POULTRY —— ■ and Dairy Produce of all kinds wanted. W rite for our CASH OFFER New Railroad to Coos Bay Now Seems Sure NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. EUROPE PREPARED Trium ph» of American Medicine. In 1914 m edical science will save 570.000 lives in the United S tates, as a result of the progress th a t m edicine has m ade in 24 years. Applying to the whole country the death ra te th at obtained in 1890 this year would w it­ ness the death of 1,960,000 people. Ap­ plying the death rate of 1912 the total num ber of deaths will approxim ate 1,- 390.000 people. Enough people to pop­ ulate a city like Baltim ore will be saved in a single year by the progress of medical science. The whole world was stirred to the core when th e T i­ tanic went down, and yet the toll of 500 T itanics would not be as g re at as the num ber of lives saved in a single year by medical science, com paring 1890 with 1912.—W ashington Post. THREE “WINNERS" Portland The w ar scare in Europe tra c t of Douglas fir near Sutherlin. and the higher prices in the foreign The contract for the grading of this m arkets was the cause of a consider- j A STRONG STOMACH section will be let next week. able flurry in the N orthw estern w heat F ifteen surveyors are now working m arkets. Several buyers jum ped into LIVER ACTIVITY running a line through the Cascade the m arket and by raising th e ir bids BOWEL REGULARITY range. found a good m any farm ers w illing to Officers and directors of the com­ let go. It is not known how much It is impossible for you pany will l»e elected next month. w heat changed hands, but the q u antity The announcement th a t the railroad j was considerable. The buying was Communications Cut O ff Retu'een to be strong and robust— Countries , Trains Halt and would be realized also practically on the basis of 79 to 80 cents for club. to be able ‘‘to win,” if assured Sutherlin of two new sawm ills | Local b u tte r prices were advanced 2 Censorsnips General. you do not possess these and a box factory, construction of 1 cents to the 30-cent basis for prints. which will s ta rt a t once. All the cream eries did not join in the three essentials; but there The incorporators of the new ra il­ advance, but the new price may be M ig h t Repeal H is Lea rning. is a splendid opportunity, London — An extraordinary council road are George H. Glynn, Charles A. general th is week. A t the sam e tim e, In the old days, when oral exam ina­ with the assistance of S tark and C harles E. Lemon, all of some of the city cream eries raised of m inisters held a t Peterhof, a ccord-1 tions were still the thing, an exam in­ ing to a St. Petersburg dispatch to the Sutherlin. th eir buying price of b u tte r fa t to 29 Tim es, was confronted Saturday night ing board was pommeling an appli­ can t with questions from Blackstone, cents. T here has been a seasonable Lil era! Term s W rite for our Proposition. w ith a modified situation, resulting K ent and other legal lights. L 'ery th n g for the Orchard. Kami. Carden decline in cream receipts, and a t the assurances by the Germ an a m - j “ I didn’t study anything about these and Lawn. j same tim e an increase in the demand from bassador, following m essages ex­ fellows,” complained the applicant. YAKIMA AND COLUMBIA RIVER NURSERY CO. for b u tte r is reported. NÜRTH YAKIMA, WASH. “ W hat did you study?” asked one changed between the Russian emperor, Several sales of 1913 hops w ere re ­ the Germ an em peror and K ing George. of the judges. YAKIMA CKOHN i i the BEST GUARANTEE “ 1 studied the statutes of the sta te ,” to restore these organs to The impression among the m inisters, ported, the first business of this kind a normal condition and the dispatch adds, is th a t Germ any is he replied. “ I studied them hard. Ask done for some tim e past. The S te­ me a question about them and I’ll R. R. Graves, professor of D airying, When corn is frosted before it has disposed to bring influences to bear up­ show you. T hat is where I got my phenson lot of 44 hales, and a 59-bale thus promote health and DAISY FLY KILLER B r i i T E ii S Oregon A gricultural college, sta te s reached the desirable stage of m atur­ on A ustria to resum e diplom atic con­ legal knowledge.” flics. Neat, clean, or­ th a t corn is the principal silage crop ity, it should be put into the silo at lot a t H ubbard changed hands a t 12 strength—Start today. namental. convenient, versations on grounds acceptable to “ My young friend,” said one austere cheap. L a s ts a ll because it will produce more food m a­ once. If left standing in the field for cents. T here was a rum or th a t two the other European powers, and there judge on the exam ining board, “you s e a s o n . M.„le of large blocks of Independence hops, one metal, can’tsp 11 or tip terials to the acre than other crops; any length of tim e a fte r frosting, w a­ would b e tte r be very careful, for some seems some hope of a compromise. over ; will n.t s lor H a W o u l d F i n d Out. is easier to harvest and put into the te r should be added to replace th a t lost am ounting to 1400 bales and the other Inj ure anything. day the legislature m ight m eet and 600 bales, w ere sold. The price was Guaranteed efT. H enry Irving, in his early days, once silo than such crops as clover, oats and by evaporation. Very dry corn put in­ repeal everything you know.”—Nor­ Bold by dealer», or L ondon- There are only two factors played a p a rt which in the first act 6 sent Ly rjyrc»»pre­ vetch, and oats and peas; it m akes a to the silo w ithout adding w ater is reported a t 14 cents, and the deal was giving the fa in test hope of a verting a folk Ledger-Dispatch. paid for $1. called for a dark Btage. In this d ark­ said to have been negotiated a t Lon­ cleaner-flavored, more palatable silage likely to mold, or “ fire-fang.” KAMQLD bOMLKd. 100 D eJU lb B rooklyn. M. t general European war. ness he fought with an old earl, threw S u n l i g h t In t e n si f ie d than other crops and it packs well and W here possible, it is advisable to don. No business is passing in the him heavily and, when he did not rise F irs t— R ussia and A ustria are en­ 1914 crop. By Reflection from Ocean Beach and contains the proper amount of sugar cure legumes for hay and grow corn Desert Sand unrelieved by Foliage. Winds a fte r the loud thud of his fall, Irving There was a heavy supply of nearly gaged again in direct negotiations. f i t k n i f LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED to produce the proper amount of acid for silage, but it often happens in Second — Roth G reat B ritain and ami Mineral Laden, Poisonous Dust, all would cry out: I I I / l l .M hr Cutter's Blackleg Pill». Low- ail kinds of fru it on the stre e t and “G reat heavens! W hat have I 1 / M r i V 1 » . priced, fresh, roll.,: I - preferred by for the best preservation and for the W estern Oregon th a t the w eather con­ France are using th e ir utm ost endeav­ bring Eye Troubles in their wake—Granu­ Western stockmen because they pro­ lated Eyelids, Red, Itching, Burning, Tired done?” ditions are unfavorable for curing hay business was brisk. tect where other vaoclnoi fail. best quality of silage. ors in favor of peace. and Watery Eves, Impaired Vision and One night he played the part in a Write for booklet and testimonials. Oregon peaches sold a t a range of Corn should preferably be cut for a t the tim e when the crop is ready to On the other hand, Russia has or­ Eve Pain. Reliable Relief is found in sm all English town. A stage hand 10-dose pkge. Blacking Pills $1.00 In th is case, the crop may be 25 to 60 cents, according to quality. silage when the kernels are past the cut. 50-dose pkge. Blackleg Pills 4.00 Murine Eye Remedy, Mild and Harmless. dered a general m obilization and Ger- was very much im pressed with the C'se any lnleotor. tut Cutter's be t W heat — Track prices: Club, 790/ If you Wear Glasses, Try Murine. Doesn’t Tne superiority of Cutter products Is due to over 15 milk stage and are glazed and dented put into the silo and if cut a t the right you is of specializing in vaocines and serums only. '•'mart. Feels Fine. Acts Quickly. Is an play and to him the scenes quickly and the lower leaves of the p lant are stage and e x tra care is taken to pack 80c per bushel; forty-fold, 80(i/81c; Insist on Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct. Eye Tonic compounded by Oculists—not a became real. So th a t w hen Irving THE CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkeley. California. turning brown. Resides m aking a the silage thoroughly, a very palatable bluestem , 83c; red Russian, 78c; T ur­ Patent Medicine”—but used in successful reached the climax, felled the old earl key red, 81c; valley, 81c. more acid silage, im m ature corn is not feed will be had. Owing to the high Physicians’ Practice for many years. Now to the ground and spoke the line, M ilifeed— Bran, $23/ranula.ted E y e lid s ; N o Sm art lu g — which are the busiest fly catchers, but fru it than those listed also is invited, J u st.K y e C om fort. W rite fo r Book o f th e Kyi* th a t when they leave there has got to box; new, 75c@$1.50; apricots, 75c0/ which could only be determ ined upon It?” and if funds will allow, prem ium s will “ Fred, do you rem em ber where you by m a il F r e e . M u rin e E y e R em ed y Co., C h icago. “ Why, I did, mamma, and she said Unofficially the were in 1910?” asked the bride of a be a more thorough cleaning up or old be awarded. A speed program will $1.25; cantaloupes, $1.750/2 per c rate; the eve of war. I couldn’t.”—Boston T ranscript. few months. fly conditions will be repeated. take place Septem ber 10, 11 and 12. peaches, 250i 75c per b o x ; plums, 75c French arm y is being virtu ally mobil­ J u s t So. “Why, no, dear, I don’t rem em ber N ineteen other c ities sta rte d a n ti­ The purses for the various events total (a $1.50; w aterm elons, lJOYlJc Per ized. T here was a young woman of W or­ “Why do you call yourself a ton- fly work this year but none o f them $2400. exactly,” replied the- young husband. casabas, $2.50 per dozen; A circum stantial, though as yet un­ cester, In addition to the racing, pound; sorial a rtis t? ” “W hy do you ask ? ” pears, $2 per box; blackberries, 750/ confirmed report, published in Rome, Who won much fam e as a borcester. has approached success so closely as aeroplane flights and a W ild W est “It’s this way,” explained the bar­ “Why, I was reading today in the W hen asked why such praise 90c per c ra te ; grapes, $20/2.25. says th a t Germ any is about to demand Dr. Hodge believes, how­ show will be a ttractions. ber. And then he w ent on to illustrate Eugene. paper th a t it is said th a t in 1910 one Always filled all her lays. P otatoes—-Oregon, new, l j c pound. from both R ussia and France the im­ ever, th a t the educational work has with a few cuts.— Pittsburg Post. person In every 800 in the United Eggs — F resh Oregon ranch, case m ediate cessation of m obilization. Said: “A chicken can crow like a S tates was in prison.” been sufficient to furnish a good basis ro rc e ste r!” Valley Exhibit at Pana­ count, 236/ 23(c per dozen; candled, 26 Y et another rum or has it th a t the Ger­ for satisfacto ry elim ination next year. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not man am bassador has notified the ma-Pacific Seems Sure 0/ 27c. A fter 33 years of continuous service stain the hands. Poultry — Hens, 140015c per pound; French governm ent of his departure. Missing Sheepman Dead. as a tru stee of Columbia U niversity, Salem — T hat W illam ette valley springs, 160/17c; turkeys, 20c; d ress­ G reat B ritain is practically, though Seth Low has resigned. For 10 years Lakeview —The body of W illiam K. products will be well represented a t T he school th at g e ts you a Classified. ed, choice, 25c; ducks, 10 08 11c; not officially, mobilized, and the sm all­ of this period, from 1890 to 1900, Mr. good position. W henever we see a man who w ears Barry, G5 years old, a prom inent the Panam a-Pacific exposition was geese, 10c. e r European states, as a precaution, Low was president of the university. Thousands of Graduates a big, flashy diamond ring we expect sheepman of Lakeview, was discovered assured a t a m eeting of the W illam ­ B u tter— Cream ery prints, e x tra , 27( have ordered the m obilizatoion of th eir NONE IDLK I to h ear him say “them kind” and “has Thursday by a searching party. Mr. e tte Valley Exposition association. 0830c per pound; cubes, 210824c. Ants have been found in Dalm atia arm ies — Belgium, Holland and Sw itz­ FR EE INFORMATION I OLDEST w ent.”—Chicago Record-Herald. th a t actually m ake bread by chewing Barry, who had large holdings in Members reported th a t much headway erland, to protect th e ir te rrito ry from Pork— Block, 110/ l l ( c per pound. W a s h in g to n and 10 th S ts . I M OST seeds into pulp, form ing it in loaves, sheep, w ent to the camp a few days had been m ade in th e ir sections to­ being used as a highway fo r the bel­ baking them in the sun and then sto r­ V eal—Fancy, 13(0/ 14c per pound. PORTLAND. ORK. I MODERN ward obtaining exhibits and th a t the ago and from th ere sta rte d to the ligerents; Norway, Sweden and Den­ ing them away for future use. DON’T SUTTER WITH ITCHING range. L ater his driving team was people w ere deeply interested in m ak­ mark to guard them selves on general A V a in Hope. ing the best showing possible. S e a ttle — B u tte r will advance 2 cents seen w ith part of the harness and his principles. My, w hat relief!—The m oment res- H e’s aw ay on his vacation. “ W hat are you saving all your George M. Hyland, director of ex­ per pound for this w eek, jobbers at riding horse was found dead. His inol ointm ent touches any itching skin, T hat most im portant man. money for?” asked the man who the itching stops and healing begins. friends sent a p arty to search for the ploitation of the sta te com m ittee, an­ last being compelled to yield to the Noted Socialist Leader Funny how the shop keeps open, doesn’t h esitate to ask questions. W ith the aid of resinol soap, it quickly m issing man. He was found near the nounced th a t he had made arrange­ dim inished supply of cream and the | W ithout his brain to plan! “ I w ant to become Independent,” re­ Is Slain in Restaurant rem oves all trace of eczema, rash, tet­ camp. Indications w ere th a t he was m ents for the construction of booths so conditions th a t have long prevailed in plied tin? conscientious citizen, "so ter, ringworm , pimples or o ther ugly, killed b y lightning. Many a m an has his hands open to th a t all p a rts of the sta te would have other large d istrib u tin g centers. P aris—Jean Leon Juares, the noted th a t 1 can serve my fellow men w ith­ torm enting eruption, and leaves the plenty of space. T here has been considerable cheap Socialist leader, was assassinated S at­ receive the girl of his choice only she out thought of com pensation.’’ objects to going into the hands of a skin clear and healthy. It is equally Those a t the m eeting were, A. O. b u tte r on th e m arket, one lot of 300 “ Nonsense! If you ever get th at urday night when dining in a small res­ receiver. Agent of Capital Leaves. effective for sunburn, insect bites, N. E. B ritt, cubes being offered, but w ithout sale, tau ra n t near the bourse. much money your fellow men will The assas­ sores, boils, burns, red, rough hands, N orth Rend—W. J. W ilsey, of P o rt­ Sarff, M cM innville; regard you with fierce suspicion as a N ew berg; H. Dunsmore, Independence; around 22c, cube basis. This grade dandruff and falling hair. sin was arrested, but refused to dis­ T hat shooting of police by police in land, who represents E nglish, Scottish You need never hesitate to use res­ and French capital, le ft here T hurs­ H. G. Campbell, D allas; C. A. Mur­ serves but th e one purpose of dem or­ close his identity. L ater he was iden­ Chicago was uneventful. They didn’t representative of big business.”— W ashington Star. inol. It is a doctor’s prescription that day a fte r a tw o d a y s’ v isit, being phy, C orvallis; Chris Myhre, Junction alizing the m arket w ithout accom ­ tified as Raoul Villain, 29 years old, hit a single innocent bystander. has been used by o ther physicians for C ity; C. H. S tew art, A lbany; E. C. plishing any perceptible price changes. | and said to be the son o f a clerk of unable to negotiate for property he H e r W e a k Point. Ice men are threatened with arrest. the past 19 years in the treatm ent of Roberts, L ebanon; L. D. Pettyjohn, The fa ilu re of the cream supply has the civil court a t Rheims. “ Had to get rid of my stenogra­ m ost sorts of skin affection. Unlike had intended to buy. But the charges will probably melt St. P au l; Ered S. Bynon, Salem ; and forced on a firm er tone, and th e out­ The m inister of the interior, Louis Rw&y before they get into court. Absence of owners and unprepared­ pher.” m any o th er rem edies, it contains abso­ O. E. F rey tag , Oregon City. look for n e x t week, w ith still fu rth e r Malvy, on learning of the crim e, left “ W asn’t she speedy enough at dic­ lutely nothing th a t could injure the ness on the p a rt of others is the chief reductions in b u tte rfa t is steady. the m eeting of the council and ordered tenderest skin. Resinol ointm ent and cause of Mr. W ilsey’s sudden d e p a rt­ P resident W ilson was downed by a tation ?” Fires Raging Near Baker. "Y es; but it took h e r all day to resinol soap a re sold by all druggists. ure. The bulk o f egg sales w ere evenly precautions to be taken to prevent dinner. Even old man H uerta bit off Some of the deals Mr. W ilsey m ore than he could swallow. Look out for w orthless Im itations.— had in m ind w ere of v ita l in te rest to sharpen a lead pencil.”— Dallas News. B aker — F orest fires are reported divided betw een the 29c and 30c levels, dem onstrations. Adv. M. Ja u res was seated a t a table near hundreds of people here and g re at dis­ from the B urnt R iver section and from but jobbers w ere slow about pushing appointm ent prevails th a t the Kinney the E lkhorn m ountains, to the w est of the extrem e top, fearful o f c u ttin g off an open window, facing the Rue Mont­ T h e Retort Courteous. Should the m ark e t rise m artre, ch attin g w ith several Socialist | e state was not ready for his atten tio n . Baker. F orest Supervisor Palm er is th e trade. Dr. Oliver W. Holmes was sm all ir about 30c a t th is tim e, it is believed deputies and the editors of the l ’Hu- out w ith a force of men fighting the stature. Upon one occasion he was th e demand would fall so fa r th a t a m anite. As though by prearrange-1 Show Samples Gathered. present at a m eeting which happened flames, which have not gained much m ent, the curtain covering the window j surplus would be shown. to be attended by a num ber of verj Oregon City — The work of p re p ar­ headway. In the Elk Horn3 the fire large men, thus m aking his diminu ing the fru its and g rains for th e San is e atin g into valuable green tim ber, I H eavy sp rin g chickens w ill be lower was lightly brushed aside and a hand, : holding a revolver, was th ru st > tive size ra th e r conspicuous in con Francisco exposition to represent the but in the B urnt R iver section nothing i next week. trast. One of these m en—doubtless W illam ette valley is progressing ra p ­ except second-growth and small trees | Eggs — Select ranch, 29(0 30c per through. Before M. Jaures could move he re­ wishing to m ake him feel a t ease— dozen; Chinese, 18c; local A prils, 26 idly. O. E. F reytag, publicity di­ are endangered a t present. No reports I (a 28c. cam e up to him and said: ceived two bullets in the head. “W ell, Dr. Holmes, I should think ; rector of the Oregon City Commercial have been received of any farm houses Dressed B eef — Prim e b e ef steers, several \ you would feel ra th e r sm all among j club, is in charge. Dozens of ja rs of being destroyed, although 1 2 (0 /13c per pound; cows, 12c; h eif­ A ll Dispatches Refused. fru its and small vegetables are pre­ ranches are in the d istrict. a ll these fellows.” ers, 12c. Berlin — All dispatches refused by “ I do.” replied the doctor. “I feel pared and the grain is being dried out. Poultry — Hens, 150/17c per pound; the authorities as objectionable are like a 3-cent piece am ong a lot of W heat, oats, several varieties of hay Roseburg Out for War. squabs, $2.500/3 per dozen; 1914 broil­ pennies.”—New York Globe. and many other grain s are in the col­ R oseburg - “ Railroad D ay” was ob-J ers, live, 190/25c; per pound; duck­ now being returned to the senders, and lection. One sam ple of w heat m eas­ served in Roseburg to prevail on j a rigid censorship on telegram s to all lings, 140815c; old ducks, live, 130/. ures nearly eight feet. parts of the world has been put into voters of the city to sign the in itia- [ 14c; geese, live, 150/ 16c. f operation. Official confirmation of the tiv e p etitions authorizing an amend-1 B u tter— W ashington cream ery firsts, First Seed Wheat Sold. m ent to the ch arter of Roseburg and cubes, 28c per pound; do. bricks, 29c; reported blowing up by Russian troops T o n m a n y p e o p le nre m ie t i b y th e s h o r te s t P e r h a p s hi* th in k s h * !* t e l l in g th « tr u th , to th»* b a rgain en d o f a d o lla r . For hut h e h a s o n e e y e on th e r u sh r e g ister a n “* Baker—The first w heat of the sea­ providing for the issuance of railroad c ity cream ery, bricks, 29c; Oregon, of the railroad bridge betw een Gran- r th o u a t te reason th ey te m p t a clerk to Blip th e m t ’o th e r on t h e e x tr a p ro fit. I n s is t tin» ica, Russian Poland, and Szozakova and The j 28c; jobbing basis, 25(0626(c. son was sold by J . H. Myers, when he bonds in th e sum of 1500,000. S. M. S. It la y o u r o n ly s a fe g u a r d again. . Galicia, on the railroad from W arsaw th e c h e a p m in eral s tu ff t h a t c a n bo put up brought in 300 bsuhels of the T urkey election will be held in Roesburg Oc­ Dressed V eal—lBc per pound. in a n y c e lla r by th e a p p r e n tic e . It m ay b« necessary for you to take a to Vienna, was received here. Crown red variety from the m achine and dis­ tober 5. The bonds are to be sold to j Dressed Hogs — W hole, T h e r e Is n o t a m ed ic in e for a n y p u rp ose position tom orrow. Are you ready? Our packing Prince Frederick W illiam of Germany mt*re c a r e f u lly m a d e th a n S. S. S. It rep­ train in g w ill At you for bu sin ess if«. posed of it to a seed company for 70 a bond house or corporation, but not house, 13c per pound. r i n t s th e h ig h e s t ty p e o f m ed ic in e . Itl was appointed to the command of the until the railroad from Roseburg to cents a bushel. The w heat was of the CO URSES IN m ed ic a l p rop erth -s a r e Just a s e s se n tia l t.> Dressed S pring Lam b — 13c per F irst Division of the Im perial Guards. w e ll b a la n c e d h e a lth , i f th e blood be s ic k , finest quality and brought the top price Marshfield is completed and in opera­ pound. a s a r e th e n o u r is h in g e le m e n ts o f m ea ts, of the m arket. H arvest is now on in tion will the money be turned over to era Ins, f a t s a n d s u g a r s o f ou r d a ily food. Dressed M utton— 100/l i e per pound. S. H. S. is p r e p a r e d d ir e c t from n a tiv e Japan to Hold Off to Last. full blast in Baker county and about builders of the road. Beets— New, $1.50 per sack. b o ta n ic a l m a te r ia l. N o t a drop o f drug i 50,000 bushels of early w heat will be San Francisco— “ Jap an will be the Is Hddcd. N o t a drop o f m in e r a ls Is u sed . Cabbage— I-ocal, $2 per cwt. T h is la o n e o f th e m o st im p o r ta n t thin«.» on the m arket in a few weeks. Auto Trade Shows Cain. Com —G reen, local. $1.250/1.50 per last nation to enter the vortex th a t is to k n o w nnd to rem em b er w h en you r blood n eeds a t te n t io n . Salem —T h at the autom obile busi­ box of 6 to 8 dozen.; $2.250/ 2.50 per now threaten in g E urope,” said Y. It Is th e m o st e ffe c tiv e , th e p u r e st, th e Numano, Japanese consul general at Astoria Salmon Catch Good. ness is m aking large gains in Oregon sack. q u ic k e st a n d m o st r e lia b le m ed ic in e know n B U S I N E S S C O LLEG E. San Francisco, a t a luncheon given by for p o is o n e d b lood, r h e u m a tism , c a ta r r h a l C arrots— Local, $1.50 per sack. A storia — The catch of salmon in is reflected by a report issued by Sec­ in fe c tio n , m a la r ia , sk in d is e a s e , o b i aonvi I. M Walker. Pré«. P o r tla n d , O re g o n Cauliflower— Local, $1011.25 dozen. officials of the Panam a-Pacific exposi­ the section of the riv e r close to the re ta ry of S ta te Olcott, which shows and a ll afflic tio n s th a t s h o w In th « blood, tion in honor of H aruki Yam awaki, skin. J o in ts an d m u scle s. I WE CUARAOTEI POSmDRS TO A ll OUR GRADUATES. Celery Local, 75c08$l per dozen. bar was good th is week. In fact, the th a t $72,646 has been received as fees An I n te r e s tin g book on th e blood fi Japanese commissioner general to the best for several weeks. Several fish­ for autom obiles, motorcycles, chauf­ P eas—Local, Telephone, 40/6c lb. m a ile d to th o se w h o w r ite . G et a b o ttle exposition. “ In two wars w ithin re ­ W h e n Y o u A * k f o r S . S . 9 . D o S o o f S S. S. to d a y . It Is th e w o r ld 's g r e a te s t The ermen got as high as 700 to 800 pounds feurs and dealers to A ugust 1. Potatoes— Local, l ( e per pound. W ith I m p h a a K . T h e y W ill m ed icine. I n s is t upon th e d e a le r n a n d tn ; cent years my county has shown what Spinach— Local, 75c p e r crate. to the boat, while one man obtained total received last year was $56,873. you S S. S. a n d d o n ’t le t him o r a te about U n d e rsta n d - P. N . U . N o . 32, 1*14 s o m e th in g th a t he can 't a d v e r tis e a s free she can do in the a rt o f w a r,” said the Up 3300 pounds of fish as a result of one In 1912, 142,994 was received. Squash— Local, 3e per pound. from Iodide ..r p o ta sh a n d o th e r d e s tr u c tiv e Tom atoes— I,oral hothouse, 75c#/ consul general. “ Here a t th is exposi­ a s in g le r a m a g e fo r a ham order. TT're Is m in eral drug». n ig h t’s work. The salmon taken av er­ to A ugust 1 last year only $52,013.501 „ 0 tion next year we hope to show what win-re s u b s titu tio n g e ts a ¡¡food a ta ri. W hen ! If you h a v e trou b le g e tt in g S. S. S. w r ite aged large in size and are of the best had been collected. The fees received [ $1.25. Y V H K N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t i s e r s , p len a « m en - to T h e K w lft S p ecific 4 \t . «a»'» S w if t B ld g ., a cl«-rk a t te m p t s to h a n d you a sühnt Ifu te ; in Ju ly th is year aggregated $3535.50. j T urnips— N ew , w hite, $1.25 sack, j we can do in the a rt of peace.” quality. t i o « t h i s p a p e r.____________________________ iwf o. 6. S, Lo w ill U w >vu a pro U / « U r / , i MUaMg o*., Lff M l v* **uar» deal stor».«. P e a r s o n - P a g e C o . T iiiiiA S" Sutherlin— W ith the filing of a r ti­ cles of incorporation for the Sutherlin, Coos Ray & E astern railway a t Rose- burg, and the annuoncement th a t con­ trac ts for the first actual construction F ou gh t. sold nnd exchanged; engines, »toilers. work would be let next week, S uther­ m i win 11 In. etc. Se nd for Stock List and Prices lin had the first assurance th a t a new 1H K J.'K . M ARTIN CO.. 83 1st S t.. P ortland,O r. railroad, west to Coos * Ray and east, eventually, to Boise, Idaho, would be built. It was made known here th a t the j Musser, Roach & W eyerhaeuser tim ­ TO LEARN CHIROPRACTIC. Calibi •» krquev. ber interests were behind the proposed Pacibt Uiuupiii iw Coline. 418 iMumuawta.'lh Bid«, Portlaud, Oie. road. The capital stock has been set at $500,000. The survey of the first 27 m iles has been completed, and taps a 50,000-acre SECOND-HAND MACHINERY OPPORTUNITY IS HERE No Hope for Peace Seen in New Diplomatic Negotiations. SALESMEN WANTED HOSTETTER’S Corn Is Best Crop for Silage, Says Professor St omach B it t e r s Save 20 Per Cent on Coiee Arcadia Blend OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE Make Demand Forcible Don’t Be Trifled With Ask Prepare for Emergencies! Business, Shorthand. Telegraphy for S . S . S . and Don’t Stand for the “Just as Good” Talk.