, what it may St. Helens To keep the boys of St. every student an opportunity for sys­ "Heavens! I waa miles away.** scored the first point of this singular | mean in the future in the internation­ Helens out of the saloons and pool­ tematic exercise. The padre took her hand in his own battle by eeiziug the padre on one «» al relations of the United States and rooms after [their hours of work are side and her father on the other and and began to pat It softly. It wub the Boys now at work may have their ; how great its importance may prove done, the school board has arranged hours shortened that they may attend pulling them down on the bench. It nearest he dared approach In the way | to Americans at present, came sharply special courses and classes that may be classes, while those who propose soon was adroit in two ways: it put Court­ of suggesting caution. He alone of i to the attention of the administration. attended day or night. landt at a safe distance and in uowise them all knew. to leave school will be given vocational I Prompt steps were taken to see that “Oh, I believe I read something offended the younger men, who could These courses are designed to meet instruction. i the President’s proclamation of neu- j the needs of a large number of boys of find no cause for alarm in the close about it in the newspapers." The normal pupil will be given his A big Russian warship has run trality is observed to the letter. In- school age, who are now working in full four-years’ course. proximity of her two fathers, the spir­ "Five years ago." Abbott set down Classes in aground at Aland islands. structions were telegraphed to every industrial plants of the town and business and in industrial arts and sei itual and the physical. A few mo­ his tea cup. "He’s the bravest man I customs throughout ments later Courtlandt saw a smile know. He’s rather a friendless man, ! whose education has not been com- ences will be furnished to the student Paris is without lights, having run of malice part her Ups, for he found besides. Horror of money. Thinks 1 pleted. out of coal and no more is to be had. at work. The library will be held himself between Celeste and the in­ every one is after him for that. Tries In addition, the board proposes to open at night. Diplomatic relations between France evitable frump to throw it away; but the income piles j outline a system of out-door play on The board consists of Dr. Edwin and Germany were formally broken olf. "Touched!" he murmured, for he up too quickly. See that Indian, pass­ | well protected grounds, where many Ross, Judge R. S. Hatton, and Charles The women of France have been was a thorough sportsman and appre­ ing the cakes? Wouldn’t think it, teams will be given daily practice and Graham, and Miss Alice Quick, clerk. called to the fields to gather the unhar­ ciated a good point even whtfti taken would you, that Courtlandt carried vested crops. by his opponent. him on his back for five miles! The "I never saw anything like it," whis­ Indian had fallen afoul a wounded German societies in Portland, Or., pered Mrs. Harrigan into the colonel’s tiger, and the beaters were milei off. are collecting funds with which to help ear. I've been watching. They haven't even their countrymen. "Saw what?" he asked. spoken to each other. Courtlandt's It is reported that the Germans in a "Mr. Courtlandt can't keep his eyes probably forgotten all about the Inci­ single sea tight, lost 111 ships to the off of Nora." dent, and the Indian would die rather Salem — The State Tax commission the commission. He says: English and French. "I say!" The colonel adjusted his than embarrass his savior before has announced that 10 per cent is the “ It is our opinion that 10 per cent is eye-glass, not that he expected to see strangers." total penalty to be added to taxes de­ the total penalty to be added to taxes Germans are reported to have quit more clearly by doing so, but because "Your friend, then, is quite a hero?" linquent September 1. A majority of delinquent on the first day of Septem­ attack on the city of Liege, Belgium, S Y N O P S IS . habit had long since turned an affecta­ What was the matter with Nora s the sheriffs had construed the law as ber. This penalty applies to taxes as after losing thousands of men. tion into a movement wholly mechan­ voice? Abbott looked at her wonder- meaning that the delinquents would originally charged, and is not in addi­ E l e a n o r a d e T o s c a n a w a s s i n g i n g In Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the have to pay interest at the rate of 12 tion to the cumulative penalty of 1 P a i i s . w h i c h , p e r h a p s , a c c o u n t e d f o r B d - ical. "Well, who can blame him? ingly. The tone was hard and un­ w a n ! i ’o u r t l a n d t ’s a p p e a r a n c e t h e r e . M u l ­ President, died at the White House per cent a year from April 1 in addi­ per cent a month applying during the t i m i l l i o n a i r e . h e w a n d e r e d a b o u t w h e r e Gad! if I were only twenty-five or musical. at 5 o’clock Thursday evening. "He couldn't be anything else, be­ tion to the 10 per cent. five months prior to September 1, the f a n c y d i c t a t e d . H e m i g h t b e In P a r i s o n e thereabouts." Mrs. Harrigan did not encourage ing Dick Courtlandt's boy," volun­ At a mass meeting of Socialists in In a letter to Will C. Smith, sheritF date of delinquency. The 10 per cent d t h a e y o a n p d e r a K a h m e c g h o a e t s k a t o t h a e n c e a x f e t . a n F d o l l is o w i a n c g ­ Brussels it was resolved to uphold the at Grants Pass, Commissioner Gallo­ delinquency supersedes and takes tike c o s t e d b y a p r e t t y y o u n g w o m a n . S h e this regret. The colonel had never teered Harrigan, with enthusiasm. ‘‘It g a v e h i m t lie a d d r e s s o f F l o r a D e s i m o n e , been a rich man. On the other hand, runs in the family." government in its present crisis. way defines the law as construed by place of all prior penalties.’’ vocal riv al of T o s c a n a , a n d F lo ra gives this Edward Courtlandt was very rich; "It seems strange," observed Nora, h i m t h e a d d r e s s o f E l e a n o r a . w h o m lie Is Big German liner slips out of New d eterm in ed t o s e e. C ourtlandt en ters he was young; and he had the entree "that I never heard you mention that More Good Roads Are Wallowa County Wheat E le a n o ra * ap artm ents. S h e o rd ers him York harbor in the night and without to the best families In Europe, which you knew a Mr. Courtlandt." o u t a n d s h o o ts a t him. T he next day passengers, but loaded with coal. Wanted in Lincoln County Yield Largest in History a P p a p r i e s a r a is n c s e h o o e f k t e h d e p b r y i m t n h e d o m n n y a s . t e r R i o e u a s l i z d i i n s g ­ was greater in her eyes than either "Why, Nora, there’s a lot of things The Standard Oil company has an Newport -Petitions are being cir­ Enterprise — While no threshing re­ t h a t h e m a y b e s u s p e c t e d o f t h e a b d u c ­ youth or riches. Between sips of tea nobody mentions unless chance brings E l e a n o r a C o u r tla n d t a r r a n g e s for she builded a fine castle in Spain. nounced that it may be necessary for them up. Courtlandt—the one I knew turns have been made yet, it is the a t i n o n a l <>f culated asking the county court to ibi. E l e a n o r a r e a p p e a r s a n d a c c u s e s Abbott and the Barone carried their —has been dead these sixteen years. that company to curtail the output of C o u r t la n d t o f h a v in g a b d u c te d her. His belief of farmers that Wallowa have placed on the ballot at the fall petroleum. county’s wheat yield will be the larg­ a l i b i i s s a t i s f a c t o r y t o t h e p o l i c e a m i s t h t o e cups and cakes over to the bench and If I knew he had had a son, I’d for­ sat down on the grass, Turkish-wise. gotten all about it. The only grave­ election the proposition of bonding the est in its history. Several thousand c L h a a k r e g e C o Is m o d i t s o m i r s e s s e t d . a f t e r E l t e h a e n o s r h a o c f k lee . She Many instances are being told of the county for $190,000 5 per cent, 20 acres of land are producing their first Is f o l l o w e d b y a n u m b e r o f h e r a d m i r e r s , Both simultaneously offered their yard isn’t on the hillside; there’s one shameful treatment of Russians who year bonds, the money to be used in crop. The straw is not as long as last c a u m r o e d n g h e t r h e a m b d u t c h t e i o n p . r i n C c o e u r w t l h a o n d r t e a a l l l s y o g p o r e o s ­ cakes, and Nora took a lady finger under everybody’s thatch.” were caught at German watering the construction of permanent roads. The padre nodded approvingly. year, but the heads seem better filled t o C o m o a n d t h e r e m e r e t a s n d J i m f a m t h i e e r H o f a r E r i l - ­ from each. Abbott laughed and the places and rest-cures. Barone smiled. Last spring similar petitions were with grain. Last year summer rains R e a a n n o . r r a e . t i i w o h d o s p e r i z r e e f a i l g h n t a e m Nora was not particularly pleased e Is N o r a I l a r r i - According to a Sofia dispatch, the "Oh, daddy mine!” sighed Nora with this phase in the play. Court­ circulated and the required number of produced rank, heavy straw that made g a n . H a r r l g a n t a k e s C o u r t l a n d t i n t o h i s mobilization of the Servian army has names secured, but the County court, fine appearing fields, but the season is f t o a v o h r i s a d t a o u n g c h e t . e r , H e b u i t n t t r h o e d u l c a e t s t e r C o g u i r v t e l s a n d no t drolly. landt would find a valiant champion disclosed defects and shown that it * Huh?" not caring to take the responsibility of short here and in many instances the s i g n o f e v e r h a v i n g m e t h i m b e f o r e . S h e in her father, who would blunder in was unprepared for war. "Don’t let mother see those shoes." when some fine passes were being ex­ calling a special election, a mass meet­ heads did not fill and the grain ripen, s t u d i o u s l y a v o i d s h i m . "What’s the matter with ’em? Ev­ changed. And she could not tell him; ing of the citizens of the county was Twenty-five thousand men worked Dry farm wheat is good on land C H A P T E R V I I I — Continued. erybody's wearing the same." called by the county judge and as the properly summer fallowed last year, she would have cut out her tpngue throughout Sunday night entrenching “I have had many wicked thoughts ‘Yes. But I don’t see how you man­ rather. opponents of good roads were in full and seeded .in the fall. the frontier between the Belgian forts Where the lately," resumed Nora, turning her age tc do it. One shoe string is vir- attendance influence was brought to seed was drilled in on stubble, there is "Will you forgive me?" asked Ce­ and the German boundary. gaze away ffom the tennis players bear and the special election was not practically no crop. leste of Courtlandt. Never had slie Last year this The report circulated in London that called. It is believed, however, that makeshift method produced good re She and the padre were sitting on the felt more ill at ease. For a full ten there had been a naval engagement in minutes ho chatted pleasantly, with the county court will now place the on account of the unusually lower steps of the veranda. The oth »rs were loitering by the nets. the North Sea between British and never the slightest hint regarding the proposition before the people at the ab„ndant rains. German warships is untrue. "The old plaint disturbs you?’* episode in Paris. She could stand it regular election. Good roads are bad Many homesteaders are raising their "Yes." no longer. "Will you forgive me?" ly needed here, as in winter it is al­ first crop this year, and the results are It was officially announced that "Can you not cast It out wholly?** "For what?" most impossible to get over the pres­ directly proportionate to their labors France had undertaken in the event of "Hate has many tentacles." ent ones with a team and most of the last fall and this spring. "That night in Paris." hostilities to fulfill her obligations to Where they "What produces that condition of farmers come to town on horseback, worked the soil thoroughly they have "Do not permit that to bother you preserve Belgian neutrality. mind?" meditatively. "Is It because laying in a stock of provisions in the splendid crops, but where they just in the least. I was never going to re­ John Burns, president of the local we have wronged somebody?” call it." MRS. WOODROW WILSON fall. ________ scratched the surface and trusted to government board of London, has re­ "Or because somebody has wronged "Was it so unpleasant?” luck, they have had no luck. The most ur signed. He is in disagreement with Wife of President Wilson, who died "On the contrary, I was much Thursday evening, Aug. 6. Inter­ Three Burned to Death successful of the new settlers as a rule the war policy of the government. "Or misjudged us, by us has been amused." ment was at Rome, Ga., the de­ are those from the Palouse country of misjudged?" softly. in Oregon Forest Fire Washington and Idaho, who have "I did not tell you the truth.” President Wilson appealed to the ceased’s girlhood home. "Good gracious!" exclaimed Nora, "So I have found out.” managers of the 98 Western railroads Drain — Three men lost their lives learned the secret of raising good dry springing up. to arbitrate its differences with its country to see that it is observed and in a forest fire which destroyed all the farm wheat, with summer fallow and "I do not believe that it was you," "What is it?" impulsively. men, and the same has been accepted that vessels clearing from American camp equipment and three donkey en­ much working of the soil. "Father is coming up the path!” "Thanks. I had nothing to do with The snowstorm and frost that visit­ gines of the Leona Mills Lumber com­ American tourists in Paris are un­ ports make out the necessary papers. "I am glad to see him. But I do not Miss Harrigan's imprisonment." To supplement this, orders were pany, t\yo miles west of the town of ed all Eastern Oregon and neighboring recollect having seen the face of the able to cash their checks and are "Do you feel that you could make stranded, owing to the Euorpean war. sent to the commander of every rev­ Leona. The fire is still raging and a states early in June reduced the alfal­ man with him." a confidant of me?" fa yield, but did little or no damage to New York bankers will send $3,500,- enue cutter from Eastport, Me., to Se­ large force of men are fighting it. The lithe eagerness went out of He smiled. "My dear Ml3s Four­ ________ The dead are John P. Durfee, Albert grain. attle and Nome, Alaska, to give every 000 in gold to relieve the stress. Nora's body instantly. Everything nier, I have come to the place where possible assistance to the customs offi­ Safley and George Hughes. seemed to grow cold, as if she had be­ I distrust even myself." Choose New State Road Route The American government will al­ cers to avoid violations of the proc­ Hiram Applegate and several others come enveloped in one of those fogs "Forgive my curiosity!" Eugene — With the development in that suddenly blow down menacingly were badly burned. low only strictly censored messages to lamation. Courtlandt held out his cup to Rao. The fire started from a log on which view of a trans-state highway from from hidden icebergs. Fortunately be sent out by the powerful wireless The cutters' cruising grounds cover "I am glad to see you again." stations on the Atlantic Coast. every mile from Maine to Galveston two blasts of dynamite had been the Willamette valley to Eastern Ore the inquiring eyes of the padre were "Ah. Sahib!” placed. One of the charges did not gon, seven government officials left not directed at her. He was here, not and up the Pacific Coast. The little Frenchwoman was tom The dreadnaught Florida, of the U. For the present their officers and expolde and the men were afraid to Eugene Tuesday for Eastern Oregon a dozen yards away, coming toward ■ with curiosity and repression. She S. navy, is stationed in the channel men will act in conjunction with the approach the spot to combat the fire by way of the McKenzie highway and her, her father's arm in ills! After I wanted to know what causes had pro­ the McKenzie pass. leading out of New York, and the cap­ customs officials in port. If there are until it had spread beyond control. what had passed he had dared! It duced this unusual drama which was The trip is a sequel to a similar trip was not often that Nora Harrigan was tain inspects the cargo of every ship reports, however, of strange expedi­ The victims were caught when the unfolding before her eyes. To be pre­ “W ill Y o u F o rgiv e Me? leaving that port. tions in the windings of the coast wind suddenly changed the course of made by the same engineers last year, subjected to a touch of vertigo, but at sented with effects which had no ap­ following which a large sum of govern­ this moment she felt that if she stirred where there are no collectors, and if the fire, surrounding them. It is announced that the Canadian smuggling of arms is attempted, the Mr. Durfee is survived by a wife ment money became available for the ever so little she must fall. The stock gin white and the other Is pagan parent causes was maddening. It was brown.” not dissimilar to being taken to the government will take immediate ac­ cutters will be sent out on patrol duty and two children, and Mr. Hughes development of the McKenzie highway whence she had sprung, however, was ‘Tve got nine pairs of shoes, and second act of a modern problem play tion should any attempt be made to un­ to search the seas. over the Cascades, which was consider­ aggressive and fearless; and by the leaves a bride of three months. duly enhance prices of food stuffs on ed the first step in the creation of a time Courtlandt had reached the outer yet there's always something the mat­ and being forced to leave before the account of the European war. great trans-state highway through markings of the courts, Nora was ter," ruefully. "I never noticed when curtain rose upon the third act. She Steps for Rip Road Made. Thirty-Eight Passengers I put them on. Besides, I wasn't had laid all the traps her intelligent Sisters and Redmond. The route from The American liner St. Paul sailed St. Helens—Filling nine columns in there East is not announced definitely. physically herself again. The advan­ coining." mind could Invent; and Nora had calm­ Are Killed in Collision the local paper, the County court pub­ tage of the meeting would be his. That for Liverpool with one of the largest "That’s no defense. But rest easy. ly walked over them or around. Nora’ s The trip is also considered prelim­ was Indubitable. Any mistake on her Joplin, Mo. Thirty-eight persons eastbound consignments of mail ever mind was Celtic; French in Its adroit­ I’ll be as secret as the grave." lishes this week a complaint filed in inary to further road work on the Mc­ carried by a vessel leaving New York. were killed and 25 injured Thursday the condemnation proceedings for Kenzie highway, which according to part would be playing into his hands. "Now, I for one would never have ness and Irish in its watchfulness and If only she had known! night in a collision between north­ noticed if you hadn’t called my atten­ tenacity. And now she had set her Two large British liners bound from rights of way for the Columbia High­ the plans of the highway engineers, is "Let us go and meet them, padre," tion," said the padre, stealing a glance arts of persuasion in motion (aided by Liverpool to New York took refuge in bound passenger train No. 2, on the way. It is set forth in the bulky com­ to be one of the principal intermoun­ Kansas City Southern railway, and a she said quietly. With her father, the harbor at Halifax, N. S., to avoid plaint that as the Columbia Highway tain highways between the Willamette her mother and the others, the inevit­ at his own immaculate patent leathers. a piquant beauty) to lift a comer of "Ah, padre, that wife of mine has the veil from this man's heart. Check­ German cruisers who were chasing Missouri & North Arkansas railroad is a public necessity it is deemed ad- valley and Central Oregon. able introduction would be shorn of eyes like a pilot-fish. I’m In for it." gasoline motorcar, running on the mate! them. visable to mark out and establish a ------------ its danger. Kansas City Southern track near Tip- "I should like to help you,” she "Borrow one from the colonel before (Grasshopper War Is On. road 60 feet wide through the proper­ When the German ambassador and ton Ford, ten miles south of here. "Nora!" It was her mother calling. you go home," suggested Abbott. said, truthfully. ties described. Sheriff A. B. Lake Salem — Grasshoppers are playing his suite, numbering 100 persons, ar­ She put her arm through the padre’s, Mistaken orders are said to have passed three days in the lower end of “In what way?" "That's not half bad." gratefully. havoc with crops at the farm of the and they went forward leisurely. rived in Harwich, England, a contin­ aused the accident. It was useless, but she continued: Harrigan began to recount the trials the county serving summons in pro­ State Insane asylum. Dr. R. E. Lee gent of the rifle brigade received them Why, father, I thought you weren't Among the injured was Dora Major, “She does not know that you went ceedings for these rights of way. Steiner, superintendent, has reported coming," said Nora. Her voice was of forgetfulness. and presented arms. The ambassador Seattle, Wash. to Flora Desimone's that night." Slyly from the corner of her eye to the State Board of Control that the in reply to the honor raised his hat. without a tremor. With supposedly a clear track "And yet she sent you to watch me." Nora looked at Courtlandt, who was pests have virtually destroyed the po­ Cannery Line Considered. The padre hadn't the least idea that at that moment staring thoughtfully "But so many things happened after­ The Hindus employed at the Ham­ ahead, the passenger train plunged at tato crop and that they are damaging Gresham — A stockholder of the volcano might at any moment open into his tea cup and stirring the con­ ward that she evidently forgot.” mond Lumber company’s mill at As­ full speed into the motorcar, which Fruitgrowers’ association re_ other crops. He says the insects are up at his side. He smiled benignly, "That is possible." toria, Or., are said to be planning to was corning from the opposite direc­ Gresham tents Industriously. His face was ‘Regiments, ports having tentative assurances that | the Kansas variety, "(’hanged my mind." said Harrigan. little thinner, but aside from that he (TO B E C O N T IN U E D .) return to India soon to join in the tion. Each is said to have been run­ battalions and armies of the pests revolution that is expected to ensue, ning 35 miles an hour. The motorcar the O.-W. R. & N. would build a track have swept down upon the farm,’’ Nora. Molly, I want you to meet Mr. had changed scarcely at all; and then was telescoped and its gasoline reser­ to Gresham to handle the business of Courtlandt. I don’t know that I ever while England is involved in war. H e D id n ’t M in d the Crow d. “ We are fighting said anything about It, but his father because these two years had left so voir exploded, throwing burning oil the association cannery if an annual said Dr. Steiner. The most embarrassing moment of little mark upon his face, a tinge of them as best we can, and believe we All the London morning papers, even over the wreckage. income of $500 were guaranteed. The was one of the best friends I ever had. my life was when I once entertained ,e those representing the peace party, The heavy train crushed the motor­ track will run from Troutdale, and the have the better of the situation.” Dr. He was on his way up here, so I came unreasonable anger ran over her. "Men are unanimous in support of the gov­ car like paper anil the crash was im­ route of the road would be up Beaver Steiner said that so far as he had along with him.” Then Harrigan have died and worms have eaten a young man friend at our camp at a ernment’s view that England is bound mediately followed by the fire, which creek and across to Cleveland’s addi­ learned the asylum farm had been the paused and looked about him embar- them," she thought cynically. Perhaps popular lake, on Sunday, writes a Chi­ the air between them was sufficient­ cago Tribune correspondent. The to fight in behalf of France and in the spread death and injury to almost tion. It is estimated the cannery will only sufferer. rassedly. There were half a dozen ly charged with electricity to convey young man had been very attentive all defense of Belgian and Dutch neu­ everyone on the motor. ship out 600 carloads annually in a few unfamiliar faces. the impression across the intervening during our acquaintanceship but I trality. la x Dispute Is Settled. years. The association will take up The colonel quickly stepped into the space; for his eyes came up quickly, never had thought the affair serious. the matter of railroad connection. St. Helens — The County court of breach, and the introduction of Court­ Mexico Peace Near. Secretary Redfield, of the depart­ I went to the car with him and, as but not quickly enough to catch her. Columbia county has settled the tax landt became general. Nora bowed, She dropped her glance to Abbott, usual, there was a crowd there. We Mexico City—Provisional President ment of Commerce, says: “ American and became at once engaged in an an­ (Growers After Cannery Site. crops can and must move to Europe, Carbajal and General Venustiano Car­ dispute by the following order: “ It is transferred it to the Barone, and final­ stood back until the others were on which must have our wheat or starve. ranza, head of the constitutionalist Gresham—A meeting of the Gres hereby ordered that where one-half of imated conversation with the Barone, ly let it rest on her father face. Four board and then he stepped on the first who had Just finished his set victori­ Just as soon as the question of su­ movement have reached a full agree-j ham Fruitgrowers’ association will be | the taxes against any particular parcel handsomer men she had never seen. step and stood talking. premacy of the seas is settled com­ | ment concerning the truning over the •ailed this week to select a site for the j of real property, all the taxes on per- ously. As the car started, I held out my "You never told me you knew Court­ The padre's benign smile slowly merce will be resumed.’’ landt.” said Harrigan, speaking to hand to say good-by and he held it so government to the constitutionalists. co-operative cannery. This announce- sonal property charged against any faded. has been paid before ment is made by President H. E. person Abbott. firmly that I could not escape. Then An official dispatch to St. Peters­ | It is expected that a general amnesty Davis. Six sites in Gresham have April 1 next following the assessment, "Just happened that way. We went he leaned over and kissed me on the burg from Li bau says that a German j will be declared at an early date. Hos­ been offered Field Superintendent and the remaining half is paid before C H A P T E R IX . to school together. When I was little head while I ran along beside the An I cruiser on Sunday bombarded the tow n. tilities have been suspended. Sterling, and Troutdale has offered a September 1 next following, the pay- they used to make me wear curls and moving car in sight of all our camp The cruiser fired 20 shells, one of official announcement was made that free site, trackage and a $1000 bonus. ments so made shall be accepted in full D ic k C o u rtla n d t’s Boy. wide collars Many's the time Court­ friends. which struck the naval hospital. I Carranza would grant the president’s ! Grounds for the new cannery will be payment of all said taxes, without Presently the servants brought out landt walloped the school bullies for Slight damage was done, but no one request concerning guarantees, and' broken by September 1, say the direc- interest or penalty.” the tea-service. The silent dark skinned mussing me up. I don’t see him much M e x ic a n "C a r tw h e e l" Hats. was killed or wounded. The cruiser i that, a peace pact probably would be ’ i tors. Sikh, with his fierce curling whiskers, these days. Once In a while he walks ratified soon. General Villa, like most of his coun­ then departed. his flashing eyes, the semi-military, in. That's all. Always seems to know trymen. has a fancy for large-brimmed Enterprise Camp Moved. Ashland's July Rainfall Tiny. American trans-Atlantic liners have Enterprise The construction camp semi-oriental garb, topped by an enor­ where his friends are. but none ever hats. An American who served for Canada Ruys Submarines. abolished first and third class passages, j Seattle, Wash.—Two powerful sub­ some years as secretary of a Mexican Ashland Rainfall in this locality of the East Oregon Lumber company, mous brown turban, claimed Court­ knows where he Is." and only accept second class or steer­ marine vessels just completed at a Se­ for July was the lightest for years, not which is building a railroad from En- landt's attention; and it may be added Abbott proceeded to elaborate some corporation, says that "the Mexicans age. Many European royal persons attle shipyard for the Chilean navy exceeding i of an inch. «July was also terprise north, has been moved five that he was glad to have something of his friend's exploits. Nora heard, possess a special weakness for hats are accepting second class passage have been sold to the Canadian govern­ an unusually clear month. The hottest miles north of this city. At the lower to look at unembarrassedly. He want­ as if from afar. Vaguely she caught of the cartwheel type. It is by no home on American ships, rather than ment. They proceeded to Victoria, B. day thus far in the season was July 18, end of the road, the company has fin­ ed to catch the Indian's eye. but Rao a glimmer of what the contest was means unusual In Mexico to see a take any chances on foreign vessels. August ished the grade through Enterprise and had no glances to waste; he was con­ going to be She could see only a lit­ man wearing a hat worth $30 or $35. C., wider their own steam. The Chil­ which registered 99 degrees. UP smoky and dry. The local across its millsite, to the point where cerned with the immediate business of tle way; ; still, she was optimistically w hile his suit Is not worth a dime. In Dudley Field Malone, collector of ean government was to have paid a connection will be made with the O.- superintending the service. confident of the result. She was ready. one part of the country a law has been the Port of New York, had all the $500.000 for the submarines, which water »«PP'y. due to extensive im- W. R. ft N. tracks. The switch is on "Oh. yes; I am very fond of Como.’’ Indeed, now that the shock of the foreign consuls in New York before had been christened Iquique and An - 1 provementa in the system, has re- hand for this, and will be put in he found himself replying mechanical meeting was past, she found herself enacted Imposing a fine of $10 on every man found to be wearing a hat more him in the custom house and asked tofagasta, and it is supposed that the niained plentiful. shortly. The East Oregon company ly to Mrs Harr Wan. He gave up Rao not at all averse to a conflict. It would than 39 inches wide." them, upon their honor, to co-operate Canadian government paid this sum in as hopeless so far as coming to his will begin laying steel rails in a few be something to let go the pent-up i Safety Meeting Is Held. with him in seeing that the neutrality cash. There had been a controversy T h e A rtfu l Schem er. Roseburg — The Southern Pacific weeks, and promises trains by October. rescue was concerned. He began, wrath of two years Never would she of the United States is observed. All over whether the boats fulfilled their despite his repugnance, to watch Nora speak to him directly; never would | 'When it comes to ways and means. promise in the contract. company this week held its initial promised to do so. And all the while Mrs Harrigan was she permit him to be alone with her; i my wife Is a wonder." Salmon Pickling Held Vp. “ Safety First” meeting in this city. Nicaragua (Gets $3,000,000. More than 1000 Austrians employed "Some fixer, eh?*’ Employes were present from all sec­ Astoria — The inability to ship talking and he was replying; and she never would she miss « chance to in Windsor, Ont., and vicinity, are be­ "I should say so. Her latest stunt Washington, !>. C. —Secretary Bry­ tions. Superintendent Burkhaltcr pre­ pickled salmon to Germany on account thought him charming, whereas he twist h s heart, to humiliate him, to ing kept under close surveillance by an and General Chamorro, the Nicar- sided. George Wilde, assistant super­ of the war is the cause of considerable had not formed any opinion of her at snub him Is to encourage an affair of the heait *11. nor later could remember a word "So I have heard," she was dimly the authorities. Leaden of the Austro- H aguan minister signed the treaty to intendent of the mechanical depart­ worry among the local packers. Three between the hired girl and the hand­ conscious of saying. Hungarian colony have been officially pay $3.000,000 to the Central Ameri- ment, with headquarters at Portland, of the cold storage plants have stopped of the conversation. some milkman, so the girl will get up “V* -!" b » l e d the colonel The verb "Didu’t knew you knew," said Ab­ warned that any of their countrymen can republic for perpetual inter-oceanic delivered the chief address. The cm- pickling, and during the balance of the early In the morning.’—Pittsburgh who are suspected of conspiring canal rights and naval basis the ployes were asked to offer suggestions season the great bulk of the catch will had Its distinct uses, and one goneral- bott. Dispatch. j and a general discussion followed. go into cans. against Great Britain will be arrested. Gulf of Fonseca. NEWS OF THE WEEK' St. Helens School Board Adopts Entirely New Plan General Resume of Important Events Throughout the World. PLACE HONEY­ MOON & HÀ20LD, MACGIOTi Piclures Delinquent Tax Penalty Decided as 10 Per Cent & n C.D. A RHODES