S' Í- % ESTAC 2.00» Votes Piano Contest For a New Subscriber '0 Votes Ptano Contest For a Renewal of : tbscription E S T A C A D A , O R E G O N , T H U R SD A Y , JU L Y 30. 19 14 NO. 45 OF V O L . 7 Resignation Accepted Cary’s for General Merchandise Meet your Friends here C A R Y M E R C A N T IL E CO . ESTACADA, - - - OREGON. In order to reduce our stock of RANGES, OIL STOVES, LAWN MOWERS and SCREEN DOORS for the next two weeks we will give E X T R A V O T E S on the F R E E P I A N O as follows: 10,000 votes on every R A N G E sold 5.000 ’ ’ ’ O I L S T O V E sold 3.000 » ’ ’ LA W N MOW ER sold 1.000 ’ ’ ’ SCREEN DOOR sold W e are still giving 500 votes for every $ worth of Binding Tw ine sold during July. Bert H. Finch - • - Hardware, Harness and Implements IT WILL DO YOU GOOD to see how your horses will go into the feed we provide. No indifference, no mussing with the feed but just straight eating. If vour horses are "off their feed” give them some of ours. Y ou'll see a quick cure and a bettered condition that mean more work and better. Isn't that what you are after? Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. $ 2 a day $ 1 0 a week The Hotel Estacada M O D ERN C O N V E N IE N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Palace Meat Market We handle only the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. A complete line of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh E ggs and Butter. ERED J0RG, Proprietor THE HOME RESTAURANT MRS. E. H. KELLOGG, Manager Home Cooking. Meals 35c up Lunches 10c I p Lunches Put up Lor Travelers Waterbury and Chapman “ The Busy Store“ Leading Grocery Store of ESTACADA, OREGON TRADE AT THE ESTACADA HOME BAKERY for Bakery Goods, Confectionery POP, Wholeulc and Retail R. G. MARCHBANK CONFECTIONERY SMOKING ARTICLES LIGHT LUNCH ICE CREAM TOBACCO CIGARS ESTACADA OREGON All I ask Is a chance to figure on your Plumbing and Electric Wiring CJTA5. M. SPARKS, News From All Notes Section» A v e ry enthusiastic sp e c ia l! The Pacific States Telephone Co d a y ’s service, duly accepted the m eeting o f the Le ag u e w a s held i have installed a regular sub station at resignation of Mr. W Givens, who Monday even in g at the C. I. C. at Barton, with headquarters has acted as pastor of the church for the past three years. The only reason given by Mr, Givens for his resignation, is that he feels it was best for the interests of the chinch 1(>oms, w ith about th irty men in ' S tort attendance, J. W. Reed reports the sale of j ^ e com m ittee in charge o f the another Ford automobile the past j E sta ca d a cannery, reported in ' veek> the purchaser being W . H. detail, am l a fte r „ jreneral dis- Mattoon ot E s ta cada. j to have a change of pastors. The | cussion by all present, it w a s d e - , H . G . Trowbridge of the Gar- | official Board is now working with j cided best to have the cannery field store is seriously considering 1 a view to obtaining a successor in organized along the co-operative the purchase of a light auto truck the near future. Most of the Esta-1 |jnes w ith sh ares at $50 each, j for use in the business, cada people are acquainted with the , sarne being payable in easy in-1 Countv Commissioner Mattoon hard work atid tile good results that j stallm ents, or p artly in fru it de- reports that the State Engineers have accrued to the Christian Jjv e red to the cannery. It w as were in Barton recently going over Church under the leadership of Mr. 1 decided th at not less than $ 5 , (MX) details regarding the oonstructihn Givens and his successor will have be raised, as experiences of oth- of the Barton Bridge over the Clack­ to lie a man of energy, grit and | er canneries all showed that fail- amas. faith to carry on the work as laid | u ream ] reorganization were large- down by his predecessor. Mr. Giv- jy due to working with too small C. W. Devore and daughter eus intends to remain in Estacada ' a capital. The committee con_ ' Bertha left the latter part o f last and aseve r look after the welfare tem plates holding a big m eeting and usmes o e L- • ; in E sta ca d a in the near future Co- _________________ j and im m ediately g e ttin g busy and raisin g the necessary funds Ford’s Travels to begin the erection o f the build­ Principal Ford of the Estacada ing this fall. schools expects to be iu Elwood, T h e L e a g u e also thoroughly Colton and Dodge, August 4th and discussed the an ven t o f the new , . , , "V, T " 5th: August 6th at Viola; 7th at Upper Logan. His work is along the lines of soliciting business for the Flstacada schools, to interest eighth grade graduates in continu­ ing their education with a high school course. Th e result of last week’ s work on Mr. F’ord's part, will probably mean an increased at­ tendance of from tour to six pupils in the high school next year. Mr. Ford reports that Mr. Hughes of Upper Redlands, the Guernsey man. will exhibit some of his fine heifers and bulls at the coming Eastern Clackamas Fair. Mr. Carl- sou and son of the satqe place will make a fine corn exhibit also. Mr. Cockt rline of Viola will exhibit his White Leghorn chickens and In­ dian Runner Ducks. three ton Reo truck, in charge of Peter Neilson and with headquart­ ers at Reed’ s garage. It is the intention to make round trips daily to Portland, hauling freight and merchandise, that is, making a speciality of firSt and sec­ ond classifications of freight only. The truck will cover a regular route, via Eagle Creek, Barton aud Clackamas into Portland. The trip will take about three hours each way, including stops. The representative of this truck is around this week, soliciting freight and hauling from the local merchants. week for Drain, Oregon, Clackam as County Fair 1 Sherman Kilgore of Springwater J has begun the erection of his new 1 home, the location of the house is lone commanding a beautiful, unin- terrupted view of the Oregon Sunday night’s service saw the I end of the successful reunion and gospel services, which have been held for the past ten days in the big tent on the hill, by the Church of the Latter Day Saints. These meet­ ings were well attended and much good was accomplished. The George Commercial and So- met at the home of II. Saturday and all had a It was decided at that immediately get busy the new club house, so be ready for use by Sept. 25th for the Community Fair. Mr. Lawton left at this office, Mr. and Mrs E. W. Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. P'rank Ew ing were the hosts at a couple of delightful ttlYairs ,iie past week. Thursday evening they entertained about twenty friends with cards and games amk Saturday evening with an informal dance, both parties were held at the Bartlett home aud thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mr. Lawton went from Esta­ cada up to Garfield to confer with Phil F. Standish, who is in charge Foot Ball Schedule o f the horticultural exhibit at the Mgr. Earl Tracy reports the fol­ coming Canby Fair. lowing schedule of games for the There are also a few copies o f Th e regular meeting of the school Estacada High School Foot Ball the Premium Lists for this fair at boaid was held at the school house Team has been arranged: Oct. 3rd, this office and may be had on ap­ last night. Most of the meeting Washougal at Estacada; Oct. 10th, plication. was given up to the checking up Canby at Canby; Oct. 17th , Hill Remember — Estacada wants and the paying of bills, but it seems Military Acad, at Estacada; Oct. exhibits o f all kinds, to be used; likely that the board will have to 24th, Gresham at Gresham; Oct. first at the Eastern Clackamas build an additional room onto the 31s t, Hillsboro at Estacada ; N ov. Fair in Estacada, Sept. 8th and school soon, to house the growing 14th, Camas at Estacada. Other i ^ en lo ^ exhibited at the number of students, as the small Rumor is current that petitions for the formation of a Union High School at Estacada will be ready for circulation within a week. T h e Union High School is to include the following districts; Estacada. Springwater, Dodge, Elwood, Viola, Tracy and Garfield at this time, and additions may come iu at any desired time. Eitacada, Oregon R. C . Denting of Garfield made a two-day trip through the W illam ­ ette Valley and conferred with oth­ er loganberry growers in that sec­ tion. Th e samples of dried fruit displayed by him are superior in size and general appearance to any of the valley fruit. A display of this fruit will be made at the Port­ land Chamber of Commerce and will also appear in our local exhi­ bits. Walter Crane and son have been repairing the Redlands phone line , through Springwater the past week. We and have have finished repainting our building put up newly lettered signs. So much for the Outside of the Bank— the Inside is what counts and in that we are equip­ ped with every up-to-date facility for banking. Our policy is to establish a conservative home bank for the home people and we want your account, either checking, time deposit or both. IfROY D. WALKER. President IH0V14S YOCUM. Vice President “ J w i„ m ake an extended visit and her fa th e r will remain ; a fe w days, visitin g relatives. Mr. Ward B. Lawton, secretary rial Club o f the Clackamas County Fair Smith last Association, was an Estacada vis- ¡good time. itor last Tuesday and stopped at meeting to the Progress office to get ac­ and erect that it will quainted. some exhibit tags, to be tied to the different exhibits as brought in, these tags show the name o f the grow er and the locality where grown. Estacada State Bank where auto truck service between Esta -1 cada and Portland and the con- sceller> ■ sensus o f opinion was in favor of [ Bill Underwood recently in- the merchants continuing their stalled a shock absorber on his support to the P. R. L. & P. Co. Forij mafch|.,ie’ . which gave such , tfood satisiiiction that I)r. Adix as formerly, realizing the Rood i ba(j him place one on his car. The will that has always existed be- ease with which Bill runs his car tween that corparation and the over Estacada’ s “ pavements” necessitated the need o f an ab­ inhabitants o f this town. sorber o f some kind. Dr. A d ix made a few remarks regarding the the condition of Mr. J. C. Peterson of Springwater, the water in Estacada at present who has been ill for a few weeks and stated that negotiations are past, wishes to advise his many under w ay to try to furnish this friends who have been solicitious city with w ater from the con­ about him, that he has returned to templated Oregon City supply his home with the Shibley’s, after from the South Fork o f the recuperating from his illness at the Clackamas. W . A . Bard home. The next regular monthly meet­ ing w ill be next Monday night, Aug. 3rd, at 8 P. M., at the C. I, C. rooms. Everyone is invited N ew Trucking Business to be present for the discussions Beginning Wednesday of this and talks on vital local matters week, the Rco Intercity Truck Ser­ are entertaining as well as in­ vice started at Estacada. with a big structive. c mt S- * H. Trading Sump..________________ G. H. L1CHTHORN. Prop. Phone, Main 7*. Development League Meeting games will be scheduled and notice Canby Fair, Sept. 16th to 19th old huilding across from the school, will appear here in later issues. inclusive and then at the Portland ^ probably cannot be used. and the Fancy Groceries. Th e official board of the Estacada Christian Church, after last Sun- A YEAR IRWIN 0. WRIGNI, Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. GOTOTHEfstacada Furniture Co. For all kinds of Furniture and Undertaking Goods Call and see our nice line of Rockers, Bed Springs, and Mattress, Linolium, Rugs and Matting. A good line of Queensware always on hand. When you want dishes we have them. W e have a couple of White Sewing Machines left which we will sell cheap. Call and see us before going elsewhere. W e will treat you right. Yours for business, Estacada Furniture Co. GWUN TRADING STAMPS Ten Electric Generating PLANTS W idely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. for the purpose of providing Reliable Electric Service to its patrons. Through high tension trans­ mission lines, each of these generating plants are intercommunicative, so that the service is insured against unforseen inter­ ruptions. WHERF LOCATED Portland ( 2 ) Oregon City Silverton Cazadero Estacada Bull Run Boring St. Johns Salem Portland Railway, Li^ht & Power Co. Broadway and Alder Street» Phones: Marshall 5100 Home A-6131 Land Products Show, Oct. 26th to The library committee of the C. 1 Last week the following property More Statistics Nov. 14th. Finally Estacada hopes to bring them all back home was sold bv Perry Kitzmiller of I. C. is preparing to purchase a list The one industry o f Estacada Th e C. P. Woodle, 20 of tiooks, which will include a large and establish a permanent ex- Portland that is receiving the most atten­ hibit near the station in Estacada. acres to E . W . Beckett of Portland number of volumes that are desir­ tion right now, is the “ pitching and 33/4 acres of the Howlett es­ able in the library. It is hoped tate to K. L . Hollander of Duluth, that other organizations and indi­ Country Club Picnic Minn. Mr. Hollander is a new- viduals not members ot the club Th e committee of the Garfield comer and n,nch im p o se d who are interested in the dissemina­ Country Club beg to announce that t*1' s f/reKon locality. 1 he tion ot good reading material, may Mr. C. J. McIntosh. Editor of th e |ProKress and its subscribers wel- aid, as they can, in the purchase of Press Bulletin of Oregon A g ric u l- 1 come tl,e new coruers and h o p *to j books. Th e library is meant for the use of the entire community tural College, will speak on the make them feel at home from the and alieady a good many from the start. subject, "W o m an 's Contribution surrounding country have begun to T o Social Progress;’ ’ Dr. W ithv- Mrs. H. V'. A d ix left Sunday avail themselves of it. The pur­ combe will talk on "R u ral Social afternoon for an extended pleasure chasing list when completed will be j ^ ,, and F. M. Gill on "T h e trip to the Yellowstone National posted in the club rooms and part Solution of Good R o ads." The Park. She took the children as far or all of same will apjxar in these base ball game starts promptly at as Portland, where they will remain columns. 10.30 A . M. and the program at 1. until she returns. Mrs, A d ix had j 30 P. M Make it a point to take expected to make this trip with the There will be a special Harvest a vacation that day and spend the doctor, but owing to pre s of bttsi Home program at the George whole day with your friends at the ness he was not able to go at this Presbyterian Church Sunday, Country Club grounds. Remember time. The other members of the August 2nd, and all are cordially it is Saturday August 8th. party are Portland friends. invited to be present A re you going to do your share? o f horseshoes. ” A t all hours o f the day a hunch o f our local men may he seen trying to lassoo the elusive peg with the equine foot­ wear. Much excitement and in­ terest has been manifested by the onlookers and great skill by the participants. A local statistician has computed that the energy expended in this sport, if employ­ ed elsewhere, would repair all o f our broken sidewalks, would cut four cords o f wood per hour, would make the Development League meetings hum, or elevate a hundred pound weight seven­ teen and forty-three hundredths feet in one second. As an adver­ tisement for the town, right along side o f the depot, it can be improved on.