Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 28, 1914, Image 1

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    O re g o n Hi». Society.
2 0 ^ S e co n d St
NO. 36 or VOL. 6
Sharpless Separators
$45,00 Up
Bridge & Beech Ranges jp
Al*© Specializing
most to the
on the very lines of Merchandize that
Let us save you money on
Buying Public.
„ and Shelf Hardware
I p g a —
B h
One or two a week, but as a S P E C IA L IN D U C E M E N T for the next 30 D A Y S we will
take in A N Y OLD S E P A R A T O R as part payment on a N E W De L A V A L and allow
3 percent discount. Or you can pay for it on E A S Y M O N T H L Y P A Y M E N T S .
Doors, Windows, Builder’s Hardware Paints, Oils, Varnish
Estacada, Ore.
One of the delightful affairs
which the Civic Improvement club
takes good care of the horse. will long remember, was that of
T h e best feed only is good Saturday afternoon when a lunch-
enough for the animal, whether eou was strved in honor of the old
it be saddle, carriage or work and new officers, before the regular
horse. And the best horse lov­ meeting of the club. T h e club
ers know that we invariably sup­ rooms were charming in the club
ply the best feed obtainable, colors and the long table arranged
A re you a horse lover or just a for the ladies, was adorned with a
profusion of roses and other artis­
horse owner ?
tic appointments.
Mrs. A . K .
Morton presided over the tsble,
charmingly assisted by Mrs. I. D.
W right, Mrs. C, F , Frazier and
Mrs. H. V . A d ix.
After the delightful luncheon,
Mrs, A . E . Sparks, acting as toast-
mistress, called upon the following
$10 a
ladies for toasts: Mesdames W . S.
Pyle, W . F . C ary, C . W . Devore,
H. V . A d ix . C. M. Sparks, N . B.
Flcker and E . W . Bartlett, Mrs
Bartlett, being the newly elected
president, accepted her office with
a neat little speech and the chair­
t man of the entertainment commit­
tee at this time, was given a rising
vote of thanks, for this delightfully
planned social event.
Th e new president soon after
called the ladies to order for the
business meeting, which proved an
interesting session as there seemed
to be so much on hand at the pres­
ent time for the club to do in mak­
ing arrangements for the 4th of
salt meats.
Ju ly celebration. A general plan
was outlined and the numerous
Eggs and Butter.
committees are already busy with
the program which they hope to
present to the people who come to
Flstacada to celebrate, in a most
creditable manner,
It was decided at this meeting
1 that the Civic club would entertain
j the ladies of the surrounding coun-
MRS. E. H. KELLOGG, Manager
j try The time will be announced
lattr by the committee in charge.
Estacada Lumber and Produce Co.
The Hotel Estacada
One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast
We handle only the best of meats
Sour Kraut,
A complete line of fresh and
Fresh vegetables in their
FRED JORG, Proprietor
Lard, Bacon,
Nome Cooking.
Meals 35c up.
Lunches 10c Ip
Lunches Put up For Travelers
We will be pleased t6 have your account and attend to
your financial interests.
f '•
UROY D. WALkfR. President
THOMAS YOCUM. Vice President
Miss Gertrude Morrow went to jcrowd- Th e Garfield male quartet,
McMinnville Monday to take a po- composed of Messrs J. A. and Har-
sition in a telephone office.
j ry Reid, P. S Standish and A . O.
Whitcomb, rendered two selections
A rush of job work this week
which were highly pleasing and the
prevents us giving the paper the
music by the choir was also good j
' attention it should have.
Rev. Rees of the M. E . church, j
B F. Ford left Monday for Salem read the scripture lesson and gave!
and Monmouth, Oregon, on busi- the prayer. W . Givens was at his
ness connected with the schools.
j best and gave nn address that ivas j
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
THE'tstacada Furniture Co.
go to
Th e graduating exercises take
Promotion Exercises
For all kinds of Furniture and Undertaking Goods
place tonight and the Alumni ban-
The high school assembly hall
quet at Hotel Estacada F’ riday
Call and see our nice line of Rockers, Bed Springs,
was crowded last evening with an
attentive audience to listen to the
Mattress, Lenolium, Rugs and Matting. A good line
■* -
Mrs. Gertrude Grimm came up program of the Eighth graders,
Queensware always on hand. When you want dishes
from Portland Friday evening to
The room was decorated in the
visit Estacada relatives and friends, class colors, corn and light blue.
have them. We have a couple of White Sewing
j She is now employed at the Oaks.
The stage presented a blue b a c k 1
left which we will sell cheap.
_George Dale came home from ground and the class motto, “ Act, 1
Portland the latter part of last week : Act in the Livin g Present.” was !
Call and see us before going elsewhere. We will
| where he has been studying den- j formed with yellow letters on the
you right.
Yours for business,
| tistry, to spend his yacation with | plain blue.
The program consisted ot the ! l
lus family.
the different jg
On account of the rain yesterday
grades and was very cleverly ar- [ p gr « n iradwg stamps
the high school pupils changed
ranged. Starting with the drama- '?...TSSHKHIS j EIS!
their picnic grounds from Eagle
tizing of Cinderella, the exercises j —
Creek to the Garfield Country club,
continued to the
eighth grade,
going out in wagons. A ll report a
when a regular literary society was
good time.
conducted, in which all the class
I.eo Rath, formerly of this place took part.
Th e entire program
G. H. LICH1 HORN, Proprietor.
but now of Boring where he is con­ was carried out with credit to all,
nected with the Sandy Bridge Lum ­ but the song by the four bo>s
ber Co., was in Estacada Tuesday seemed to be the number that made
----------always on hand.----------
greeting old friends and looking up the hit of the evening.
a lost horse.
W e also keep a large stock of----------
After the program Prof. B. F .
■■nS 2E 5H r
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
cient attention to all matters of a financial nature.
H A R D W A R E , H A R N E S S and IM P L E M E N T S
Im provem ent
The successful experience
owners and managers, guarantee prompt, careful and effi­
Mrs. R ay Esclielman returned 1 *ud ° f K °°d thoughts and advise to j
Monday from Poitland where she |
class, which no doubt will be 1
(11 went on to see her sister who was ill | ° f much benefit to all of them.
and are glad of the-opportunity to compete with A N Y O N E in quality and price.
$ » a day
modem bonding service.
of its
If y«u are going to do any building, remember that we have all kinds of
This Bank places at the command of its depositors
All Sizes and Grades of Screen Doors and Window Screens
B U IL D U P E S T A C A D A !
\V . M. \ once has moved into
The baccalaureate service last
Adilaid Miller s house on the hill in Sunday evening at the Christian
the east part of town.
. church was attended by a large
We are Still Selling De Laval Separators
Bert H. Finch,
The first of the Commencement
programs of tile Estacada schools
' nss * rophecy
Mattie I.ouis
; noon gives everybody an opportu­ Presentation of Picture to High
School _____ Class President
nity to attend.
Last W ill and Testam ent..
C. A . Looney reports that he has
_____________ Kenneth Bartlett
j at his ranch a day old calf which
weighs «7 pounds.
Class Day Exercises
Mrs. Ed . Allen is a Portland vis
itor today.
Baccalaureate Serm on
“Your Store’’, Estacada, Ore.
91 i l U W
Local News
A baseball game Saturday after-
New Royal
$1 A Y E A R
H arry Morgan returned last week j * °°k place last Friday evening, at
from Portland as his school was out. the High school room, when the
Seniors gave the lollowing pro­
1 Homer Herriman of The Dalles
arrived Sunday to visit Estacada '
Song, “ Purple and Gold” .
1 frien'Js.
Industrial Exhibition __
VV. F . Cary was a business visi -1
____ _________Albert Shankland
tor in
Monday and
_______ Margaret Seward j
Class H isto ry______ W ava Herring
There will be a dance at Barton Piano Solo "N arcissu s”
Saturday evening, June 13. Every- i
________________Robert Morton
body invited.
¡Sacrifices___________Delia Rynning
Separators, Binders, Mowers, H ay Rakes, Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters,
Drills, Manure Spreaders, H ay Tools, Wagons, Buggies, Nails, Paints, Oils, Doors,
dows. Also Kodaks, Supplies, Graphonolas, Records, Etc., Etc.
Let us figure on your want list. Everything in Hardware and impliments.
28, i y r t
Over at Oiegon City only five
I arrests were made last month and
n d a man in the
county jail,
' These conditions are due to the ab-
sence of ten saloons in that city
which were ptit out of business last
i year.
Estacada Furniture Co.
The Home Bakery
Fresh Bread and al! Kinds of Bakery Goods
Bert H . Finch came into the
office and left a notice for the sale
of a second hand saddle, and before
the notice was even 111 type, he sold
the saddle. Is this not proof that
advertising pays?
Dr. and Mrs. A d ix entertained
company Sunday from Portland as
follows; Mr. and Mrs. John H ar­
kins, Prof, and Mrs. D. A . Groat,
William Groat and Catherine Groat
and Mrs. H arry Y anAlst of Brook­
lyn. N . Y .
Ford, after a lew explanatory re­
marks in regard to the plan of g iv ­
ing certificates,
presented each
member of the class with a certifi­
cate of promotion to the high
M others’ Party
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Confectionery and Cigars
V E G E T A B L E S And F R U I T S
” S. &
G. H. Lichthom
h rkn
r a d in g
S ta
H .”
mu *
It was a merry company of moth­
ers who assembled at the home of
Miss W ash Saturday, at an after­
noon in honor of the mother’ s of
her pupils, Gn the porch, which
was decorated with Japanese lan­
N ext Saturday is Decoration day,
On Wednesday afternoon. May
Miss Helen Bartlett returned from terns. rhododendrons and dowering
one of our noblist and most useful 20, about 30 of the frieuda o f Mr.
California F’ riday evening wher<-
plants, Mrs. I'ord served punch. memorial days, sacred to the mem­ and Mrs. Granville Linn assembled
she has been attending school. She
Within the house pink and white ory of those who bravely sacrificed at their home and Mrs. Mary Heiple
was accompanied by her cousin
■ roses lent a festive air and here all themselves to a cherished cause. in a fitting manner presented them
Miss Anna Shafer of Calgary, Can.
.entered gaily into various gamts, The ranks have thinned until now with a beautiful mantle clock, a
and Miss Edna Abbott oi Pentic­
' after which icecream and cake were only a handful! of survivors re­ gift of tbeir many friends and
ton, B. C.
Mr. and Mrs, Bartlett
Mrs Devore’.-, singing of mains
Th ey also received
met the young ladies in Portland.
several lullabies gave much pleasure " A n d though no fields] of carnage many other beautiful present»,
In another place in this paper and on the phonograph were given
Light refreshments were served
there is a notice of a meeting being selections from the opera Wilhelm
Spread horrors to the shrinking and all departed with many wishes
called to re-organize the Estacada j Tell and a song by Madam Schu-
for a happy future.
Commercial club
Surely the town tnan-Ht ink.
Upon time's field each passing day
Those present were, Mesdames
needs an organization of this kind
The mothers invited were Mes -1
The victims of the battle lie.”
! Dtmoy, Server, Glover, E ly , C.
and with the co-operation of the dames: Denny, Whitfield, Dubois
Heiple, S. Hale, A . Kitchiog, C.
Lichthom , Oberstaller,
Civic Improvement club, every- j Gribben
B ase Ball
Kitching, Steinman, Wade. R.
thing ought to go. Paved streets, Tanner,
Say, do you know that we plaved Githens. Matson, Hanernficnd, N.
road improvements, a cannery and Henthorn. Cadonan, Smith, Reed, ball Sunday? W e did. W e also J ; 'nn; Y o « n* ' S»>»nkland. Bullard,
Hughes, Congden, Harkenrtder. C .
a general improvement of Estacada Underwood, Bullard, Devore, Os- j won ,h e game 6 to 5
\ e s it was 1 [ j nn, Hover, Heiple. Erickson, B.
would be the future prospects.
Maffie. S«l!iiw , |a |jn|e muddy, hot we should wo- Saling. Marclibank, Coop, Cahill,
ry! It was the best game of the Riding and Miss Ridiog.
A very pleasant time was had Relsland, Matzinini and Dillon.
F rid ay afternoon in Mrs. Graham 's
room of the Estacada school«. It
seems that thev have been observ­
ing the pupils' birthday anniver­
saries in this room and this party
was for that purpose. A number
of invitations w< re sent out to the
parents and and Mrs G ra ­
bam, who is one of the most popu-
'ar teachers of the school, prepared
a very entertaining an 1 delightful
program and served light refresh-
, Memorial Day
Church Notice
There will 1« preaching at the
Church of Christ, on corner of
Main and Sixth St. t-eginning May
17th at 8 o'clock in the evening,
will continue each evening, until
June 7th.
Each Lord's day there
will be three services. 1 1 A M ,
3 P M. and 8 P. M. Ira S
Buchanan of Centralia, Washing­
ton will do the preaching. Come
and bear him.
We are going to play by request
of the people, a Saturday's game
Saturday May 30. with the Spring-
water team, which we understand
is a strong line-up
W e also play
the Weonas team May 3 1.
K. B. Byers, Mgr.
This office
dance at the
hall, on the
Th e dance is
Social club.
turned out bills for a
Garfield Country club
evening of June 5.
given by the George
Party at Currinsville
Fourth of
Ju ly
There will be cash prizes given
take part in the pa­
rade the Fourth, as follows; The
best decorated automobile, carriage
and horses, horse-back riders, lady
or gentleman, industrial or businesa
Hosts, etc
There will be a prize to
the best country representative also.
It is hoped that everybody will
join w!th the Civic club tu making
Ibi» a tea! successful celebration.
to those who