I ESTACADA NO. 32 of Oregon His. Society, 207 Second St PROGRESS ESTA CA D A , OREGON, TH U R SD AY, A PRIL 30, 1914 VOL. 6 L ocal N e w s Saturday evening, May gtb is the next C. I. C. dance. R. S. Thomas and wife have moved to Portland. R. W. Cary transacted business in Portland Tuesday. Mrs. E. W. Bartlett visited rela­ tives in Portland today. W e want our friends and patrons to have the best— the George Vanetta was here from | Portlaud over the Sabbath. very B E S T of everything, and as there is only one best T ailor­ R. O. Morrison went to Portland ing Com pany, we heartily recommend yesterday morning on business. Mrs. A. K. Morton is assisting j in Cary’s Mercantile these days. Mrs. I. D. Wright was in Port- | land most of last visiting friends. Claude W. Devot e installed a new : fire-proof safe in his office this week. H a s no competition. A rural mail carrier’s examina­ tion was held in Estacada last Sat­ urday. W e have more than 4 0 0 good^big samples to select from, Mrs. R. E. Ellison went to A ll W o o l— absolutely pure wool, and we guarantee everything, McMinnville Sunday to visit her I parents. fit, workmanship, even the D A T E of D E L I V E R Y . Remem­ Miss Gertrude Lee visited her ber this. W e order by wire (a t our expense) when a rush sister, Mrs. H. M. James Saturday j and Sunday. order is wanted. Miss Gertrude Morrow arrived from Kelso, Wash., Saturday to visit her parents. Mrs. Stokes came up from Port­ land Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Cary. Mrs. E. E. Saling left Estacada Tuesday to visit relatives and friends in Eastern Oregon. A. N. Johnseu went to Vancou­ ver, Wash., Friday to see Ills broth­ er-in-law, who is very sick. E very article in our enormous stock will be “ cut to the limit.” Keep in mind the May Day Party at the C. I. C. rooms Saturday afternoon and evening Everbody invited. Philip Adams is learning to set type in the Progress office. He will no doubt ‘ 'makegood” , as he has the qualifications. ALL GROCERIES A T C O S T , C R O C K E R Y 33 1-3 to 50 P E R C E N T O F F E. Cushman, well known in this vicinity, having worked on the river Read the big circular. All Shoes at Cost. mill at one time, arrived in Esta­ cada Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Worden came np from Portland Tuesday morning and went up into the mountains to their claim. Mrs, J. B. Jones who had been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Yocum for several davs, left for her home in Portland last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marchbank and little son of Camas, Wash., W e have just received a nice assortment of Screen Doors and W indow visited his brothers, R. G. and J. J. Screens. A N Y K IN D or S IZ E Y O U W A N T . : . Marchbank of Estacada from Sat­ urday until Monday morning. In two or three burners and G. E. Lafollette, ex-editor of the O V E N S to fit any oil or gaso­ Progress, visited Estacada friends line stove. for a few hours last Sunday. Mr. Lafollette had been to California to visit a brother who was sick, and If you sre going to do any building, remember that we have all kinds of was on his way home to Helena, Montana. Wtn. Underwood and J. W. Reed ' ,0 went to Portland Sunday and drove and are glad of the opportunity to compete with A N Y ONE in quality and price. back a new car which the former EVERYTHING IN H A R D W A R E , H A R N E S S and IM P L E M E N T S purchased of Mr. Reed. Of course it is a "F ord ” and Mr, Underwood can handle the machiue with much Estacada, Ore. skill already. B. F. Ford and wife went to Port­ land Saturday to attend the funeral May entertainment and basket of Mrs. A. Cooper, Mrs. Ford’ s social at Barton hall. Saturday grandmother. Mrs. Cooper with evening. May q . Ladies are re­ her husband, resided at Estacada a We handle only the best of meats quested to bring baskets. few years ago, Mr. Cooper,being in The Eagle Creek Grange will the furniture business here. Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. hold a picnic on Saturday, May 16. A complete line of fresh and salt meats. W. R. Stokes left Estacada Sat­ Governor West will deliver the ad­ urday with six pack horses loaded Fresh vegetables in their season. dress. Everybody invited. , Fresh E g g s and Butter. with supplies and tools for Cary’s The play given by Currinsville Hot Springs, returning Monday Good Templers last Friday night morning. Ray Eschelman accom­ was well attended and was very panied him and will remain up there R W. Cary and much of a success. Quite a num­ for some lime. wife expected to go Saturday but ber from Estacada attended. THE REAL HORSE LOVER Chas. Bronson has moved into the business matters prevented. They takes good care of the horse. building at the rear of the residence are planning on making the trip The best feed only is good occupied by Ed. Allen and the the last of the week. enongli for the animal, whether Lichthorn house vacated by the Will Perry and wife took their it be saddle, carriage or work I Bronson's will be occupied by a little daughter to a hospital in Port­ horse. And the best horse lov­ railroad man. land last week, where she will re* ers know that we invariably sup­ ceive medical tr< atmetit. The little The bonds for permanent roads girl fell some time ago and injured ply the best feed obtainable, Are you a horse lover or just a in Clackamas county will be voted her spine Since that time she has upon the 15th day of May. Voters been wearing a support, which ex­ horse owner ? j should begin to look into the ques­ cited the sympathy of evervbody. She Is a pretty, bright child and tion. In another place in the seems to bear her affliction very Progress yon will find the name of patiently The Progress hopes that roads which are to be improved. the little one may soon recover. The Best is None too Good For You! ROYAL! Our Gigantic Clearance Sale Opens Saturday, May 2nd 10 days only 10 days only | Entirely Closing Out- GRO CERY JEW ELRY CROCKERY DEPARTMENTS • CARY’S MERCANTILE CO., sacrificed- SUMMBR GOODS ARRIVING Screen Doors and Window Screens Oil Cooking Stoves Doors, Windows, Builder’s Hardware Paints, Oils, Varnish Bert H. Finch, PALACE MEAT MARKET. FRED J0RG, Proprietor Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. $1 A YEA R “ A Junior” Be sure and attend the play pre­ sented tomorrow night by the Jun­ iors of the high school. Following is the cast of characters: Jack Sanderson - Chester Wotner Nelle Holmes Sanderson, his wife - - - Nelley Bouny John Van Court, bis uncle John - - - Earl Tracy Bert Anderson • Leroy Gard Miss Lucy Harrington Leona Gard “ Nubbins” Goodwin - Paul Frazier Mis. Slatlers - Edith AudersoD BUILD UP ESTACADA The! character, ability and successful Admission, 15. 25 and 35c. experience of the men behind tho M . E . C h u rch N e w * Preaching services Sunday even­ ing, May 3, at 8 o’clock. All are invited to attend. C. B. Rees. Mrs. Maunon and Miss Colbert, two W. C. T. U. women of New- burg, Oregon, gave a lecture in the M. E. Church Saturday night, which was well attended. Miss Colbert, a professioualist. gave two excellent violin solos. Next meet­ ing of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Rees, May 8, at 3 P. M. The McCaulley entertainment Thursday evening gave general sat­ isfaction and the Ladies’ Aid under whose auspices the entertainment was given, made about $6.00 after expenses were paid ESTACADA STATE BANK B e e r s-G ith e n s insure the safety of your deposits I l ROY D. WALKER. P resident IH0MAS YOCUM. Vice P resident I "WIN D. WRIGHT, Ceshier PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS W e d d in g A quiet wedding was solemnized last Wednesday when Miss Hazel Githens became the bride of Henry Beers of Gresham. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawson of Oregon City. Rev. T. B. Ford performed the ceremony Miss Echo Githens, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and the groom was attended by his brother, Albert Bters. Mr. and Mrs. Beers are both well known and have many friends throughout the county. They will reside near Gresham. The Progress joins with their many friends in extend tug best wishes. C iv ic Im p r o v e m e n t C lu b The clnb had a verv interesting meeting Saturday afternoon. There was a good attendance and the nu­ merous questions which came before the ladies were discussed with much interest. The committee on May Day entertainment reported that thev had a surprise by way of en­ tertainment to all who should attend the party Saturday evening. The library committee asked for its contribution front the club to pav some bills. The committee is doing good work for the library. Mrs. Bartlett repotted that an electric light had been placed near the Jones livery barn. The committee for the next dance reported and arrangements are being made to have a dance May qth as ad veitised. The question of renting the piano to Bawker’s orchestra of Portland for the summer dances on a contract price, was thoroughly discussed. Plans for a clean-ttp day were made, but the date for the same was not decided upon. The disad­ vantage of not having a city dump­ ing ground makes it hard for people to get rid of rubbish and the club decided to make a tour of inspection Wednerday mdkning to see if a dumping ground could he found. The Fourth of July celebration was talked over as well as other important questions concerning the Civic Club. U n la w fu l F ish in g A case of violating the fish la vs was tried before Justice Givens yesterday afternoon. C. C. Reis- ner and Harry Pender of Portland were caught fishing close to the government hatchery at Alspaugh and although warned of their dan­ ger of being arrested, gave some back talk and continued their oc­ cupation. Game Warden Patton was notified and later arrested the ! men. They were given the lim it1 fine of $50.00. the money being ] furnished by Portland relatives. As they had lost their return tickets to Portland, Mr. Givens bought j tickets so that they were enabled to return home on the 9 o'clock car. relying on their honesty to return the price of the tickets. The pavilion and park grounds1 have been secured by the Civic Im -1 provement Club for the 4th of July | celebration and the biggest celebra. tion ever pulled off at Estacada, will take place Saturday, July 4 1914. Watch the women. W e have a nice lot of R O C K E R S on the way which will soon be here to fill up the vacant space. Call and see them. Furniture of All Kinds at prices that are right. W e also have some W all Paper at reduced prices and a few R ugs, Matting, Graniteware and Fishing Tackle. W e are headquarters for the best grades in fishing outfits. Call and see us. .See our shelves full of Dishes. W e want your trade, you want our goods. Yours for business, Estacada Furniture Co. GRttN IRADINO STAMPS >The Home Bakery < G. H. LICH1 HORN, Proprietor. Fresh Bread and all Kinds of Bakery Goods -------- always on hand.-------- We also keep a large stock of------ Staple and Fancy Groceries Confectionery and Cigars V E G E T A B L E S And FRUITS IN TH EIR SEASON WK G IV E ” S. & H.” G. H. Lichthorn O k UK n T r a d i n g S t a m p * HOME RES TAURANT MRS. E. H. KELLOGG, Manaqer Home Cooking. Meals 35c up. Chicken Dinner Sunday, 50c Lunches 10c Up Lunches Put up For Travelers GOOD ROOMS IN CONNECTION