Oregon H i s tor. 207 SeconJ St 2.000 Vote» 1,000 Vote» Piano Contest Piano Contest For a New Subscriber For a Renewal of Subscription E S T A C A D A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 13. 19 14 NO. 47 o í V O L . 7 Country Club Picnic Cary’s for General Merchandise WATER GERM LADEN News Notes St A YEAR Estacada State Bank The annual picnic of the Gar­ From All Section« field Country Club was held at Mrs. J. \Y. Cahill of Eagle Creek, the club’s grounds Saturday, having received a message from Meet your Friends here August 8 th, and was a big suc­ State Board of Health Reports. her folks in Nebraska of her moth­ er’ s illness, left tor the east Friday. Make it cess from start to finish. C.ARV MERCANTILE CO. FIRE SUPPLY LOW - 1 • A big, happy crowd of about Fred Countryman of Estacada | EST A C A D A . - - - O REG O N . Council Must G et Busy Heights recently sold lots 0 and 7 ' 400 people attended during the "¡day, made up from all sections, New Wafer Supply Must be had for Cily block 2 of Estacada Heights to Mrs. with large delegations from Es­ , A report bar- just been received Nettie Gribbens. Deposit your money here at any time. tacada and George with a goodly ! from the Oregon State f'oard of Miss Rachael Reed of Estacada Draw out your money at any time. sprinkling from points farther Health, by Dr. It. Morse, Esta- left last week to attend the Summer Make use of our checking service. jeada’s health officer, with the Normal School at Gladstone for a away. i few weeks. Many automobile loads of pic- following notation: N o matter the size of your account. A BUGGY, S U R R E Y , H ACK or W AGON? "The examination of the sam­ nicers began arriving in the Mr. and Mrs. I.. F. Fletcher of j F or safety, leave your valuables in the vaults. morning and with the large num­ ple of water received from you Long Reach, California are visit­ If you do, now is the time to buy. ing at the home of their cousin, When you want to borrow' money, either short ber of farm wagons and car­ July 30th showed 350 organ­ For the next 15 days, we will give SPECIAL PRICES and or long time, let us help you. riages, presented the appearance isms per c. c. and colon bacilli ' Vs. Willis Yonce of Estacada. E X IR A PIANO V 0 IE S on the following: of a county fair. positive.” Calvin S. White. \V F'. Carv left this week for a When you want information on good invest­ The program began immediate­ State Health Officer. few days stav at the Cary Hot ments, let us help you. $75. Steel Auto Seat Buggy $68.50 and 15,000 votes Dr. Morse advises everyone to Springs. He is going to see if they ly after dinner and while one or 100. Two Seat Hack 89.00 ’ 20,000 , are as enticing as his advertisements For your insurance, our service is of the best. two of the scheduled speakers drink only boiled water for the say. 85. Two Seat Hack 74.50 ’ 17,000 ’ Feel at home to avail yourself of our conservative were not present, their absence present at least. This propor­ 135. Family Surrey, Canopy Top 108.00 ’ 25,000 The Misses Klnora and loleati banking service. was more than made up by im­ tion of bacilli in one cubic centi- 125. Mandt Wagon complete, Christiansen of Minneapolis, are ; meter of water, means the ptvs- promptu speakers. double box and spring seat 100.00 ’ 25,000 ’ U R 0 Y D. WA1 M R . President visiting this week in Garfield as the Mr. E. VV. Bartlett of Esta­ enee of 22,400 microbes to each gtiests of the Misses Roberta and THOMAS YOCUM. Vice President 60. Lorain Steel Range 50.00 ’ 15,000 ’ cada acted as master of ceremon­ ordinary eight ounce glass of Elizabeth Reid IHWJN D. WRIGHT« Cdshier 50. Service R ange 40.00 ’ 10,000 ’ drinking water. ies and with Mr. Guy Hunt, the Any DeLaval Separator from 65. to 90.00 ’ 20,000 ’ Interest paid on time deposits. Mr. C. K. Kllison, wife and two club’s president, handled the | Dr. Morse states that the colon I children ot Norton, Virginia are ■ These prices are good for 15 DAYS. If you are going program in good style. Among, bacillus is plentifully found in ! visiting at the home of his brother the speakers were Doctor Withy- the intestinal tract of man and of R. F. Ellison, on Kstaeada Bou­ to need any of these articles within the next year, buy now combe, the republican candidate the higher animals. Its presence levard. and save from 15 to 25 ‘A*. for governor and Frank Gill, the; in drinking water indicates that Mr. and Mrs. F.d Shearer of Gar- i Progressive candidate; both gave the water at some point has been field entertained over Sundav as I The E ST A C A D A F U R N IT U R E CO. are now ready good addresses and kept away infected with dejecta from man guests Mr and Mrs. \V T, Fttl- to begin the sale of their famous 300 PIEC ES of from the subject of politics. C. j or animals. Drinking water may ner and Frank Ball of Portland. Mrs Shearer returned home with Hardware, h arn e ss and Implements FRENCH BLUE ENAMELED WARE Schuebel of Oregon City gave an ; contain many bacteria that are them for a visit. impromptu talk, as well as Rev.! harmless but the colon bacillus is j This handsome FRENCH BLUE ENAA\F.LED WARE Rees of Estacada and Dr. Nugent not one of these ana its presence j Prin Ford of the Estacada and the R A N G E TO BE G IV E N A W A Y are of Newbuiyport, Mass., the lat­ in Estaeada’s water, makes it; Schools attended a meeting of the now on exhibition in their store windows. IT WILL DO YOU GOOD ter is spending his vacation in , unfit to drink, or for domestic' board of directors of the Willamette University- at Salem last week. T o each piece of this ware, is attached a duplicate number, use, such as washing of foods, 1 Mr. Ford is a director of that insti­ to set: how vour horses will go Garfield. the purchaser receiving one number and the duplicate One of the pleasing features of etc. Typhoid fever is a disease ! tution, as well as an alumnus. into the feed we provide. No is retained by the company for the drawing. that frequently occurs in ear’y \ the program was the newly or­ indifference, no mussing with the feed but just straight eating. ganized and well dri led Garfield! autumn following a hot dry sum - 1 Miss. Nina Taylor of Ctirrrins- On a certain dav, notice to be given in advance, after the ville and Miss Echo Githens of Als- If vour horses are ‘ off their band, which rendered many good' mer, such as the present season. last piece of this famous FRENCH BLUE ENAMELED natiglt are attending the teachers Water containing sewerage con­ training school at Gladstone at pres­ teed" give them some of ours. selections. WARE has been sold, a drawing of the lucky In the forenoon the baseball | tamination is peculiarly danger­ ent. Miss Taylor will be in charge Y o u 'll see a quick cure and a number will take place and the party holding bettered condition that mean game was won by the single, ous at such a time and should be | of the Cttrrinsville school for the the winning number receives the men, against the married ones.! thorough!/ boiled before using. ensuieg year. more work and better. Isn't In fact the ‘‘baby carriage push-! $ 5 0 .0 0 S IL E L RANGE FRtt. Dr. Adix, in a recent report, j Doc Palmateer of Garfield, recent­ that what you are after ? ers” lost to the youngsters in the tug-of-war contest, too. The I states that the wt.ter from all of I ly returned from a trip onto the One number is attached to each article, regardless of races and athletic events were the springs in or adjacent to the tipper waters of Roaring River and its selling price. Each article is sold at a very in charge of Harley Trowbridge city is more or less contaminated, reports that the httckelberrv crop Is Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. reasonable price and is of the best of quality. a complete failure this year, with and drew a big crowd of contest­ with the least contamination in hardly a berry in the famous ants and onlookers. Call at the store at once, for the 300 pieces will soon be sold. the water from the old brick | Huckleberry Patch. The dance in the evening drew yard spring and the one in Esta-1 the biggest crowd that ever at­ Estacada Furniture Co. $ 2 a day $ t o a week Remember there will be an im­ tended at the club, in fact the cada Park. Green Trading Stamp« U N D ER TAK ERS portant special meeting of the Cold, clear water is not neces­ Estacada Development League . dancing floor was too crowded, but r.ll thoroughly enjoyed them­ sarily fit to drink, as most of the 1 next Monday night at 8 P. M. at selves. wells on the Estacada lower o r , the C I. C. Rooms to consider M O D ERN C O N V E N IE N C E S Much credit and thanks are upper flats receive a strong :m - 1 several important matters. All One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast due the officers and members of men are invited to attend. the Garfield Country Club for the pregnation from sewerage, to l-: Local and Tourist Trade Solicited lets and barn yards, even if sev­ At the coming Portland Land successful picnic and the good; time it gave everyone. The Gar-! eral hundred yards distant ■ Products Show, the Portland Rail­ field Country Club is one of the in­ There is a hard sub-strata under-! way, Light & Power Co. will in­ stitutions that the Estacada coun­ lying this city and all sewerage stall and operate a miniature farm, Palace Meat Market using electricity as the sole motive try is proud of and long may it We handle only the best of meats continues its good work, or rath­ readily passes along or through power. This exhibit will be com­ it, until it reaches a well or plete in every detail and will occupy er its good play. Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. about 600 square feet. spring. A com pete line of fresh and salt meats. County Court Marshal Ames made a trip Fresli vegetables in their season. The J. W. Reed family and rela­ and R ailw ay C om pany Wednesday along the creek tives. who made a week’s trip by Fresh E ggs and Butter. A t n meeting held last week be­ which furnishes Estacada’s water auto, from Estacada to tire Tilla­ FRED J0RG, Proprietor tween the Clack.imns County Court supply, to see if anything can he mook beaches, returned home last and llie I'. R. L & P. Co.’ s repre­ done to lessen this condition. Saturday. Mr. Reed reports the Widely scattered have been built by the sentative, Mr. F. I) Hunt, the rail­ The water is low in the creek, in roads as being extra dusty, but with fact so low that ir. case a fire Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. for way (.onipanv agree to immediately the exception of a "blow-out” (of build tile needed switch track at should break out in Estacada the tires) on the return tiip, no the purpose of providing Barton to allow of early shipping of now, there would not be suf­ “ The Busy Store” trouble was encountered. the gravel from those pits to E sta ­ ficient water to light it for over aud the Reliable Electric Service fifteen minutes. cada and other points. Frank 'Ewing and Fled Roblev of to its patrons. Through high tension trans­ Th e Estacada Gravel Bunkers Leading Grocery Store The Progress does not like to the Upper Dam and Faraday, with were defeat-d temporarily, owing have to chronicle such a condi­ their wives and Robley Jr. left last mission lines, each of these generating of to the high estimated cost of the tion of Estacada’s water, for it week for a two weeks outing in the plants are intercommunicative, so that the ESTACADA. - > - OREGON work and the county dots not feel does not act as a good advertise­ mountains. They will make Three service is insured against unforseen inter­ that it can afford to spend such an 1 ment tor the town, but under the Links their headquarters aud fish ruptions. Phone. Main 76. POP. Who'eaaie and Retail amount. The trestle for the Esta-, conditions it is necessary to warn the nearhv waters. They also ex ­ cada hunker system would cost a ; all users for the present to boil | pect to get their share of venison, W HERF LO C ATED large sum as it would have to be ‘ the water first as they have planned a" side-trip to R. G. MARCHBANK Portland (2 ) over 100 yards long and the other lop of Shell Rock mountain, The city council will have to the Oregon City CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM part of the installation would be ex- ; where deer are usually plentiful gpt busy at once and arrange for this time of the season. Silverton SMOKING ARTICLES TOBACCO pensive. a new water supply or filtration LIGHT LUNCH CIGARS Cazadero For this season, Estacada will system for the city. This move-, have to he content with unloading ment should not be put aside tin- > Mr. W. P. Bartlett of Eau Estacada Clair. Wisconsin, father of E. W. ESTACADA, - - - OREGON its gravel by hand, as formerly. Bull Run til some latter date. The side ­ Bartlett of Estacada, arrived Just as soon as the gravel is laid walks. sewers and street im­ Boring In Portland Tuesday, where down here, the may.;r states that provements can wait as they TRADE AT THE E. W. Bartlett joined him and St. Johns the work will begin on the intprove- have been for past years, if n c- from there make a trip to Coos Salem tng of Main and Second Sts. from essary, for they do not effect the Bay to visit Stanley Bartlett Dale’ s corner to the Drug Store. health of the people as vitally as another son and incidentally look for Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. the water supply do s, but some­ over some lumber interests there Fancy Groceries. Bakery Goods. Confectionery thing must he done at o ce to Mr. Bartlett, Sr., is 80 years old W ooster-T racy W ed d in g Get S. A H. Tradinf Stamp.. C. H. UCHTHORN, Prop. Broadway and Alder Streets supply Estacada with g od water. fcnd is making the trip alone. Miss Malile T racy of Garfield Phones: Marshall 510U Home A-6131 This sounds simple enough, After the Coos Bay trip. W. P. and Harold Wooster of Spring- All I ask Bartlett expects to make an ex­ but unpollute ! water in sufficient water, who have been friends since Is a chance to figure on your childhood, were quietly wedded at quantity is hard to get here, tended visit in Estacada. Vancouver, Wash, last Wednesday. even with Estacada surrounded Most of the enterprising mer­ Only the immediate family were with mountain streams. It looks present. After a short wedding as though Oregon City will change chants of Estacada are using CHAS. M. SPARKS, Eatacada, Orepoa trip they will make their home in the course of their pipe line, go­ some special inducement to stim­ If the European war continues, look out for prices to jump G . Krigbaum of Garfield reports The Estacada Cougar Kxtermi- Estacada, where the groom is in ing over the ridge down along ulate trade at their respective on WHEAT and FLOUR. Now is your time to buy that the Pease property of 20 acres, Society held another session Satur­ charge of the rural delivery on Clear Creek, so it is not likely stores. Many of them are using which was formerly a part of the day with the River Mill cougar, Route 3 The Progress and their that any help will .come from tne green trading stamps or simi­ Krigbaam ranch, has been sold again but aside from three long dist :nce many friends wish them all kinds that contemplated work. M'ater lar bonus tickets. Finch and the could be obtained from the North Progress are finding the free pi­ to a Mr Emerick of the O. W . R. shots taken by Bill Voderwood, the of success Fork, but it means a big expen­ ano offer a valuable business & N . R y. of Portland. It is hoped cougar is still cougaring. That It is reported that Miss Delia diture of money and the city stimulant, and now the Estacada the present owner will be able to cougar might just as well give up arid Ret the liest. before the advance. continue the improvement of thei and lie down like a good fur rug. Rvnniug of E s ’ acada. one of last is bonded to the limit now. Some . Furniture Co. is offering a first- Manufactured by Dement Bros. Co. Walla Walla. Wash. property and there t- a likelihood of for the Cougar Society will surely year’ s High School graduates, has solution to this problem must he class steel range free, as a prem­ Sold only by J. F. Lovelace, Estacada, Oregon Mr. Emerick and family locating I get him. with the help of Jones accepted a position as teacher at presented very soon and the city ium to the lucky purchaser of 1 Dufur, Ore. for the coming season. council must get busy. I their new line of enameled ware, Sjierial prices in quantity lots. GRAIN OF ALL k i n d s w a n t e d . here permanently. hounds. [ S I M M S WfiTES POLLUTED YOUR BANK Do Yogi Need $50. Steel Range FREE Bert H. Finch - - - The Hotel Estacada Ten Electric Generating PLANTS Waterbury and Chapman ESTACADA HOME B AK E R Y Plumbing and Electric Wiring WAR! WAR! Dements Best Flour Soc.