The Misses Ne'tie and Mabry T h e R ig iit Spirit S h ow n Curtin oi lleppuer. Ore. are visiting ( Judging from the remarks ofi I i iU« D»i*i«Dr. U. 0. c* t4 0 in e # * i I Or*£on. Jun* 20. 1914. i>#r. 03900 They have it - good fresh vege­ among old friends in Currinsville. , the various local merchants and , Notiro is h«rel y given that F -win G. Amme tables. Go ami see them. F red , • ’ v I h )?« i>ost-offit e a i>ire;s is 5 1 8 Cham! er cf Cotn- Mrs. Frank Bittner of El wood is others in Estacada in the past few H E N R Y V.AD IX.M.L ' o s ice Fiiiig.. Portland. Oret.a|». oid. on ti e 20th for« eutertaintng her sister Helen of days, and lrotn the tone o f the 3t,too Inasmuch as Miss Grace Deuuev to Edna Jorg day cf August. 1913. file in this oftice Swcrn State- P H Y SIC IA N & SU RGEO N mem and Application. No. 039C0, to purchase the For Sale or Kxchunge — A nearly 1 Aberdeen, Wash. I remarks made at the recent De­ had obtained the largest number of 11 Estacada M. E. Church 28,730 NW1, of the SW*4. SeetKn !4 To*r*hlp 2 South, j 17.225 j Range 6 East. V . n # t t a Meridian ana the timber , new Oliver typewriter and a gas­ The Springwater Sunshine Cir­ velopment League meeting, it votes, during the week ending July 12 Sadie Wilcox O F F IC E , ADJOIN IN G RE SID E N CE | thereon, under the provisions of tiie act of June ! oline cooker. looks as though Estacada and its 18th, she was awarded the weekly «3 Lucile Jones ‘ 6.370 cle met at the home o f Wm. L'los- 1878 and sets amendatory, known as the Timber j Local anil Lnn& Distance Telephone inhabitants could not be called1 prize. Knquire at Progress office. ner last week. The ballot box will be ■4 Emma Barr ‘ 5.355 ’ and Stone Law ” at such value as might be fixed by , "Jhe d octor’s phuiie can la; connecte«* i appraisement, ar.d that, pursuant to such application \ ungrateful in their attitude to-' opened again Saturday, July 251b 15 Flora Johnson ‘ 376 5 Mrs. Esther Neal of Salem is vis­ with your home phone at nt^ht ii re * the land and timber thereon have been at praised, the ; Wanted—A women to come to wards the Portland Railway ¡ and a prize will be awarded the con- 16 Ruth Saliug “ .ooj j timber esti:.»i'ed l 6.000 board feet at 50 cents per quested. One lout; riutf. iting at the home of P. M. Waguer ' M and 60.000 board feet at 25 rents per M. and the ' the house, to do washing and iron­ 10,500 Light & Power Co. with the ad­ tesiant who has made the best 17 I.ela Howe of Kstacada ‘ land $77.CO: that said applicant will offer final proof j ing one day per week. vent o f the Reo Intercity Truck 10.050 showing for this week. The fol 18 Della Vallen In support nf his application and sworn statement on Wiite or call Progress. D r. W. K. H a v i l a n d i tin* 8th day of September, 1914. before the R ep -I lowing is the standing as shown 19 Ethel Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heiple Co. as a possible competitor. 9 . ‘ 5 ° i ister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office at Portland, | visited friends and relatives in It is pleasing to chronicle th is, July 25th. 20 Jas. G. Hamilton 8.705 Physician and Oregon. Wanted Highest price paid for Garfield last Sunday. I »Any person Is at liberty to protect I r purchase! 8,000 ; attitude and show o f "sticking by ¡ Below is a list of the Candidates 21 Ethel Horner Surgeon eggs at the Palace Meat .Market. before entry, or initiate a congest at anv time before old friends” for we all kn ow . for the First 7 Weeks. Alta Reisland 22 7 . 56 o Mrs. Mher of Springwater is en­ patent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In F k R D JOKG. O ffic e un M a in St. b e t w e e n 1st this office, alleging tacts which would defeat the 80,920 23 Mrs. Earl Kilgore 5.950 tertaining friends from Hood River. i what the railway company has j 1 Grace Denney a n d 2 n d . T e l e p h o n e C o n n e c t i o n s entry. j done for Estacada and vicinity in | 2 Lera Dale 78,620 24 Ellen Erickson 5.600 For Sale —Fine Jersev & Guer­ Oregon. H. f . High/. He de n ce c o r n e r o f S e co n d REGISTER. 775 S 5 2s Kffie Cox 4995 nsey 3 >ear old cow, with c a lf.1 Mrs. S. E. Harker and Miss the years past. Estacada is in j 3 Mrs. Roy Douglass a n d C u r r i n s tre e ts . 3,750 70.737 26 Mrs. J. W. Stevens Bargain. Phone or call N. M. Sara I). Harker, o f Palo Alto, reality a railway town, a child of 4 Gladys Haytier Notice for Publicati« n 3.525 5 *. l 9 3 27 Leta Posson Calif., spent a day as guests of the P. R. L. & P. Co. nd the | 5 Wilma Kitching Tracy. Garfield. Department rf the Interior. U. S. Lar.d Office at 49,090 28 Mable Tracy 3,500 Mrs. E. W. Bartlett last Tuesday. mother corporation has never let ■ 6 Rosalie Allen Dr. L. A. WELLS ! Portland. Ore. n, July 3. 1914. Ser. 02782. Notice is heresy given that Andrew K ire. cf E’- ; us stray far from its care. We j 7 Minnie Nelson 48.370 The prize for the week ending For Sale Bargain. Six year Mrs. Anna Held, one of the pio­ wcod. Oregon, who. on September 29, 1910. made I all know that the railway coin- ¡ 8 Myrtle Loonev 42.285 Aug. 1st will be oue-halt dozen Homestead Entry. No. 02782. for N E'i NE**. Sec- | old saddle horse, in fine condition. neers of George has beeu very ill for D E N T IS T j I. . Township 4 South. Range 4 East. Wi.. .mette , pany have always gladly paid j 9 Pearl Johnson Phone A. Wiederhold, Bissell. 38,275 Rogers silver-plated orauge spoons. the past week, but is slowly im­ N. in. has filed notice or intention to make rlnal their enormous taxes to help us T. -e your Proof. establish claim the land ■ «ove proving now. C U R R A N T S FOR S A L K — Ii desciibed. before the Register anc Receiver. J S. build our schools and support /A s s o c ia te d w i t h D r. H . V. La d Office, at Portland. Oregon, on the 19th lay of I can't find time or labor to harvest | The Scott family of Springwater them and have always met us You get ioo votes for $ i. cash purchase at Finch’ s store. August. 1914. A e ix. the currants now on my bushes. suffered the loss of a first class cow more than half way in any e n -: ., ,. Claimant names as witnesses: 300 ,, ,, $ 1. paid on old accounts at Finch's store. £ d m r - Dibble o1 E wot d, Oregon If you pick them you can have any this week. The animal was valued deavor or effort we have made to ,, .. 2000 ,, ,, $ 1. cash on new subscription to the Progress. Stanley Ture! of Dodge. Oregon ,, ,, 1000 ,, ,, $ t . cash for renewal to subscription or for quantity at a bargain. Phone Phil at £275. help ourselves. Daniel Stahlmaker cf Eiwoou. Oregon D R R. M O R S E . Peter Nelson, of Eiwcod. Oregon subscription paid iu advance (uo matter Staudish at once. The fact cannot be overlooked Messrs Guthrie and Sampson of H. F. Hlgby. bow tar) at $ t. for each year. P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rg e o n Register. Kstacada made a couple of days fish­ that any level headed merchant Proof made under Act June 6. 1912. ing trip up the Clackamas last week can plainly see that from a finan­ Call at the Progress office or Finch’s Store for further information. ESTACADA PROGRESS ( I ncorporated ) Tests eyes ami fits («lasses. and returned with a happy smile cial standpoint, in the long run, it is best to stick with the railway and a few fish. Office over Drug Store Published Every Thursday Morning at company, for their present ser­ Local and long distance tele­ MSchooling in youth nhoisM invnnahty he | Mrs. Frank Bittner and sister, ESTACADA. 0KEG0IS directed to jjicpure a person in the best way j vice is good and getting better phone. for the v> ht p- rmuiiciit occupation for which o f Elwood, returned last week every day. Our freight is handl­ R . M. Staudish, E ditor and Manager í.c i» capable — PreaulcntC. W. Idiot. from the death bed o f their moth­ ed almost the same as express Tliis is the Mission of the CLAUDE W. DEVORE Snterad at the ^ostoffice in Estacada. Oregon as er, who recently died at her home now and few people have found second class mal) in Aberdeen, Wash. A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W j fault with the rates and when and Forty-sixth School Year Opens A party o f Estacada, Garfield ! ever possible the company have N O T A R Y P U B L IC SUBSCRIPTION RATES 5EP T EH B ER i8th. 1914 One year............................................................. and Currinsville people picniced equalized those rates to the best - S i 00 E sta cn d a , O re a o n W rite for illustr.ttrj ioo-[>a,e Book­ Six month*........................................... ........... 50 on Eagle Creek near the bridge o f their ability. Effective August 1st. 1913, F. O. B. let, •• l Hi- I IFE C.AHHER.” ami lor Cata­ last Sunday and all went swim- This is the first time that Esta­ log containing full information. Oregon City or Estacada E. W. BARTLETT. r t y w Courses — AGRICULTURE : ing. _______ cada has had a chance to really Thursday, July 30 , 1914 Agronomy, Animal Husbandry.IDa.ryHu*- LAW YER bandrv. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Mr. Jesse Yount, who has just show their appreciation and the Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, returned from Shanghai, China, Progress wants the railway peo­ Free Concert L oc . c i n g E n g in e e r in g , h o m e e c o ­ where he served tour years in ple to know it too. Office on Broadway. n o m i c s : Domestic Science. Domestic Art, A free concert will be given in the navy, is visiting his uncle, E n g in e e r in g : Electrical, Irrigation, Estacada. * * O rejó n Highway, Mechanical. Chemical. Mining. the Springwater Church, next H. H. Yount o f Currinsville. Land Products Show Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. Saturday, Aug. 1st at 8:20 P. M. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Miss Hattie Belfils returned to Arrangements have been made to Vocatiouul Cowr.tM-Agriculture, Dairy­ Estacada and neighboring people JO H N BRO W N With full equipment. her home in Estacada Tuesday have moving picture illustrated lec- ing, Home Maker«’ C ourse, Industrial are all invited to attend. Re­ last, after making an extended A n«. Forestry. Business Short Course. TH E IN SU R A N C E M AN j tures given during the coming Land Pacific H ighw ay Garage School o f Music — Piano, String, Band. freshments will be sold after the visit with relatives in Spokane, Products Show in Portland. These O F G R E SH A M FH O Nc. 5 1 3 Voice Culture. Wash. concert and a collection will be Of Oregon City, Distributers. J. W . R E E D . lectures are to cover a wide range Firm er] dullness Course by M lil Free. taken to help defray the expense H. C. Butler of Currinsville has Atltlre«» T in t RHr.ISI HAE. Local Agent. of farming, from poultry work to (tw-T-15 t o 1M>) C orva llis. O regon o f the purchase o f the new song just completed a new baru on the O R E G O N F IR E prune culture, with views of proper books for the church. The Chor­ A. J. Browu place and will soou R E L IE F A SSO C IA T IO N methods of packing, picking evap­ al Society, under the direction o f commence the building of a similar O F M CM iN N VILE, O R E . orating, tree spraying etc. Min­ Family Theatre Mr. David Horner, will sing structure for W. W. Dillou. iature models of farms will be shown, Saturday uight, August 1. "Hail Smiling Morning,” a mad­ Marshall Ames brought iu a bas­ Automobile Insurance a Specialty illustrating the proper arrangement Love and Aviation. rigal entitled “ A Lover and His ket of 52 fine trout last Sunday, for either dry or irrigation work. An interesting three reel aviation drama. Lass," "Strike the L yre" and having caught them tn the Clacka­ The Better Babies Department will Tlte W idow Coquette. "Goodnight, Farewell.” Am ale mas near Ewing’s camp. Few other A dainty Powers’ com edy. be an innovation this year, besides quartet will sing funny glee songs good catches were reported last week. musical features and regular Chau­ Sunday night. August 2. and a mixed quartet will sing a Miss Frankie Hermitage of Union, tauqua programs. Estacada must All are cordially invited to bring their dinners and spend the day. A Red M an’s L ove. STABLE madrigal from Sullivan’s opera, Oregon is the guest of her cousin, be represented this year with an ag­ The program includes an exciting base ball game in the morning The Adventures of Jane. "The Mikado.” There will be Mrs. Irwin D. Wright. Miss Her­ ricultural exiiibit and the Kstacada A Tram p’s Strategy. and all kinds of races and athletic events in the afternoon. duets and solo piano select­ mitage expects to remaiu the bal­ W . A . JONES babies conld probably take prizes A Double Deception. ions by Miss Mary Folsom and ance of the summer. Among the speakers in the afternoon will be Dr. W IT H Y - P R O PR IE TO R too, for they are one sure product, Mrs. Fred Horner. Also violin, COM BE, Republican candidate for Governor, who will G ood rigs and careful drivers always Gresham Cannery Miss Edith Chapman o f Eagle not subject to weather conditions, cello and piano trios and solos. and of the very best. speak on the subject “ Rural Social Life.” Among The hustling people of Gresham Everyone is cordially invited to Creek returned Monday from a SPECIAL ATTENTION very delightful trip to LaCenter, the other speakers will be the Progressive guber­ will pi ninthly have their cannery come, as the church has been en­ Wash. Miss Ethel Park was the Given Hunting and Fishing Parties The Gravel Bunkers natorial candidate, our neighbor F. M. Gill. ready for the 19 15 crop, for work is larged and will hold all. guest o f Miss Chapman Tuesday Mr. F. I>. Hunt, Traffic Man­ evening. to he begun on the erection of the _______ Arrangements are being made to have G. Guttridge of Springwater is Team Work and Hauling by ager of the P. R. L. &. P. Co. in a plant, September 1st. Nearly ah laid up for a tew days, having come Gov. West give an address. The Mrs. Mary Stubbe reports the letter to this office, writes as follows: of the $ 15 , 000 of capital stock hav­ in contact with the hool of a nerv­ loss o f two pigs by accidental the Day or Contract program includes the best Portland, Oregon, ing been disposed of. It is plauned ous colt. poisoning. One o f the pigs July 24 , 1914 . of music also. weighed well over 300 lbs. and R. M. Standish, to run the cannery on a co operative Mr and Mrs. Wright and niece, its loss represents a goodly cash Estacada, Oregon, basis, a plan which has been found Fanny Campbell of Roseburg, mo­ Dancing from 8 to 12 in the evening. _______ Dear Sir: Commercial Patronage successful in other localities, and it tored to Kstacada last week and sum. Tickets for dancing, • • $ .50 per gentleman. Mr. H. F. Gibson of Barton re­ R ep lyin g to your letter o f June 26 th is believed that its establishment spent a few days visiting at the a specialty. relative to hunkers at Estacada. We Belfil's borne. ports that next week he will furnish will result in the cultivation of hun­ have had Mr. Pum phrey prepare an esti­ dreds of acres in Powell Valley, Mrs. Prtidie O’ Connor, with her the Progress with a lot of informa­ mate as to what 'these hunkers would j W . M. Yonce now idle. If Kstacada does not daughters, Ruethe and Katie of tion regarding the construction cost and he advises that it w ill cost to j Dr. Morse also tests eyes j get a cannery, the Kstacada pro­ Houston, Texas are visiting at the work soon to begin op the new Bar­ ! build the hunker required bv the county Calendar of Meeting Dates «2.476.50, the c ou n ty ’s proportion being ! and fits glasses. Office over j ducts will probably lie welcome at home of Mrs. Emily Lady of Ksta­ ton Bridge. £2,008.45. I note iu vour letter that you drug store. Kttac.nU Development League. 2ml Gresham. E. S. Shankland returned to his estimate the cost to be about £300.00. cada. Inasmuch as it has been Monday evening, each month ut I expect to he in Estacada shortly and C. I. 0 . Room«. fourteen years since the friends Morrow home last Sunday front Prize Corn The Stock Yards Civic Improvement Club. Every other Blacksmith and Wheelwright have seen each oilier, they are Alberta. Clackamas County, where I will bring the blue print and detail John Ely of Currinsville obtained along so you may see what goes to wake Saturday afternoon at C. I. C. Rooms. he has completed a $2,000 residence up this amount. Many farmers have asked the thoroughly enioying the reunion. last year a cob of corn from the fa- | I. O. O. F. Every Saturday night, At the Old Stand for Mrs. Nora Miller. Mrs. Miller question: "W hen will the Ksta­ Yours very truly, mous stock that won the $20 O. W. C. C. Saling's new Ideal Green 8 P. M. at I. O. O. F. Hall. and son Clay returned with him and cada stock yards he read>?" F. D. Hunt, R. & N. corn prize in Portland. Rebeccas. Each 2nd and 4th Wednes­ Feed silo, purchased from the De Traffic Manager. remained over Sunday. On inquiry, it apjiears that the GIVE HIM A CALL He planted this corn on bis Currins- day Evening, 8 1*. M. at I. O. O. F. Laval Co arrived by freight Mon­ The Progress printed an estimate stock yards people are kind of Hall. • ville land and today it represents day last. Mr. Sating figures it will A party composed of Ed Boner, ot about $300.00 some time ago, "looking at the gift horse's teeth." about 1-16 of an acre of as fine corn A. F. & A. M. First Tuesday evening, be up and in operation within a Ernest Geuerowski, Wm Tucker quoting a price furnished by Chas. inasmuch as they are not satisfied couple of weeks. This is one of each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. as can be raised anywhere, with and Amos Millard, made a four day Duncan, supervisor of District to. ! with the lease which W. V. Cary Order of Eastern Star. Third Tuesday good growth to the stalks and prom­ the first silos to be erected in this | trip up the Clackamas last week First class lumber of all kinds. gave them and are asking for a ten j Duncan’s figures probably merely o f each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. ise of well-filled ears. This patch section and it is but the beginning Í and reported poor luck, as the trout I.ogau Grange. First Saturday in every I included the actual ccst of the 1 year lease. It is likely this detail of this style of dairv feeding. is merely an experiment as com­ Dimension material a specialty. were uol risiug to a fly t.r taking month at Grange Hall. wooden bunker alone, while the will soon be adjusted and Kstacada 1 pared with his 12 acres of early bait. Springwater Grange. Second Saturday railway company's estimate prob­ Prompt deliveries made from J will get the yards. From the in­ A 1 Lindsey, whose latest address white and yellow field corn, with 3-4 in every month at Grange Hall. terest and inquiry already displayed, is Julian. Mont, writes to the Progess , A Springwater correspondent re­ ably includes the entire cost of the of an acre of Minnesota No. 13. ; big stock on hand. it is apparent that the farmers wish and wishes to be remembered to all ports that horseshoe pitching is re­ ¡elevated construction, the tracks. ¡ Mr. Ely expects to make a tine ex -1 Eagle Cr.ek Grange. Third Saturday in every month at Grange Hall. Phone or call at mill, at Dodge. to do business with the stock yards old friends iu Estacada. He reports ceiving its share of attention on that catenary work, patent dumping ap- hibit at the Estacada and Canby Garfield Grange. Fourth Saturday in side of the river, with Messrs ! paratus, a gold plated spike or so, evety month at Grange Hall. Fairs and has promised samples for 0 . C. Klaetsch, Owner. just as soon as they arc established. Julian a sa wart on the prairies, with Loonev. Sarver and Fisher, willing 1 and possibly the depreciation on the no railroad but plenty of flies and Sunshine Citcle. Every two weeks on the permanent Estacada exhibit. mosquitoes, some hail, wind and sun- j to meet all comers, "catch as catch 1 company's bonds, insurance, taxes Thursday afternoon, P. R. L. & P. Co. We SELL and DELIVER can,, and "h alf Nelsons” barred. ¡ and other details, only to be com­ A fire occured Sunday night in Dorcas Society. Third Thursday of May See the Joke shine, but the tone of the letter was j prehended by an expert accountant Sandy, which completely demolish­ each month. all of the latter element. Messrs. Looney and Fisher of The Advance prints the follow- j 1 or a railway commission. Modern Priscillas'. Third Thursday of ed the Sandy livery barns and the ing anecdote, given by the late Cy j Mr. and Mrs. H. Githens of Es­ Springwater are preparing to ship each month. Anyway, it looks as though the home of H. Jackson. Six horses First class - $4.00 per cord Warman. tacada and Emma Fitzgerald of four car loads of four foot wood I bunkers would become a reality be- and a number of vehicles wetel Mrs. Charlotte Howlett of Under- Second class 3.50 ’ ’ A Scotchman came upon an auto­ Portland, took a five-gallon can of within a few days. The sample I fore long, for whtu the railway: burned with a loss of more than wood, Wash., returned to her home, cord delivered at this office was the Cord Wood in any Quantity mobile overturned at a railway ! eastern brook trout to Deer Lake, kind that burns and that's all they ; company gets busy, results follow $5,000 with little insurance carried. after a short visit with her brother, crossing Beside it lay a man all tieyond Baldy Mountain and liber­ The origin of the fire was unknown Wm. Underwood of Estacada. Cor- W rite B C. LCONFY Mrs. J . W. Reed with the aid o f ! l>ett Underwood, a younger brother smashed up. ated the fish there. The fish were claim for it. 1 several of the ladies, gave a delight- Many people in Kstecada and vicin- or S. L FISHE* "G et a doctor," lie groaned. from to to 12 inches in length and A team, belonging to Paul i ful party Tuesday afternoon in Ea- ty could see the illumination, but of Bill s, is enjoying an extended visit here. Routt 3. Kstacada, Oregon "D id the train hit you?" asked [ arrived at the lake in good condi- 1 Klaetsch attached to a heavy wag­ tacada park, to forty children. were unaware of its origin until Or leave orders at Progress Office. the Scotchman. T |}e Garfield Dorcas Society are lion. Carrying fish under these! on. ran away last Saturday morn­ Mrs. Reed’ s sister. Miss Oakley of Monday. "Y e s. yes. git a doctor " entertaining the ladies of the Esta­ conditions represented a hard trip ing. going through the main streets Seattle, was an adept at entertain­ “ Has the claim agent been here and one that few men would have of Kstacada and finally colliding ing the children, as her work i s 1 Harvey Gibson of Barton is re­ cada C. I. C. at a picnic at the Coun­ along kindergarten lines. The re­ ported to have bad his jaw bone accomplished. On the return trip, with an old buggy, in front of freshments included ice cream and Droken last Friday, the result of a try Club, Thursday of this week. Horseshoeing and Repair Work yet?" DONE AT MOBRC V BARN "N o, no, please get a doctor." the party caught about too good ! Yonce’ s barn, completely demolish other good things and that, of, friendly boxing bout. What would The C. I. C. have arranged to at­ A ll work guaranteed "M ove over, you" said the Scot, trout in the North Fcrk of the ing the buggy and skinning the course, completely satisfied the have been the result if it had uot tend in a body, going from town been purely a friendly affair? W. C. Whitfield in automobiles. 1 guests. "till I lie down beside you." Clackamas. horses legs to some extent. s n f i * v p v i Í ■'i5i ! '*«! J V } /a ’4 I Nonce ft • Publ.cation. HlbiNtSS LOCALS Standing of HAND Contestants Week ending July 25 Remcmber- THE LIFO CAREER The Universal Car 1 9 1 4 P R IC E S N E W Mode! “ “ T. Runabout $575.00 “ Town Car 825.00 “ Touring Car 625.00 REMEMBER Garfield Country Club Picnic Livery, Feed 4 Sale Saturday August 8th Come in the morning and spend the day. J. V. BARR Klaetsch Mills 16 inch WOOD BLACKS VtlTHING