V Ore« '» «i» SoCÌety' 2o Celebrate the fourth of July in Estacada. F O R O N L Y $1 NO. 3* of VOL. 7 City Council Doin’ s Drapery Silk, 75c yard. New ash Silks, $1.00. Yard wide Wool Batistes and Challies, all colors, worth 60c and 75c yard, our special price 49c e have what you want in— H EAVY AND SH ELF HARDW ARE “All Hardware prescriptions carefully filled.” Sole A gents- Sharpies Tubular Separators $40.00 up Eastman Kodaks and Supplies American Field Fencing «41 ‘Royal Tailoring For Real Men’ C A R Y 'S M E R C A N T IL E CO. “Your Store,” Estacada, Oregon These Hot Should Remind You That it isn’t necessary for your wife to roast over a Hot Cook Stove when one of our OIL COOKERS with Oven, will save heating up the house and do easy and quick cooking or baking on it. If you need a Cultivator, Mower, Rake, Guards, Sections or Ledger Plates, we have them. If your old machine needs repairs, we can get them on short notice. BERTH. FINCH Hardware, Harness and Implements $1 A Y E A R Estacada Stock Yards At a sjiecial meeting of the Coun­ Wednesday afternoon Messrs. cil held Monday night, Chari , Hunt, Kelly, Puraphrey, Fields Sparks was elected to fill the va­ and Rincke, of the P. R. L. & P. cancy left by Wm. Straight, Co., were in Estacada and perfect­ The Council have passed several ed arrangements with VV. F. Cary good ordinances. Special attention for the immediate establishment ot should be called to the “ Cow Bell a stock yards on the spur track in | Ordinance” which will be in effect ] Terrace Addition. This stock yard j before another thirty days and from w ill be conducted by the Union then on the “ mellow soothing tin- Meat Co. ot Portland, who will | gle of the bells on the lowing kine' ’ keep a regular buyer out here most ; will be a thing of the past at 5 a ot the time. This will meati the m. when sleeping’ s good. The ! concentration ot all cattle and pork "Tinkling Cow Bell” is all right buying and shipping in Estacada in poetry, but not in Estacada town and all payments for same will be limits. 1 made here on delivery at the yards. The Council are contemplating For a time at least this will be the a “ Non Spitting Ordinance” and it only stock yard between here and | will be a good thing, if it is en- j Portland along the P. R, L. & P l forced. Everyone knows the dan-' line. j ger from miscellaneous expectorat- 1 In accordanca with his past pub- ing on sidewalks, besides the dis- 1 lie spiritedness, W. F. Cary donat- gusting feature. An ordinance of ed two lots for the stock yards, this kind must be enforced or not; Mr. Cary deserves a vote of thanks put into effect, for many such o r-' from the entire community, diuanees not enforced have a tend- j The establishing of stock yards ency to huit the respect which peo- ! here is the direct result of the ini- ple should have for a law. | tiative taken by the Estacada State The three new ordinance posting Bank, as they first interested the boards, as now erected on down Union Meat Co. in the project, f -1 town corners, are neat and look | 0 1 businesslike, A paid reprint of [these ordinances in the Progress' Attention has been called to some would look extra good and reach needed repairs to the sidewalks I every body. along the following properties: j B U IL D U P E S T A C A D A ! This Bank is the bank of and for the people of Estacada and vicinity. Our equipment is now modem and our service up to date. We will be pleased to serve you. Patronize your HOME bank and build up vour home community. Your account will be appreciated. ESTACADA STATE BANK l l K O r D. W U K E R . President IM O W tS YOCUM. Vice President IRWIN 0. WRI0HT. Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. A Little Work Needed Block 27, lot 1: block 29, lot 12; block 16, lot 2; block 16, lot 12; The bath tubs enroute from block 7, lot 1; block 10, lot 12; Estacada to Cary’ s Hot Springs up 1 block 6 lot 1. the Clackamas, have safely passed j A s the July 4th celebiation will Three Links and with good winds J soon be here and crowds of people, should reach destination by Thurs- it is hoped all sidewalks will be in day. The original sled runners good condition by that time. wore out and the replacing of same Last year, during the passing of the 4th of July parade, the marshal \ caused some unexpected delay. was forced to keep the people from j F. D. Hunt, Traffic Manager of congregating ou the west incline on j the P. R. L & P. Co., family and Main street, owing to its being a | Miss Fae Ii. Ball of Astoria, spent little shaky. This shakiness still continues and a few supports or j Sunday at the Hotel Estacada. braces could be placed at small ex- Miss Lula Tracy has returned pense and effectually remedy any j A moving j from attending the Portland Trades danger of accident. School to remain at home until the crowd, such as return from our ball games over this incline, is lia­ beginning of the fall term. ble to create too much vibration. n ew s THi Estacada Furniture Co. For all kinds of Furniture and Undertaking Goods Call and see our nice line of Rockers, Bed Springs, and Mattress, Linolium, Rugs and Matting. A good line of Queensware always on hand. When you want dishes we have them. We have a couple of White Sewing Machines left which we will sell cheap. Call and see us] before going elsewhere. W e will treat you right. GRIIN IRADIMi STAMPS Estacada Furniture Reliable Electric Service to its patrons. Through high tension trans­ mission lines, each of these generating plants are intercommunicative, so that the service is insured against unforseen inter­ ruptions. Get Together Picnic Local and Tourist Portland (2 ) PALACE MEAT MARKET. We handle only Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. A comp'ete.ltne of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh Eggs and Butter. - HOME RESTAURANT MRS. Home Cooking. Meals 35c up. Lunches 10c lip Lunches Put up For Travelers ft Widely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. for the purpose of providing One of the most delightful FRED J0RG, Proprietor Co. Ten Electric Generating PLANTS Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. The Hotel Estacada Yours for business, Civic Improvement Club IT WILL DO YOU GOOD la n d a y go to Miss Rachael Reed, who has been attending the State University at Seattle, Wash., returned home Tbe Club held its regular meet­ The annual school meetings held ing last Saturday afternoon in the Saturday to spend her vacation. in the Various districts. Monday club rooms with a good attendance. to see how your horses will go June 15th, were well attended. Don’ t forget that the next big Among the questions brought iBto the feed we provide. No Estacada local district, met in the Commercial club meeting Monday before the club was that of having indifference, no mussing with High School assembly room in the night, June 22, 8 p, m sharp. a clean-up day. A committee of the feed but just straight eating. evening. About ioo local people Has the membership soliciting com­ three, with M rs. R. Morse as chair­ If vour horses are “ off their attended, most of them being quali­ mittee seen you yet ? man, was appointed by the chair to attend to the matter and the time I feed” give them some of ours. fied voters. After the regular read­ Noah Heiple attracted a great will be announced later. Y o u ’ll see a quick cure and a ing and acceptance of the reports of deal of attention this week with his The several 4th of July bettered condition that mean finances, and former minutes, the new touring car and he doesn’t be­ mittees reported that they were get - R i more work and better. Isn’ t meeting turned its entire attention lieve in keeping any of the seats ting together frequently and plans I (9 that what you are after? | are being formulated for a splendid j | to the voting for one new director empty. program. to fill the vacancy left by the retire­ The Estacada State Bank don’ t A motion was made bv Mrj. I /Sj ment of L. E . Bel fils. The first seem to know when to quit reno­ Ewing to revoke the plan of com- I lf primary nominating vote, showed vating and Monday a handsome big mittees on dances and other enter- conclusively that Fred Jorg was the tainnients, taking all bills before new awning appeared to protect the the club to be acted upon, and popular candidate with Owen Smith newly painted window and letter­ hereafter the committee will pay as second choice. Mr. Smith with­ ing. A prosperous appearance al­ tile bills out of the proceeds of the drew his name and moved that the entertainments and make report to $ 1 0 a week N Secretary cast a unanimous ballot in ways brings business. the club accordingly. Mrs. Herbert Mattoon of Viola favor of Fred Jt rg for the director­ There being no further business, ship. Result, Fred Jorg elected. met with a serious accident last the club adjourned to meet June The voting for school clerk for the week, having severely cut her 27. ensuing year was more spirited, thumb by the breaking of the glass MODERN CONVENIENCES with several candidates being nomi­ in the door of the Viola store. Dr. The C. 1 . C “ Get Together” nated, but the final vote was taken Adix attended her and the hand is picnic held in the Estacada Park, Resorts on the Coast a on the nominations of U. S. Morgan fast getting well. Wednesday, was a success from all and W. H. Holder, the latter being Roy Morrow made a hurried trip standpoints. Over 100 ladies were Trade Solicited | the clerk for the past year. Final to Portland last Sunday, covering present, including as guests the result, U. S. Morgan elected. The the distance in i'/ 2 hours. A Mr. ladies of the Springwater Sunshine meeting was not characterized by Gill ot Portland was called hack Club, Garfield Dorcas Society. Cnr- W H ER E L O C A T E D the intense partizan spirit evident in from a fishing trip here to reach rinsville Ladies Aid and Priscilla Club. former meetings. The financial the bedside of his mother, who was One of the famous C. I. C. picnic statements as read, show the school taken seriously ill. dinners was served and by that time to be tn a very prosperous condition the best of meats ail were well acquainted. Garden Contest to begin the coming year, with a Among the speakers were Mrs balance of about $4,000. which will The school garden contest is C. Folsom who spoke on the work be ready for the opening of the Sep- closed. While there was less in­ of the Parent Teachers Ass n.. Mrs temler term. The directors report terest taken in this contest this C. W. DevoreonCivic matters. Mrs. showed a wise management in the year than last, it was largely due to A. E. Sparks gave a resume of the past year and Mr. Belfils deserves a the attention having been diverted C. I. C.. Mrs. R. Bates responded with a fine impromptu talk, Miss hearty vote of thanks for his good to the home gardens and the gar- Dillon spoke on Schools and Mrs. work on the school board in the past. j den, like charity, should begin at Hughes gave an address on behalf of 1 home. The school gardens were the Currinsville ladies, followed by Springwater H The meeting was held in the after- excellent condition and tilt judg- Mrs a o Whitcomb and Mi B r o a d w a y and A. I.a Bar re in behalf of the I)orca 'as (Ç) noon at the school house and was es a varied prizes as follows: Society. Mrs. K. W. Bartlett m de g well attended by men and women CIass#A ("grades 6-7-S) Elmer a first class toastmistress. E. H. KELLOGG, Manager Jas. Guttndge. elected director, to Hannah 1st. fountain pen: Ern- . _ , . „ . . . . 1 It is hoped that this is but the! | take the place of J. A . Kiggins, re- « t Rynn.ng 2nd ball m.tt; Frank ,,eginnjnii lhe • .^ t tog.ther spir j tiring. A 2 mill tax was voted, to Somers 3rd. knife. jt in this community. It hasalwavs The Garfield Band's Strawberry 1 be expended in remodeling and al- Class R (grades 4-3) Jos Woodle taken the C. I C. to take the in tering the present seboo1 house — tst, Yankee drill: Otto Hoigard ! »¡alive in such matters and the men So«»1 of lh‘9 week- was a b’ S stic- and, fountain pen: George Doug- atul ,he,r n''ionizations will do well $15 for the Garbeld to copy the idea, for hstacada is Walter Schreiner, re-elected dir-j as* 3 r,b subscription to * oultrj mere|y the nucleus of the big grow- furthering of the plans of that or- ector. R. C. Detning, elected clerk. Life; Albert Hannah - 4th, ball mg hstacada country, and we all I ganization. (Continued on fourth page.) ' 1 are neighbors. School Election bl Boost for the Business Men’s Club E ST A C A D A , OREGON. T H U R S D A Y , JU N E iS, 1914 New Arrivals in Dry Goods Second A good time promised to all who attend ESTACADA 1 p;p.10 G Ri ESS All the New s i ? Oregon City Silverton Cazadero Estacada Bull Run Boring St. Johns Salem Portland Railway, Li£ht& Power Co. % Phones: Marshall 5100 Home A-6131 Alder Street» I of lumber Horner Bios, mill can be accounted for br the new building going ou at the Shibley, Jockuusonaud other places. The constant hauling through Springwater, from