POULTRY and Dairy Produce of all kinds wanted. WAR BELIEVED OK Write for our To Control health CASH OFFER Cortland . P earson -I’ajro Co. 'ogiJ.Ai1* Austria Moves Secretly on Servia; Sudden Blow is Possible. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY U o u g h t. sold an d exchamr«>d: enirines, b o ile rs 1 ¡ ¡ » « n u lls, e tc . S en d f« r S toc k I .is t and P ric e s . 1 H K J . E . M A R T I N C O .. 83 1st S t., l ’ o rtla n d . Or. ' OPPORTUNITY IS HERE TO LEARN CHIROPRACTIC. Ca»; Io» on Request. P itie (kn«piatile Ulk**. 41S U s u im « , tilt BU*. P«rt!aod. Or* ow ^ h i » k . fu ktu n As*H e r and L e a d v d le , Coiniitiiu. S u t.,u .ou H H ili. i . J,«* . . ^ O r u l and mp ire wot : IW b ou u U j N attonui iiuak. S A L E S M E N W A N TED L ib e r a l T e r m s W r it e f o r ou r P ro p o s itio n . E v e r y th im f o r th e O rch ard. F arm , C ard en an d Luwn. YAKIMA «NO COLUMBIA RIVER NURSERY 60. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. YAKIMA CROWN ii the BEST GUARANTEE DAISY FLY KILLER fî;!rî“ 7Îm.-Â » ‘ ■ Lasts all ic a a o n . Made o f n.rUl, can'tspiilortip ove r ; will nm , 1 or Inj u re a n y th in g . lArant ed Bold by dealer», or f f.rr.t I y r ipresi pre* paid for Ji. fit) DtKtUb A v e ., Brooklyn, M. Z, *■» n o m o r e n e c e s s a r y th a n S m a l l p o x Arm y experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous e f f i ­ cacy, and harmlessnrss.uf Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated N O W by your physician, you and your fam ily. It is more vital than house insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for ‘ ‘ Have you had Typhoid?” te llin g o f T y p h o i d Vaccine, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE (.1 )1 1TB LA B O R A TOBY, IOOUCIN6 VACCII B L R fiE L tY , ( A l . >OV. LICI T h e Land of the Free. Abo Lincoln was a famous man, Who fought the ranks of knavery. He brought emancipation to The brethren held in .slavery. I wish old Abe was back again To shake off modern shackles, For there are many binding chains In need of fearless tackles. W e can’t go on vacation like Our old friend, Kip Van Winkle— A patch of grass is wished on us— VVe must stay home and sprinkle! How fine ’twould be by the lake shoro To splash and raise the dickens— But we must stay at home to feed A bunch of late spring chickens! With fetters cruel and stubborn links, W e’re captives of convention. Please send for honest Abraham To free us from detention! Just W h a t H e W a n te d . “ When Billinger bought his new- house it was with the express under­ standing that he should have a room all of his own—a den, or study.” “ Yes, I know- what you mean. Did he get it?” “ He got it and his wife furnished it.” “ How?” “ With a sewing machine, a cutting table, two dressers, dummies, three sewing chairs and a full-length mir­ ror.”— New York Globe. Easily Classified. Hemmandhaw, who was writing a letter, looked up to inquire: “ Is it ever permissible to apply gen­ der to volcanoes?” “ I don't know,” Mrs. Hemmandhaw returned, “ but if it is they are surely masculine.” “ Why?” “ Because they sputter, grumble and smoke.”— Youngstown Telegram. The Difficulty. “ Hoots, mon! What ails ye? Can ye no stand up?” “ O h , aye— A can stand up, but A can na stop up!”— London Opinion. Tobacco Habit Easily Conquered A N e w Y o r k e r o f w id e e x p e rie n c e , has w r itte n a book te llin g h o w th e to b a cc o or s n u ff h a b it m ay b e e a s ily anil c o m p le te ly banish ed in th r e e d ay s w ith d e lig h t f u l b e n e it. T h e au th or. Ed w a rd .1. W o od s. 159 I ). S ta tio n E. N e w Y o r k C ity , w ill m a il h is book f r e e on req u e st. T h e h e a lth im p r o v e s w o n d e r fu lly a f t e r th e n ic o tin e p oison is o u t o f th e s ys te m . C alm n ess, tra n q u il s le ep , c le a r e ye s , n orm al a p p e tite , pood d ip o s tio n . m a n ly v ig o r . s tro n p m e m o r y and a p e n e ra l p a in in e ffic ie n c y are am on p th e m any b e n e fits re p o rte d , ( l e t rid o f th at n e rv o u s fe e lin g : no m ore need o f p ip e, c ip a r. c ip a re t to. snufT, or c h e w in p to b a cc o to p a c ify m orbid d e sire . Empire Is Detieved Determined to Force War Despite Concessions Two Acts Committed . The stomach is the controlling pow er in all matters pertaining to health. This important organ often needs help in its daily work and it is then you should try London —New proof that Austria is j fully defbrmined to make war on j Servia is seen in Monday's develop­ ments, while the possibilities of a gen-1 eral European war seem greater than ever have confronted the present gen-1 eration. The Servian reply to the Austrian 1 ultimatum was an acceptance o f al- I most all the imperious demands, ex­ cept that Austrian officials shall par- I ■“T -w rr ticipate in the investigation and fix j s g ffa fla the responsibility for the anti-Austrian j propaganda. D u r i n g t h e F r e n c h E l e c t io n s . Servia proposed an appeal to the | powers at The Hague for the settle- “ Yea, I lunched with the conserva­ ment of that feature. Notwithstand­ tive candidate, had dinner with the ing this humiliating surrender, which radical and coffee and liquor with the was more than Europe expected of the socialist.” “ And then how did you vote?” little nation, the Austrian government “ My dear air, liow can you ask? Of gave the Servian minister his pass-1 course, the moat simple regard for ports, which may be construed as a I delicacy kept me from the polls alto­ virtual declaration of war. gether.”—L ’Illustration. Austria also committed an act of | war by arresting the chief o f the j Servian general staff, General Putnik, 'OLif'ES BUSINESS COLLEGE near Budapest, but he was soon re­ T h e s ch oo l th a t frets you a leased by the emperor’s command. g o o d p o s itio n . A formal declaration o f war is not | Thousands o f Graduates expected, because Servia is not a ' N O N E ID L E party to The Hague convention, which ; F R E E IN F O R M A T IO N requires this. The suspension o f all ; W a s h in g to n ana ll)ih Sts. parliamentary and judicial institutions i P O R T L A N D . ORE. have been decreed in Austria and an j ironclad censorship has drawn a cordon | W ith o r W ith o ut. of secrecy around the country, so that Old Lady (irritably)— Here, boy, the outside world is in complete ignor­ I ’ve been waiting some time to be ance of everything happening there, waited on. except what the government wants the Druggist’s Boy— Yes, ma’am. What world to know. can 1 do for you. Even now the Austrian army may be Old Lady— I want a 2-ce” t «ta r"' Druggist’s Boy— Yes, ma’am. Will closing in upon Servia and delivering a sudden blow, as Japan did when she you have u licaed or unucaeu?—L.ut sent her fleet against the Russian ships Angeles Express. without warning. As U s u a l . While Austria announces a “ partial j Bill— How did her singing strike mobilization,’ ’ the Austrian ambassa- j yon ? dor at London has issued a significant j Jill— Oh, as usual, I was the inno­ notice to all Austrians liable for mili- j cent bystander.— Yonkers Statesman. tary service to return home. U C u r e s W h ile Y o u W a lk . The only possibility of averting war n ’s F o o t - K u - .' is a c e r t a in e u r o f o r n o t, is that at the eleventh hour Servia s w A e l a l t e in g , c a l l u s , u iu l s w o lle n , a e t iln g f e e t . S o ld shall reconsider her reply to the Aus­ by M il D n i g g h t s . P r i c e 35c. D o n ’ t a c c e M a n y - 'i t ■ » ’«1 package FREE. AUdres« trian note and bow to all the demands. A * llu ‘ u i .S O lm M e d , I .e R o y , N . Y . Even then Austria proposes to exact payment for all her expenses in con­ M a trim o n ia l. A wealthy young California woman nection with her military measures. says: “ The man I would marry doesn’t live.” This shouldn’t mean, Four Killed in Gun-Running however, that she will wed what is known in the vocabulary of the street Mob in Dublin, Ireland as a dead one. Dublin—Three men and one woman I n t e l l i g e n t M a id . are dead and more than 60 persons are Mistress— Why have you put t w e in the hospital wounded as a result of hot water bottles in my bed? a battalion of the K ing’s Own Scottish Bridget—Sure, mum, wan of thim Borderers’ firing into a mob in the was leakin’, and I didn't know which, streets o f Dublin Sunday. Seven of so I put both in to make sure.—Punch. the wounded are expected to die. S u n lig h t In te n s ifie d Among them are three women and a By Reflection from Ocean Beach and boy of ten. Desert Sand unrelieved by Foliage. Winds The afTray came as a consequence of and Mineral Laden, Poisonous Dust, all a gun-running exploit of the Nation­ bring Eye Troubles in their wake—Granu­ alist volunteers, who were being aided lated Eyelids, Red, Itching, Burning, Tired by a mob composed largely o f women and Watery Eyes, Impaired Vision and Eye Pain. Reliable Relief is found in and youths. A consignment of rifles, Murine Eye Remedy, Mild and H a r m l e - s . said to number 10,000, was landed at if you Wear.Glasses, Try Murine. Doesn’t Howth, nine miles from Dublin, from Smart. Feels Fine. Acts Quickly. Is an Eve Tonic compounded by Oculists—not a a private yacht. "Patent Medicine” —bnt used in successful The Nationalist volunteers cut the I ’!'\sicians’ Practice for many years. Now telegraph wires and stopped travel on dedicated to the Public and sold at one Per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in the Dublin roads, and according to Aseptic 'lubes, 2.1c and 50c. Sold by reports, sent away most o f the rifles, Drug/ists. For Books, write to Murine together with 70,000 rounds of ammu­ Eye R _*medy Co., Chicago. nition, in motor cars. S c ie n tific . A battalion o f the K ing's Own Scot­ “ So you believe in the Darwinian tish Borderers was ordered to capture theory?” the arms when the authorities heard “ Yes,” replied Miss Cayenne. the volunteers were bringing them into “ And you believe that men are de­ the city. The soldiers encountered a scended from monkeys?” detachment o f volunteers at Clonmel “ Yes. The only objection I have to Bridge and an outberak resulted, but some of them is their tendency to there was no shooting. ancestor worship.” —Washington Star. Soon a great crowd collected and fo l­ One turn deserves another. lowed the troops, jeering them and That’s a maxim we oft hear, cheering John Redmond, the National­ And the rink who cranks an auto ist leader, and home rule. Finally the Holds the turning point in fear. mob began throwing bottles and stones, injuring several soldiers. To this attack the battalion repiled with a scattered fusillade. In an instant the street was crowded with , wounded, while terrified men, women and children ran in all directions. St. Judas hospital is situated only 200 yards from the scene of the affray and the wounded were quickly taken there, where four of them died. H O S T E T T E R 'S STOMACH BiTTEHS IN SUOli PAIN WOMAN CRIED Suffered Everything Until Re­ stored to Health by Lydia Conyress Party Blown Ashore. Philadelphia — A special dispatch EL Pinkham’s Vegeta­ from Lews, Del., says the government ble Compound. Portland— Nearly all the dealers are in the market for wheat, but not at the prices that growers arejasking. Farmers in the Pendleton and Walla Walla districts are holding for 70 cents net, which is more than millers or ex­ porters can afford to pay. While some wheat has been bought at 70 and even at 71 cents, to fill July sales, buyers decline to pay these prices for later delivery. A cargo of white Walla Walla and shipping bluestem was sold this week at 35s 6d, which is equal to 80£ cents j f. o. b. on 30s freights. On this show- \ ing, it is evident that prices in Europe will have to improve or the market quotations in this territory recede. CHILDREN MAY SEE PARADE Grain men declare they will not be able to do much business until this oc­ A n n o u n c e m e n t of School P rin c ip a l curs. B rin g s Some C h a ra c te ris tic Notes Wheat— Track prices: Club, 78c F rom Fond P aren ts. per bushel; forty-fold, 79c; bluestem, 83c; red Russian, 77c; Turkey red, “ Children who bring written re­ 81c. quests from their parents may be ex­ M illfeed— Bran, $237/23.50 per ton; cused to see the circus parade,” the shorts, $26@26.50; middlings, $31. school principal announced. Here are Oats No. 1 white milling, $S1£ some of the notes that were handed 22.50 per ton. to the teachers: Barley— Feed, $210/21.50 per ton; “ Please live Pearl to go to the pa­ brewing, $22.50; rolled, $23.50. rade 10 Oglock out of school.” Hay Old timothy, $10/0 17; new ; “ The Teacher of Morris’ Class. crop timothy, $130/15; grain hay, $10; Kindly allow my child to go home alfalfa, $12. timely from school so he should be Corn— Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton. j able to see the circus parade.” The run at the stockyards was j “ My dear Miss— Kindly excuse Bes­ lighter than usual Monday. The de­ sie at 10 o'clock so as to enable her mand was good and as a result the best to see the parade (circus) as I know grades of stock commanded firm prices. ! she will greatly benefit by it and Hogs sold at 15 cents higher than last I oblige her mother.” week and prime steers passed the 1 “ Dear Teacher! Please let Louis seven-cent mark. Gou to The Parade of the Sircus.” Cattle — Prime steers, $G. 700/7.25; j “ Please let lizzie go to the perade choice, $6.500/6.75; medium, $6.250u 6.50; choice cows, $60/ 6.10; medium, j on Monday and tuesday.” $5.50 @ 5.75; heifers, $6.25 @ 6.50; \ "Please agsus Katie for the Peray calves, $60/8.25; bulls, $3@5; stags, Monday.” “ Will you please let Louis out at 10 $4.500/6. Hogs -Light, $8078.75; heavy, $7(7; o’clock to se the Surces for he is very anxious to see i t . ” — Newark 7 75 Sheep Wethers, $40/4.75; ewes, News. ARGENITE CO., Dept 4, R U P T U R E IS CURABLE R i f l e s F o r A ll K i n d s o f H u n t i n g . Winchester rifles are not the choice of any one special class, but of a!l intelligent sportsmen who go to the woods, the plains, or the mountains in quest o f game. They are designed to handle all calibers and types of cartridges, to meet the requirements o f all kinds of shooting, and can always b e counted on to shoot where they are pointed when the trigger Í3 pulled. Winchester rifles and Winchester cartridges are made for one another. FREE: W IN C H E S T E R Send name and address on a postal card fo r our large illustrated catalogue. P EP E A TIN Q A R M S C O . . .......................................... N E W HAVCN, CONN. N ot the Bank. Mrs. Barrows was worried— that fact was evident to her husband, al­ though she endeavored to maintain a cheerful manner. Before the evening was over, however, he discovered the cause of her anxiety. "W ill,” said she, “ I am very much afraid that my bank is in a bad way.” “ How foolish, Mabel! Don’t let that cause you a moment's worry. Why, it’s one of the strongest financial in­ stitutions in the state. What ever got that idea into your head?” “ Well, it’s very strange,” replied Mrs. Barrows, still unconvinced. “ They’ve just returned a check of mine for $40 marked ‘No Funds.' ”— Harper’s Magazine. for Lieutenant Porte to reach the Azores in one jump if he has engine luck—and yesterday in Toulon. France, the army dirigible Adjutant Vincenot established for lighter-thau- air flying craft a new mark of 35 hours 39 minutes. Such feats bring practical travel in the air nearer than a thousand circus stunts.—New York World. f Prepare for Emergencies! I t m a y b e n e c e s s a ry f o r you to a e a p o s itio n to m o rr o w . A r e you rea d y .’ Our tr a in in g w ill l i t y o u fo r b u sin ess life . COURSES IN Business, Shorthand, Telegraphy B U S IN E S S COLLEGE. Portla n d , O reg on I. M . W a l k e * U re *. WE GUARANTEE POSTT10NS TO ALL OUR GRADUATES. New R ecords fo r C ontinuous F ligh t. Within lees than one week tho world’s record of continuous flight has suffered severely. Herr Basser on June 23 raised the aeroplane rec­ ord from 14 hours 7 minutes to IS hours 10 minutes; on June 28 Herr Landmann in Berlin raised it again to 21 hours 49 minutes— long enough YOUR OWN m u G G I . S l W I L L T U L L YOU T r y M a r in e K y e R e m e d y f u r K e d , W e a k , W a t e r y E y e s a n d G r a n u la t e d E y e lid s ; N o S m a r t iu g — i u s t - K y e C o m fo r t . W r i t e f o r 15. > , o f th e E y e b y m a i l b 'l e e . M u r i n e E y e R e m e d y C o., C h ic a g o . ! . . $3.250/4.25; yearlings, $4.500/4.85; T h e M o to r E n th u s ia st. lambs, $5.500/5.85. Apricots, 75c0/$1.25 per box; “ Could you tell me where I could cantaloupes, $2.25@2.75 per crate; get some giant firecrackers?” said the peaches, 50@75c per box; plums, 75c j determined-looking woman. @$1.25; watermelons, 1 @ l|c per] “ W e can order them for you,” re­ pound; casabas, $2072.50 per dozen; j plied the merchant. “ Might I Inquire and Shorthand or Stenotypy at our pears, $20/2.25 per box; blackberries, j what you want with them?” school, and a good position is yours. $1 per crate; grapes, $2.50 per crate, j “ To wake my husband. He has got Fast dictation, accurate transcrip­ Potatoes— Oregon, new, 1 ¿07,l j c per so he pays no attention to an alarm tions, correct grammar and punctua­ tion the are requisites of a stenogra­ pound. clock. The only thing that will arouse | Eggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, case him Is a noise like a bursting auto­ pher, who earn# from $20 upwards week- y, anything less would mean a small­ count, 24c; candled, 260727c per dozen. mobile tire.” er salary. We graduate EXPERTS! Vegetables— Cucumbers, 50@75c per Write for catalog. A position guaran­ A t th e Club. teed. box; eggplant, 15c per pound; pep- j “ I see,” remarked one clubman to B E U TE L BUSINESS C O LLE G E pers, 12|@15c; radishes, 15@17Jc per dozen; head lettuce, $1.75 per crate; another, “ that It is said radium high­ Tacoma, Washington. artichokes, $1 per dozen; tomatoes, 35 | balls will soon be served.” And by one of those remarkable 0775c per crate; spinach, 5077c per An automobile was built in 11 min­ pound; rhubarb, 2 }@ 3c; cabbage, l|c; coincidences which are continually peas, 5(T/ 6c; beans, 4@6c; corn, 2007 occurring in life, before the friend utes and put on the road in 19 at a could answer, the orchestra struck test conducted at a factory in Man­ 25c per dozen. up, "Has Any One Here Seen Kelly?” chester, England. This beats by six Onions— Walla Walla, $3.25 sack. minutes the time made at a similar Green Fruit— Apples, old, $1@1.75 test in Detroit. Going th e L im it. box; new, 75c@$l. 50 per box; cher­ “ Josiah,” said Mrs. Corntossel, ries, 5078c pound. Constipation causes and aggravates P oultry— Hens, 15c; springs, 1707 “you’re going to church right regular many serious diseases. It is thoroughly 20c; turkeys, 200722c; dressed, now.” cured by Dr. Pierce’ s Pleasant Pellets. “ Yes. I want to learn as much The favorite family laxative. choice, 25c; ducks, 1107l2Jc. about heaven as possible. I'm getting The things that happen to the fruit up a prospectus for the summer ho­ Seattle . tel we’re going to start and I want a& crop between now and fall are as nothing to the blights that hit the Seattle — There was a scarcity of many attractive ideas as I can get.” politicians In the same period. local peaches, the stock on hand being all small and undesirable. The price P O IN T O F V IE W . The man who invented Tragedy prunes must have been a product of schedule has not been fixed. Early a college boarding house. varieties of small body are already being shipped out of Toppenish, but Harvard gets $56,000 of the Busch estate, which is only a fair rebate on none have reached this market. It is j the Busch product consumed by Har­ expected that within ten days the fruit vard men. will begin coming here, as shown in i One of the greatest objections to field reports just received here. childhood romances is that it takes It is announced that the Wapato so long to outgrow them. valley, with a strip of country pecu- Western bankers are broad, says an larily favorable to the growth o f can- i eastern broker. Some are also tall taloupes, will ship to this market. This and thin, in fact anything but short. crop is two weeks ahead o f that of Where there’s a will there’s a way, Yakima. Wapato also has plenty of and where the will appears to be excellent apricots. A few o f the best | forged there is also a lawsuit. grade are coming here, but the bulk of j the shipments are moving eastward. I We read where a man mimed Cloud had a silver plate placed in his skull. Eastern buyers in the Wenatchee field i Can you speak of him now as a cloud are offering 607/ 65c per crate, f. o. b. with a silver lining? Wenatchee. Raspberries clean up daily, but at To the lovelorn swain and what ac­ Wifey— How does my new spring some sacrifice to the producer. The companies him the perfect moonlight best fruit brings $17/1.25, but sales hat look? night is the one where the heavy Hubby— Well, It looks like a week's banks of clouds hide the moon. were down to 75c. Blackcaps are very scarce at $1. Blackberries are coming salary to me, but it probably looks in larger volume to sell at $.1257/1.50. like 30 cents to any other man. Southern Italy will have a $13,000,- 000 hydro-electric plant, generating The apple trade is brisk, owing to | 150,000 horsepower. A R apid H o lid a y . larger receipts, greater maturity and quality. Red Junes, from Eastern j “ Was your outing a success?” The New Zealand farmers’ union Washington, are bringing 75c per box. j “ I suppose so," replied Mr. Growch- asks government aid for procuring er. “ It was about the usual program Cooking sell readily at 75c7/$l. more laborers, more than 6000 work­ There are plenty of cherries, with ] as I have observed it. The merry ers being needed. Royal Anns at 507/75c, Bings at $17/ party barely had time to eat lunch 1.15, and Lamberts at 90c7z $1. Pie and then line up to be photographed before it was time to catch tho train cherries are slow at $1.257/1-50. Bartlett pears are coming in slowly, I home.” and with much uncertainty, to sell at j T h e H an d ic a p p e d H an d s h a k e. $2.75. Considerable good stock has ap- ; “ Your constituents will be wait- ' peared on this market, and more would be welcome. The watermelon market lng to give you the glad hand. 1 sup­ is demoralized, sales running down to pose.” lfc . There were ten carloads on track I “ I’m afraid not,” replied Senator , at the opening, and that is more than ! Sorghum. “ Judging by the way they j this market will absorb without price have been writing letters to me a large percentage of them must have pen cutting as a stimulant. The street is glutted with tomatoes, ; paralysis by this time.” particularly in California stock, which i F o rtifie d . is selling slowly at 6577 75c. The bat- j tie seems to rage all around local hot- | “ I’ll never speak to you again as house stock, which holds steady at 75c long as 1 live!" exclaimed the temper amental girl. ( a $1.25. Wheat— Bluestem, 82c per bushel; | “ Haw! H aw !” rejoined the practl-j forty-fold, 79c; club, 78c; Fife, 77c; cal youth. “ You can’t help yourself 4’ve got some of your songs and rec­ red Russian, 76c. itations on my phonograph.” Corn- $357/36 per ton. lighthouse tender Iris, with Secretary Florence, So. Dakota.— “ I used to be of Commerce Redfield and a congres­ sional committee aboard, was blown very sick every month with bearing With the aid of AKCIENITE. an d o w n pai ns and ashore in a storm Sunday just north of improvement on the SILVER backache, and had Cape Henlopen. A survey boat, which ! NITRITK treatment as used by h e a d a c h e a good was anchored a short distance away, Industrial Schools and Juvenile deal of the time and although damaged by the storm, went Courts. very little appetite. to the relief o f the Iris, and after an The pains were so A t yout druggist or send 50c hour’s work succeeded in getting her bad that I used to for full treatment post paid. afloat. Secretary Redfield, and the sit right down on tho congressional committee were the floor and cr y, be­ guests of Captain Atkins, o f the Iris. cause it hurt me so and I could not do 4SI 1-2 «wrisM Si. PORTLAND. OR. Mrs. Caminetti Aspires. any work at those San Francisco— Mrs. Anthony Cam­ times. An old wo­ inetti, wife of the commissioner gen­ man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink- eral of immigration, announced Monday ham’s Vegetable Compound and I got a that unless the Democratic party de­ bottle. I felt better the next month so veloped a candidate to oppose Repre­ I took three more bottles of it and got sentative Curry, Republican, in the well so I could work all the time. I Third district, she would, circum­ hope every woman who suffers like I did Oats— Eastern Washington, $26 per stances permitting, seek the Demo­ will try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable cratic nomination at the primary Compound. ” — Mrs. P. W. L A N S E N G , ton; Puget Sound, $257/26 per ton; B y w e a r in g a S E E L E Y S P E R M A T IC g S H IE L D TR U SS . N o w o r r y in p o r d an - g rolled, $277/28. election by having her name written Route No. 1, Florence, South Dakota. p e r o f an o p e ra tio n . R u p tu r e is not a te a r M Feed Bran, $257/26 per ton; rolled on the ballot. , r breach , as c o m m o n ly s u p p o s e !, b u t 1 « fjj Why will women continue to suffer day barley, $257/26; alfalfa meal, $22; Mrs. Caminetti has been active in th e s tr e tc h in p . o r d ila tio n , o f a r a f n - a ' q o p e n in g T h is S E E L E Y S P E I M A T IC “ politics ever since women obtained the in and day out or drag out a sickly, half­ alfalfa molasses, $24; whole com, S H I E L D a p p lia n c e closes th is o p e n in g in hearted exlstence.missing three-fourths $37; cracked com, $38. ballot in California. 10 d a y s in m oat cases. I f you c a n 't com e. S of the joy of living, when they can find Eggs Select ranch, 247/25c dozen. w r i t e f o r m ea su rin g blank an d lite r a tu r e , d j health in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Poultry— Live hens, 127/15c pound; " D rys ” Beaten in Texas. S old o n ly by old roosters, 9c; 1914 broilers, 147/17; Dallas — Prohibition was defeated Compound? L A U E -D A V IS D RU G CO. « in Saturday's state primary, according For thirty years it has bee-, the stand­ ducklings, $2; geese, 10c; guinea Third and Yamhill. Portlan^. Or. C to the returns. James E. Ferguson, ard remedy for female ills, anil has re­ fowl, $9. per dozen. Ranch butter— 15c per pound. the anti-prohibition candidate for the stored the health of thousands of women W h o a re T ru s s E x p e r t * and E x c lu s iv e W Dressed Beef— Prime beef steers, S t a te A g e n t s f o r th i* a p p lia n c e . U nomination for governor, increased his who have been troubled with such ail­ lead over Thomas H. Beall, prohibition ments as displacements, inflammation. 12Jc7i 13 per pound; cows, 12c; heif­ candidate. The returns indicate a final Ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. ers, 12c. Dressed Veal— 14c per pound. majority for Ferguson o f about 40,- NO. 31, 1914 If yon want special aad -M ary, what time did that young man leave last night? | didn’t hear him say good night. Hla Daughter — No, father ifo doesn’t aay i t —Judge. D ra w in g th e Long Bow. Hokus— 1 once saw an Egyptian smoking an Egyptian cigarette. Pokus— I’m a better liar than you ere. I once saw a Turk taking a Turk lsh bath.—Judga M o d ern W a r. “ Captain!” “ Yea, air.” “ Throw out a few skirmisher! In biplanes and search tb< -*» clouds yon­ der for ambushed air-hips.” | Let S. S. S. Ilustlc Im p u rities O u tw ard . I m p u r l t l f v t lodg»* so deeply In thr tissues that Ihpy « annot t.»- n-n h< T hy * r v ordi­ n a r y method. M«*rrurT and <a««\ but to pot rieht «l*.»rn in to whore t lì*» blood la vitia ted refluir»** S. K. S., the preatest blood purifier kii'.wn. l ' i ar i n La p r o ­ nounced. In a very brief tlm * S. S. «J. M a the reconstructive fir« « esq B , under control tl .r remarkable «’hange* a r e ob served A ll eruptive place« h< al, myateri«un pains and a «-hea have disappeared, and fi :u bend t • f * *«it there la conscious sensation o f n* n w ed health Th e extraordinary manner In nhl- h 8 . S F . d rive« Impuri! ¡* v o u t « ' t h e > 1« d ! « du« to i t s catalytic f< r ■■ In tl.” M o * * ! <’ • • !!«. contn»ns one inpr*“«li<’nr. th«- a« five p«irp»e«.* Il baiane e *Ì hea tth as the nutrì- ial to t loi 3 el«-men t » r th «• in**at«. g r a m i ! . fa is and «upara f o . r «la i l y f c Off. Is ot D1 the p r «'«eneo lo c a l o f «nme 1l«t u r b i n e P niaon the r e !* n u t r i t i on t » p e n e n ut lut* r f e r e nce or m an 1 l>« I l a ab «a u «e carbuncb's. «Uree 3 til’» kin Ire«! t r o i Mes 8. F. S bra 1 ceti* t> t a t thl« poì*on t.3 r e j e c t # 1 a - . 1 « U n i n a t e r 1 f •cm th-! p r è s «•ncr thr t S . s F . 1 « purely F r «.m he fa« a hotante al P r « . a r a r n n , 1 !s S «-c e p • 1 b;# t he weak •sf «t«i mach and ha« g r e a t t n i a I ot infi iene«*. >n«* t r o p < f <1 rugs o min • - a % 1« In I t 9 p r è p a r a t ! n . A 'k for H. S . 8 * ir b a v u p It. In Ani upon « I r e if OU d e s k llful a d v l c e il] **n an mat ter c o n «^ * r n ir c t >e bl M i M n.f k'n w r i t e to The S w l l t .’ 4 Sw ift l U - J i ; .