Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 28, 1914, Image 2

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Huerta Declares He
Is Called by Heaven
One Generation of Pigs
Becomes Food tor N ext
City of Lebarn, Wash.,
Almost Destroyed by Fire
Mexico City, (Special Correspond­
Lebam, Wash.- -The heart of Lebam
is practically a pile of wreckage and
ence).— "In the eyes of all the world,
debris, entirely wi|>ed out, except for
except those o f our sister republics o f
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ materials from which tankage is made a few outlying homes and buildings, by
I.atin America,
1 am looked on and vallis — “ Tankage connects the suc­ are wasted by the small slaughtering
a fierce fire at 1 o’clock Thursday,
denounced as a dictator and usurper. cessive generations o f pigs so vitally establishments. The use o f a system which, while it lasted, assumed the
F ro m A tla n tic to Pa cific.
when, in all political truth, I am de that on« generation muy become food that provides for saving this material proportions of a conflagration.
F rom the Pin e T r e e to L o n e Stur,
jure de facto president of the Mexican for the next,” says G. R. Samson, spe­ and turning it into a valuable commer­ estimated loss is about $400,000.
Tlu-y are g a th 'r in g 'round Old G lo ry,
cialist in swine growing at the Oregon cial product instead o f into a public
And th e y 'r e m a rch in g to the w ar.
nation. I am asked to vacate the po­ Agricultural college. “ When hogs are menace to health will increase the sup-
road depot and warehouses, business
sition for which I was intended by God slaughtered their blood and refuse that ply and assure its availability through- blocks, hotels, merchandise stores and
you h ea r the horses p ran cin g?
Unionists gained a seat in the 'house
>on’ t you h ear the sabres clash ?
and destiny, and turn over to men who were formerly wasted are made into out the entire year.
churches and many dwellings are in
of commons in the recent elections.
D on ’ t you h ear the cannons ro a rin g ?
“ Swine are likely to remain the eluded in the desolation and waste.
have but the most selfish and mercen­ tankage and used to fatten the next
D o n 't you h ear the muskets crash ?
Thursday, May 21, was the hottest
crop o f pigs for the market. While principal consumer o f this product be­
D on ’t you sm ell the sm oke o f b a ttle?
Many of the 600 to 800 inhabitants
day ever recorded at Seaside, Ore.
Oh, yo u ’ ll wish that you had gone,
not a great deal o f this material enters cause it is neither so palatable nor di were left without homes, and worse
W h en you h^ar thp sh qyts and ch eerin g
With these words, General Huerta, into the new lot o f pigs, the most ex­ gestible to cud-chewing animals.
Be yet, without food, practically all man­
Wednesday, May 20, was the hot­
F o r the boys w ho w hipped the D on!
test May 20 experienced in Portland the head of the Mexican government, pensive parts o f their carcasses are ing a product of the meat industry, ner of edibles having been consumed
and the most talked o f man on earth,
in the rush of the flames.
One loaf
T h e r e 'll be Y an kees, th e re ’ ll be Johnnies,
since 1892.
“ Tankage is a by-product o f the the swine production than has any of bread was all that remained from
T h e r e ’ ll be N o rth and South no m ore,
The mediators at Niagara Falls re­ began his appointed interview with meat industry that is adimrably suited other protein feed supply.
W h en the boys com e m a rch in g h om ew ard
It carries the destruction of the bakery. Food,
W ith Old (Ilo r y borne before.
port that their first steps have been correspondents Monday at the palace to hog feeding, and is likely to remain twice as much protein as linseed however, was rushed in from Raymond,
F rou j A tla n tic to P a cific,
of Chapultapec.
the cheapest source o f protein for and soy bean meal, nearly seven times
With a strong wind blowing, with
From the P in e T r e e to Ix to e S tar,
swine. The supply is increasing as as much as barley or corn, and costs no available water except that to be
Then he immediately added:
T h e y ’ ll be one beneath O ld' G lo ry
Forest fires are reported in twenty
ft e r co m in g from the w ar.
pumped from wells, and everything as
different localities in the state of
‘ ‘ Yes, and all Latin-America— for
j also be fed an indefinite time without dry as tinder the flames made remark
centrated and efficient.
this attitude of the United States gov­
“ A t present, large quantities o f I injurious results.”
able headway, rushing simultaneously D on’ t you h ea r th e tra m p o f soldiers?
One division o f the war fleet has ernment, not the American people re-
in many directions, once they had
Don’ t you h ea r the bugles p la y ?
been ordered home from Mexican wa­ | member is most vital to every repub- I
gained an uncontrolled start in the D on’ t you see the m u sk ets flu sh ing
ters for repairs.
lie of America.
In the su n ligh t fa r a w a y ?
conveyor, in the fire room of the Case D on't you fe e l th e grou n d a ll trem b lin g
‘ ‘Have .you considered the attitude |
Eleven men are indicted at Indian­
& Brown company sawmill.
’ N e a th the trea d o f m a n y fe e t?
apolis, Ind., for conspiracy to evade of all Latin-America on this stand
The fire communicated immediately T h e y a re com in g, tens o f thousands.
o the a rm y a n d the licet.
civil service laws.
from the sawmill to the shingle and
the interviewers. “ Well, it is time
planing mills, jumped the tracks to T h e y a re Y a n kees, th ey a re Johnnies,
“ General” Coxy was granted per- 1 y0U ought to,” he went on, following
Hood River-—The Northwestern ap- they attended a conference o f the the Northern Pacific railroad yards,
T h e y ’ re fo r N o rth and South no m ore;
mission to speak from the steps o f the ^ negative answer. “ It is time that
pie crop may not be as large as early North Pacific Fruit Distributers on licking up the depot as it ran, badly T in y ure one, and gla d to fo llo w
national Capitol.
the American government gave full estimates have placed it, according to grading and packing rules. “ The rules scorching a Northern Pacific train that
W h en Old G lo r y goes before.
The total exportation of apples to 1 a,ul attentative heed to the wishes and Wilmer Sieg, sales manager of the will remain similar to those of last was passing, and then continued to
. Europe for the season was less than opinions o f the nations o f Latin- North Pacific Fruit distributers.
“ But many spread through the business and resi
The year,” said Mr. Sieg.
America. These are real peoples in fruit is shedding in all districts and small details on which misunderstand­ dence sections.
the previous year.
every political and economic sense;
One building was dynamited in an
Hundreds of Seventh-Day Adventists they are nationalized in as a full sense the early estimates will be cut in al­ ings could be based will be eliminated
The Hood and the rules, which will soon be effort to check the flames, but proved
are in annual conference and encamp­ as are the Americans and they have a most all fruit centers.
River valley, according to Mr. Sieg, issued, will be made plain to everyone. unavailing.
ment at Forset Grove, Or.
pride o f flag and of country as pro­ and others who have looked over the
“ Hood River strawberries are begin­
One hundred and fifty men are
Women formed bucket brigades and nounced, if not indeed, more so, than orchards, will be doing well to pass ning to roll in carload quantities. The thrown out of employment. The saw
the million-box mark.
Early e s ti-! strawberry market is showing consid mill had a capacity of 100,000 feet,
saved a large part of the town o f Cam­ have our neighbors to the north.
“ I fear that at times the Washing­ mates, however, placed the crop at erable strength, proportionate to qual the shingle mill of twice that amount
den, Mo., from destruction by fire.
ton government assumes a patronizing 1,250,000 boxes.
HE tragic death of Gen. woods at this time were full of Con­
The overlapping of California and the planing mill of 60,000 feet.
It is reported in Washington that a attitude toward the Spanish American
John F. Reynolds occurred federate sharpshooters who were pick­
Oscar Vanderbilt, Charles Castner, berries caused a little weakness in
Many automobile loads of firelight
A t least W. B. Dickerson and Mr. Sieg have some o f the markets, but the Cali­ ers rushed here from Raymond to
representationve of the constitutional­ governments and people.
less than an hour after ing off men here,and there. When
ists is being sent to the Niagara Falls many o f its acts in the past could be just returned from Spokane, where fornia fruit is about cleanued up now.” assist, but could do little or nothing,
the beginning of the battle, General Reynolds, accompanied by his
construed as indicating an assumption
of Gettysburg. The best aids, Captains Mitchell and Baird, and
because of lack of water.
o f superiority quite apart from the ex­
account of this has been Orderly Charles H. Veil, rqde up one
Lebam is a city o f 600 to 800 inhab­
Col. Roosevelt is said to have gotten
B oys’ Short Course in
ercising of authority.
In this latter India Will Use Oregon
given by a member of the of the Union regiments was approach­
itants, located on the Chehalis & South
into harness, immediately after ar­
word, I, o f course, refer to the Monroe
Agriculture June 15 to 30 Bend branch of the Northern Pacific
lim ber for Railroad Ties
Union army signal corps. ing the woods. Reynolds exclaimed,
riving home, for the Progressive cam­
Doctrine, that once very kindly instru­
He was watching from tho ‘Forward, men; forward, for God’s
paign o f 1914.
In connection with the regular sum­ railroad, a short distance from South
Washington, D. C. — Pacific Coast
ment of double edge— the one covered
Bend. Telegraph and telephone com­ tower of the Theological seminary on sake, and drive those fellows out of
An attempt o f 1000 suffragettes to with real velvet and held facing our timber is being tried experimentally mer session o f the Oregon Agricultur­ munication was entirely cut off and the edge of the town. “ The engagement the woods!’ He turned
look for
. interview King George personally re­ nations of the American continents, for railroad construction work in India, al College, a two weeks’ short course connection with the outside was had was desperate,” he declared, and tho his supports and to hurry them on,
sulted in a pitched battle with a regi the other o f tempered steel that glints according to a report from Consul in Agriculture will be given for boys by automobiles.
Union forces seemed to be getting the but beforb he could speak again the
ment o f police.
in the eyes of greedy European na­ Henry D. Baker, o f Bombay, who
The city experienced a serious fire worst of it when I suddenly saw the bullet of a sharpshooter had penetrat­
o f the Seventh, Eighth, and High
tions. Yes, for many years it was such writes the Department o f Commerce,
It is reported that Roosevelt will
School grades. A special illustrated two years ago and the burned portion corps flag of General Reynolds. I had ed his brain and he fell forward, dying,
an instrument— kindly and protective saying:
stump the state o f California in aid of
“ The railway board o f India, head­ circular o f 16 pages has been issued had recently been reconstructed. The no one to communicate with, so I sent upon his horse. His fall wins not no­
to those it would shield, strongly men­
fire Thursday swept this rebuilt por­ one of my men to Buford, who rushed ticed by the troops, w'ho swept on and
his old friend and running mate,
acing to those it would thwart in evil quarters at Simla, has recently ar­ and mailed to all county school super­ tion and again practically wiped it out. up and seized my glasses, and on see­ compelled Archer’s brigade to sur­
Hiram Johnson.
ranged for two experimental ship­
intendents and to city and village su­
ing Reynolds said, ‘Now we can hold render. General Reynolds’ {horse car­
“ In the present disastrous condition ments o f Pacific Coast timber for use
Chas. E. Mellen, ex-president of the
this place.’ Very shortly after this ried the body a short distance, when
as sleepers, or ties, on Indian rail­ perintendents and principals. Copies Bandits Get $5000 From
New York, New Haven & Hartford, of aiFairs, I feel certain that Central
ways. One shipment comprises Ore­ may be secured of them or o f the di­
Bank of Spangle, Wash. General Reynolds and his staff came it was borne to the rear in£& blanket
sentiment is
declares government owneship is the and South American
up and, seeing Buford in the cupola, just as Archer himself was being
largely with Mexico.
Of course it gon pine sleepers, creosoted, which rector o f the summer school, Prof. E.
only solution o f the railroad problem.
Spokane— Three bandits who locked he cried out, 'What's the matter, brought in a prisoner.” The death of
would not be right and honorable for cost $1.44 per sleeper c. i. f. Calcutta, D. Ressler, Corvallis, Oregon.
The circular contains a description the cashier of the State Bank of Span­ John?’ ‘The devil’s to pay!’ and go­ General Reynolds was a severe blow
Representatives of five National any person to construe this statement and the other shipment California red­
banks met in San Francisco and signed as reflecting in the smallest way the wood, uncreosoted, which cost $1.20 of the instruction to be given, full in­ gle, Wash., in the bank vault and es­ ing down tho ladder he met General to the Union forces, and
papers for the establishment of the views of the mediators appointed by per sleeper. These sleepers are for formation in regard to R. R. rates, caped with between $4000 and $5000 Reynolds, who said, ‘I hope you can of the war brought more
Reserve banks for the Twelfth dis Argentina, Brazil and Chile to adjust broad-gauge railways, and the dimen- cost of board and room, supplies and Wednesday were driven into the woods hold out until my corps comes up.’ ‘I mourning. A splendid statu« has been
along Hangman creek, four miles from reckon I can,’ was Buford’s ’ reply. erected to his memory ¿pear the spdt
the slight difficulties between the sions are nine feet by 10 inches by five clothing to be brought by boys, meth- Waverly, Wash.
, “
od of application for enrollment, etc.
Reynolds then suggested that they where he fell. It w ill' be floted that
American and Mexican governments. inches,
Posses under the leadership of sher­ ride out and see about it. ‘General, in this statue the horse h^pr two feet
“ The recent advance in prices of There are also pictures of the boys of
The director of the Argentine ob­ I would not want so to offend good
servatory believes the comet now in taste as to comment one way or the Australian jarrah have caused railway last year’s course in class, laboratory, iff’s deputies obtained bloodhounds do not expose yourself too much,’ said I off the ground, which indicates that
sight is the same that was observed other on the questions to be discussed authorities in India to give attention field, swimming pool, on hikes and at from Moscow, Idaho, and put them on Buford, but Reynolds laughed and its rider was killed. Stati$|s on the
and recorded by French scientists 124 by these eminent gentlemen, or upon to the possibility of making use of games. Thirty-five boys, representing the trail, but they were unable to catch moved nearer still. After giving some I field of Gettysburg where the horse
A member of directions to Buford, which showed has one foot off the ground indicate
years ago.
over a dozen counties, attended the up with the robbers.
what I might believe to be their opin­ less expensive American timber for
the sleepers required.
As Australian first session. Accommodations for one one of the posses was O. W. Newlon, his determination to concentrate and that the rider was wqunded, while
A Federal grand jury at Pittsburg ions relative to the controversy. They
the cashier of the bank.
jarrah is now quoted at $2.80 per hundred boys are provided this year.
to fight, General Reynolds again those having all four feet on the
has voted indictments against five em are high ambassadors and are men of
Newlon was alone in the bank when mounted his horse and rode away to ground sfrow^ that the rides, escaped
sleeper (broad gauge), there thus
Four to five hours each day, includ­
ployes o f the Carbon Steel Co., for such standing that whatever their rec­
the three men entered just before
meet the head of his column. The I unhurt.
furnishing defective steel for Panama ommendations may be they will be en­
noon. They covered him with pistols
titled to the most exalted considera business in American Pacific Coast the remainder o f the time to play, and forced him into the vault and
canal locks.
tion by all parties.”
The robbers then
Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of
way, the East Indian railway, the As­ noons free. A general leader, assisted locked him in.
the President, sang for three phono­
sam Bengal railway and the Bombay, by three to five senior or graduate col locked the front door of the bank build­
graph records, which are now being
Boaroda & Central India railway have lege boys, will keep careful oversight ing, gathered into a sack all of the
D ry” Preacher Says
advertised for sale, in an ad. bearing
already been experimenting with tim­ o f the boys day and night, both to money in sight and walked out the
filso the picture of Miss Wilson.
ber from the Pacific Coast of the Unit­ keep them from getting into mischief back door.
Before entering the bank the rob­
St. Louis Rev. Louis R. Patmont, ed States with successful
results. and to see that each boy gets his share
Jacob A. Riis, noted social and re­
The boys bers had arranged with J. E. Beau-
Generally speaking, the Indian rail­ of all the work and fun.
form writer, is seriously ill with heart the Prohibitionist advocate who said ways purchase between 500,000 and will be organized into groups, accord­ ghan to drive them out into the coun­
he was kidnaped from Wetsville, 111.,
1,200,000 sleepers every year.
It is ing to age and development, for both try at noon on a “ business trip.” The
HE time is again at hand to from their solutions. Then put both
The Norwegian steamer Atlantis, on’ March 31, and found in an aban­ necessary to make use of timber which the instruction and play. Each group men, after the robbery, quietly walked
pay tribute to our honored mixtures together* and beat to a
with 98 refugees returning to Tampi­ doned house near Columbia, 111., Mon­ would successfully resist the white will have one o f these leaders who will to Beaughan’s garage and entered an
dead, to indulge in Mara­ froth. When well mixed, add the fol­
In the meantime Newlon
co, went aground and navy tugs were day, asserted here that he knew the ants which are prevalent throughout be a sort of big brother.
thon runs, to enter con­ lowing slowly:
One cupful politics
called to her assitance by wireless.
Any boy in Oregon is eligible, but had succeeded in escaping from the
ones responsible for his detention. He India and also not show undue de­
tests for silver cups Hnd ‘ vyith extreme care, or it may curdle).
not more than one will be accepted vault and the robbers saw him leave
to secure tickets that will One quart milk of hiMian kindness.
Tin of good quality is regarded as le ft for Danville, 111., where the grand terioration from tropical climate.”
from one district or ward school in the the building.
admit us to the double- (The genuine article- is extremely rare,
a nuisance in some parts of Alaska, jury now in session will take up the
Beaughan was forced to start his
towns so long as there are applicants
headers at the baseball but a substitute recommended by many
where it is being thrown aside by the investigation of his story.
Oregon State Penitentiary
, from schools not represented.
All ap- machine and go out of Spangle under
Patmont said an automobile owned
gold miners. In the richest spots as
grounds, so that we may | public .men, and closely ^resembling
W ill RdlSC OlVll Swine plicants must be approved by the coun­ full speed, with the bandits shooting show how deeply and sincerely we the pure .variety, may be obtained any­
itiuch as a half pound to the pan is re­ in Danville was used to abduct him.
in all directions. No one was injured,
la te d , which, at the present price of He declared he was slugged and car­
cherish the memory of th<ose for where.
Salem— Governor West, in a state­
Use the ‘ condensed form.)
but windows in the buildings on the
ore, would g ive the gravels a value of ried, half conscious, from place to ment issued Tuesday, said hogs were character and ability to profit by the
whom the gorlamds are twined. It will Tincture of religion—a «p a ll quantity,
place for 50 days in this machine. He being raised successfully at the state course. No tobacco users will be ac­ main street were broken.
$18 to $20 a yard.
be necessary for some men to make to taste. One-half cupful premonitions
Newlon gave an alarm and men
said he knew the owners of the car.
penitentiary. His statement is a fol- , cepted.
speeches and for others to listen. For of national -disaster. On,* and one-third
Boys, teachers, parents or others and boys, with all the firearms they the benefit of the listeners as well as
A two months’ growth of beard low s:
cupfuls hope. - One sprig sage (ad­
ould get, took up the pursuit of the
showed on his face and he was half
“ One of the industries advanced at i who may be interested should secure a robbers in automobiles.
Four miles of the speakers, a recipe for a Memo­ vice). If in aanger of becoming heavy
starved and almost black with dirt.
the Oregon State Prison, which is
from Waverly the robbers left Beau­ rial day address, furnished by one and falling flat, add quickly a pinch of
Wheat — Track prices: 'Club, 870/
proving a money-maker, is the hog in­
gunpowder. Three drops each of pa­
ghan’s automobile and took to the who may be a bit cynical, is given.
fi8c per bushel; bluestem, 90(/i91o;
Danville, III. A great throng greet­ dustry. Much non-productive land has !
John Dag Mineral*.
Take three stories, strictly fresh. thos and wit. These are scarce and
woods. It was believed that they had
forty-fold, 880/ 89c; red Russian, 870/ ed Rev. Louis R. Patmont, the “ dry”
o f late been cleared or drained and
The mineral resources o f the John been surrounded in the timber, and Add one tablespoouful each of ancient hard to procure; btH a^rery little, well
88c; valley, 88c.
worker kidnaped at Westville March
Millfeed Bran, $28,500/24 per ton; 11, as he alighted from a train, ac- placed under cultivation. This added j Day valley are described in detail by that their capture was certain, but and mediaeval history; allow to come diluted, you ’Xvjlfy ftriS w ill go a long
acreage has made possible a great in­ Arthur J. Collier, o f the University of after an all-night patrol the woods to a boil, and settle with a chip of way. Laurel and bay leaves may be
shorts, $26,500/27; middlings, $820/23.
>mpanied bv several friends, who
Hay No. 1 Eastern Oregon timo­ went to Colubmia, III., upon hearing crease in the number of hogs kept at Oregon, in “ The Mineral Resources of were searched and no trace of the men Plymouth Rock. Add slowly 15 drops substituted for pat bos, if necessary.
the institution, with the result that. Oregon,” number three, just issued by could be found.
It is believed they of Webster’s extract of American rev­ Stir the whole ui^il.,thorqpghly tired,
thy, $160/17; mixed timothy, $140/15; he had been found.
beginning July 1. the prison hog yards the State Bureau o f Mines and Geol- followed the creek into Spokane or olution (tea flavoring).
Pour over then place in a cold oven and let
valley grain hay, $12.500/14; alfalfa,
will not only furnish the prison its ogy. The article deals very largely escaped towards the mountains.
one quart Appomattox apple sauce. warm up gradually.» Whin done
Judge* Serve Jail Term.
supply o f pork, but it is estimated that with the coal deposits o f the John Day
Stir in rapidly six gallons solid facts brown garnish with firecrackers and
'Barley-—Feed, $19.50(0 20 per ton;
Helsingsfors, Finland—A fte r serving the surplus, if sold, will be sufficient and Heppner regions, and throws many
— the heavier the better. Beat up thor­ flowers of rhetoric, and senljs hot, on
War Balloon to Be Tried
brewing, $210/22; rolled, $23.50o/24.
Oats — No 1 white milling, $220/ eight months’ imprisonment for refus­ to purchase all beef and mutton needed interesting side lights on the geologi-
San Diego, Cal. — A new dirigible oughly four or more modern problems, a large American flag. /
| cal formation o f the great John Day balloon is to be brought to San Diego first being careful to separate them
22.50 ton.
ing to enforce a law conferring equal for the institution.”
Fossil belt. Copies may be had by re­ from Vienna, for use by the First aero
Corn— Whole, $34; cracked. $35 ton. rights on Russians with Finlanders in
questing them o f Dean H. M. Parks, corps of the army with a view to as­
New Railroad Favored.
Vegetables — Peppers, 200/30c per Finland, which passed the Douma, but
Roseburg—That the people of Coos O. A. C., Corvallis, director o f the certaining its value in military opera­
pound; radishes, 17(c per dozen; ar­ not the Finnish senate, the entire High
tichokes, 75c per dozen; celery, $40/ Court o f Viborg, consisting of 16 county are enthusiastic over the pros­ Bureau of Mines.
tions. The new war craft is brought
4.50 crate; spinach, 5c per pound; judges, returned here Monday.
on the recommendation of Lieutenant
pects o f a railroad from Roseburg to I
Drugstore* Must Re Dry.
horseradish, 8o/10c; rhubarb, l((</2c:
An immese crowd assembled to wel- the coast and will do their share tow­
Thomas D eW itt Milling, who when at
cabbage, 2((/2Jc; asparagus, $1(01.50 come the judges and cheered loudly. ard bringing about a speedy realiza­
Salem— In an attempt to put an end Vienna was much impressed with its
per dozen; peas, Sot 9c pound; beans, Mounted gendarmes, riding on the tion o f the project, was the statement to the illicit sale o f
intoxicating possibilities.
1 Ofo 11c; turnips, new, $1.50 per sack; sidewalks, used their whips on the
The dirigible is capable of carrying
of J. W. Perkins, on his return re­ liquors by druggists, the State Board
carrots, $1; parsnips, $1; beets, $1.
| people for “ unlawful cheering. ” The cen tly from Marshfield.
15 passengers, a crew of five, three
Mr. Perkins
EtfKs—Fresh Oregon ranch, cast The judges were at St. Petersburg. I was sent to Coos county by the Rose­ of Pharmacy, in session here, adopted machine guns and sufficient bombs to
O far as those to whom the example of their fathers and went
a resolution providing that no person
count, 20Jc per dozen; candled, 21 |(?i
day was originally dedi­ forth to fight for the freedom of an
burg Commercial club in hope that the shall be granted a renewal of license wreck a city. The balloon is 91 meters
cated are concerned, the oppressed race, ar^ th e coming maln-
Empres* Is Buried.
people of that section could be induced who, between January 1, 1911, and the long and cost $100,000.
Green fru it- Apples, $l(*/2.50 per
creet has been passed,* •tay o f Memorial day. Memories of a
Tokio — A million torches and lan­ to interest themselves in building the ! date of the application for license shall
box; strawberries, Oregon, $ 1.250/2 terns illuminated Tokio Monday night railroad. Public meetings were held
The tide is ebbing.
The later but no less glorious struggle,
Rebels Protect Foreigners.
per crate; cherries, $1.25 per box; when the body o f the Empress Dow­ at Marshifield and North Bend.
army of stalwart men who ..even .41 on a? less extensive scale, are
Washington, D. C. — Constitution­
gooseberries, 3((if5c per pound.
once marched with meas­ awakened in them by the day, in
ager Haruko was borne through the
regulating the sale of narcotic drugs alists who have occupied San Bias, on
Onions— New, $20/2.25 |>er crate.
ured tread and upright whose observance they unite with
streets in a t>eautiful funeral car drawn
j »>r intoxicating liquors.
Bee Ordinance I* Started.
the west coast of Mexico, have en­
Potatoes- Oregon, $1 per c w t.; buy­ by white oxen.
shoulders is today the thin their elders*
.• J 1
There had been no
The board also assumed the right to forced order and have given protection
Horn! River -Complaints o f citizens
ing prices, 6007 70c at shipping points. pageant of such solemn grandeur here
blue line that wavers at times in
Nor is this all. Wlthfei the breast of
to foreigners, according to a report spite of the heroic attempts to
Poultry— Hens, 15(r/'15(o per pound; since the funeral of Emperor Mutsuhi- of the* heights portion o f the city decline to grant licenses.
every patriotic; American who gather*
residing near the home o f W. W.
from Rear Admiral Howard.
broilers, 250/ 26c; turkeys, live, 200/ to, a year and a half ago.
throw off the weight of years. This
Olalla Dike Proposed.
‘ It is currently reported,” said a is the pathetic feature of Memo­ (o honor the«© passing hosts there is
22c; dressed, choice, 250/26c; ducks, the entire American colony viewed the Dakin, who has an apiary o f 50 hives
of bees, caused the city council in ses-
Washington, D. C.— Senator Cham­ statement from the department, “ that rial day. The broken ranks, the fal­ instilled a love for country that lasts,
12c; geese, 10o/llc.
procession from various points o f' vant sion here Monday night to draft an or­
berlain has introduced a bill authoriz­ large numbers of federals are desert­ tering footsteps, the snowy locks. and that will leave Its impress on suc­
Butter — Creamery prints, extras, age. It is a rule that no Japanese " |
| dinance which passed its first reading
ceeding generations so long as hero-
ing the officials of the Olalla diking ing to the rebels in the Tepic district.
27(c per pound; cubes, 23(0/24c.
subjects may look down on a royal
preventing any person from keeping district to construct, on foundations The embargo on American shipping the stooping shoulders, the halting | ism and devotion to native land con
Pork— Fancy, 10(0/ 11c per pound.
f>oints. more than five hives of bees, and th>
gait, the shortening line that each Mnhe to bo oomrtpd virtues*.
In other respects
already laid, or at any point farther has been lifted.
V e a l—Fancy, 11(0/12c per pound.
to be kept removed at least 100 feet up-stream, a dike across Olalla slough conditions are reported as unchanged year brings bear silent testimony to
The spirit of ’76 goes marching by,
Hops— 1913 crop, prime and choice,
the fact that It is only a matter of a silent, phantom-iikfc Beside It, with
Young Irishmen Warned.
from any occupied residence or street. in Lincoln county, Oregon, with a gate on the Pacific.”
120/15c; 1914 contracts, 140/15c.
Dublin In a warning published here In case any one is found guilty of vio­ to |>ermit the passage of vessels.
measured* tread* tft£p by step, shoulder
Wool Valley, 180/20c per pound;
have become a blessed memory'— when to shoulder, go the boys of *61, tho
Permission is given to keep the
Eastern Oregon,
150/19c; mohair, Michael J. Jordan, secretary o f the lating the ordinance he will be asked
Balkans Persecutions On.
to abate the nuisance.
gates closet! when necessary to hold
choice, 1914 clip, 27(0/28|c.
Washington, D. C. — The Turkish answered the Anal roll call, when taps thin blue line, the glorious remnant
against Irish emigration to the United
back the tide waters to prevent over­ embassy issues this statement:
of an army whose equal tty world
Cascara bark— Old and new, 5c.
will hare been sounded over the last never furnished. At their sNe, stal­
flow* o f the lands behind the dike. The
Contractor Opens Office.
Grain Bags Calcutta. 8(c.
“ The Imperial Ottoman embassy has gallant defender of the Union.
wart sons of a race of flghteys, corns
Cattle — Prime steers, $7.750/8;
Astoria The Royajohn-Arnold com­ work, however, must be done accord­ been informed that persecutions of all
However, there Is little to fear be­
choice, $7,250/7.50; medium, $7o/ lusory and that it is worse than folly pany, which has been awarded the con­ ing to plans of the War department.
kinds w’hich the population of the ceded cause of the possibility that Memorial the khaki hoeta, the veteran* of tho
7.25; choice cows, $6.50o/7; medium,
tract for clearing, grading and drain­
provinces have committed
against day will be permitted to die, that the wV with. Spain, tha blusiclad mam
$60/6.25; heifers, $60/7.25;
light pete with young Americans.
Oregon Acres Are Opened.
ing the portion of the Columbia High­
bar» of the national guard, tite naval
their men professing the Mohammedan
memories of that mighty host will not
$80/8.50; heavy, $60/7.50;
way between this city and the east line
Washington, D. C. The Secretary religion have caused the Ottoman gov­
reserve«, and with them, invisible as
Famous Animal Painter Dead. of the county, near Westport, has | of the Interior has designated for en­ ernment to address an urgent request
bulls, $50/6.25; stags, $6o/7.60.
yet, but in the making, the youth of
Hogs— Light, $7.500/ 8.25; heavy,
111. — Lou
Burke, | opened an office in this city. The larged homestead entry 900,000 acres to the Balkan cabinets in order to put generation of patriots is lining In the
today who stand ready to emulate the
$6.500/ 7.25.
widely known in America. England company is negotiating with
sub­ of land in small tracts, scattered all an end to this persecution which would gap occasioned by the passing of the
G. A. R. The Spanish War Veterans example of tt^lx illustrious elders and
Sheep— Wethers, $4,250/5.25; ewes, and Scotland as an animal painter, contractors and expects early the com­ over Eastern Oregon.
The largest compel the Mussulmans to abandon
the stalwart line of brown, the khaki- fight for the Sag and the land they
$3,500/4.25; yearling lambs, $5o/6.25; died at his home here Sunday. He ing week to sub-let the greater portion designations are in the Deschutes and their homes.
The number of emi­
clad young heroes who emulated the love.
| was 69 years old.
spring lambs, $6,500/7.25.
if not all o f the work by sections.
John Day valleys.
grants already has reached 300,000.”
General Resume of Important Events
Ttirouytioiit the W ord
Apple Estimates High,
Declares Sales Manager
■ t