- PROFESSIONAL CARDS BUSINESS LOCALS Summons In the C ircu it Court of the State of — ---------- I O regon (or the C ounty of Clackam as. SS (ìr ace li. Hark ley, Plaintiff, H E N R Y V. A D 1 X . M . L Sam uel \V. B arkley, D efendant. To Sam uel \V. B a rkley, defendant * * ** * above iiMinee connected entitled action on or before th e e igh th w ith your home plume at n igh t if re 1(8 ) day of M ay A. D. 1914, said date quested. O ne lo n g ring (b ein g m ore than six w eeks from the date 1 of the first publication of this sum m ons, ! and if you fail so to appear, plaintiff w ill 1 apply to the Court for th e relief prayed I for in her com plaint, to-wit: For decree aw arding plain tiff an abso­ lute divorce from said d efend ant on the I grounds of desertion, f«»r a decree aw ard­ ing plaintiff tlie custody of the m inor Ufhce on Main St. b e tw e e n I st children, and for such oth er and further and 2nd. Telephone Connection s relief as the court shall a d ju d ge equit P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G EO N D r . W. K . H a v i l a n d Physician and Surgeon R e s id e n c e c o r n e r o f Second a n d C u r r i n s tr e e ts Dr. L. A. WELLS D E N T IS T A s s o c ia te d w i t h D r. H . V. Watch for Cary’ s Red Hot Spec- ials each week. GLOBE LAW N FENCE $ -Ten Electric They have it good trilli vege- tables. G o and see them F'red Jorg Wanted Highest price pa'd for eggs at tile Palace Meat Market. For S i t j ! cheap. ■’ ’ • ■ V ■< •-Vi. F k k u J o k o . 1 J A 20 months old colt, C. Whit beck. !0c Per Foot and Lip ON.! r Fence is nini-.- right and sold -igitt. Wanted A subscription solicitor for the Progress. Fnquire at this office. Early Tomato and I T. ; W idely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. for the purpose of providing It will last nane s..sirs as otli.-r makes who claim they have a fence ist hou: is good W hy not buy ibe very best fence for Reliable Electric ae, ..t the lowest price? Cabbage Service of this summ ons is served upon . Plants fo r sa le , you bv publication in pursuance of an II. Holder Stafford Ave order of the Honorable H. S Anderson, Judge of the C ounty C ourt, for the $150000 to loan nt 7 percent, County of Clackam as, .State o f O regon, made on the 21st. day of M arch A. 1). I gilt-e Ige security. Enquire of 1914. directin g that said publication be I 2qtf J, W. Reed, Kstacada. m ade 111 the Kstacada Progress. The date <>f the first p u blication of Beginning Monday calico 5c. this summons is March 26, 1914, and the date ot the last publication is M ay 7, thread 4c at C ary’ s. what you want. See the fence we carty. will convii Service price • you. ■'em; n. A JL< to its patrons. Through high tension trans­ mission lines, each of these generating plants are intercommunicative, co that the F i n c h * 1 ■X Ji. . i «w/ JL service is insured against unforseen inter­ ruptions. bonding the EAGLE CREEK The law says that butter wrap- county for good roads is 10 lie voted A. J. Chapman was the pers must be printed or so stamped uPnn *h- people of Clackamas guest of Mrs. Howlett last as to conform to law. T h e Pro- county, lie sure and register so uay. Sum m ons that there w .1 be no trouble for you gress offict ; rints 100 for $1.00. D R R. M O R S E . Mrs. Roy Douglass went home|, to cast your v o t e on the right side. In the C ircu it Court of the State of last week to 111,ike her parents, P h y s ic ia n and Surgeon O regon for the C ounty of Clackam as. ESTACADA PROGRESS j W ar news remains about the same and Mrs. G. Moehnke, a visit of V . I.m gelbach, Plaintiff, ( I ncorporated ) Tests eyes and fits glasses. vs. | today. Vera Cruz is in the hands few days. James Y e a k e y , E xecu tor of the Diva Gibson is the delighted pos­ Office over Drug Store I of American forces. So lar e;ght P ublished E very Th ursdav Morning Local and long distance tele ! estate o f E m ilia Y e a k e y. deceased, Americans have been killed and sessor of a tine young colt. His j Janies Y e a k e y . M artin Y e a k e y , ESTACADA. ORLGON phone. ! about two hundred Mexicans. A brother Henan, is also the possess -1 A d ix . * ___________________________ The We have will save monev by giving us a chance to show you. 1914. question of WHERF L O C A T E D CLAUDE W. D EVO RE, A ttorn ey fur Plaintiff. ™ — C L A U D E — Grace A rv ille Y e a k e y , and Jesse — Yeakey, Defendants. — “ S‘ 1 (Q K. E C K E R , E d ito r and M anager ! c a r g o of a m m u n itio n fo r the Mexi- lJr ,l 1 ° b n g c o lt, o f w h ic h h e i.s - * tan Governm nt m s e i z e d by tbc w r ' proud. Ira ■Entered at the postoffice In Kstacada. Oregon, as A m e r ic a n s a tid ordered b a c k to j Mrs. Bessie Douglass m a d e a trip j */J socend class mai Germany. Excitement runs high 1 Portland the first of last week. I/at M rs. Clester is woikinq for Airs, j and iu some places calls for re­ S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S Howlett. cruits are being made One ye a r.................................................................... $1 00 Six months.......................................................... 50 Lari Douglass was a IJartou v is - . 1 itor Sunday. S. L. C A S T O N IN A W . D E V O R E I T o James Y e a k e y , E x ecu to r of the Estate of Em m a Y e a k e y , deceased, James V ea k ev . M artin Y e a k e y , Grace A rv ille Y e a k e y , Ibid Jesse Y e a k e y , the above named defendants. Estacada, Oregon In the name o f the State of O regon, you are hereby required to appear and answ er the com plaint filed in the above en titled action on or before the Mrs. McMillan returned from Thursday, April 23 , 1014 e igh th (8 ) day of A pril A . I). 1914. said LAW YER Portland Sunday, accompanied by date b ein g m ore than six w eeks from a lady friend. the date of th e first publication o f this T he pipe line survey front the sum m ons, and if you fail so to appear, Dick Gibson and Will Douglass south fork of tlie Clackamas river plaintiff w ill apply to the court for the took their eggs to the egg-man on to Oregon City was commenced last Office on Broadway. relief prayed for in his com plaint, to-wit: Monday. W ill take ju dgem en t for the sum of Monday accotding to the Oregon Oregon Estacada, The tegular session of Kagle T h ree hundred end fifty five ($355 73) City papers. ' Creek Grange was held last Satur- d ollars and seven ty three cents w ith I »lav with shout fifty members pres­ interest at th e rate of 8 p ercen t per j T h e P r o g r e s s c a n n o lo n g e r hold ent, including a few visitors. The JO H N B R O W N annum , on T h ree hundred (#300) dollar? , t h e p e n n a n t fo r h e in t; " t h e only J'lans for the May picnic were his- from tliv lo th , day of A u gu st 1911, for ; T H E IN S U R A N C E MAN Clackamas” . A ¡cussed. The leading feature of the $50.00 A ttorn eys fees, togeth er with the j P ‘*Per ,n '‘1 program , .need is a speech lyv O F G R E S H A M P H O N E 513 costs and disbursem ents, w h ich itnlebt paper recently established at Sandy Govenur West. There will be rec edness arises out of a certain prom issory deprives tis of that honor. Editor Republican Candidale fot County Rations and songs, alsb music bv note m ade, executed and d elivered to Bennett is real mean. So there! the Curriusville band, and a dance O R E G O N F IR E plaintiff by Em m a Y e a k e y (now deceas­ Clerk. Proposes a Sound Business in the evening at Cogswell's hall ed), m other of the above named defend ­ R E L IE F A S S O C IT IO N (paid adv) The female pencil pusher on the J Administration. A woman’ s Work Committee was ants, and for a decree fo rtclo sin g the OF MCMINNVILE. ORE. organized with Mrs Dick Gibson certain real estate m ortgage executed Progress regrets very much that | James F. Nelson as chairman; Mrs. Linda Hoffmcis- and delivered b y said E m m a Y eak ey Miss Spring lingers so loug iu the j to this plaintiff to secure the paym en t of lap of Mr. Winter. According to James F Nelson, republican can- ter and Miss Ethel Hale as helpers. Automobile I r.suran ce a S p e c ia lty ad d note, w h ich real estate is described our thinking she is verv indiscrete j didate for the nomination of treas- The Grangers are planning to have their hall painted before the May as follow s, to-wit: Dots four and five and shows very poor judgement. I urer of Clackamas County, has been picnic. (4 a 5), Block six (6), O rigin al T ow nsite 1 lie I'.agle C reek comedy was r j of th e C ity of Kstacada, Clackam as W hy not llir t a little with Mr. a resident of this county for over 35 years. He has served the county mud ducking Dick Gibson got when ! C oun ty, O regon, and that said real estate Stimmet. A. E. Sparks as assessor and while working in l l e ^or^e he was riding pped on I be sold under execu tion , or so m uch i one end of there of as sh all be necessary to satisfy Registration books will close at i that capacity, itv, made the tax roils, 'T ' c“ 1 "l ,l broken rail, which | E Successors to I the ju dgem en t, interest, attorneys fees, Estacada the 29th and at Oregon which would assist him greatly in new up and hit the horse, causing j | I his heels to fly up and set Dick t | costs and disbursem ents, and accru in g City the 30th, so if you have not doing the work of the office ecottom- ; Gibson in the middle of a stream rf T I costs and disbursem ents, and as provided - j by law for the sale of real estate under already availed yourself of the op. icallv, as the treasurer has to col- v ter at least two inches deep with fuilv two feet of soft ooze at the portunity o. registering, 5011 are | lect the taxes. B-ing a hook kteper execu tion , and for a decree th at the Repairing of All Kinds j interest of each of the defendants and all liable to get left. Only six more I ot six years experience in a large bottom of the stream. But when Plumbinq and tlectric Dick Gibson was laboring o v e r bis persons claim in g under them , in said days. Of course you can vote, blit merchandise store, he would b n trousers next day this incidtnt was m ortgaged prem ises, subsequent to said Wiring just think how much trouble for the I pable to handle the books of the pronounced a tragedy. I m ortgage lie foreclosed of all rig h t or judges and clerks of election to office. If nominated and elected he claim of interest, excep t the eq u ity of "swear in” your vote. Get Imsy, will try to conduct the office in such (tT ? \ I)r. Morse also tests eyes redem ption, and for such oth er and further relief as m ay seem equitable to you ptople who have not Registered. | a manner as will give satisfaction to .¿--~and fits glasses. Office over the Court in the premises. The women are responding nobly tax payers of the county. For the drug store. T h is summ ons is served upon you by to the invitation, but there are past 25 years this office lias been! publication in pursuance of an order of j given ro old soldiers and as Mr. j the Honorable l i . S. Anderson, Judge of others. GEORGE | Nelson is an old soldier, this fact - the C oun ty Court, for the C o u n ty of A . H. Miller gave a party S at­ A clipping from an Albany paper 1 wouId make j,jm eligible to the C lackam as, State of O regon , m ade on urday evening in honor of Miss tlie 21st. «lay of March A . I>. 1914- was banded the editor this week office, J>ai ( ^ > < 2 5 » < 2 § 3 > < S » 0 ECONOM Y is one of the most abused words in the dic­ tionary. It does not tuaan th e mere savin g of money, as suggested by low prices. True economy consists in se­ curing for the least money the highest values possible. W ithout the value you lose, no m atter what yon IN T E R N A T IO N A L pay, Clothes means T R U E E C O N O M Y in the best sense of the word. T ry an International Suit this season. Let us take your measure and give you a sam­ ple of w hat REAL TAY- L O R IN G stands for. F zS A R C H B A N K Reed & Sparks E S TA C A D A , OREGON. s - ! - h J. a. a--c j Livery Feed & Sale r r m ir n Universal STABLE SPECIAL G iven ATTENTION 1914. C LA U D E \\ . D EVO RE. H unting anti F ish in g Parties A ttorn ey for Plaintiff. __ _ __ ____ Team W o rk and Hauling by the Day or Contract Commercial Patronage a specialty. W . M. Yonce J. V. BARR Blacksmith and Wheelwright A t the Old Stand GIVE HIM A CALL paid out last season bv the cannery | wj|| g j , e its last program of the . to the farmers in that section. The ' year tomorrow at 2:05. territory surrounding Brownsville Leroy Gard will appear as Bert Notice is hereby given that the un-|is not Such ‘ wonderfu‘ frait Pr0‘ Allison in ” A Junior” May ist. dersigned, Theodore J. I’hlman. Jr., 1 docing section, and yet the market Remember that Mr. Aue will render has filed his application in the County secured by the cannery makes it , number of special elections Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, , possible for growers to realize a Show staits at 8 o’clock. Some- praying for a decree changing name rirm market and a steady . price. I tning thing aotng dop e iron- from start start to to nntsn. finish from Theodore J. fhlman, Jr., h.s to Theo- dore Willard Mcla-ran, for the reasons rim Kr‘>wer.s ot Estacada and sur- set forth in the application. Any and founding country, don t forget the all peraons having any objection to said cannery project for Estacada. Boost application or to change of said name | with a liberal purchase cf stock and , as a foresaid m ust appear in th e C oun ty a good word for the enterprise j C o u rt o f C lack am as C o u n ty, O regon , This section M U ST have a cannery, nn M onday the 11th «lay o f M ay, 1914, i and then ami th ere m ake said ob jection , ---------------------- A track meet between the four | i f any th ey h ave, w h y said d ecree The bonding scheme for good!claases of the high school will take shout«! not be g ra n ted and sai«l a p p li­ roads in Clackamas County might j directly after the literary pro- c a n t ’ s nam e ch an ged as prayed for. , be looked upon more favorable b\ gram tomorrow afternoon. Everv- D ated A pril 7, 1914. people of Estacada and vicinity, t**!’-' welcome, Theodore J . Uhlman, J r., C. I). and I). C. Latourette, Attor nevs for Applicant. could the proposed plan for road 1 - H. S. will hob! a track meet construction tie revised and some of May cm' at Estacada with Hill ■ the roads leading to Estacada reap Military Academy. Admission will Large tract of good vallev farm­ the tie tie fit of the money expen Ud be 25 cents. Come everybody. ing land to lie thrown open in cen- According to an article upon the tral Oregon in Mav. Good cli- subject from Oregon C ity to one of Baseball N e w s BLACkSMITMING mate, plenty of water, a id ric h , the I ortland dailies of recent date, soil. Fo» large map and full d i -1 the proposed road* to be benefitted ANI>— rections and information send $t 50 are those in the western jurt of the to J. C Dearwav. The Dalles, county and invariably running into Oregon, An opportunity to get a Oregon Cit>. Estacada is left out — N eatly done by— verv go.nl tree homestead near entirely. When tile question is school and markef. 31U ready to lie voted upon. Estacada J. K. MORROW, I will "h ave to lie shown” the bene Morrow's Barn, Estacada, T he baseball fever has broken , fits, "S elf preservation is the first HORSE SHOEING At Oregon. The track boys did not bring home any medals or cups from the track m et last Friday, but they did bring home some experience that will be valuuble to them iu the future out in Estacada, I law of nature About fifteen business men ar.d citizens of Kstacada held a meeting |ast night uni agreed to furnish funds for the exj'enses ot a ball te.am t),j, season, Tbev elected pjert Byers a s manager and g iv e i „ m authority to organize a a first c|aSs baseball team. I'll le a n t. expect to have some not old games iu the near future. Portland Thursday nf:er spending u few weeks with her parents. A few ot the young folks gath er-! ed at C. A . Johnson's Saturday evening, A pleasant evening was spent plai iug five hundred and light refiesUuieuts were served. I'he Christian Hudeavor was well ] attended last Sunday. Carl Linn I' was appointed leader for next Sun­ day. The subject will be Our tongues of Chri-.t” . H turv Johnson has been a I’ort- land visitor ti.r 1 st week. Car !9 !4 N '"W P R IC E S Effective August 1st, 1913, F. O. B. Oregon City or Estacada idei T. Runabout (4 44 4 « tí $575.00 Town Car 825.00 Touring Car 6 2 5 .0 0 W ith full equipment. Pacific H igh w ay Garage O f Oregon City, Distributers. J. W. REED, Local Agent. Garfieul Dorcas Society On Thursday Ap;il r6, the losing side tn the present membership con- test, welcomed the society at tlie home of Mrs. Dunlob. A course luncheon was served in the spacious living room, the table being taste­ fully decorated in apple blossom*. Both sides gave a closing stunt, the one in song, the other iu verse, clearly setting forth the desire thjt all party lines be obliterated The president. Miss L vnch,spoke a few words 15 f welcome to new members atid guests T o the toast "T h e Ideal Home,” Mrs, W hit­ comb responded. "T h e Ide-d Neigh 1 -or.” Mrs. Shearer, "T h e Ideal Community, ” Mrs. La Barre.’ The next meeting. May 21, will be held at the home of Mrs. Bundy. ROYAL HAS NO C O M P E T IT I O N I he word "R oyal is the big word in the tailoring business today. It stands ior the B E S T in men’s Made to Measure Clothes. I. stands f, - America’ s premier tailoring organization. Royal tailor- i: g 1; s i .nie it ; --ibh- for men in every part of America to dress as I 4 city clubmen dress in custom clothes, cut and made to personal ’ ition. ^ on will find Koval tailored men wherever discerning -irs gat her For "T h a t Roval tailored Look” is not provincial; it 1- all American the Nation's Standard of the Best. Royal clothes, cut ami made to your m eisire. Fit nd s tt faction guaranteed at $16, $17, $20, We order J25. by $30, tel* graph *35 and when & *38 rush order is wanted. CARY’S MERCANTILE CO. Your Store